>the church is evil
The church is evil
Other urls found in this thread:
>Americans are buff and blond
More news at eleven.
>He thinks the church isn't actually evil
We are
Anderson was unbelievably based until he gave himself to God and became a fucking abomination. It would have been the pinnacle of kino to see Anderson triumph over Alucard at the end of the series.
Why are you getting angry at facts?
He said buff, not skinnyfat.
Church being evil is a real life thing. Church has pedophiled their choir boys, suppressed science, killed lots of innocent witches and started crusades against poor Muslims,
Stop posting and get back to work, Alucard.
Name one instance when the Church was not evil.
I dont get what his beef with the shield hero is but he has a point in wanting to kill the 3 other heroes for being idiots and making shit worse for those villages.
The Catholic Church is actually evil, though not because they are a church, but because they are Catholic.
Power corrupts; every large organized religion has always been rife with nefarious individuals.
Churches are generally portrayed as good in works where they got little influence and bad when they got loads of it.
So it's accurate?
Catholic means for everyone you Jihadist.
No u
This is why we need based religions like Islam and Buddhism.
Both of em also fuck up as much as Christians. Extremist Buddhists kill Muslims and extremist Muslims targeting Christians
Shield Hero is literally satan to him. Not an exaggeration, imagine if actually-Satan started walking around again and trying to convince people he was awesome.
What says. Most isekai or fantasy in general are portrayed in the middle ages and that's where the church was at the height of its power. It did some very retarded stuff like the Crusades and shit that goes against their own beliefs like the fucking Inquisition.
And burned witches left and right.
>humans are the real demons
witches are evil
The Church of the Three Heroes is literally a false establishment centered around discriminating against the Shield Hero for the sake of amassing political influence and power over the people of Melromarc. It's more of a political faction than a religion, to be honest.
ITT feels like youtube comment section from 10+ years ago.
>The Church...is literally a false establishment centered around...amassing political influence and power over the people
>It's more of a political faction than a religion, to be honest.
This is true for all centrally organized "religions"
State shinto should be reestablished.
Damn the church is based as fuck
>t. cuckcifist sounding his shitty opinions from the comfort of his home
It probably seceded from the official religion and had the backing of nobles who wanted to justify slavery in the country. The pope is probably just a noble who bought his way to the top, and was so high on his own power that he started believing in his own bullshit.
Everyone except the people who actually worship Jesus, that is.
>the catholic church is evil
based vid, Anderson is cringe though.
but that's accurate
You should see his Mother Teresa impression.
Yeah, I hate when anime goes too far into realism
While the church has historically been very evil, the pope in TateYuu did literally nothing wrong.
All abrahamic religion is evil, no exceptions
>started crusades against poor Muslims
The Crusades were a response to Muslim invaders taking what wasn't theirs and we need another one soon.
>extremist Muslims targeting Christians
More like everyone not them.
>Extremist Buddhists kill Muslims
They're not deluded as to what Muslims do, very high IQ, and based.
>t. protestant whore
Christianity specifically is evil, and objectively the worst religion.
I love asshurt Christians complaining that their cult is mocked by other countries without retarded shit like Christianity infecting them.
Anyone who thinks that Islam is nearly as bad as Christianity is a fucking retard and/or alt-right troll. In terms of death toll, rape, general human rights violation, savagery, and terrorism Christianity outclasses Islam in every respect.
Christianity is the most brutal and evil ideology to exist.
>pedophilia, favoring their own power over scientific progress, warfare and genocide are exclusive to Christianity
Yeah but I can call god a wanker and not get stoned to death over here.
We all know if you're a witch you ain't innocent.
>rape, general human rights violation, savagery, and terrorism
I'm sure you have a validated method to quantify human suffering, yes? Because...
>alt-right troll
Presbyterian here, all of you are fine people and God loves every one of you.
>centuries of pillaging, rape, enslavement of eastern Europeans
>wage a war of expansion all across middle asia, northern africa, and eastern europe
>expand slave trade till the British had to expunge it off the face of the earth
Fuck off you lying piece of shit.
Your ignorance of history is absurdly offensive.
>suppressed science
are you pretending to be retarded or did you fall for the galileo/copernicus meme? The church's history of supporting universities, advancement of medicine, and role of monks in european science easily makes up for the few examples of science being suppressed
I see you are well versed in the art of Taqiyya
>the church is batshit insane
>crusades lead to Wester Europeans rediscovering lost Greco-Roman knowledge and culture in sacked muslim and Byzantine cities
>euros bring this back
>cause Europe to go from a backwater outpost on the silk roads to thriving as a cultural and technological powerhouse during the renaissance
>renaissance leads to scientific revolution
>which leads to the protestant reformation
>which leads to the enlightenment
>which leads to the basis of classical liberal philosophy and government around the world
Crusades get a bad rap tbqh
So has there ever been any anime that’s managed to label Christian sects properly? Besides Toradora, I mean.
>Get BTFO for lying about history and religion
t. Mary worshipper. Get a grip, your religion is some bastardized fusion of true Christianity, paganism, and other assorted obscure BS. If you want to worship Christ, following a rebranded Saturn cult isn’t the way to do it.
