>already 28 years old
>not married
>no kids
>no friends
What was her problem?
Already 28 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
Having psychic powers doesn't make you popular.
the problem is with society
She looks and acts like a child, meaning only pedophiles are attracted to her.
I'd be angry, too.
>basically the #1 hero in the world
>enjoys killing shit
>wanting to throw all that away to have kids and marry a ***japanese*** guy
if you guys had her power and spent your days fighting bad ass monsters and saving the world, would you waste your time getting married? or just fuck groupies?
The same applies to pre-Genos Saitama
I wouldn't even want to fuck anything
being drunk on power all day murdering my way through life
Isn't she a lesbian and a siscon? Maybe that's why?
She's too busy cucking Fubuki at every chance she gets. And by cucking, I don't mean sexually.
This. Just topple a country and make yourself king. What the fuck is anyone gonna do about it. Nothin.
Tatsumaki has personality issues but I never really saw her as a little girl, just an angry womanlet who is about to hit the wall.
She was a guinea pig when she was a kid, of course she is fucked in the head and can't socially function.
You wake in OPM's world as a B class hero with the potential to each the top of A class
How do you go about banging tatsumaki?
Just saying her name makes you impulsively want to roundhouse kick her in the face.
no man can handle her, if you know what I mean...
She was waiting for me.
Ah yes, your composure about the issue sure convinced me, christmas cake-san.
not even saitama wants to deal with her despite having godlike power
just shows how much shitty personality she has lul
so if I were to fuck a 15 year old that looks and act likes an adult you would have no problem right
That isn't what he meant, mate. He means she's grouchy from constantly having to deal with creeps while simultaneously not being able to have any normal attention.
Wrong. She's happily married to me with 4 children and more on the way.
She is a siscon. Did you see her reaction when her little sister got a bit hurt?
I was never a fan of tatsumaki but this detail right here just makes it possible for her to be the actual best girl of the show.
Then there you go. If she wanted kids, she'd adopt and try to marry her sister, or at least get her to play mom #2.
Look at her: the FBI would never let you fugg her.
Can she even give normal birth with her body?
I don't think the FBI could stop her if she wanted to be fugged.
She is attracted to king because he is attractive looking and she thinks he is super strong, but in reality he is weak neet so it goes nowhere
I dunno but Darkness is foaming at the pussy to be somebody's concubine and be bred 24/7, 3 month a year.
Literal midgets can give birth to normal babies
This is my wife
>insane pre-disposition to dwarfism
>normal babies
Yes, but could have fucked her up right?
well yeah why wouldt you get married and have children?
you have a good income and the strength to protect, that marriage material right there.
why waste it on such poor vanity like fucking groupie like a sinner? get yourself a wife man
I want to heal her
>already 28 years old
>not married
Only a man who can best her in single combat is worthy to be Tatsumaki's husband.
But don't you need c-section for that?
she cant get pregnant in the first place
her body is fucked
>fuck a 15 year old
Why would there ever be a problem with that?
She's blastsexual.
based and mobpilled
and none of them want her, poor girl.
I can't even bang the girl I like
Tats is only for Mumen Rider.
I join fubuki's kool kids klub and figure out something from there
tats is for zombieman
Anyone got the "It was if she was looking at walking garbage" edit of this panel?
What chapter is this?
she hasnt met me
a special chapter ONE dedicated to zomtats
Bit funny when one considers that Blast and Saitama might be related.
how exactly?
How many panels does that chapter have?
Possibility that they are father and son, or a similar relationship... would also explain why Saitama reminds Tatsumaki of Blast so much.
that it
makes you wonder where ONE is going with the story.
Also who was the guy that King saw sat under the waterfall?
Maybe because their uniform is similar and tastumaki senses the same strength aura from them?
She's a horrible bitch.
And outside of the Murata version, she's an ugly midget to boot. She's no sex-goddess in the webcomic.
Garou, jesus christ how can you be so dense?
Fubuki is superior
lack of sleep generally
Nice headcanon
No way that this is official, looks too much like a setup for porn.
