Is he really a hack?
Is he really a hack?
Urobuchi is FAR better.
Fate Zero
Psycho Pass
Black Lagoon
how can the autist even compete
why is anno being compared to urobuchi
more like
Psycho Pass
Thunderbolt Fantasy
Godzilla (but it's actually good)
>10 mediocre shows
>The greatest anime ever made
Madoka actually surpassed Evangelion but okay.
>not listing his magnum opus
No. If he was Yea Forums wouldn't bother talking about him.
>worse than Nanoha
>not even half as good as Tutu\
>surpassing Evangelion
Didnt anno make the live action Godzilla?
I'd give up those six for eva anyday.
Madoka is the greatest story ever told.
That’s because you stopped watching anime in 1996. You’re not even an anime fan anymore.
t. Back in my day
Forgot about this. I need to give it a watch sometime
You young piles of shit wouldn't know a anime if it hit you in the dick.
I’ve seen Eva before. I promise you, user. It’s not all that. You’re being influenced by a heavy case of the nostalgia goggles.
>babby watched eva once
I own the entire series on dvd, as well as all the movies, EoE and rebuilds. I've watched EoE alone probably 20 times.
I've also seen all those other shows. They aren't bad, but Eva is worth their lot alone.
Eva is shitty though. It’s for pseuds
>fucks up Godzilla anime
>saves Godzilla franchise
My first time watching it was as a kid on AS and I watched it two years ago again. I promise you user. Eva isn’t anything special. The memes about Madoka being better than Eva aren’t memes either. Try watching it if you ever get the chance.
When I was watching that fucking Netflix movie, I wanted to strangle the hack who wrote the pretentious piece of shit. Discovering it was Urobuchi was honestly shocking. I still want to strangle him.
Reminder that none of the Eva fans in this thread watched either Godzilla made by Urobuchi or Anno.
mah niggah
How could they? Most Eva fans stopped watching anime altogether.
That’s probably why a lot of them still haven’t realized Madoka did it better.
AS never had Eva ya fuggin froot
t. Fake Eva fan
Adult Swim 100% had Eva you mental case. I LITERALLY watched it as a kid. Do your research.
Why though? It subverts mahou shoujo and has girls being sad. It's greatest achievements are visual and not narrative tbqh
Reminds me of this, is it related?
What part of greatest story ever told do you not understand?
they never aired the full series, look it up. they aired a few episodes for giant robot week in like 05 and showed 1.0 and 2.0 in 2014. your wrong fuck off
No dumbass. I factually watched the damn series as a child on Adult Swim. All of it. ALL OF IT. I know you probably just recently got into this series and are pretending you know what you’re talking about but me and millions of other watched the series for the first time on Adult Swim. It was the last anime to play before it went back to normal cartoons.
Wherever you’re getting this information is wrong.
evangelion never got finished. it got cancelled in 2012 after 14 episodes so FUCK OFF!
why was this so bad
because your too young
user. Watching anime on AS was one of the few things I ever looked forward to. Your information is wrong. They aired Evangelion on AS and that’s not a maybe. That a 100% fact. I’d never forget any anime I ever watched as a kid on that channel.*
>34 posts, 16 posters
>Madoka drones are 80% of the thread
>It subverts mahou shoujo and has girls being sad
>It's greatest achievements are visual and not narrative tbqh
No it fucking didn't, "dark mahou shoujo" has been an integral part of the genre since Ikuhara. It wasn't even SHAFT's first foray into the genre either, and Madoka's visuals are conservative compared to literally anything Shinbo directed in the early 2000s to mid 2000s.
dude it got replaced by avatar the last airbender. now GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP YOU CHILD
>comparing scriptwriter and director
>anno only made eva
Yeah, sorry pal, you gonna need to lurk more before you post..
After watching the rebuild i’m not sure anymore if he knows what he’s doing.
No it aired all the way. I remember watching the last episode. I’m not saying it’s a good anime because watching it again now it wasn’t nearly as good as I remember. It’s actually kind of bad until the last three episodes. Either way though you’re wrong. Eva did air on Adult Swim all the way from beginning to end.
did i hurt your feelings? I'm feeling a sense of distance between us.
