It's been a while. Commencing volume 16 spoiler dump.
Twintails Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Prologue A Certain Girl from Another World
>Features Twirl's brief encounter with Pegasus Guildy. He came to her because felt a destiny between them because of their science so he brought with him ultimaguil tech and a twintail elemera orb. He says he believes that she can use her science to bring humanity and elemarians to the next stage and that no matter what cruelties await her, she must not give in to despair.
Chapter 1 To Refrain
>The gang are in shock at the reveal Twirl is going to die and Angel Guildy(formerly Mermaid) leaves them to mull over what's coming. Twirl is despondent and they help her up back to base. Isuna and Megane come a bit afterwards after making sure Swan Guildy got home safely too but he was just as broken as Twirl at Angel's manipulation. They try to get Twirl to come out of her mute state when she suddenly burst into peppy science mode and begins work to counter Angel. She keeps up the cheery act but relents after the rest pleads with her to just focus on herself for now and she apologizes for overdoing it with the act. Souji reminds them that they've been through similar crises before and they will definitely find their way through this one as well so for now they rest and recuperate. Miharu gushes over how cool her son has gotten and plans on making a best of compilation of his moments to his objections and reminds them that they have a birthday party to start. Souji, Twirl and Isuna are the stars of the party and they set it up with everyone the base. Isuna gifts Souji a pair of fashion glasses and Aika immediately gushes over how well they suit him. The others follow suit as well and they enjoy the short reprieve before retiring for the night with another base sleepover that Twirl once again whines about coming out of as still a virgin.
>Meanwhile over at ultimaguil, Swan's recovered his wits enough to be furious at how Angel took advantage of him and confides in Sparrow Guildy about what happened. Sparrow understands but tells him to keep his thinking straight and to always remember Drag Guildy's example and live as upstanding warrior. They decide to keep quiet for now until they see a way through on dealing with her.
>Angel later comes by the hall and debuts her new form to the rest of the guildies to their raving approval. Swan fumes quietly with barely restrained rage but lets her carry on. Appolo walks in to see all the hubbub and acts super sugarly sweet about Angel's new look. The two of them take their talk to the corridors where they have fake nice bitch-off against each other with Apollo implicitly threatening to end Angel for good if nothing good comes out of this.
>The gang head out to face a new elemarian and it's Wolf Guildy, the elemarian of Solitude, who's having a anxiety attack at being out in the open at a ski resort. Blue decides to put off killing Wolf if they can lead them to Angel but he hasn't seen her as Angel yet so he's confused. He mentions having the ability to detect people who are loners and it has Souji reflecting on how he always ends up eating with Aika and her girl friends and rarely with the guys in his class which gets to him a little. Wolf is surprised to smell loner all over Red which stings a bit but then realizes it's actually the loner smell from someone close to Red, Twirl naturally. It makes them wonder if Twirl gets lonely when she's at the base computer by herself navigating them during a fight.
>Wolf says he'd usually go looking for kids who get left on their own on which in this case would be the ones who are just skiing by themselves in their little corners and the gang decide to take him out before he traumatizes a kid by outing them as a loner. They make quick work of him and a group kids cheer them on after winning.
>Apollo also casually skis on down with a little girl double riding with her and she's apparently popular with the kids. She also happens to hang out with kids and help out the ones that got separated from their parents find them which was what she was doing with the kid on her skiis. Blue and the rest are wary but Red reminds them that the lack of an elemarian signature means that she really isn't out to rob elemera today but start worrying when she reveals how often she hangs out with kids or just loiters around preschools and the like. Twirl expresses envy at this and Apollo says she's looking forward to getting to play with Red in a real fight.
>Later back at base Souji mulls over their meeting with Apollo and comes up with an idea to help Twirl. Solar dropped a hint while she was around in the last volume and he figures they bolster her well being by feeding the elemera she does have hence operation "Little Girl Cafe".
