Why'd they make her 12 if they were going to make her sexy anyway?
Why'd they make her 12 if they were going to make her sexy anyway?
She's ugly and stupid.
Because 12 year olds are not only sexy, but all girls of that age love dicks.
>Why'd they make her 12
That's what's supposed to make her sexy, isn't it
Because that's how old Mary Mother of God was when she got immaculately inseminated.
So god is fine with impregnating 12 year olds?
Yes. The immaculate conception of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ proves that God recognizes that JC is prime.
JC girls really need to learn to not expose their lewd feet so much.
The bible. Old testament of course.
you will never fondle sagiri
Imagine fondling her 12 years old budding breasts
Where would you caress first? Both hands on her chest?
are you gay?
Both hands on her butt
not a bad choice
Well damn
It's no coincidence that the son of God is referred to as JC
I once was blind but now I see.
Praise the heavenly Father above
Why is JCbutt so sexy?
>but such accounts are unreliable
>it's legally possible she could've been 12
the bible doesn't actually say, but the common age around the time was 16 for girls
Jospeh was 90?
If you're bored and have like 20 minutes go read genesis and peer into what a large percentage of the world bases their entire worldview off of.
At last... I truly see
I actually knew a girl who was like that at 12. Dumb as a bunch of rocks, developmentally challenged. Also a bitch. Ended up getting pregnant at 18. Guy took responsibility, but I half suspect that's because the girl's father is an old Catholic who would probably chase him down and beat him to death if he didn't.
Are you implying my waifu is dumb and mentally challenged? And also a bitch????
No, I was talking about a 3D girl. But the point remains, girls who are like that are, in my experience, not very bright.
She's married and probably has several kids and she's the dumb one? Wish I shacked up with an 18 yo.
too old.
12 is a magical number
Indeed. 12 is actually a really cool base, and we as a human race should abandon the decimal system in favor of a 12-based one.
It is, but you should have posted Momoka. Arisu is, of course, great as well, but she's got nothing on Momoka.
I think all im@s JS/JC are sexy.
But 13 is prime.
this opinion is legitimately based
Sagiri would be sexy if she wasn't a 12 year old NEET
nobody wants a smelly woman who won't even leave her room
Like what? Sagiri liking the bodies of other girls and not being great with personal space, or the "likes dicks" part?
>Tfw I deflowered a 12 year old when I Was 13 at my first time
>Tfw I will never be able to legally fuck prime Tier pussy
Anarchy now!
I think JCs can be sexy no matter what their occupation is.
I don't understand. What's your point?
Even manga artists?
Yes. Especially that one.
What does the girl in the middle say?
Imagine two JC looking down at you like this.
JC should stop dressing like that.
I like this image
What do you like about it?
I don't have to imagine.
I just like it, A LOT
In Biblical times “virgin” was code for “loli”
All 12 year old girls who aren't ugly are like that. It's not even a joke. Girls want dick, the girls growing up faster than boys thing is reality.
Beata Maria.
Because Japanese have an unlimited tendency towards seeking and admiring youth for the sake of youth to the point of pedophilia.
It's not so hard to imagine why, since they have a fuck-load of elders in comparison to young people and their population lessens. Any girl in her twenties is considered a "hag". Hell, even above 13 years old is considered a "second option" in the face of a 12 year old or younger for example.
It's pretty fucking weird.
The sad part is someone will definitely fall for this. It's just a matter of time.
How do you stop your JC when she looks at you like this?
Nothing of what I wrote is a lie. Not everything is a joke and I have watched many anime to be able to form an opinion.
isn't the age of consent in japan 13 though
And Mary was married as well as husband own great great (etc) daughter. /our god/‘s tags
>monster (read biblical descriptions of angels)
>story arc
Yes it is. One of the lowest in the world. Even some African countries have a higher age of consent than Japan. That a clear sign by itself of the sexual beliefs of this specific society
pretty based imo
Nah. Clear sign of pedophilic tendencies when even ooga boogas and literal sandniggers care more about their youth's sexual behavior, at least on paper, than a civilized country.
But that's Japan.