>No it fucking didn't, "dark mahou shoujo" has been an integral part of the genre since Ikuhara. It wasn't even SHAFT's first foray into the genre either, and Madoka's visuals are conservative compared to literally anything Shinbo directed in the early 2000s to mid 2000s.
Hmm. I'll have to watch more old mahou shoujo then. I don't know why I didn't hear this brought up before when everyone was praising Madoka for taking the genre in new places.
No, I actually don’t think Eva is a very good anime. I’m just telling you you’re wrong and you have no clue what you’re talking about.
If eva is better than madoka why is madoka the most lauded anime of all time?
Madoka did take the genra to new places and does have shock value but so does every other anime. Madoka wasn’t universally praised in the industry for being a “deconstruction of magical girl anime” user. It’s praised because it’s legitimately the greatest story ever told. Hell episode ten is the youngest episode of anime on the god list in japan. A feat no other magical girl anime has ever achieved. Madoka isn’t the best magical girl anime. It’s probably the best all around anime series ever.
i would totally agree with people saying that madoka modernized the genre being that it was a very early entry in the decade and very much reflects common styles of the decade but to say that it is first to do certain things is the issue. some people would say madoka is overpraised but I would say it's more inaccurately praised because as far as modernizing the genre for this decade, it certainly is one of if not the most noteworthy, but people claiming it's the OG dark mahou shoujo couldn't be more wrong.
The thing is you don’t even have to be a magical girl anime fan to appreciate Madoka. That’s like saying you won’t appreciate Eva if you don’t like Mech anime. They have almost nothing to do with each other. The story alone is what shoots Madoka to the top. It’s always been about the story. The characters could be boys, animals, robots or anything and the story would still be THAT good. You shouldn’t look at Madoka and see “magical girl” and think I will or won’t watch the series because of that because the moe character design and magical girl element are absolutely nothing compared to the story.
Hey kiddo listen...... what you did back there, well, I know were all a little fucking stupid sometimes but suffice to say you were really fucking retarded. Now come on and just admit your wrong and we can go throw the ol' baseball around. whattaya say champ.
>most lauded anime of all time
[citation needed]
mothafucka you racist cuz nun dem shows got the black folks.
I say you’re an idiot who realized you were wrong after doing some very basic research and now you’re acting retarded and pretending like you were joking the entire time to make me mad. The funny thing is even though you’ve made a complete ass out of yourself I’m not even mad. I’m just happy knowing that you’ve looked it up and now you know you’re wrong on the inside.
>it’s about the story
>hurrr no blacks
I literally just explained it’s about the story more so than anything.
being that subversion is the big hot word this decade wouldn't that mean that subversion is now the norm and the most subversive thing to do would be the least subversive? Quick, back to the Showa era!
Never watched Madoka, but I'm going to after rewatching some other shows.
Eva IS a great anime and a classic at that. It was a narrative about human interaction, but also set the bar for many future psych horror shows.
Honestly Anno's vision of Eva is completely different from how most one time watchers perceive it, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think what makes it such an amazing show is how versatile it is and can be applied to each watcher and how they see life, a prime example of just interpreting art.
The core theme of Eva isn't that deep, it's the connection that viewers have with it and how they understand it, (which plays into the show's theme,) that makes it deep.
>wrong on the inside
(Man who wrote angry paragraphs about asian children's show)
It’s rated for teens dork but nice try.
shit your mom let's you watch the teen cartoons. Look who's growing up fast big boy!
God damn, you’re really mad you were wrong aren’t you? Just let it go.
witches=black people cuz madooka a white bitch
black eva units= the only evil ones
explain that crackah
Kare Kano exists, so not really
You haven’t watched Madoka.
if i'm wrong prove it.
I did.
jon urabatchy iz in the fucking klan niggah. thats right the fucking kkk. yknow why theys call him the urobuther cuz he butcher black folks.