Chapter 2 To Regret
>Souji gathers everyone at base and explains the idea to Aika's mortification and tells them he'll be indulging Twirl as Tail Red. The plan is to use Isuna's abilities to have Red change clothes to whatever Twirl requests from them the same way she did back on new year's with the kimono. Twirl is absolutely delighted while Aika worries how this is leading Souji down a dangerous road. Isuna first outfit change for Red is a copy of her usual tracksuit to which Twirl gushes over anyway and hugs Red. Red can still apparently feel Twirl's soft places through the armor thanks to the superscience engineering in them. Isuna sulks over how she never got so touchy with her but Twirl brushes it off.
>Erina asks if she can get a costume change too to help out Twirl with her almost legal loli body and gets put in a maid outfit. Mikoto is conflicted at the cuteness and Twirl is lapping it all up. Twirl goes onto have Red put on smallfit version of their school uniform and have Red call her Onee-chan in the most little girl way possible. Souji makes to accomodate but Aika warns him that if he does it, he's going down a path he can never come back from. This actually has his sweating bullets internally for a bit but he gathers his resolve and does a very convincing act of imouto mode Tail Red.
>Miharu points out that Aika should get in on the action too to her. She vehemently refuses but Twirl hammily plays the dying patient card to pull her in.
>Thus comes in Anti Aika System 16, a tinhat thing that Aika has to wear that makes everyone perceive her as a younger version of herself. Twirl has been working on a permanent lolification version but is running into walls with that one so she's settling for a lower end version for now. Souji and Miharu get nostalgic at seeing it work and he notes that it's 7 year old Aika, back when she was able to solo only just a wild wolf. It causes Souji some strain to look at her though since it's messing with his twintail senses. Aika tries to get out of it but Twirl once agains hams it up so she gets to cuddle and drool over her holy grail.
>Next day Souji comes over to Aika's place. They run into Renka who not so jokingly threatens to NTR Souji away from her little sister if she doesn't hurry up and settle things for good. Once up in her room, he asks to read girl's fashion mags for ideas on cute clothes. She asks why and he just says they're for him to wear. Aika panics and repeatedly shakes him to and from while calling out his name and he clarifies that he meant as Tail Red, for Twirl's lolicafe treatment. She calms down a bit and he spots a photo album of their younger days and she embarassedly takes it away from him which results in the stereotypical guy and girl push down on each other trope. Renka walks in on them with snacks and is delighted by the sight. They excuse themselves and head to the base much to Renka's dissatisfaction and insistence on them just continuing with what they were doing anyway in front of her. Aika is still hot and bothered and redfaced when she relays the story to the others and really doesn't mind that Isuna describe it as a typical eroge heroine CG scene.
>They gathered together to get a reference on little girls acting cute and decided to use YOUTUIE to watch Erina's favorite toy reviewer who happens to be a little girl. If there hadn't been a glitch this would have been a cameo of the loli toy reviewer from Mizusawa's second novel series 4 Cour After but as it turns out an elemarian attack is progreess.
>They head to the site to find Pig Guildy of the Idol elemera who's helping kids produce their own youtuber shows. Black gets ticked off when he dismisses her standing as an idol but Red decides to get his expertise on how to make yourself appealing as a little girl.
>"Tell me please...! Cute girls that can make you feel good just by looking at them... what do I have to be like become one!? I want to become cute for someone important to me! I'll listen to anything you have to say!!"
>Pig panics after some shocked silence from everyone and calls in immediate back up from HQ because Tail Red being too cute is a critical emergency. Blue quickly vents her frustrations while the crowd complains about Red being so standoffish for not coming to them for advice on that before going to the elemarians for it.
>Pig and the ultiroids are goners now but Angel guildy suddenly shows up to debut herself to the public. The people are amazed at how gorgeous she is and at how not all elemerians are male. She gets a rise out of the gang but then asks for Red's opinion on how she does up her twintails. Red is reluctantly impressed at how she actually does know her stuff and she then goes off on her merry way before they can stop her.
>That night, Souji meets Loel and Ryruna in the dream again. They catch up and the twins warn him that they can feel a disturbance in the twintail force and think something big is coming to the multiverse.