Every prefecture have set it higher at either 16 or 18.
i'm 100% sure ooga boogas don't enforce shit, and sandniggers worship a pedophile
I remember when asking this question on Yea Forums would get you called a retard by just about everyone.
> People still falling for the immaculate conception meme
Mary is a lying whore and Joseph a coping cuck
You're just mad Joseph has a prime loli wife
God banged Mary at 12 and Muhammad banged Aisha at 6. And those are disgusting 3dpd. Anime girls can be attractive because of the laws of 2d.
>Prime Loli wife
The Jew fears the Roman.
Made for licking
Elf is so much sexier than Saigiri.
When will Megumin introduce Sagiri to her numerous back alley clients?
>thought this when it first aired
>now all I think about is destroying Sagiri's ass
How much for the both of them for enkou?
Immaculate Conception is a Catholic belief that refers to Mary being born without original sin. Her pooping out a sinless Jesus is called the Virgin Birth. These are two different things!
>two left feet
Why are these heretics posting religious pics in a loli thread????!!
Jesus christ.
Just like books having editors, Japanese promotional art for anime should have some dude whose only job is checking that every cute girl has two opposite feet and less than six fingers on each hand
Sagiri's a million yen the first time, 50,000 subsequently.
Megumin's about tree fiddy.
Is the Bible the first NTR doujin in history?
There wasn't any professional publishing in the beginning, so it counts as doujin.
There is a reason why the highest number on a clock is 12.
Was it the first to do non consensual twin loli femdom father/daughter incest? I think about how there will never be a proper H doujin of Lot and his daughters and I just get sad.
I wish I was their bikinis.
Let's be honest, 10 is a better base which means it's also a better number.
12 is the sexiest age
Some might even call it prime.
Couldn't they just have made her an adult? Like just make her 18 and him 24 or something? The show would have worked just the same and people wouldn't feel icky when watching it. Why do they feel the need to pander to paedophiles?
it's a niche, don't like it don't watch/read it
Adults aren't sexy.
>and people wouldn't feel icky when watching it.
But that's a good thing. They should fuck off.
good, normalfags out
Good. It would be terrible if anime became too much of a normalfag thing.
Was reading the Wikipedia page too hard for you?
the redditbab deleted his post lmao
We need more shows like Eromanga.
When is the next one?
This season sucks in every aspect.
do you really want to listen to the same story again?
Good. We need more anime like this to help keep normalfags away from it.
Their heads look way too big in this Image.
12 is composite, but 13 is PRIME
Senko-san isn't ecchi.
>you will never lick those tummies
Is this lingerie really appropriate clothing?
It is for a slut.
As a feminist, this looks like an ugly interpretation of what a man wants in a woman. What an ugly/disgusting sight to behold.
For me its 9
Red Ai is so fucking prime.
>Dat hip,softness
Fucking perfect
It was like they were looking at walking garbage. Or in this case, garbage lying on the floor.
This so much. Every connoisseur of lingerie knows the panties go OVER the garterbelt, not the other way around. The picture makes me want to puke.
I wanna sniff these JCs in the C word
The colon?
The cock?
based and heaven pilled
The amount of incest (both sibling and parental) in the bible is astonishing.
What was going through the mind of Megumi's VA when she said those magical lines?
Something about really loving dicks, probably.
What is she doing?
The other thread, gone.
I want to physically turn into that water
>"Oh no! I was typecast at 15 and play the same girl every time"
Good riddance too
I swear some of my lolipeers are autistic as fuck. This is a better loli thread anyways.
rest in peace
Based and truthpilled
12 consists of 1 and 2 which equals 3 making 12 a prime number
All these girls need ther dick.
Do these girls love dicks as well? They're almost as old as Megumi.
Why are everyone but the cute boy sluts?
These girls need to be sent to the reeducation camps.
So they can receive a proper cummunist education in giving blowjobs?
wtf should i go to japan
They do
Don't get too excited. That's the federal AoC; it's a price floor. The prefectures have instituted higher AoCs.
That's terrible. These girls should be studying algebra, not sucking cocks.
>be this user some time later
Why not both?
