did girls like digimon back in the day?
Did girls like digimon back in the day?
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dunno. never talked to one
They did watch it, at least.
Most of the girls preferred Pokemon in my class.
>Pokemon was more popular;
>Everyone had access to a GBA and one of the pokemon games. It was mainly boys who had playstations. Few of those boys were interested in playing digmon world 1 (I was the only one who actually played DW3/Card battle).
>Most girls preferred Pikachu (cute little mouse who can only say Pica) over orange dinosaurs and boxing cacti.
how can they have shit taste when gabumon exists? i mean im not a fan of gabumon, i think gomamon is even cuter
>champion form of a dog is a talking cat
There was less husbando among the Mon, but quite a few among the human... but yeah, pokemon has more general cuteness than digimon.
Yes. I liked Digimon better than Pokemon. It had a more engaging story and better mons. Plus I think it made me gay.
Looking back at the series as a whole too, digimon is just a lot more substantive. I remember actually being pretty engaged by the characters and their struggles, and it went to a lot more sensitive places than pokemon did. Plus it branched out more and was more creative with it's series, and for the most part they all have a different feel to each of them. I didn't keep up with pokemon after the first season, but from what i have seen it largely just spun it's wheels, all style and no substance.
Yes, most of the fanbase are fujos
Digimon will always be the better series because the stakes are higher
Ass barely has to worry about saving the world just beating the next gym leader (which he never does) Pokemon universe trainer RARELY if ever are allowed to have their pokemon murdered
Jeri straight up lost Leomon, and Gatomon lost Wizardmon those characters are fucking gone no dragonballs, no magic brother, no 7 quirks or any of that shit will bring them back.
pokemon games >>>> digimon games
digimon show >>>>> pokemon show
anyone with two braincells agrees
a shit
And shipperfags.
Digimon has been on a streak of having better games recently though.
the real question is where does medabots fit in.
>My sister did
I tried to tell to you our gimmicky rivalry a few times.
But no one actually cared.
Am I the worst Storyfag that ever lived?
fucking BASED
Smt clones doesnt count
I preferred Pokemon but I still wished I had a real Palmon as a friend.
Better than actual SMT so yes, they do.
Pokemon is a clone of itself since 20 years.
Digimon has one really good game (Digimon World) that is easily better than any pokemon game. The rest are kinda meh/bad though.
>only one
Cyber Sleuth is way better.
Girls liked virtually everthing boys liked. It's boys who usually went out of their way to actively dislike girly shows.
I grew up with girls who enjoyed digimon as well as dragonball and other "manly" shows, while I had to watch doremi and hamtaro in secret because I was ashamed.
>poop simulator
Of the digidestined digimon, which one was your favorite? Pic related
The idea of having just one monster and it can actually talk to you is pretty nice.
why her specifically?
I was a normalfag so agumon. Mostly because in the series it was the only one together with gabumon who achieved the mega digievolution
no, me and my sister would watch cardcaptors and sailor moon together instead.
Oh, I misunderstood your question, my mistake.
I just have a fondness for plant creatures. My favourite pokemon is Chikorita, too. Had a little beanbag plush of Palmon when I was a kid as well.
I don't have it with me but it's the same as pic related. Not a perfect resemblance but still cute.
Pokemon games have been declining and Digimon has been quite good lately.
My gf didn't like Digimon but had a crush on boy Gohan.
I did, still do now.
Tailmon, because of her backstory and design. I also had a huge crush on Angewomon and tried to make a tulpa of her despite not knowing what tulpas were back then. Childhood was wild.
>Implying girls post outside /cgl/
Digimon has badass cyborg t-rexes and shit. Obviously it appeals more to boys.
My friend sat me down and made me watch the Pokemon movie with him and I remember laughing my ass off when Pikachu has a slappy fight with himself when the Digimon movie has Wargreymon bare fist punching Diablomon in the fucking face.
pokemon games >>> digimon games >>>>>> medabot games
digimon show >>> pokemon show >>> medabot show
digimon games >>>>>> pokemon games >>> medabot games
pokemon show >>> digimon show
Same, badass bugs always appealed to me and Tentomon had the best character out of the rookies
>implying we're not all little girls
Hell yeah. Mimi > Sora tho. I'm really disappointed Mimi and Joe weren't a thing, or Mimi and Tai. I liked Frontier and I find that Frontier pisses off furfags, which makes me like it even more.