>Back in the base, Twirl is feeling shitty about the stunt Angel pulled and her computer screen as it finishes the algorithm it was running. It says: 10 days remaining.
Chapter 3 To Revenge
>Erina goes out shopping at Akiba looking for something to help with the twirl situation with Souji. When they get there they run into Mokusu-senpai, the previous stuco prez who's a rotten fujoshi. Souji and her try to steer Erina away from the seedier parts of the store and they're immensely shocked to see Angel there just casually shopping like a pro complete with stacked up point cards. Erina and Souji give Mokusu the slip excusing themselves both to go to the toilet. Mokusu is aware of Erina's secret but obviously has no idea why Souji says he has to go too.
>Red and Yellow face down Angel and she goads Red by saying that Twirl and her are exactly the same kind of people. Black and Blue arrives to join in the fight and Angel is neutralizing their attacks easily until she fires a beam at Black that cancels out her transformation. Angel has anti-tailgear abilities thanks to evolving using Twirl's tailbrace alter and taunts them further. She makes a of showing her tying up her twintails that Red begrudgingly admits shows off her actual care for them but then she calls out to Twirl who she knows is watching from the base. This really sets Red and Blue off and they attack her but she gets out of the way and escapes.
>The gang gets back to base and Souji is fuming at how Angel provoked Twirl. Twirl, who's sickly pale, tells them not to get too incensed as she reminds them that taking down angel won't have any effect on her situation. It's a stark realization that brings them down and she tries to lighten the mood but trails off midsentence and collapses suddenly like a puppet whose strings were abruptly cut. Souji rushes to her side and helps her up to carry her to her room but he notices something very worrying - Twirl's arm was emitting faint wisps of particles as if she were disappearing.
>In a moment to herself when she awakes while the others were away, Twirl resents herself for dying much like an elemarian would. She laments to herself that she wished she could have had her first love come true in the time she has left but aloud she swears to dedicate her time left towards eliminating the evil she brought forth.
>Miharu discuss Twirl's state with Souji and she brings up she hasn't seen Yuno lately and is worried. Souji assures her that Yuno's just out on training trip and will be back when she feels like. Miharu wants to say something to that but she just awkwardly dismisses it.
Chapter 4 A TRUE
>Angel pops on over to the leader's place to Leader. She approves of Angel's new look and Angel asks her for a planet to conduct research on. Leader approves her request but she has to take a tarot reading. She reluctantly accepts and leader gives one similar to Tyrano's but Angel glibly glosses over the omen.
>Late night, Souji sneaks his way into Twirl's room. Twirl is surprised by this.
>"Please, don't cause a fuss... don't fight it...! It'll be over with soon!"
>She cries in panicked tears and delight but contrary to her expectations Souji is actually trying to tie her hair into twintails. She's let down at first and asks him to stop but lets him continue when he presses on in hopes of saving her this way. He goes into ultimate chain and tries to tie it but an unseen elemera energy lashes back at him as he tries. Souji blacks out and finds himself a futuristic world - he's pulled an inception an is now in Twirl's dream/memory of her world. Souji flashes through some areas until he spots Twirl wearing a school uniform. He reasons that this must be during the time she was in middle school but obviously not the case. He sees some girls greet her at her school but instead of the Twirl we know, she acts timidly much like how Isuna would in tracksuit mode.
>The scene switches again and he finds himself in her home. She's at her bathroom with her hair down. She's got a baretta in her hands but before he can see her tie her hair but things get blurry before he can see her in them.
>He then sees her meeting with Pegasus Guildy but only very little of it. He then sees her shout tail on for the first time but even after transforming her twintails are in a haze. Her first opponent was Bat guildy who kills in a panic defensive punch. Souji watches as the world eyes her with suspicion as she takes on more and more guildies but she does gain a bit of a following with the little girls. The public comes to call her Twintail-san and shows that it's the admiration and gratitude of the little girls who come to love that keeps her going.