Besides, Tats is for King
>already 28 years old
>not married
>no kids
>no friends
literally me
are you a sexy ass petite goddess too?
>yfw you are the only one who ships this
Me too bro.
Frustration Sexual
yep, welcome to modern society, put your sanity at the door and grab your favorite degenerate fetish, we have Martinis!
Become stronger than her and make her realize that.
And the only man who can thinks she's ten years old and is dead to the world anyway.
She's going to be fine.
>only one good doujin
Fucking mobileshit ruining the H-scene.
8 year old x 29 year old woman
yeah ok
depends on the racial group
certain populations experience puberty at much younger ages
some african populations are especially early while some european and asian populations are very late
it kind of reflects historical adaptations to early risk of mortality
in a developed society if you mature later you have more opportunity to develop through schooling and then find a mate and raise children successfully
conversely if your risk of dying young is high then mature early and pump out as many kids as you can
R/K selection at work
first day here?
Nice try, Abe.
ask a rabbi t
>wearing an outfit like that (with no underwear) and flying around
Girl's a turboslut if there ever was one.
It's okay, she has a plastered pussy.
Tatsumaki is literally the only good thing about OPM.
>plastered pussy.
why is that such a turn on for me
What about watchdog man?
wakey wakey
what is the artist, brother
Sounds like me in two years.
*dies in the next chapter*
Based Mob. I don't think that Tatsumaki is the type to think her powers are cool or make you popular.
When's Murata?
I don't know what children you're talking about, if you think that's what a child's body looks like. I take it you're just one of those mouth breathing retards who thinks small breasts = child, though.
Why is murata?
weekend, faggot
she has wide hips perfect for breeding
She don't act like a child.
literally me
we are not animals anymore and the new "global society" will standardize culture, language and sexual practices.
This is the world we chose, user
Yes she does.
Female incel
Is there something wrong Mr. Hansen?
Imagine if one day tatsumaki just walked up to you and ordered you to be her boyfriend. The offer is not a choice.
daily esper enhanced ball emptying deep creampies
190cm, sorry i dont do trannies tho
slavery by any other name
Murata will moe the shit out of that.
I personally would be scared shitless to approach her.
It's like a smaller version of Bayonetta, but much more violent.
It does, though. She *is* canonically popular. She has fans.
We only saw one but presumably a lot.
Penniless balding nobody with the weird hobby who is living in the middle of nowhere.
The only good thing about him is that he is ripped.
I think it's more likely he'll keep it as is.
Not him, but no. Why should I? If you're an adult it's pretty dangerous because it's illegal, though, so you shouldn't.
It's just like paying taxes: people pay them because at the end of the line of the increasing pressure(which starts with the simple warning) is jail and death if you resist arrest.
>It does, though.
She's a cunt
Heroes are celebrities, user, and she is #2.
Mob is unpopular *despite* having psychic powers. He is just that autistic and generally uncool.
He is a good boy, though.
this image is incorrect, she doesnt wear panties. garbage/10
Canon One white, fuck off.
Shes a fucking asshole
how long before it collapses under its own debt mountain and sectarian wars?
>webcomic is canon
kek, once the redraw gets to the psychic sisters arc the webcomic one will be entirely irrelevant just like everything the redraw has passed so far. and murata won't draw her with panties because he isn't gonna cut corners like one does with his art
She can marry King, he's a white Australian.
I'd accept immediately.
She's a literal and figurative womanchild.
>it's an "user imagines attractive girl magically forcing exactly what he wants on him because he lacks balls" episode
are psychic abilities considered magical or supernatural? asking for myself.
I think he meant the occasion even happening is magical in itself not her powers
alright, i'm good, everyone can continue with their self satisfaction fantasies.
>tfw no Tatsumaki big sister
I am
>32 years old
>never had romantic relationships
>no kids of course
>no friends
Okay, but you don't look like Tatsumaki, do you?
No, and I am a male.
But I'd love to have some psychic power.
Based Shigeo.
