Other urls found in this thread:
Chika if you don't shut the fuck up I will smack you!
>redditchika with the reddit meme dance
The Spanish CR subs just left it as chinchin with a TL note. Made more sense than what they did with the English subs IMO.
>faggot user with the faggot meme post
She'll kill you dude
>"I'm a retard that can't argue for shit, so everything I don't like is reddit"
Reddit also likes living, maybe you should fucking kill yourself
She couldn't kill me, she's a weak girl.
Excuse me?
>Reddit also likes living, maybe you should fucking kill yourself
Chika dance proof 4channel hates fun.
wtf i'll kms then....
Chika is a hentai!
You've gone too far this time, croosboarding newfriend.
This manga was translated by Yea Forums itself. It's as organic as can be.
>Reddit also likes living
I'm not so sure about that
>Colonel, you better have a look at this radar.
>What is it, son?
>I don't know, sir, but it looks like a giant--
>Take a look out of starboard.
>Oh my God, it looks like a huge--
>Ooh, Where?
>Wait, that's not a woodpecker, it looks like someone's--
>PRIVATES! We have reports of an unidentified flying object. It has a long, smooth shaft, complete with--
>Two balls!
>What is that. It looks just like an enormous--
>Wang, pay attention!
>I was distracted by that giant flying--
>What's that?
>Well, that looks like a giant--
>Weiner? Any of you kids want another weiner?
>Dad? What's that?
>I don't know, son, but it's got great big--
>Nuts! Hot salty nuts! Who wants some-- Lord Almighty!
>That looks just like my husband's--
>One-eyed monster! Step right up and see the One-Eyed Monster!
>Hey, what's that? It looks like a big--
>Woody! Woody Harrelson? Can I have an autograph?
>Sure thing. Oh my lord.
>It's big!
>Nah, I've seen bigger, it's--
>Just a little prick.
the VA must be a genius