>Eventually drag guildy shows up and he defeats her all too easily. Unable to fight back with her present abilities she spends days shut in her lab trying to figure out a way to beat him but by the time she gets back out there, her world's elemera had already been robbed, figured a tactic but too late
>Souji wakes in Twirl's embrace who somberly wishes he wouldn't do such reckless things just for her. Souji declares in return that he'd face down the laws of nature themselves if it meant finding a way to save her. She gushes over that but at the same she's mortified that he's seen her everything. She tells him how she blames herself for not being cute like Tailred and being unable to gain the trust of her world but says she really couldn't have done it without the cheers of the little girls who believed in her. She was so glad that Red turned out to be a loli and was relieved that Red didn't go through the same problems she did.
>They get into ways to save her and she shyly asks if he would kiss her to save her life. Souji hesitates to answer and she takes it as an obvious no but he says that's not it, he doesn't want the reason for the kiss to be to avoid death. Twirl just waves the suggestion as a joke and Twirl reasons that even Red in Ultimate chain couldn't fix her is because that's just how elemera works. Souji however doesn't think it was the elemera that stopped him.
>Angel and Twirl meet at an abandoned factory. Angel invited Twirl alone and she went along with it and takes a snarky defiant attitude throughout. Not even wanting to entertain her even a second longer, Twirl makes to leave but Angel gets her to stay by telling her that Yuno died. Angel makes a point to correct herself from saying Phoenix Guildy out of the little respect she had but goes on to not so subtly threaten to tell the others that she died to the leader. She brings up how devastated Black and Red would be to learn that and wants to see their faces at hearing the news. Twirl listens to her go on about wanting Twirl for her super science skills, that their interests align and tells her that even after becoming an avenger Twirl still has something left to abandon before proceeding. Angel leaves her proposal with Twirla and Twirl remarks to herself that if she could put up this good an act in front of Souji, things would have gone differently the other night.
>Twirl is at the StarTwoearle bay and Isuna catches her standing over it. Isuna questions if she's going to run again and they get into touchy territory. Twirl assures her she won't be leaving on the ship and that she was just checking on its maintenance. They get to talking about her condition and Isuna can see she's about given up on it and Twirl comes out and says she's terminal. She doesn't want to die in front of Souji and the others out of fear that they'll lose their fighting spirt and that she's counting on Isuna to take care of her support duties once she's gone. Isuna tackles Twirl in a hug and tells her not to act like this and accuses her of doing it to spite her. twirl assures her that's not the case and that the day Isuna appeared in Souji's world she was actually so happy to see her that she felt like she could cry. She apologizes for always being so mean to her and confides to her that she's always seen her as a little sister and walks away out of the hangar.
>Later the others convene in the base to discuss a message Twirl left behind. It says that she's managed to find a lead on curing her condition on another world and left to take care of it. Erina is a hopeful but Miharu points out how unlike her to just leave a message like this without details. Isuna shows up all cried out and tells them Twirl's gone and doesn't intend to come back. She checked with her contact at Ultimaguil about Angel's movements and put two and two together over what prompted Twirl's disappearing act. They obviously can't accept this but they don't have a lead on finding her. That's when the paper Apollo gave them comes into play. It's got interdimensional coordinate runes on it that Erina manages to recognize and they resolve to take her back.
>They head to the Star Twoearle and Isuna works at getting it to start. Erina worries about leaving the world unprotected but Isuna puts them to worries that she's taken care of it. It's later revealed that she got Swan Guildy to get the guildies to hold off their attacks for a while. Miharu's already changed into her captain's outfit and declares that even if that weren't the case there's nothing that's going to stop her from going to rescue her daughter. Isuna gets frustrated and tears up at not getting the thing to work but she wipes the tears away and redoubles her hacking and manages to get it to work. The Twintails are off to save their beloved friend.