That’s true.
when exactly
He is a genius and GOAT director, he just also happens to be not right in his head which stopped his output.
>we will never get Anno's Nausicaa sequel
Honestly I know you’re in a bad place right now but you should give Madoka a chance. I guarantee you won’t be dissatisfied. Since you’re just posting nonsense because you’re bored you should go watch the first three episodes.*
kare kano is so fucking shit after episode 18
why did they have to do it
He wrote one noteworthy series.
Fine. I’ll give it a shot.
try that shit andd give me sickel cell like you goddam honkey ass ancestors Lord you asjian cartoon watchin motherfuckers some racist ass niggahs
No. He was at his best when he wasn't right in the head. Now he has a wife, and is raking in cash. He's too normal now.
I’m not impressed.
hey, you can't tell a black woman what to do. what is this 1823. fuckin turkey
>Kare Kano
You do realize nobody cares about race right? This is 2019 so stop being paranoid. Racism is a thing of the past so just discuss anime here.
i'm black and proud I aint bout to be impressin noone. cummin from crakr that think he a japaneez.
You’re not black and you’re not proud. You’re just some guy who is mad that you were wrong about Eva saying it didn’t sit on AS and now you’re acting dumb to change the subject until you get banned.
>nobody cares about race
I wish i could watch as much anime as you probably do.
Lists the airdates on adultswim. It was the whole series. Now go end yourself like a good autistic.
No.. user. LITERALLY nobody cares about race. Racism isn’t a thing anymore in 2019 old man. Get out more and if you’re choosing to spend time here discuss anime like a normal person instead of talking about your days when people were racist.
How old are you? 70-80?
can I borrow your extra chromosome cuz obviously if you still think your right then your fucking retarded. go look it up, screenshot it, and fucking prove to yourself how right i am and how wrong you are.
I’m telling you. These Eva fans literally stopped watching anime and communicating with the world in 96. They still think people are walking around with whips and revolvers fighting the civil war.
old enough to remember when beer in america was much worse. honestly theres some really good shit out their I highly suggest revival's vanilla porter. If you like a more full bodied ale than this will give you that full flavor but with something more refreshing like a lager would be.
You need more than a chromosome. You need to get out of your house. Slavery and race isn’t a thing in 2019 and nobody cares about boring politics like that anymore. It’s a thing of the past and if you’re using race as escapism you’re literally worse off than a typical anime fan. Right now you might as well be complaining about math because that’s how interesting you sound. Just talk about anime like the rest of us.
Civil War is over? shit! who won?
You really are old aren’t you? Who the hell drinks beer anymore? As far as I can tell it’s just mix drinks these days. Even in anime.
We’ll just add that to the list of things you don’t know or understand paranoia kun.
Only ZUN wannabees and teenagers trying to prove something drink beer nowadays grandpa
deadass how fucking old are you jesus
>As far as I can tell it’s just mix drinks these days. Even in anime.
This, I was literally typing that out lmao
>Just talk about anime like the rest of us
you fuck heads can't even fix your own parasitic industry because your more interested in best gril. It's best you leave race politics to the adults because if you think that say the race politics behind Israel vs. Syria isnt an issue that greatly affects the western world than you are probably better off with your cartoons and your lolipops.
t. Hasn’t watched Madoka
Holy shit I love this thread it"s like autistick old Yea Forums and how we used to argue about shit in the most immature ways before "u mad?" bullshit.
>fix your own parasitic industry
There it is, we found the boomer
We could go on about how toxic your generation was to screw future ones over, but I'd rather talk about how Suzuhara is best bro material
Actually craft beer in japan is on the rise and is fairly reminiscent of early 90s US scene. The beer license issue in japan and the price difference between biru vs. hopposhu are definitely an issue. No shit though shochu is better than beer so I could second that opinion.
>Save Godzilla
I'm about to start a /m/ fight here
I watched madoka about a year or so after it ended. At the time I was kind of burnt on action-ish shows.
