Why do teenbros prefer subbed over dubbed?

Why do teenbros prefer subbed over dubbed?

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I just always watched sub cause my friend who got me into anime told me that was ‘the only way’

Back in 2007 when I started watching, new shows only got subs. I got used to that, and never bothered with dubs which I now despise. Anyway, availability was probably a big factor since the beginning. I do recall that someone was fan-dubbing Clannad way back in the day though.

I got into subs when there were no more good dubs available for downloading.

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Can't stand american voices

I hate American acting and especially voice acting so god damn much, after watching anime I even started playing games in Japanese dubs even if the games were originally made for English

>I even started playing games in Japanese dubs even if the games were originally made for English

That’s just fucking retarded, kys weeb

I play or watch in the original language all the time. If its made by a Japanese I'll make it Japanese. If its made by an English person I'll play it in English. Context matters though, so on occasion if a Japanese guy makes a heavy Western thing I'll put it on dub.

That is actually creepy and pathetic

I use subtitles anyways with english shows because I have trash brain and have trouble picking up words. I have an easier time reading than listening.

I actually don’t mind dubs, I’m no sub supremacist. Sometimes a dub will be awful and sometimes it can be just right.

However since I decided to start learning the language full time everything I watch has to be in subs, even if there’s a great dub.

Stfu mutts

In dub versions sometimes they dont really sound like there putting any effort sounds weird

Based best Emma poster.

I'm fluent in Japanese

>underpaid nip VAs that sound like they're giving it their all
>overpaid American/Canadian VAs that sound like they're phoning it in

I think I have seen before that the nip VAs perform scenes in one room together, I don't think this happens in dubs since it often feels like no one knows what is going on in the scene.

Fuck off Yea Forums

spotted the teenshit

great taste, I do the same

Kill yourself, redditor.

spotted the crossboarder.

Why is this Yea Forums-tier garbage thread allowed?

stop using reddit lingo and look at where you are faggot

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teen baby gonna cwy?

Because the voice acting is always trash, but in subs I can just ignore it.

epik reply Yea Forums. go back to your containment board.

>Yea Forumsermin
>calling anybody teen
Go back to mommy and get your tendies, preteen.

>that last underlined section

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>Sister to 2chan
No wonder this place became shit.

because playing WoW trained me to hate Laura Bailey's voice so now I can't watch any dub made by Funimation

Ive only watched attack on Titan so far which is dubbed. I don't understand how people can deal with the weird voices and fuck reading lol.

fuck off retard

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I always watch anime and j-dramas on subs. Over the years I've managed understand most spoken Japanese and am now only relying on the subs just to double check whether I got it right or not.

Video games are however, entirely a different matter. If it's something like Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, I'll play it on dub. If I'm playing Disgaea, Atelier or Legend of Heroes series, I'll play it on the original audio.

Good taste user, don’t let shitty burgers tell you otherwise.