They could use algebra and trigonometry to measure the length, angle, and yaw of each penis.
if my dick is eight inches long, but you can only take 2/3 of it down your throat, and I pump in and out 350 times, how many feet of dick have you sucked?
155.6 ft
I don't like loli's but the white haired one is hot. What to do???
Go ahead and get deported, it's 18.
>missed out on high school sex
>will never get to fuck a jk without going to jail
why live
It's perfectly natural to be sexually attracted to Sagiri.
Stop talking about 3DPD faggots.
If you keep her chained up in your basement, she won't report you to the police.
Alternatively, you could always try amputating her hands and feet to make her a puppy/cat girl crawling on all fours.
>JC Staff
>you can only take 2/3 of it down your throat
Do you think I'm a fucking amateur?
It's fine, time passes in the novel and now she's 13. That makes it all good.
Does this girl have a fever? Why is she so red?.
She's overheating. Only an emergency penis can save her now.
she just had some really spice curry
Probably embarrassed after drawing something lewd
it is interesting how there are a decent amount of female lolicon artists but whats more interesting is how they always have the nastiest fetishes like rape ryona guro blackmail to name a few
A lot of them just draw vanilla incest
But they don't? Sekiya Asami, Ueda Yuu, Kiyomiya Ryou, Usashiro Mani, Rico, Yukiu Con, and Shouji Ayumu all draw tame stuff, and they're not the only ones. I'd say it's typically the male artists that have the gross fetishes.
Those are my favorite. Female mangaka are great.
No one has posted THAT yet
Well youre probably right selective memory
Just from the dedicated lolicon doujin artists I follow about 30% turned out to be female and I recall reading that a lot of women have rape fantasies so I thought it made sense
I think Shiruka Bakaudon gives a lot of people this impression
is it pedo to want to bang JCs
I have no interest in anything younger than a JC
Probably a better term is "hebe"
But honestly these labels carry baggage and no one uses them (or even wants to) correctly. So just live your life and don't worry about it.
No I’m a pedo and I prefer JS
Yukiu Con and Rico are women? There's Takanae Kyourin, Mikami Mika, and I think Digital Lover used to draw loli at some point too.
I heard Okada Kou was a woman too but I never confirmed it.
Do female artists model their own pubescent body and translate it into their girls' bodies?
14 is also prime
Okada Kou draws some pretty extreme content sometimes compared to the rest that I listed, but yes.
The probably go to changing rooms and bath houses for reference
No matter how you look at it, Sagiri is too young.
Too young for what exactly? Just what exactly are you projecting?
I hope you're not thinking about lewd things involving JCs, user
They are the kyuutiest!
Besto imouto
praise the LORD
Now you know why Yea Forums is a christian imageboard.
Is Luluco JC of the decade?
More like Literallywholuco
Ellie is the JC of the decade
I don't really have a rebuttal for that. Ellie is a 10.
Praise be to our lord JC
The manga is better than the anime. Why did the scanlations stop?
How is Sagiri the same age as Megumi if she's been a hikki for a year? She should have flunct a grade and be forced to redo it, making her a year older than everybody in JC1.
Or if she was JS6, how did she graduate to JC1 if she didn't go to school for a year?
I miss the days when Sekiya Asami used to draw lolis. I really liked her works.
Does it really matter
Yes, if we don't fix it, a time paradox would break that universe
Kaoru is better.
The story sounds interesting but I refuse to watch a show that so brazenly shows children in sexual situations. Normalizing attraction to kids is wrong.
Her hair kinda sucks, but she's also hot.
They still do?
Good news! The story is not interesting and we're watching it because it sexualizes Sagiri.
Where's their pubes?
Agree. Girls without pubic hair are gross. It looks unnatural and like a baby.
Or a Barbie doll
>like a baby.
What do you do when your JC wakes you up like this?
flip her over and give her wombpats
Rub her exposed belly
The correct answer
Atack her with my dick
Thats a Destroyer
Destroyer? I hardly know her.
I’d destroyher
That's a boy.
You're a boy
Mary Cockran
Her head is really cute
Nice pic
JC Staff makes some kick-ass JC.
Indeed, or atleast they used too
Whats she looking at?
