ITT: post girls that Yea Forums hates but you love
ITT: post girls that Yea Forums hates but you love
Jojo fanbase is full fujos and they seriously don’t appreciate all of the attractive women/girls Araki draws.
I'd love to punch her in the face
>attractive women
I mean if you like monstrosities
Ume did nothing wrong
FACT: she was way better than botnet wants me to starve girl
Hello fellow patrician. Inaba’s characterization blew its load too early. By the last arc Iori started solidly proving herself to be the best and most complicated girl.
Beta will never understand Ueno
I don't know about hated, maybe mostly ignored.
Almost all the girls that have been posted in this thread aren’t actually hated, just irrelevant.
Yea Forums hates her?
Yea Forums loves Ginko, though.
No one cares about Honk, she's just bland. If anything her VA has more disdain aimed towards her.
ITT nobody actually posts girls that are hated. Let me show you how it’s done plebs.
No one hates Emilia, they just hate that the author sucks off her elf cock to the detriment of other, vastly superior girls.
If Emilia doesn’t qualify as “hated” by your standard, then I don’t think any girl does.
Not universally hated by any stretch, but people will often say she's bratty and childish. I think that just kind of makes her fun.
Hatred towards Honoka can be traced back to Love Live gacha general. They always hated her for being mc with the most screen time. Nitta's scandal was just a new way to make fun of her.
Nah, yours is actually one of the better examples of a girl whos genuinely hated that’s been posted in here so far.
Based and Mootpilled
mai waifu
best girls.
i always loved her but shipfags are cancer.
Almost everyone here hates Umaru
I fucking hate that shitposters latched onto her and consequently anitshitposters.
We don't hate these girls. I don't even have a clue what they're from. We hate you for being a haremfag so empty that you might as well be a bot.
Agreed, Usagi is unironically best girl.
Just coz that dance is popular doesn't mean it's bad. And I don't care that they changed her hair colour. She's great.
I think a lot of anons warmed up to her and some even find her to be best girl of the show like me.
Inami was too pure and innocent. If I was in her place I would puch Katanashi to death long ago before I could cure my phobia.
i like when a character evolves beyond the archetype they were supposed to be.
Inami evolved, but i never expected yachiyo to do so, and ended up being my favorite when i was annoyed at first.
She looks much better with pink hair though.
Fight me
BASED and blessed taste.
I love her to death and I want to protect her forever.
Thanks for the encouraging words. I will continue to be a haremfag so empty that I'm a bot.
Maybe off-topic but Inner Sakura could've been her own character and maybe even a source of power for the real Sakura instead of the uninspired super strength she got from Tsunade.
Bro Mariah and Lisa Lisa were total babes.
Yukako's pretty okay too.
It's not 2013 anymore, you know.
Pretty sure purple was unanimously loved on Yea Forums.
Nobody actually hates Emilia. It's just generic Rem waifu-fags shitting on her to try and make their cut and paste character look better.
Pink hair >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Normally far outside of my strike zone but I unironically liked Inami's Asanagi doujin
a shit
She would've been more likeable if she didn't betray her childhood friend.
I feel like I'm one of the few people that likes Yukino and reads the novels on Yea Forums
Finding pictures of her as her older self are hard to come by, I hold out hope for another anime just so her older version becomes more popular
OP is correct.
Around the 95% of this place love all these girls, so you are not alone, great taste.
I don't understand if hatred towards her is based purely in memes or is there something to it
Fuck the Benio haters.
Pretty sure most of Yea Forums hates tsunderes, especially shit tsunderes like most of the ones in that chart
why on earth would you like uiharu?
People hate Inami?
Sixty niggers
The cutest hamster
Her androphobia punching males shtick was really annoying and made her a blemish on an otherwise amazing cast of enjoyable characters. When her shtick/gag is finally tuned down she's basically left void of characteristics or personality. Her only saving grace is that there was no other girl for Katanashi to romance. I loved working too much to not hate her.
No one actually hates Benio.
At least when the IM@S anime was airing. I don't know about now.
I'm pretty sure there are worse idols to hate on now thanks to the movie
The days when Majikoi was Yea Forums's favorite VN.
I just don’t understand why she goes so full retard towards the end of the show. Her slapping Ryuuji across the face like a dumb psycho for “letting Taiga go” in the last or so episode solidified her as shit. It sucks because I did like her
I doubt Yea Forums even know who she is, but good taste, I don't see why anyone would hate her.
Times that Yea Forums was correct
Kaiji friends please go and stay go.
I'm probably the only person who loves Cecily these days.
he doesn't think anyone actually hates her, he just spams the same girls in any thread where its even 2% related to the topic
I don't like her character, but I love her doujins.