Chapter 5 To Rising
>They arrive on the world and it's a barren wasteland with apparently no human life signs. Miharu and Mikoto stay in the ship while the Twintails sortie out. Angel shows on a holographic screen and greets them. They demand she give back Twirl and she challenges them to come get her as she shows Twirl standing silently behind her in an eerie blank white mask. Angel explains that this planet was once an earth like theirs but after having been robbed of its elemera, humanity slowly declined into extinction and life just went with them. So now she's turned the thing into her personal fortress as she makes transform in to blocky sections. She goes on to tell them that she's working on basically an interdimensional death star elemera weapon and that they are her beta testers. She tells them she'll be waiting for them at the central core and they dive in. Shenanigans ensues as several BL themed traps comes at them. Two of note are crushing walls with Blue's chest printed on them and razor blades with a punny name to sound like "chop off twintails". Souji realizes Twirl must have suggested them to Angel because they reek of her touches.
>They manage to force their way down the center only to find Apollo waiting for them on a massive stage in front of a dark spire. She greets them cheerily and she's not alone. A new god elemerian is with her. He disrobes and introduces himself as Poseidon Guildy, Ultimaguil's no 1 playboy. He immediately makes the moves on Red and Red can't help but be repulsed by him and calls him a gross creep without thinking. This hurts Poseidon deeply but he springs back to health. Blue responds with a major crotch kick and urges Red to join in on her anti-god elemarian tactic for some reason. Apollo tells Red she wants a duel with Red and Poseidon swears he won't do anything to stop the rest so long as Red gives Apollo the duel she wants since she did help set things up to prepare a good battlefield for them. Red tells the others to keep on going and that she'll take care of Apollo despite their worries about the power gap. Poseidon follows them along to the spire to get chatty but once the first of Angel's nasty puppets show up he excuses himself at the displeasing sight.
>Red has a hardy fight with Appolo. Both use form changes to go high speed or high attack. Apollo's pre final battle form is a tall beauty that moves faster than her current form. Apollo lands a hard kick on Red and the impact was so strong that her arm is broken now. Apollo steps close to provoke but Red still uses both arms to deliver some heated punches. Apollo is amazed and Red says broken arms won't stop her from tying twintails.
In between the clashes, Apollo relates her backstory to Red. The extent of Apollo's perversion is saying pen*s and that isolated her who couldn't really mingle with the rest and their dirty jokes. Unable to grow more perverted, Apollo simply focused on getting stronger and her love of little girls and before she knew it she became the boss of God a Sword. Red relates back by saying tits. Souji's never been one to go for dirty jokes but hanging around Twirl has gotten him used to it and he can handle some himself. They get to their finishers and Red manages to withstand Appolo's and fires off the God Blazer attack and takes out one of Apollo's two elemera orbs. Apollo tells Red that her twintails definitely reached her heart and she says it's been fun. Before she goes byebye on Red though, she points out that Red's now overspent twintails aren't meant for fighting in the spire.
>Blue and the rest manage to take out all the brainwashed soldiers save for one who keeps getting back up. They make it to Angel's computer room where she greets them. They demand to know where Twirl is and Angel just teases them as the hardy robed elemarian comes attacking them. Mid-fight though, Blue realizes something horribly familiar about the fighting style she was up against. Red arrives on the scene and that's when Angel clues them in on Twirl being the robed elemarian they're fighting. Angel says you have to give and take in bargains and this was the way that Angel came up with to save Twirl. A cold voice rings from behind the white mask asking them why did they have to come.
Chapter 6 To Rebirth
>Angel mocks them some more and gets a rise out red and the others. She coins Twirl's new self Persona guildy for the mask and Twirl watches on as Angel gets in on some action herself with the twintails. She makes use of Red's love for twintails by using them a shields to prevent attacks and the others do their best to make up for the dirty tricks Angel pulls. Angel spouts her backstory during and goes on about how despite twintail elemera being enjoyed by all elemarians, twintail elemera holders are exceedingly rare and are expected to be powerhouses. That drove her challenge the leader's heights going as far as to remove her own elemera to do so and to foster BL in its place.
