Was it good or just a meme?
Was it good or just a meme?
Flawed but good.
Yurippe a cute.
Watch clannad, kanon and Planetarian. Avoid angel beats, little busters, charlotte, and Air
Try watching Rewrite.
Mediocre but enjoyable.
it's good when you're 15 , i still like the cast a lot tho
Only anime I've ever cried watching.
Unironically one of my favorites, though I later realized I over hyped it back in high school. Still a great show if you're not a pedantic contrarian.
It was undoubtedly great back in high school, but evaluating it now and comparing it to recent titles, it isn't that good. Hmmm, guess it's time for my yearly rewatch.
It had all the elements to be a masterpiece but they completely fell flat with the execution. Rushing the ending with lolshadows (suck it up, they even admitted to it) was the final nail in the coffin of irrelevance.
Yes and that's why we love it
I like it
you smell like pleb
Bad, but i like it anyway.
Is that good? the animation seemed so soulless compared to the visual novel.
I thought It was worth watching. I really don't care for animation. They handled it pretty well.
White haired girl a cute and music was pretty great with really pretty OP
That's all I remember
its was fun
Little Busters is better
5 years later it's still my favorite show even if I know that it's objectivly just a ok/fine show.
Its a decent show. Pretier than other Key’s works. Entertaining as fuck, esp when they play up the immortality part. And it can get emotional too
the last ending where every slowly vanishing still hit me hard
Alll and all, i put it right behind clannad when talking about the company’s animes and VN
>Pretier than other Key’s works
It's an anime original, not from Key.
It benefited from having the writing of Jun Maeda without having to deal with the completely shit art by Hinoue Itaru that harms most of Key's work.
Fun but should have been longer.
The base setting was awesome. The ending was weak. Still I like their cast, and my 13-year-old self thought it was the greatest anime ever.
>Yea Forums like angel beats now
do you guys just like any show that doesn't have a big retarded fanbase ?
Clannad is not good. It was good when I watched it in high school but it is not good now.
do you not remember the threads while the show was airing?
I loved it when I watched it but it was probably one of the first 20 or so anime I watched so I'd have to rewatch it to give a real answer.
i've been here for less than 5 years and i know you faggots had tons of threads shitting on the way it ended and probably called it wasted potential
pretty sure half the post itt say the ending fell flat and was rush. That sounds like wasted potential to me.
I cried, fuck you.
The ending wasn't very good but that doesn't dismiss the rest of the show's quality.
don't know about the 2011 Yea Forums but nowdays Yea Forums hate every show that isn't moe or perfect
Yea Forums in general turned into a no fun contrarian cesspool with no optimism or joy in 2016.
was moot really that important to this site ?
there were other factors.
pretty good, a lot of people in Japan still seem to like it a lot, even if Key shit the bed trying to roll out a VN series that didn't go anywhere
it's only flaw was being to short