The problem is none of that matters because what’s trending in the U.S and Toyko is literally all that matters to the rest of the word. You can enjoy your boomer .00002% pisswater all you want but the rest of the normal people drink hard liquor and mix drinks like civilized humans.
Hard agree on Suzuhara and I'm not quite a boomer yet. Thank you for the preventative screening though.
The problem is none of that matters because what’s trending in the U.S. and Tokyo is literally all that matters to the rest of the word. You can enjoy your boomer .00002% pisswater all you want but the rest of the normal people drink hard liquor and mix drinks like civilized humans.*
dude I drink shochu far more often than I drink beer. And I do actually agree with the pisswater statement, all yellow beer suck I am exclusively a stout guy.
>I don't know why I didn't hear this brought up before when everyone was praising Madoka for taking the genre in new places.
It's because the giant success of Madoka led to a wave of likewise original mahou shoujo anime being made. Its influence was in wildly increasing the number of new, short-form magical girl anime as opposed to the few long-running franchises shows that had been (and still are) dominating before then.
user. You’re out here complaining about racism on an anime image board thinking Hitler is about to invade your chicken farm. I’d bet my life savings you’re not a day younger than 70 and I’m not joking in any way, shape or form.
Didn’t Madoka surpass Eva before it even finished airing according to people in the industry?
honestly the racism stuff early was just me joking but I absolutely mean what I said about the Israel problem. My fucking taxpayer dollars are going towards that shit. Other than that, racism in America really isn't an issue at all..
you're the only one who fucking gets it.
He created one series that became a world wide sensation and then stopped caring. He doesn't have the spite of his mentor Miyazaki, that drove Miyazaki to continue to make film after film. He's paralyzed by his own inadequacies and can't seem to break free from his own "curse of evangelion"
Like, even Godzilla Sin ended up being Godzilla Evangelion. He's a hack who made a hit and it damaged his ability to create art so bad he never recovered. He can't even make art anymore, just product.
So now that we’re serious will you ACTUALLY go watch Madoka now? It’s legitimately only 12 episodes.
dude i have seen it and although a lot of people would disagree with me, I think rebellion was one of the best anime films of this century.
I highly doubt you’ve seen it but whatever. If you ever actually do decide to watch it I guarantee it will completely change your perspective on anime as a whole. It’s probably (and this may seem strong) the best work of fiction ever written. The story is essentially Faust but written and directed in a way that makes it fun and intense as well as filled to the brim with lore, Inu Curry art and a masterful soundtrack. It’s so good.
he suffers from boomer syndrome
I've seen it man. My favorite scene was in "Rebellion" when homura was drinking beer after work and Madoka walked by and when she bent down to pick something up Homura said whilst looking her up and down all suggestive and such"Madoka-chan....... every day you just look more and more like your mother did at your age. Y'know she was a fine woman mmmhmmm. Madoka why don't you bring that ass over here and show your uncle a good time" Madoka turns in disgust with tears in her eyes and says "Uncle-Homura chan how could you say something like that about my mom... your sister no less" Homura gets up and clenches her fist and says "and with that little whore dead how else am I supposed to get what I need" - Griffith Casca scene ensues.
You’re a sad man.
There’s already funny fan-fiction stories about Madoka without your no humor politics jokes trying to force their way in.
The only sensible post in this nightmare thread
Shit image tho
I mean it was either that scene or the scene where sayaka was having the darndest time setting up that prepaid phone after the other girls at the elderly center were busting her chops for not getting with the times. that scene was a riot I tell ya.
dude I know a lot of folks didn't dig Rebellion but it wasn't so bad as to call it fan fiction. I mean it wasn't Alien vs. Predator bad.
Rebellion was good and it’s unironically very hard to understand. That’s why less than half the fan base actually gets the show while everybody and their god understands Eva these days.
carole and tuesday is a suck. modurn watanabe es no guud
Sayaka is the worst character. We already know this.
god is dog backwards^
do you also agree that the rape scene was necessary, cause as dark as it was I thought that scene had the strongest directing.