I loved both, then and now, but I liked Digimon for the fact your partner can talk and evolution isn't permanent. You can tell Pokemon's running out of ideas because they basically copied digievolution for mega evolution.
>cat becomes angel and also can become a sphynx and a cat dragon
>cute dog and rabbit twins
>pink birb becomes a phoenix
>boxing cactus becomes a fairy
>winged guinea pig becomes angel husbando
>the overrated fox everyone wants to fuck
Guilty as charged, not a yaoihag thankfully.
Hamtaro was "girly"? I thought that one was neutral because everyone liked it. You're correct about everything else, though some action/boy shows genuinely bored me to tears.
Terriermon and Lopmon, I like Lopmon's digievolutions better though.
Overrated trash.
>muh sekret klub
SM anime is garbage, though I haven't seen Tri and I heard it was also not good?
Those digisloots were something else. I think this show kickstarted my puberty a little early.
Agumon because what teenage boy in the 90s wouldn't love a cyborg t rex with rocket launchers.
I didn't have a tulpa but I had many fantasies about her. My balls hadn't dropped yet so they mostly consisted of her wrapping me up in her wings and making me feel warm and comfy.
SM anime wasn't that bad compared to other seasons, it's better than AG and BW.
Meanwhile Digimon anime have been garbage after Frontier.
Savers was fine, it was Xros wars where they really started to go downhill. And even then, Frontier was hardly perfect itself. The last arc was basically just 10 episodes of the kids pissing about and getting creamed by the Knights until the plot said "Ok, you can beat them and the final boss now"
Savers was not that bad.
I gave up after season 3. That was when I found Adult Swim and Digimon just didn't cut it anymore. Apparently all that shit about season 1 and 2 just being a show in the universe of season 3 was all bullshit they made up for the English dub?
>Originally, the main cast from Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 was set to appear as mentors. The idea was scrapped and only Ryo Akiyama from the WonderSwan games was used.
So it wasn't an alt universe originally? That's interesting.
Kind of, the original dub still made it out to be its own universe that just so happened to have the original 2 anime as things in it, but the Adventure-universe still exists as its own thing as seen with the inclusion of Ryo who crossed into it through his games and cameo in 02, and then Tai and the gang appearing in the final season of Xros Wars.
Alright that's it. I'm rewatching Adventure 1 and 2. Haven't seen this shit since I was in elementary school, what am I in for?
With Adventure, a pretty fun time, albeit rough around the edges but otherwise just fine. With 02, seems to really depend. For some, it's not entirely bad, just lacking and more clunky compared to the first, while others find it to be one of the worst things in the franchise.
I remember the ending being dumb with the Myotismon asspull. And in Adventure 1 I remember a lot of scenes with no animation, just stills sliding around and stock animation.
I wouldn't blame this specifically, but it contributed in my case.
Lilithmon is the best!
This is going to probably sound dumb to a lot of people but the reason I never got into 02 was because I didn't like the evolutions with the armored eggs and shit. I like when the evolution line is straightforward with Rookie-Champion-Ultimate-Mega. It's also why I can't get into Xros Wars because I hear its ever crazier in terms of evolving methods
Yea, Adventure had the most QUALITY animation of any series. Shame Toei would probably find some way to fuck it up if they were to ever revisit Adventure and spruce up the animation like they did with Dragon Ball Kai.
Pretty reasonable. As neat as some of the armor evolutions were, they were pretty gimmicky all the same. I feel like Frontier managed to take the concept (since the spirits were basically like armors) and make it more interesting instead of "here's not-Agumon becoming not-Greymon" or whatever. Though I will say the fusions were a bit worse in some cases, like the fucking thing Angemon and Armadilomon became.
Shaping my sense of aesthetics? Dunno. Kind of fell in love with Kari's character, saw a lot of parallels between myself and Gatomon, while outside the show a lot of other things were pushing me in that direction.