>Red fires off a break release finisher and Angel counters with her own. The others use this opportunity to get their own finishers in but Angel uses warp gate tricksies to direct their attacks into each other. The twintails are left weakened on the floor and she declares she wants to remake the multiverse and get rid of twintails and Twirl agrees to her goal under the pretext of eliminating elemarians. Twirl holds out an elemera robbing ring high up to attack only to bring it down on Angel in a surprise move. Even Angel herself claimed surprise but there's just one problem with this - the rings only work on humans.
>Angel mocks and laughs at Twirl for her desperate lengths just to end her, no longer calling her Persona but Twirl-chan. Twirl gets into her complexes and cowardice as a person and how she's just a weak human that can't face elemarians without a mask. Angel lets slip that avengers pay the utlimate price for their revenge and lets slip that Yuno died. The gang are shocked at this revelation and take a morale hit. Black takes it especially bad and though Red's reluctant she still chooses to believe in Yuno's promise to come join them and Red convinces them to have faitfh in Yuno. Angel takes off her tail brace alter which is just an accessory for her now but she plunges it into Twirl's chest to force a stronger elemarian conversion. Twirl gets up in a black mist and fights girls while Angel pulls an aura pillar on Red. She fires off a finisher at Red but Swan Guildy shows up to block it. He's got some choice words for Angel and she lays praise on how he keeps polishing himself but keeps falling just short of what the situation calls for. The girls are grateful to him, even blue, but Angel warps him out of the way into the void between worlds. Twirl continues to rampage on and fights Blue but Blue just takes and tells her it's okay and to vent as much as she likes to make up for the past year of beatings she's taken and that once she's satisfied she should come home with them and make valentine chocolate together to which Twirl manages to croak out Aika's name and stops herself.
>Red is calling out to her twintails for power but gets it from a surprising source - Tyrano Guildy. His voice commands Souji to go forth and believe in twintails yet again to save Twirl. Red feels power rising up and breaks free from the binding and pulls out the tailbrace alter out of Twirl's chest and her mask off in a white slowmotion moment. Twirl comes to and apologizes in tears for the trouble she's caused. Angel notes that Red has an unusual twintail transfering ability that humans just aren't capable and slips into an cold angry tone at how they keep on taking her Twirl from her since she sees her as the only person that could understand her. Twirl renounces her desire for revenge and as if on cue her kamen twintail crumbles to pieces. Angel throws the elemera ring at them and Red triggers the slow motion again and realizes it's an ability she's taken on from Solar.
>The two of them are enwrapped in a white light just around them and Souji pushes on and kisses Twirl on the lips. Embarrassed, he says that they talk about giving her one if she tried really hard. They're both red in the face and it's a personal moment but Souji can still feel Tyrano standing right behind them watching on to which he just decides to not bring up. Hope was needed to bring her out of her despair so Souji wanted to give that back to her. She says she could have taken the path of wandering with her tailgear to fight elemarians but she abandoned them so she's no hero but Souji has none of that and tells her that she was his hero the moment she turned him into a twintail and that her true wish wasn't to avenge but to protect.
>Slowmotion ends and Twirl's surrounded in a light coming out of Red's tailgear that disintegrates the ring Angel threw. It's only been an instant outside and she is baffled at this. Red picks up the tail brace alter and in a refrain of Souji's original meeting with Twirl, Red asks:
"Do you like twintails?"
"Yes. I love them."
>The scene is reminiscent of a wedding as they recreate their meeting in opposite roles as Red places the Tailbrace Alter on Twirl's wrist. It changes color from grey to pure white and Red rechristens it the Tailbrace Revolution.
"Tail on"
Monitoring this thread
>Light fills the space for her transformation like snowfall and the girls awed. Black is real happy to see her hero make her comeback and White faces off with Angel who's taken aback at how strong she is. White tells her that that her tailgear was specced to its limits to begin with and that the full designation is Tail White Superior Chain. Angel brings out her new metal elemarians soldiers and White preps up her weapon, Shining Armed, a big shining gauntlet.
"I've been meaning to tell you this for the longest time but... your designs are just lacking in style."