You mean when Mami fucked Homura up with her ribbons and Homura fans said it’s because she was holding back?
you hate her cuz she blak
no the part when shinji and gendo gangbanged everyone after the cake song.
She’s a lady.
Ummmmm... that didn’t happen,
Is it just me or is that Kyoko Sakura one hot piece of ass?
based mami proving best girl status yet again
Maybe, but his Evangelicals surely are. Don't do religion, kids.
She’s got the best outfit.
you must have watched it on the disney
I ACTUALLY watched it. You didn’t.
Stop bumping your own thread. Anno sucks and Eva is outdated.
I didn't start this thread but I guess this shits mine now unless OP wants to take custody.
Enjoy your thread. I’m going to watch some anime. Also watch Madoka.
>inb4 I already did
You didn’t
Fine. I’ll watch it.
now I got nobody to fuck with. to future generations, if you see this thread please know that Kare Kano never got bad, It's just zoomers being fucking retarded that would tell you otherwise. and also Evangelion never aired on adult swim and that other guy was a total Loozer who gets no ass.
Kare Kano was never good in the first place and Eva is a boomer anime.
theres something ya probably don't know about me user, I smoke rocks niggboi
The only thing I learned from this thread is that there’s crazy people who think racism is still a thing and that Madoka is possibly the greatest anime in the world.
I know you do. You think Kare Kano is good.
honestly it kills me that we live in a world with a bunch of young folks going around touting a shit show like Love is War while a directorial masterpiece like Kare Kano gets shafted as mediocre.
Nobody actually thinks that. He’s just being annoying.
You be quiet.
Kare Kano Is essentially FMA without alchemy from what I’ve read.
The alchemy is the best part though.
even if you don't like Kare Kano you can't disagree that Love is War is another shit show by a shit studio. Fuck A1 and fuck Love is War. please agree so I know there is still hope for the world.
I won’t.
I'll take the work of the depressed autist, but at this point it's pulling hairs, Madoka is up there with Eva and Lain in my book.
Dude wasn't that shit censored and dubbed? Not exactly the same as airing a show, but you're the faggot so I'll let you decide. Question, would you like Madoka if it was censored and dubbed?
Welcome to the future grandpa. This is A1 now.
We’re long past the days you’re going on about.
Fucking how?
Lol. If it wasn't for that mobile game, Madoka would be whatdoka?
and YOU get a gold star. gud jab
FMA is literally for children tho, any adult should laugh at the shonen levels of shitty quality. It's okay tho user, we get that you're a little pussy bitch
Shelter fucking blows kid. Shit tier zoomer music with shit tier studio marketing to americans. Go watch some Belladonna of Sadness and call me in the morning child.
>FMA is literally for children tho
Exactly. That’s why it was compared with Kare Kano. (Insert smug anime girl)
The first half is at elast on par with Anno's other work
Shelter was more popular so it’s better.
That movie is trash just for the awful cinematography alone.
>he thinks anybody cares about FMA and that badmouthing it will hurt feelings
I think you’re the one being played here my man. People stopped caring midway through brotherhood.
honestly Maison Ikkoku has more in common with Kare Kano than FMA as far as how characters are handled.
That’s true.
They are the same. It is the same.
Kare Kano, however botched, is not in the same league as shitty and overrated FMA, I am literally embarrassed that myanimelist overrates that shit. It is a show for adolescent children and nothing more, with no meaning, or thought, or purpose other than extracting money. Anyone who hold FMA or FMA:B up as some sort of Citizen Kane of anime doesn't understand the medium and never will
whip out some wine and BoS and I assure you you'll change your mind.
>Toonami (Giant Robot Week)
>Broadcast Run: February 24-25, 2003
wow well there's the exact date I first saw anything related to eva. wasn't until a few years later I was able to watch the whole show via the web
what a trip down memory lane
he self inserted himself into not just eva but also a bit with Ultraman.
It is a show for adolescent children and nothing more, with no meaning, or thought, or purpose other than extracting money. Anyone who hold FMA or FMA:B up as some sort of Citizen Kane of anime doesn't understand the medium and never will
You just explained Kare Kano. They’re literally the same show except Kare Kano doesn’t have alchemy.