I would totally destroy Danielle Bregoli tho.
Yes, anyways that kid has the mental age of a grown up man, i guess.
>last conversation with a non related female was a year ago
>kissed a couple of girls in high school
Get rekt, loser
It would indeed be very therapeutic to blow some little twerps brains out. You wouldn't die in vain.
Not midgets but Tatsumaki with those 2x normal size hips from an average adult woman could give birth to quintuplets.
>racial group
No user it really doesn't. You're just an inexperienced shut in.
>are especially early while some european and asian populations are very late
Nope, sorry. You're like I said just a retard.
Girls in Europe get their periods between 10 to 13 mostly, with extremely rare cases who get it with 15. Half of my class in grade school already had their periods, had big titties and fat ass hips by the age of 12. So kill yourself please.
I think she can specially with that kind of hips, waist, and toned body.
No this is based on actual peer reviewed studies.
look up age at menarche difference between racial groups
Tatsumaki is so sexy
I ship her with King.
You would be like that too if they raped and tortured you when you were just a child.
She uses them to uproot an entire school to get 3-5 bullies, she clearly thinks it's something
>look up
Nigger, what are you an alien from outer space? I don't need to look up shit, all that crap is modern popularization of cultural biases. You live in fucking human society where you can observe reality for yourself cant you?
Pathetic. Black girls get periods exactly at the same age as white girls, between 10 to 13, now end yourself already.
Maybe you wanted to say the guy in the abandoned house that seemed to be dead.
I did forget about that guy, who was he?
How does one make friends so I can avoid being like her?
That's an old fanart of the webcomic by Yoshikazu. It's pretty obvious with the way her face is drawn. Fuck off faggot.
He was an old dead guy. At least King thought he was dead. The old dude was supposed to be a great martial artist.
She's autistic. Literally. She has a really hard time expressing herself around others. Basically a female Saitama.
Watch MP100, be totally honest like Mob is, that's a more important virtue than anything else.
Small woman complex.
Tatsumaki is a womanlet faggot with self-esteem issues because her "little" sister is absolutely stacked by comparison.
She also has no hobbies or things she enjoys doing outside of desperate losers using her as a tool to destroy evil.
>muh traumatizing childhood
Again, this hypocritical little bitch finds her only sliver of self-fulfillment in the sole act of being called upon to benefit humanity.
>"don't expect others to be there to save you"
Apparently she thinks this meant
>gotta everyone away, keep expectations low
so that she never has to be held accountable for whenever she isn't actually around to help. Typical woman, doesn't want to be held accountable for her failure.
She's completely insufferable because all this cunt does is bitch about how everyone else is unnecessary, she'll take care of it, she's the strongest, etc., yet never actually bothers preventing anyone from helping/hurting themselves. This little asshole still thinks it's a-okay to let "low-levels" play in high-stakes matches with her even though she tells them not to bother and doesn't do anything about it, like breaking their legs or securing them in a prison or something.
She doesn't fucking care about anyone.
Then she has the nerve to prestige-block her own flesh and blood sibling for the very same reason. Doesn't let her sister, who just wants to git gud, play ball because it's HER sister. Overly possessive control-freak. Plus that's the one, likely only, person in the entire fucking worldspace who *might* even show up to this little shit's funeral when she finally gets wrecked.
She's just an irredeemable hypocritical little flat-chested cunt honestly and anyone who likes her has shit taste, no standards, and deserves getting cold-shouldered in their headcanon exchanges with this mini green goblin.
yes but what I'm talking about is population means of which there's good data to support that SAA descended groups have a younger mean age at menarche equally twinning rates are also higher among SSA descended groups than east asians, europeans are intermediate between the two groups but closer to the asian mean.
My husbando.
Based on the databook, Tatsumaki is the third most popular hero, behind King and Sweet Mask. She's super popular in universe, no doubt about that. Being the only woman of the S class definitely helps, too.
>t. Fubuki
fucking obviously? you think i thought that was muratas art or something? fucking brainlet
no you retard, I'm explaining why she has white panties, because she's not based on her schrodinger panties manga version.