"You speak to me of style? Pray tell then what exactly would that primitive weapon on your thin scientist arm say about you?"
"Oh right. I suppose I haven't actually told anyone about this but the truth is..."
Twirl pounds on the soldiers in front of her with great force and has her gauntlet sticking through one of their stomachs.
"I'm actually a bit of a barbarian myself."
>Angel is taken aback by her aggresiveness. Red is surprised since she could never see past a hazy blur to see White's original weapon but as it turns out, she went bare handed and Blue is giddy at the sight of White's brawling. Midway the soldiers form on her but White's hair suddenly gets streaks of red in it and she changes her gauntlet to Sword Mode and a red hardlight sword forms around the gauntlet. Red joins her in fending of the soldier and they go back to back.
>White confesses that she's always dreamt of fighting together with Red like this and hearing that Red realizes her excitement and embarassment - she wasn't sure what kind of face she was making when White said so. They use a combo move to mow down a whole group of them and White continues on switching to Spear Mode and Gun Mode to fight them, her changing colors with them. She also starts with Scythe Mode but remarks that it's hard to use but a verbal desire to see her use it more from Black has her humor her and continues taking on the soldiers.
>White switches back to Base Mode and confronts Angel one on one. Angel tells White that they're kindred souls but White shoots back that the idea of them being anything like that is very unpleasant. Angel says that smugness doesn't suit her and she should show more of that dour sulky self she's shown her but Twirl brings on the bantz and happily and smugly declares she's her cutest when she's smug. Angel is thrown off by the sheer confidence at saying and fires her detransformation beam at White. To her confusion, it doesn't take and White explains she simply mentally brute forced a counterhack on Angel's self-mutating virus and Angel is pissed that a mere human could do that. White goes on how it's love that drives her desire to protect to Angel's chagrin but soon sparks start bursting from White's tailgear.
>Angel figured that the suit had a limit with her incomplete twintails so pulled out the soldiers to wear her down but White has a response waiting for her. White knew that she had a time limit and measured out how long the suit could operate but the reason she went along with Angel's tactics was because she just wanted to go wild after being out of action for so long. She announces that there are 22 seconds left and tells the former scientist to prepare herself, emphasis on former. White binds her up in an aura pillar and Angel starts pleading for life and even offers to save her life and give twintails. White's break release is called Superior Explode which is basically her casting FIST in an explosion of light. Twirl delivers it with a pithy:
"One such as you who's lost sight of how precious their twintails are don't have the right to entrust them to anyone else."
Angel Guildy is finally gone for good.
>Red picks up the elemera orb Angel left behind and it's the twintail elemera intead of the BL one. Red briefly considers crushing it but considers it to be tasteless so leaves it intact. She's reminded of Yuno and hopes that she really is still out there and not dead like Angel claimed. Everyone starts to detransform one by one and both Isuna and Aika run right to White. White detransforms back to being Twirl and they see her hair is back to its usual long let down shape and Twirl tells them she's only got temporary ones as a reward but declares that she'll find a way to fix them properly one day.
"Someday that day will come... I may be have well become an old lady by then but even so, would you still come look at my twintails Souji-sama?"
"Yeah. Of course I will. I'm looking forward to seeing them."
>Aika chides Souji for always letting loose heavy promises like that without realizing the implications he's giving and he tells her he's looking forward to her old age twintails too and that they can show them off to each other then. Aika is severely flusterpleased by the implications. They get to talking and Twirl has something to say, something she'll only ever say to her just this one time:
"Thank you Aika... Getting to be friends with you... it's made me happy".
Aika gets teary at that and her dropping the polite speech and starts to say it's mutual for her but the ship arrives before she can finish. Miharu steps out and gives her official approval at Twirl's hard work with a heartfelt hug. Twirl pulls herself into that hug and nods happily at finally getting that acknowledgement. Seeing that everything's done, Souji tells everyone it's time for them to go home.
