have you cried at an anime harder than you have at your grandmother's funeral?
Have you cried at an anime harder than you have at your grandmother's funeral?
Neither of my grandmothers are dead and I'm pretty sure they're going to get into heaven, god willing.
unironically yes
but only because the grandmother I actually like is still alive
Why the fuck do you take cartoons so seriously?
I've never cried over anime and I didn't cry at my grandmothers funeral, so no.
my grandmothers died before i could know them
but i cried pretty damn hard when caesar zeppeli died
I have cried neither because of anime nor my grandmother’s funeral.
She had like 30 grandchildren and didn't give a shit about me and my brother. She also had Alzheimer's for 10+ years. Didn't even go to her funeral. That said I cried at Chrono Crusade's ending
Yes. I didn't care at all when I found out my grandmother was dead. The only time I ever met the woman she threw a bunch of icecubes in my moms face.
What a cunt.
my grandma is still alive bro, dunno if i'll ever cry at any anime at all, pic related might change that.
Yes. I don't recall ever meeting her before she died. And the other one is still alive, but I'm not close to her.
>having living grandparents
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
I wasn't invited to her funeral.
>having living grandparents
My gran is 89 and the only extended relative I care for. I don't want her to die bros ;(
Yep, when my husbando died. And then when my second husbando died, and the third and fourth one too. Thank God most of them turned out to be alive later, but grandma is still ded.
I have no positive feelings for my extended family, so I couldn't care less. I would attend the funeral for my mother's sake, but that's it.
The only grandmother I knew growing up spoke a language which I didn't understand and she had anger management issues. I don't think she knew who I was either since she had 10 children and as a result, dozens of other grandchildren. So, no.
I think the world would be a better place if everyone who ever cried over a fucking anime fell over dead tomorrow.
I was with her when she died, I called the ambulance while the rest of my family was panicking and I never cried about it... that said I get teary eyes very easily with any cheap emotional scene, the last time was when they saved the little brother from dying in sarazanmai
I've not shed a single tear for people who are still alive.
Or at my chinese cartoons, but they do make me feel.
Plenty, actually. Grandma rode a half-decade decent into delirium culminating in over a year in hospice, so we had ample time to come to terms.
honestly dont know whats up with these faggots getting emotional from fictional characters
simply because we don't have shit happening in our lives so these feel real to us. i have this unlucky friend who seems to never be able to escape bullshit and even lost some relatives and friends. when we talk about emotional shit we watched he seems way less affected while i feel depressed for a full week upon finishing it
both of mine are still alive...they could die any day now tho. being 90+ seems to suck ass
>gandmother's funeral
haven't had one of those yet
>cried at an anime
I used to get sloppy drunk and watch anime alone. Since I won't be smashed at grandmas funeral I think it's safe to say I'll be able to hold it together better than when I was trying to cry at anime (cringe)
Immature or emotional people will cry like the underage of ,for example,when i was a teenager and Angel Beats aired,the ending got the best of me because i couldn't bear the fact that Yuzuru was left alone in that world,i got over the fact years later when i saw the post-credit scene ,a mature person will take inspiration from it to do or create things from it or just simply accept it and move on with it's life.
I believe there are a few factors on this case:
Relatabiliy,empathy,beliefs and ideals.
yes, but mostly because neither of my grandmothers have died yet but I have teared up over anime
>grandma is in another country
>mom visits her
>grandma gets a heart attack, gets hospitalised and eventually dies in my mom's hands
>when i heard the news i felt nothing but imagining the scene of my mother having to deal with one of her parents death and me having to face the same one day depressed me to no end
When I watched Madoka I had to go to the bathroom inbetween episodes to cry like a child, I cried so much that at one point all that came out were coughs
My grandmothers died 20+ years ago. I cried more to CLANNAD + AS more than either of their deaths.
My grandma's alive but my aunt recently passed away and I would stop watching anime forever if it meant having her back.
When my aunt died and I saw my grandparents cry, I cried a bit while trying my best not to. And felt like shit for a lot of time. My little brother cried too which made me feel even more shit, and I can't be sad because he will feel worse.
I may have cried more to anime but real life will make you feel like literal dogshit while not letting you show your feelings
Myy grand-grandmothetr dead hit me really hard I still miss her
She gave me money every 2 weeks, even when she was in her last, she didn't forget a single time , even when her memory was failing
Normies leave
One grandma hated me.
The other grandma eh, thought I was okay.
I cried at neither of them.
I did choke up at GakkouGurashi (School-Live)
Damn that was really tragic.
Never cried at an anime though.
OP is just so pathetic
Senko-san made me cry because it made me remember my grandma.
Also Rei and Toki's deaths in HnK.
I love my wife Nanachi!
I was too young to be invited to either of my grandmothers' funerals.
My great grandparents are both still alive at 96
I haven't actually cried in close to 10 years and the last time I did was to an anime
My grandmother is a sociopathic cunt that i'm forced to take care of. The sooner she dies the better.
>Still believing in made up hodgepodge
I don’t cry much or at all at anime really, so hard to say. However I was slightly not friendly with my grandmother at the time of her death, so my feelings weren’t as strong then.
Yes. I feel almost no emotion for people in real life, however for some reason Japanese cartoons do and can make me sad.
Meanwhile, I'm a fucking faggot whose tear-canals open up reflexively when i whistle high notes.
Please tell me how the body came to be without intelligent design
ending already hint her survival, i felt nothing desu
Do people really cry over anime?
>both grandparents from my dad’s side died before I was born
>the only one I was alive for was my mom’s dad
>having to console your mom when her parent dies
It’s something honestly. I haven’t quite felt anything like it since, it was almost surreal in a way
The only thing that ever comes close is animal deaths in shows and shit
I've never been to a funeral. No one in my family or the closest extended family has died.
I was informed tonight that she is in critical condition. So we might find out very soon.
humans are barely intelligent.
just look at this thread
>intelligent design
>hurr humans are barely intelligent
>what is reading comprehension
Clearly user, thanks for proving your point
I didn't cry at my grandma's funeral, I spent most of my time crying during the events that led to it, but not the actual funeral.
Tame shit
Only times I remember crying is out of happiness, when something really hype happens.
Both my grandmothers are still alive, checkmate.
Do you literally not know how children are made?
Some of us have emotions you creepy sociopaths
I cried when Matsuki Miyu died, but didn't at you great-grandparents' funerals.
Crying at anime usually gets me hard, not as much as gramgram's funeral did though, so no.
When I was younger, no.
Now I hate my family so yes, I care more about fictional characters and I did cry for some of them. I didn't cry for my grandmother and I won't cry if any other relative decides to die.
Your lie in april, that’s about it