ITT we post the goodest girls
ITT we post the goodest girls
akari a whore
God damn just look at how flat she is.
Looking at her sister it is safe to assume she'll grow into a fine lady, unfortunately.
The goodest girl of the year!
Akari a cute
My daughter, akari akaza, is so cute.
I watched it for like 5 seconds and nothing happened, I don't have more time to spare
I don't get it OP. You posted a blank image.
Truly a good girl.
Akari in a swimsuit is good at getting me erect.
Where is the bikini autist?
What's the artist name again?
>le akari is invisible meme
You think you are funny? That meme is insanely forced and old. It never actually made sense, since she's one of the characters with the most screentime. I actually rewatched the series and took the same. She's the number one character, far ahead of anyone else. So think again if you want to call her "invisible". I know that success breeds jealousy, so that's probably why you want to make the most popular character in the series not exist anymore, because your shitty favorite "waifu" lost against her, but she won't go away. She will be forever the best character in the series, and your shitty character will live in the shadows, like you like in the shadow of your basement. There's nothing more idiotic than some fucking retard trying to pretend that who's clearly the most likable character in the entire series suddenly has no relevance and can be ignored or ommited or force an epic "she has no presence" meme. The only thing invisible are your girlfriend and your job, you utter failure at life. If you ever saw a girl like her, you would build her a shrine and worship her like the goddess she is. Not only you are disrespectful towards all the legit fans of the series, you are also disrespectful towards the creators and animators when you pretend that she's invisible. You can pretend all you want, but she's basically the main character whether you like it or not. She has the most air time when you take into account the quality put into it. There's just no argument to sustain the invisible meme and you are a fucking retard shit tier opinion for forcing it. It's been fucking years already, let it die you pathetic moron.
First day in 4channel?
Akari is good. Good!
The goodest.
Very good.
They post that pasta all the time, newfriend
Akari is a miracle. She's so moe. Why does it hurt so much?
Madoka trying to be seductive is funny because she has zero sex appeal.
Mama on the right
oh the irony
Then why am I hard?
are you kidding me?
you posted it user
Not at all. She's 100% cute and 0% sexy.
I want to make an invisible joke in front of Akari and have her go on an angry tirade at me.
the ideal onee~san
One of the few good girls in the cast.
No complaints here. How can others even compete?
Thank you for posting my daughter for me now if you'll excuse me I have to make sure that awful pink girl isn't here.
She's also the sexiest.
A pure girl like Madoka acting lewd is really sexy.
Way better than akarin
fuck you
Open it again.
The open it again.
THE goodest.
I wish to be the blanket.
I have long maintained that Madoka's cutesy pink exterior is merely a front to drive men wild. She's the kind of candy coated slut that would ask you if you're alright in the sweetest voice she has with your dick in her mouth. She knows why you're sweating.
>She knows why you're sweating.
Whew. Now I'm rock hard.
disgusting dog, rin is better
So sorry user, this is a thread for good girls! Why would you even think of doing naughty things to Madoka right here?
It's not my fault. Those other guys baited me by posting semi-lewd Madokas.
I'd do plenty better than semi-lewd if this weren't a blue board, user. It's really cute how keyed up you sound for just a few pics of Madoka's ass.
Pitou is a good girl
To my defense, it is a really nice ass.
Excuse me? Are you gay?
Maika is a good girl who pretends to be a bad girl.
Correct! Are you me?
She is cute, she can be sexy as well