Epilogue Two Revolution
>Things are back to normal again and Twirl is up to her night crawling activities with gusto. Aika comes to stop her as usual and complains that she wanted to spend the rest of the day in a heartfelt mood but now she's got to go along with usual shenanigans again. She complains that nothing's changed with Twirl and that she should just be honest and knock it off with the slut act but Twirl declares that's it's only been an act up till now and that she has been reborn for the second time as thusly pronounces herself Neo Twirl ala Dan Kuroto. Miharu is by the door watching them and she remarks in a motherly way that their days like this are back again. Souji remarks to himself that this day may come yet again for them.
What on earth. That's Solar as Tailred?!
That's it for this volume. I've actually got vol 17's mostly written up already(did it before finishing 16's actually) but I'll post that up in a couple of days so there's more people catching it.
I've got an announcement for you guys - is going to die in a few days. Basically I didn't feel like the site was worth renewing the way it was and rebuilt it and moved over to a new domain:
You'll find all the existing content there now with additional usability features for easier reading. RSS is a bit bugged at the moment but I think it should be fine to load it up for now. I've got some work to get to now so please try to keep this thread up enough so the usual fellows manage to catch this.
Also I have to say that though this volume was pretty predictable and straightforward, Twirl has mad bantz and smug in a tailgear. If you thought the summary made her out that way, then know that I'm not doing her justice with the summary. There's a LOT more little details and exchanges that show off why her return to form is especially glorious for toku fans.
Ultimate chain. Final power up mode, for now. I suspect at least more temp power up. This would be the movie form btw.
Thanks as always.
absolute kino
Thanks user
Thanks for the treat. It's always great to have twintails.
I thought Solar was kill
Not quite. She is nearly almost dead to Souji and it's likely less that she's deceased and more that there's a restriction on her staying in the mortal realm or with Souji. She may or may not have a few more seconds of time she can materialize in front of him. I'm guessing since she's also an ultimate twintail it'd be really bad for Earth if she stayed around long enough to infect the world into turning into twintails since that's the implication of how her original civilization died out.
Yuno still dead?
As far I know, yup.
>name a character after a Phoenix
>doesn't reincarnate immediately after death
False advertisement
Keyword is immediately. Also, I suspect time travel shenanigans involving the mom.
>red indentation line where the thighsock was
Thanks, doc. I was starting to worry that you're kill.
By the way, where do you buy Twintail LNs? I've seen them on JP Amazon, but I'm not sure if they ship to Europe. Having all volumes on bookshelf might be a good motivation to learn japanese.
Just buy it through carrier sites.
So which vol do I start after the anime?
Used to import them directly from amazon jp while they allowed it but then I started to use tenso japan for bulk purchases and just piled on the books every couple of months. If you just want to read them online, bookwalker has been reliable because I don't think anyone's ripped a volume in full since vol 10.
Go to the link in and you'll find vol 5 ready and half of vol 6. From there you should probably learn japanese since I'm still busy with life for the foreseeable future. Also, click on the spoilers for vols 2,3 & 4 to see the differences between anime and novel.
I want them on my bookshelf, so i'll look into how this tenso works - thanks.
Thanks Woods. Wish this could have been licensed by some official translator but I guess the current isekai fad and toku references would not put the series high on priority list.
Yes, but on pic rel, not the one you linked.
Only LN. Check Ultimaguil or new page: . There are images for each volume if you look for more fap-material.
What is she doing?
being best girl
As for the other parts, sorry I just took this random image off the internet for this purpose. I'll edit it out later, dont really care cause I found the main text amusing
Trying to find her non-existent breasts.
Solar is the cutest
Wall-ka takes second place.
Hope you're still rocking the Twintails is Hope shirt
Same here, but often they only licence things that already have a fan translation.
Yuno will come back and win the tailbowl
RIP thread, no one care about twintails anymore.
I do.
Twintails are fantastic.
Still waiting for that hype plot twist
>Shit hits the fan
>Souji's mom steps up
>Transforms into Phoenix Guildy to save her son
>"I was here the whole time"
MAKE.... IT...... FUCKING.......HAPPEN......JAPAN
Especially normal twintailed girls.
Not today