I just want a JC gf
She's so pudgy
Baby fat on JCs is pretty hot
Its very cute desu
>there will never be a proper H doujin of Lot and his daughters and I just get sad.
Kinda surprised japan hasn't done this one yet, desu
144cm JCs are the ideal
>JKs and JDs
I like smol, but really?
One of them is a JC
That's an OL. If I wanted OL, I'd take these.
I want to give my wife Chino a sexual piledriver
Imagine if that was actually a thing.
Got a little sick of that show after about the twentieth time she had a mental breakdown.
Ya rly.
Is Illyas JS or JC?
I wonder if she's doing well in prison.
That version of Illya is JS.
>JC threads
>nice comfyposting and little to no shitposting
>JS threads
>constant shitflinging, arguing over what constitutes lolis and hags, and thread personalities
I don't get it.
What would you do if Luluco was your cellmate?
Share my commissary snacks.
Because this is the JC containment thread
what exactly does JC mean
>console wars
Don’t start
Yeah, it's strange. It's almost like someone is out to intentionally sabotage one while ignoring the other.
Just Cool
JSbros get mad over the most trivial stuff these days. Even 11 year olds/double digit lolis like Chicken-chan make them mad.
>spoken female symbol
Why does she say this? It's hot whenever they say the female symbol though.
>lots of posts deleted
Nah, it's the same.
you forgot the J
it's pretty important imo
A line of clothing stores. You forgot the "Penney" btw
It's an onomatopoeia representing the mating call a loli makes when she's looking for a fertile adult male.
Shorts > Skirts
Which is why Chicken > Britbong
Colors threads: Cultured men having a civil discussion.
They're all customizable anyway
This is clearly someone who knows his stuff.
Did you miss the last thread?
Thank you! Fucking heathens in this thread don't know basic theological concepts
>that thread where everyone saw Britbong girl was flat
I hope they confirm she's 12 next
Pretty sure if the JC posters stayed here like they were told to, the loli threads would only have juju to deal with
>that thread where everyone saw Britbong girl was flat
When and where is this? And why does next to none (((almost 0))) of her porn depicts her as flat, nevermind a loli?
Those threads are cancer and full of beta orbiters.
The last thread barely had Colors posting and the little bit of it that was there was comfy
The last Colors thread went to shit thanks to Juju and pals though.
That's a bit harsh. A handful of blatant shitposters to ignore isn't the end of the world you know.
It’s one user who made juju his waifu
On Yea Forums. Too many normalfags love pokemon, man. At least we have Chicken-chan
It’s because juju and bocchifag specifically target Colors threads for some reason
I don't think any character from Pokemon has specific ages. Even "starting your journey at the age of 10" is a debatable fact, not mentioned in the games themselves.
Based Colorsbros, fuck the shitposters and not in the same way you fuck the Colors
If you look, you'll see that we did try last thread. We need more active posting to drown out the dedicated shitposters that hate Colors threads for whatever reason.
Why make her sexy if you were going to make her 12, I mean it's redundant.
Kys you retarded tranny
Not on the game itself, but I'm pretty sure on the official website or demo of Sun and Moon where they said the MCs were 11
I don't get why normalfags don't just make porn and fap to the hags in the series, instead of aging up the lolis for no reason. They already bitch and whine about lolis in general, why would aged up lolis wearing the exact same shit they did as lolis be any better if they don't have a specific fetish for it?
I don’t want to derail this thread too much but juju hates colors threads because she gets made fun of for being raped by her father a lot and bocchifag hates colors threads because he gets yelled at every time he shitposts in them
Watch they move the goalposts and claim that the rapes were underreported.
It’s because some of the art for this in particular makes the girls look too old
Same irritating reason Kasumi/Misty gets depicted the way she does despite clearly being an obvious chestlet. And that's not including her later design. Show/game is popular so artists take liberties and try to "broaden" her appeal.
That depends on the Misty. Electric Tale is definitely not a chestlet.
There's a significant difference in popularity between a non-Specials manga and the anime, as opposed to the difference in popularity between flat and tittied Misty.
