Post your favorite album using a screenshot from an anime.
>In the Court of the Krimson King - King Krimson
Post your favorite album using a screenshot from an anime
Other urls found in this thread:
Trout mask replica
Not exactly but close
Fucking Yea Forums
Burzum - Filosofem
I can't believe this
>Vol. 4
in b4 wan piss sucks
Help me lads
Can you guess it?
I was thinking about this for the lions but I can't figure the other 2
Brand New's Science Fiction?
Dark Side of the Moon
How the fuck am I supoosed to find a screencap that emulates this?
Barragan from bleach maybe?
>Tears for Fears- The Hurting
best I could find, should be easy to guess though
Underage thread
Eh, it works
>Waaaaaah no one's posted my favorite dad rock band that hasn't been relevant in pop culture for 30 years
t. underage zoomer
Keep yelling buzzwords at me grandpa, that will definitely get your point across
You zoomers eat all that shit up to . The premise of the thread is underaged regardless of what's posted.
absolute horrible taste, please go back to that shithole know as
>Mötley Crüe Dr Feelgood
I cant. I'm pretty sure I cant.
you probably like Yes you dumb jojofag
Quasimoto - The Unseen
i honestly don't tbqh, but that doesn't change the fact your music taste is shit
Thanks.. I was just listening to the album just now.
>My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kayne West
Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
music for the jilted generation
oh and fat of the land of course
vulgar display of power
RDJ album
making alot of assumptions here
Don't have anything that fits The Great Annihilator.
what if my favorite album is already anime?
eh? bud why?
This thread is off-topic.
City of evil - Avenged Sevenfold
Wtf is wrong with Yes? Also I don't think your taste is horrible although I do despise Yea Forums
Your mom is off topic
Where my vocaloid bros at?
You what?
>De-loused in the Comatorium
I have no screencaps that could replicate this.