>doesn't want to be a cute loli irl
What a pleb.
>She doesn't fucking care about anyone.
She went out of her way to make sure the heroes would be safe when she destroyed the ghost town, even though it's the S heroes of all people.
She was saved by a hero as a kid, clearly she has a sense of heroism but always hide it, probably because Blast, her role model, was like that too.
That is a mouthful of whoreshit. You can make an eloquent pseudoscientific study about pretty much anything in this world trying to further an agenda that's completely in contradiction to facts. But with this particular issue it's not even something that needs bloody research or data, you are not researching something from 100 years ago but something that the very fucking reality around you is evidence of. I already told you the hard facts so try to argument them with other contradictory facts and not some general referential terminology of shit studies.
listen user perhaps you should actually look at published studies instead of trying to refute my argument with anecdotal evidence and rhetoric.
Tatsumaki doesn't want to rely on someone but she knows that getting to know a person more and more will make her automatically rely on that person, so she avoids entirely any contact.
What about a guy tougher than herself? How might that make her feel?
>you should actually look at published studies
I did.
Now that we got that out of the way, why don't you summarize again what your argument is? Because this issue is extremely simple and you are competent enough to simplify your point in a single sentence.
Question: What are the average ages in which European girls get their first periods in contrast to the average age group of American/Canadian groups, Asians and African girls?
No rocket science just a simple question, and percentages would be preferable. I'm listening.
And stop replying to yourself with stupid links, write down your main point yourself.
She hasn't found it yet and she is also searching for Blast.
Well there are three main points, two that I am presenting, and one that I'm arguing, the first two being based on what multiple reports have shown and another which is my own interpretation of what might cause the results to differ.
That there's a diffence in age of onset of puberty between what could be considered broad racial groups
That these differences reflect some underlying genetic variation between racial groups.
That these genetic differences reflect historical adaptaions to environmental conditions
You appear to be trying to refute something that the reports show (which makes me think you are just actively seeking a fight) but are ignoring my own personal argument which I'm more than willing to debate about.
What I am not doing is (to head off a potential critique) arguing for a concept of racial supremacy.
Yeah pretty much. Tats puts up the bitch act but when shit hits the fan she pulls through as a heroine.
She sees herself as their mother maybe?
Saitama is the only human touch she's felt for the last 2 decades or so. I honestly believe she touched herself to sleep the night after fighting him,thinking about how it felt to be hugged by a strong man.
>arguing for a concept of racial supremacy
Cool shit nigger, I don't care about that. Hail to you and racial supremacy but why don't you return to the topic.
You still didn't answer my question, as expected, you simply did what I already described you're doing. If you want to argue racial supremacy you picked the wrong issue to use as argument.
Then she also had sexual fantasies about dominating him "now that she's at full power and could definitely win"
Probably wet. Im betting she has a “daddy complex” around blast bc hes stronger and thats why she puts up a tough act as well. Tbh i think shes similar to asuka: problematic past which made her develope a shell to protect herself thats also toxic to those around her. It would explain why shes kinda stunted when saitama easily puts up w her and she reluctantly admits hes strong too.
Are you blind? I literally just said I am not talking about the concept of racial supremacy since I find the idea inherently nonsensical and is frankly irrelevant to this discussion.
stop deflecting, why is european vs american data even relevant?
I'm wondering if you might have engaged in this petty argument because I didn't clarify that I was replying mainly to the the image.instead of the text.?
Looks funny.
damn. choze may have physically only been high demon, but verbally? god-tier level threat holy fuck tatsumaki destroyed how will her creepy pedophile fanbase ever recover?
Thanks Chorizo
Shit personality
Chapter 108 when?
>not following murata on twitter
Even gould talked about it and he was a massive globohomo, one- world kike.
>having a twitter
kill yourshelf
>using Yea Forums for news instead of the artist's twitter
Your original argument was erroneous however. I corrected you and then you called yourself upon some biased papers.