I agree but also I think FMAB is a pretty solid shonen but honestly for the taste of the west I'm surprised Cowboy Bebop isnt #1 on MAL
True but that’s not the point.
I’m a Madoka fan!
We all are. You’re not special now shut it.
Go watch Shiki Jitsu and tell me anything Anno made was pedestrian.
The anime world should be lucky that someone like Anno even showed up to grace it's presence.
Shut the fuck up when grown folks is talkin
Madoka is dope, just maybe not Eva level dope
Right on. Also why does nobody talk about how good anno was in the wind rises
I can’t watch it. It’s legitimately too old and the animation and character design would ACTUALLY give me aids.
t. Pissed Eva fanboy with nothing to lose
I jus kid nigg Madoka's some kino shit 10/10 y'know
You didn’t even watch it.
Exactly, ppl arguing against Eva hve to realize that there really isn;t anything else. ( don't even dare bring Kara no Kyokai into this as that is a series of movies and thus not a tv show).
not an animation
It’s the only decent series Anno has written and even still the first 23 of 26 episodes are inuyasha tier bullshit with small sprinkles of good animation and story mixed in.
Then I definitely can’t watch it. The heck are you trying to tell people to watch here.
We have everything to lose, we have to defend the true savoir of anime against heathens such as yourself, who came late and disrespect eh art without understanding anything of intellectual substance. Tell me, what is your favorite anime?
please not in front of the kids! you slut
Once you rewatch it and know all the plot twists and "shocking moments" that are coming up they show loses a lot of its luster. It definitely relies on its plot twists more so than having interesting ideas or compelling characters. Its still a very good show, but it lacks rewatch value in the way genuinely classic anime does, which usually just increases in efficacy the more you watch it and unravel its layers.
Deep down you know what my favorite anime is already.
this post made me lactate. Anno would be proud.
It’s legitimately the greatest story ever told and the “shock value” comes with any anime. The reason Madoka is the greatest anime on earth is the story. Try watching it some day.
A movie directed by Hideaki Anno the creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion. You wouldn't like it anyways user, so do yourself a favor and disregard.
No one is arguing agisnt the merits of Madoka, they are arguing whether it should be held up as the greatest
Eh, I agree with you.
I watched a animation cald the rayzing sheeld heero and it was better than the robot one becuz it make me think too much i cnat do and sheeld heero is reallly cool and beats up all the bad guys.
You do realize Madoka probably has the highest rewatch value of any series ever right? Especially with the episode ten thing giving a completely different perspective on the entire series from the ground up.
No please inform, I wouldlike any anons input
Nobody here thinks it should be held up with the greatest. It’s truly the greatest story ever told. What part of that statement do people not understand?
what do you rewatch, slow boring scenes of girls talking?
t. Hasn’t watched Madoka
But Akira (movie) is considered one of the biggest letdowns in anime history though?
oh shit zoomer incoming. They hide their tracks with 80s anime. Their evolving.
have, very good, just don't agree that it's infinitely rewatchable. Once you've seen the same 12 episodes and movie it isn't that interesting, tho still very good. I would say it is up ther with Lain, Eva, and others but not top
Both Madoka and Eva are pleb level shit.
It also has better world building than 300-800 episode anime series in a 12 episode series. The funny thing is people here probably think I’m joking.
Akira in a vacuum is great but when compared to it's source material it's not even halfway there.
Now this is someone who I want to hear from
You haven’t. If you actually watched Madoka you’d have no problem admitting it basically curbstomps Eva unless you’re part of the fan base who didn’t understand the series.
Somebody with an opinion like that isn’t someone. They’re nobody. If you’re not a Madoka or Eva fan you’re pretty much just not an anime fan.
True, but you can anser the original question
That’s true.