Do you share her implied love for Taichi or is that more like lesbian crushes?
I lost interest when the cards went to CG. It looked like shit compared to the actual drawings.
Pokemon was marketed more with McDonald's toys, on tv at a more agreeable time in the morning, they were also cuter.
Digimon felt more sophisticated because they can talk and were more independent when battling.
I also very vividly remember an episode where Mimi and Sora were running around naked being chased by a giant chicken.
I never really picked up on the incest thing at that point. I just envied her good relationship with her brother since mine has always been really rocky.
Basically I just thought of myself as Gatomon and ate up every exchange between them. Had a few fantasies about Sora as well.
Did you like Mimi or any of the girls from the other Digimon?
Everyone liked Pokemon back then, also I had a friend that liked beyblade too.
Not really. Mimi was too girly if that makes any sense, and by the time the later digimon were coming out I'd moved on to other shows.
That's about all I'm gonna say. I'm surprised no one's reeeee'd at me for blogging yet.
What other shows?
Um, almost two decades worth of anime since then?
I don't exactly have a list.
I can remember watching anime on the sci-fi channel when I was younger and really liking Iria, Dominion Tank Police and Project A-Ko if that helps. I was always a fan of the tough girls.
Gall Force was shit.
There we go.
Did you like Bubblegum Crisis?
I went to school in Australia during the Pokemon/Digimon/etc phase.
The girls skipped the Digimon phase because the girl power shows started on TV. (Charmed, Buffy, etc). It wasn't until Yu-Gi-Oh that some started to get back into anime.
Never seen it, but from what I've heard I'd probably find it watchable but forgetable.
Not a big fan of mecha or, whatever you call the super girl team genre, Mai Hime being a notable exception.
It was just a joke, sis.
I know, lol. Still, even the illusion of normalcy is comforting.
Frontier nearly killed the series
anyone wanna watch the whole movie?
My sisters did.
I haven't been able to go back to that version since watching the originals. The soundtrack would be a nostalgia trip though. I always wondered how Parrotmon's beak was mysteriously broken off.
Same. I mean the original had bolero.
They were in towels running around a cruise ship whose interior was based on the RMS Titanic.
Except no.
Was the implication that the Titanic was transported to the digital world?
Jesus christ that fucking intro. That was a real fucking cartoon.
Yes, Mimi a cute, Lilymon was a great transformation.
Sora a slut, but the bird was cute.
Both angels were pretty hot.
The harmonica guy was my crush growing up and his little bro is my favorite nowadays.
I still listen to Brave heart at least once a week.
Sora wasn't a slut, she just couldn't make up her mind and then eventually did make up her mind and went with the brooding bad boy almost anti-hero secondary MC rather than the sincere if imperfect main MC everyone had identified with by that point.
Only the smart little sister lovers understood that this was the only option to protect Tai and Hikari's pure love romance. It was necessary!
>Sora a slut
She really was wasn't she? Too high maintenance with no reward.
But if Titanic is in the Digital World, that mean Olympic really was the ship that sank.
No she was a thot. Constant drama, she did Tai a favor.
>Both angels were pretty hot.
This made me so confused as a child. Still does. I still lean towards women but not an out right lesbian so bisexual? Lesbian with bisexual tendencies?
Yeah I'll accept that. And honestly we all know if SoraxTai had happened, they would have gotten married straight out of high school and never would have accomplished much in their lives. Tai needed time to mature and get established in the world before he had his imouto move in with him.
Anybody have a webm of angewomon and ladydevimon's catfight? Or if you just tell me what episode I can make it myself.
Back at the turn of the Millennium when Pokemon was the hottest shit there was and other monster focused anime were getting fast tracked, Beckett Collector was printing a Digimon magazine, and one issue had Patamon on it.
I showed it to my cousins because I'd just gotten it earlier that day before going to visit them, and I was like 8 and was not letting that holy text out of my grasp, and they all agreed Patamon was the cutest goddamned thing.
Almost no one outside of /m/ knows because the only one that might is the Kikuhime poster.
While I appreciate his taste, he needs more material.
My wife still does and actively rages whenever anyone mentions Savers or Tri. It's hilarious.