Researches as you call them can only be based on one thing and that's school medical checks of gradeschoolers. These records are the only ones that keep statistical data on the common ages in which girls get their first menstruation, the actual data you will find there however is the info I already gave you. As for Africa, the same rule applies with civilized areas with medical check records. The indigenous population that is outside these record supervisions cannot be included in a study of an equal scientific level. Not that it matters since you have documentaries of people researching indigenous groups and their girls also get periods most commonly around 11 and 13, and just like Europeans and in rare cases some get at 10 or at 15. Stop pushing this shit, there is no difference in the time of the menarche. The only difference is how early do girls grow in height, how early and quickly do their bodies develop and what is the difference in how they behave. Because in this subject you could go pushing the agenda of African girls developing more quickly, although this is not sexual development but a general inclination of African people being more expressive in the physical and having a more energetic body in most cases.
imagine trying to take someone seriously over anonymous mongolian checkers tournament forums
>not using Yea Forums for news instead of the artists twitter
A dash of workaholicism and a large dose of psycho? Never mind the child look, this bitch is just plain fucked in the head somewhere.
>no argument
concession accepted my friend
Talked about what?
Judge all you want because of her looks Hansen Kun, but she is 28 so take your seat and shove it
So when is chapter 108?
go check his twitter :)
This would unironically piss Tats off more than a bunch of creeps who wants to be with her would.
Then post links because I don't see what you say you see.
But I don't speak Japanese
garou. he's gonna train king. after he finishes beating the shit out of him and laughing at him.
This is an adult woman. Say something nice about her.
you dont need to
Fucking womanlets, when will they learn
No idea but i wanna help her fix it
The moon looks great tonight.
What is his twitter ive looked for yusuke murata and checked the OPM acc but couldnt find him
>Parents ask this
you must be braindead because it's the first result after searching "yusuke murata twitter"
Bang Fubuki and have her become my assistant in the quest to bang Tatsumaki
>I don't see
Of course you don't because girls wouldn't talk to you in grade school and you sure as hell weren't told these things by your mom. So being an incel you're forced to get this info from secondary sources like papers on racial difference in phisical development, what a joke. I am a chick and I know exactly when I got mine (11 and a half) and all the other women I've ever known in my life were between 12 to 13. One got it at 10 and one other at 15, extremely rare.
Feel free to use this post as a primary source because thats what it is, not your secondary literature.
>be 32
>wife doesn't want kids
Fuck my life.
>you know son, we don't care if you're gay...
Yeah hehe must totally suck to be you r-right..
She hasn't met (me) yet.
That face is the best thing to come out of the tournament filler arc.
>marrying someone who doesnt want kids
Thats like, reason #1 to actually marry someone. Reason #2 being immigration.
There is no reason #3. If you want to live together, you can do it without marrying
Cheat on the bitch and then live with the mother of the kid born out of wedlock. Her not wanting kids is a good argument in your favour in court.
Nope, sorry.
Haha she's just like me haha
Is it normal to dislike Darkshine if you’ve caught up with the Webcomic
>fucked milf back in college
In your face gey
She is a near perfect rip off of what inspired ONE in the first place.
See . Personality almost an exact copy.
Is this yaoi? there is the josei tag...
literally me
tf are you on about
Read Take on Me 2. Kei's attitude is like Tats if Tats craved D. Tats is repressed.
>dick touched a milfs vagina
>a vagina which has received both a mans dick and cum
>a vagina where a kid has exited from
>basically rubbed his dick with another mans dick, his cum and a kid
I think youre the loser user
>tfw 26
I want her to be my tiny body onee-chan
Murata will never get there, he killed himself to join his dad in afterlife.
>source material isn't canon
Is Metal Knight the main villain of OPM?
I guess Sonic was actually sort of right, her childish appearance is helping her career.
>x is exactly like y if y was z
quality if gradient
Tats is rip off
Terrible Tornado is a lovely lady.
Have sex
Granted her hips are perfect.
Man, I miss season 1's art style.