Hello, ESL-kun
I miss when anime was less popular. All these new youngins fucking blow. Eva slays any modern show (But I have a sweet spot for Madoka anyways)
Define curbstomp. considering one is twenty years older and much more relevant than the other. Also, Madoka can be good, even great, but not be as good as landmark series which came before it.
To answer your question no. I’m not a fan of Azumanga Daioh. It’s probably the most overrated anime in the world.
sarcasm is hard for some . . .
Probably because Madoka is better than Eva by ummm... the length of the universe.
lmao, great non sequitur
I won't lie that Madoka is certainly more instantly gratifying.
>the first zombie movie ever made is better than all the current action filled modern zombie movies
Now I know what kind of person you are.
Stop giving Asuka a bad name!
true statement, but all these youngins won't get it until it's too late
I thought it was a prequel about Kushana's rise that Miyazaki refused him permission for.
Keep repeating it and maybe you'll believe it one day.
I'm leaving Yea Forums forever, I'm just too old for this shit. it's time for this boomer to go on another adventure.
I think that anyone who understands art and any form of art as a medium can understand lineages and the importance of great works which precede other great works. But, if you cannot understand influence as a modifier of great art than zombie movies might be the correct form of entertainment for you!
It’s true. The original Night of the Living Dead sucks donkey dick.
They mean literally nothing. A series is either good or it isn’t on its own accord and being the first, middle or last has absolutely no effect on how the series plays out or the events that happen within.
all of that shit sucks donkey dick, unless you're mentally impaired, is that what Madoka is, garbage for mentally impaired people who ignore past pieces of garbage?
Shin Godzilla > Butcher Godzilla
>that what
Somebody is angry.
Madoka > every anime ever made
That’s something I think we can all at least agree on
but without an original a copycat can never exist, and Madoka took the idea of subverting a genre not only from Eva but alos from Revolutionary Girl Utena? So it is woefully behind many other series. You should be arguign that Utena or, lmao, Princess Tutu is as good as Eva. Let me guessed, you're not so versed in anime.
You can’t leave! Then Eva will only have 4 fans total spamming threads instead of 3! Please stay!
but without an original a copycat can never exist, and Eva took the idea of subverting a genre not only from Sailor Moon but alos from Revolutionary Girl Utena? So it is woefully behind many other series. You should be arguign that Utena or, lmao, Princess Tutu is as good as Madoka. Let me guessed, you're not so versed in anime.
Scum. I've been an anime fan since before Eva was even a thing. It's a pale imitation of several of the series is blatantly rips off and the only people who don't realize it are dumbasses unfamiliar with anime, manga and sci-fi who either too young to be familiar with the media Anno grew up on or too pleb to have ventured beyond Toonami level titles.
>tfw Anno actually says in an interview Sailor Moon was a major inspiration for Eva
It was notably less interesting on my rewatch because when you look at the plot from a God eyes view it loses alot of its intrigue. Episode 10 is a great example - it stunning the first time around, but its only value is recontextualizing everything that happened up that point in a way you weren't expecting. When you go back and rewatch the show you already have that new context from the beginning, so episode 10 is hollow and ineffective when it comes up again, since you already had extracted all it had to offer. Eva actually has much of the same issue, it relies on twists about the foundation of the world too much, but Eva is stronger because you get way more moments were you will check the rewatch and notice things like subtle body language in characters that foreshadows later events. Things like Misato subtly grasping her cross at mention of second impact before we have it revealed that she was there later, for example. In Madoka you don't have much of that in comparison, though there is a bit there, mainly you just go in to your re-watch knowing all the twists, and the show is so short and tightly paced and full of these twists that once you have that basic story architecture down and the basic ideals and personality tropes that each character plays in the plot there isn't much more to pull out of it. Definitely by the 3rd watching it is completely exhausted. Eva is better because by being 26 episodes, having a MOTW formula as its foundation, with SOL elements tossed in as well, gives us more down time with characters so they can actually develop, be humanized in instances not directly related to the main plot, and thus feel more like real people who you just want to see irrespective of whether or not you know what will happen with them. Madoka is stunted by being too oriented around its plot.