Besides the art shift, what's her beef with Savers?
I always thought Koromon was really cute.
I haven't finished Tri, what went wrong? I just got to the part where all the digimon lost their memories.
>Funk Soul Brother playing loudly in the foreground
Everything to do with Meiko, Meicoomon being complete shit with a script like a pullstring doll, the casual delivery of about half of the Mega digivolutions.
Tai really does bring it all home there at the end, it's something to see for yourself.
digimon aren't real, user
Girls aren't real either user.
I think the whole thing with Meimei and Meicoomon could have been resolved in 1 1/2 movies. Rest of movie two sets up the real shit and why the RK got involved specifically Newbie and Lazy ass.
Then did your dad squeeze you out of his urethra?
Just, don't. There's no point.
I always existed user. Just like you did. Tell me do you remember being born? Do you have any evidence that couldn't be doctored that you were born from a woman? Really think hard on this. The answer is obviously that people exist spontaneously in an act of divine creation!
I time traveled and witnessed my own conception. Pretty scaring...
Was your time-machine a DeLorean user?
Eh, I had very low hopes after S2 anyway. I'll get around to it eventually.
right about now
I'm going to marry Lilithmon!
Ah, there's my bitchy spirit-diganimal.
Hey now Tailmon had a hard life. Vamdemon beat her daily and starved her. How she ever evolved into a Holy type with all the shit Vamdemon did to her is a miracle in it's self.
Vamdemon must have been onto something when he just beat a small puppy half to death to make it stronger.
I wasn't implying there was anything wrong with her. I figure she evolved holy because she wanted to embody the mercy she never received.
I posted before I was finished. I was going to add she has a reason to be bitchy because of her shit life before she became Hikari's rescue pet.
>*Nod nods*
This stupid kids show was more sophisticated than the other stupid kids show.
Yeah, I loved Digimon more than Pokemon back then. I even remember some kind of fighting game either for the PS1 or PS2 that let you play as Gatomon and even digivolve that I loved playing all the time. I'm sad I can't remember what it is either, I really want to play it again.
Of course girls liked Pokemon more, they just follow whatever is popular and merely repeat the public opinion, they have no opinions of their own
Yeah but they called them Tamagotchis my sisters friend wouldn’t put the shit down.
>t. Incel
>T. Basement dweller that actually knows what Incel means.
I would also like to say Hikari is the worst pet owner in this history in the universe. She used her cat as fusion folder with Meicoomon to create a monstrosity of an angel to bring upon the apocalypse because onii-chan is "dead". No one else matters, not the Digimon that worship her as a goddess, her friends and their partners, everyone's family, and the entire human and Digimon population doesn't mean shit shit to her so she decides to end it all.
Incel is pretty fucking basic Yea Forums doggerel.
Pokemon really never tried, it was and is pretty much always garbage
Digimon had like one or two great seasons depending on your standard where they actually tried and succeeded for the most part.
Tamers is actually pretty well written and stands out a lot because of it.
That's more because Yea Forums has degenerated into following random reddit posts and youtubers fancy new lingo then anything. I honestly still don't know what the fuck Incel means because I don't visit websites like that. So I'm always wondering what the Christ anyone is saying when they say that because I"m not willing to grace any new gen lingo with search views by typing it into a search engine.
First season of Pokémon was actually pretty funny some times ,Digimon was a dumb kids show that took itself seriously.
I'm game to feed you. It stands for involuntarily celibate.
When I was in the fifth grade a sub teacher tried to be cool by talking about pokemon and I distinctly remember the girl sitting beside me saying;
>Uhhh Pokemon is for kids, we like Digimon now
Based contrarian thot.
Nobody cares, you twitter using newfag.
She sounds fun.
Sorry, been here since 2003 and I've never used twitter. Literally. Ever.
Try again.
Sure you have, kiddo. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
Glad you were able to accept reality so easily.
Want a cookie?
Bamco following Toei's lead.
My sister tolerated it, but the moment I stepped away it was sailor moon all day every day. not that i minded i enjoyed sailor moon as well
I'd save Tai over some faggot like Davis or Cody or whoever the fuck else was in that series too.
How did they get away with this in the west?