>tfw there is more boobed art of misty and even fucking hikari than there is flat art
>tfw even other "children's series" like yokai watch and digimon fall to the same bullshit of characters getting aged up in their porn for no reason
My guess is the western popularity might have something to do with it
There's also this particular TCG artwork which I've seen a lot of people mention here and there.
Though the best explanation I can give if just that her anime design's shirt is fairly loose and how "busty" she is varies a lot on how she happens to be drawn at that particular time. Similar things happened with May in the anime as well, with her boobs being really big in certain shots and regular sized in others, which lead to a lot of busty May artwork.
Also normalfags love to over-exaggerate with proportions too much. I prefer slender Misty.
May at least has an excuse for having boobs, but there is absolutely no reason why characters like Dawn or Chicken should have anything beyond an A cup in their fanart.
New art style looks like shit. Especially Ash with his little puberty stache.
At least they're popular so they get plenty of loli artwork to balance it out.
I get that there's a lot to draw from, but most art looks mostly anime and G1 inspired. But her proportions might as well be those versions.
Even that looks closer to buds. But you're right that it's not very consistent. I was just using her as an example because she generally looks 12 or so, but is often drawn looking like late teens. Likely due to western sensibilities as user said, which affects lots of other Pokegirls and series as well.
Or fingers at all
It would make sense if boob art came from western artists, but there's a shitload of Japanese artists that also draw her with tits, especially with shit like the episode in that .gif actually airing in Japan.
Is Chicken a JS or JC?
I think it's just the curse of popularity. An example which comes to mind for me is Hikari from Digimon 02. Her actual design is very slender, but a LOT of her art draws her completely off model.
Thank god we have pre-timeskip Hikari so the distinction for loli artists is far more obvious.
JS. She's only 11
True that. And pre-timeskip Hikari is almost never off-model, probably because she doesn't appeal to normalfags.
The gift of fap material from a caring friend.
I uhh, took this picture for you! It's for your reference material!
Lolis with boobs are sexy
Except they're not oppai lolis - they're literal fucking hags. As shit a fetish as oppai lolis are, at least they're still lolis.
So what you're saying is that most normalfags are closet pedos since they still got attracted to someone that's underaged?
Not really a lolicon, but the lolis are way sexier than the mature women in Pokemon
>less then a year old
>less than a year old
>immediately wants to mate
Was this scene necessary?
A cute virgin teenage princess (any age before 20) he can make feel good? Sounds truly awful.
Isn't elf slightly older at like 13~14?
She's prime
I'm more confused about how Elf is still a JC2.
Early birthday in the year probably
Makes more sense than why Sagiri is a JC1 that's as old as Megumi despite being a shut in for one whole year.
Why are JS/JC mahou shoujos always so sexy?
You should feel ashamed for posting such smut- kill yourself
Mahou shoujos aren't sexy?
Not all characters who are 12 are sexy
Tfw you have no Junior Idol JC to insert your penis into
is this that one manga with the girl who's clothes shrink whenever she uses her magic powers? sailor something
But they get roped into JAVs?
It's probably because these threads have the biggest number of dedicated shitposters on this board. I miss the times when you could just post loli and people ignored all the retards, sadly it's hard when they're the ones with most posts
Made for bullying.
Maybe she saw graphite.
Why would seeing a pencil lead turn her red?
You know that they are bad when singular lolis characters threads have more posters.
Is JC Sakura better than JS Sakura
is it allowed to post her pregnant?
I agree OP. 12 is too old.
Sauce katsudon.
I like nude JC.
Semi-nude is better.
Did the LN series end?
Did the MC choose Elf or Sagiri?
Do it.
What about this level of nude?
Nobody here gives a shit about what """people""" think.
Go for all or go home
Bottomless is best
Why not?
I don't know how Muramasa is supposed to be a JC. She might as well be a JK hag.
Sagiri is better flat.
Some girls grow faster.
Doesn't Sagiri and Muramasa hate each other? Why are they already getting along so well? It's not like that's Elf with Sagiri.
neck yourself zuumaa
I don't think they hate each other, just Sagiri sees Muramasa as a love rival.
in your name, JC, amen