>implying Eva and Utena invented the concept of "subverting" a genre
>implying Madoka was the first dark magical girl anime or manga
>implying you're versed in anime
Okay okay..,
Sailor Moon
Are we happy?
Unironically tldr. Try ACTUALLY watching Madoka instead of copy pasting YouTube reviews.
He's one of the only good directors in anime, but he should stop involving himself in anime because it's a shit medium and make more live action art films instead.
Seems about right.
>Eva is stronger because you get way more moments were you will check the rewatch and notice things like subtle body language in characters that foreshadows later events.
You mean like things that happen in just about every scene in Madoka? Did you just read the Madoka wiki and think that would work? There’s songs in Madoka that foreshadow bigger events than anything you mentioned Eva does let alone character interaction. You’re either brain dead or you didn’t watch Madoka. Also the world building in Madoka destroys the word building in Eva and the meme about Eva characters being deep started from a guy who said in on YouTube back in the day and Eva fans repeated it until they believed it as fact.
The characters in Eva are very simple. They blurt everything they’re feeling audibly out load to the audience making it very clear and essentially holding your hand as the viewer. One of me biggest pet peeves about Eva is the meme that the characters are 2deep4u when they’re actually relatively simple characters.
I think Monogatari is better than Eva.
/but not as good as Madoka (before anybody has a panic attack)
He's awful at live action.
I’d like Eva more if half the music wasn’t stolen from better works.
And why do you say that, because his style of cinematography doesn't resemble hollywood blockbusters?
>You mean like things that happen in just about every scene in Madoka?
Except that isn't reality
>Also the world building in Madoka destroys the word building in Eva
What do we ever actually learn about the world of Madoka other than the stuff that is directly oriented around revealing shocking plot twists?, like the girls essentially being zombies, turning into witches, and ultimately being a power source for aliens, etc?
>They blurt everything they’re feeling audibly out load to the audience making it very clear and essentially holding your hand as the viewer.
In the last third that is the case, unfortunately, for the first two thirds it is pretty nuanced and oriented around subtle body language cues and shot composition. Asuka is never honest with Shinji about how she feels, that is one thing they do right, but her actions, her outbursts, and her deflections all tell us tons of stuff that the dialogue doesn't in those early parts.
Eva's characters aren't super deep, but they do at least feel like humans and not just archetypes needed to deliver on the plot archecture and some minor philosophical posturing . What is Sayaka but a means to shock us with the witch development and instruct us about how fake seflessness will lead us to misery?
Because his style of cinematography is ass.
It is. You mentioned a single moment in Eva like that and Madoka is literally filled with them. As I’ve said watch the series instead of using wiki knowledge. It’s discussed all the time in Madoka threads.
>What do we ever actually learn about the world of Madoka
t. Hasn’t watched Madoka
It’s probably the cleanest world building ever. You calling it shocking plot twists means nothing when the world building literally just explains the world and how it works. It has nothing to do with the plot twists in Madoka. Also just about every anime has plot twists including Eva. That’s not why Madoka is popular.
>In the last third that is the case
No. The entire anime the characters are perpetually blurt out exactly how they feel and what their intentions are to the audience. Watch scenes from the anime.
Shit taste t b h
Because he really likes making actors behaving cartoonishly and filming them in that cinema verite kind of style, while not appearing to understand how grody natural lighting can make it all look. Love & Pop looks like a bathroom shot on VHS.
Madoka is popular because it’s a retelling of Faust in anime form. To be fair though Faust is probably the single greatest story ever told so naturally that would translate over regardless making Madoka essentially the most worthwhile must watch anime in our lifetimes.
He's a below average live action director.
>simplistic characters
>story is about muh feelings and emotions
>unnecessary religious symbolism
Can we just admit the girls and religious symbolism hard carried the damn show already? I’m not taking anything away from it but common.
Unoriginal copy and pasted music. Don’t forget about that.
Yea it should of used the freakin based and epic tunes 2019 anime uses like shithole j-pop literally who group number 2000 or ear rape metalcore screamo nonsense