>I'm sure you have a validated method to quantify human suffering, yes? Because...
Christianity has been the biggest violator of human rights in history. This has been perpetuated up until the last decade or so and they still have a strangle hold on our culture. '
What has islam done that even comes close to the salem which trials, the inquisition, colonization, the entirety of the middle ages, the crusades, the holocaust, and modern right wing terrorists. Look what Christianity did to africa and south america. Christianity is a war cult of oppression you stupid fucking retard.
>centuries of pillaging, rape, enslavement of eastern Europeans
Literal /pol/ propoganda
And somehow thinking that isolated battles and territorial conquest somehow are on an equivalent scale to the crusades. Look at this idiot.
literally what the fuck are you talking about
Tell me how christianity dindu nuffin and Islam is the real colonist/oppressor then.
I, too, get all of my historical knowledge from tumblr.
>This has been perpetuated up until the last decade
They're still brainwashing new cultists, raping children, participating in international financial crimes, and wielding influence for their own gain to the detriment of society.
The holocaust didn't happen though, and the National Socialists were working very hard to eliminate Christianity from Germany.
>incel christian larpers can't even come up with a counter argument, just shit flinging.
That whole show/manga/LN is cringe as fuck.
>verses regarding treatment of slaves
>value established highest to white women of blonde hair
Islamic slave trade was rampant until the Crusades pushed your shit back, and then rushed back in with the Ottoman empire.
You're done here.
Okay reddit.
I hate how you people try and dissasociate yourself from hitler by pretending that he was somehow not a Christian or christianity did not influence his anti-antisemitism. Anti-antisemitism in Europe stems directly from Christianity, and it was fostered in the era preceding the formation of the german empire due to rising german cultural nationalism.
Hitler was a christian and that influenced his antisemitism, fact. trying to deny it is dishonest.
>the church is epic
>modern right wing terrorists
Is this the expression the globalist MSM is using now to avoid saying muslim?
Ex-muslim here. Islam has done equal to worse things, and they're still continuing with this age of widespread knowledge and science. Christianity has at least ceased their shitty behavior, but Islam is still within pre-dark ages tier thinking. However I do not believe that its going to escape from this line of thinking cause Muslims are fanatical with their beliefs. Most Muslims are not willing to compromise or change much of the more "brutal" practices of Islam which makes them extremely dangerous. Almost all terrorist groups are islamic, and as we speak they might be committing unspeakable crimes. Its not just limited to them, human rights violations are a fucking guarantee in muslim majority countries by both the government and its citizens.
>muslims were the perpetuatters of the slave trade.
Europeans were the largest customers and perpetrators of slavery in history. Islam doesn not even compare. Kidnapping a blond woman or two doesn't even come close to a mass industry like Christians did.
>I, too, get all of my historical knowledge from /pol/.
>Anti-antisemitism in Europe stems directly from Christianity
WTF Bros. I thought the Christians hated the Jews.
Muhammad himself was a very crazed individual. He literally went into Mecca, destroyed literally ALL pagan idols and then claimed it was his. He literally shat on the believers of those idols
I'll just read the Bible and discern for myself what I want to believe.
this thread is absolutely awful to be honest. i know this is Yea Forums and about the last place anyone should expect sincere discussion about religion of all things, but for fuck's sake anons.
arguing about religions and which ones are worse is a bit trivial in the larger picture. this is because
1. there is no transhistorical essence to what counts as a religion. whether something counts as a religion or not is a result of configurations of political power.
2. religions, being defined by political power, are downstream of it. they are simply used as proxies for more tangible territorial feeding frenzies, power plays and institutional conflicts. it's not always apparent what the cause for a war or genocide was, cataloguing them is difficult
3. neither islam nor christianity, under the most well-constructed accounts of all known wars, is remotely near responsible for most wars. philips and axelrod's 'Encyclopedia of War' provides a synopsis of most known wars as well as a brief analysis of their causes and goals. religion as a cause? 7%. christianity comprised 3% of that, islam 4%. they are both relatively trivial in light of point 2.
Most of the antisemitism that propelled Germany in that direction stems from the end of WW1, where Bolsheviks, who were 99% Jewish, tried to emulate the success their Russian counterparts enjoyed.
Germany's coffers were so empty that they couldn't even pay the soldiers who had just finished fighting that war, and so the men of the armed forces were decidedly unhappy. The Bolsheviks latched on to a largely inconsequential sailor's revolt and blew it up into almost a full blown civil war while the rest of the world looked on with smug expressions, and it fostered bitterness and resentment in the German people who didn't need much prodding to buy into the rhetoric that Jews were trying to destroy Germany.
Anti-semitism is VERY, VERY rampant in Islam as well, perhaps even more in Islam. There is a verse that describes that in the future, the rocks and trees will expose hiding Jews that they are Jews, which is most likely for the purpose of their absolute annihilation. Muslims are going to mass slaughter Jews one day and the Trees and rocks are gonna help them
This in itself is very strange as it claims that the semites and the Christians worship the same god and that punishment would be lessened upon them somewhat. It fucking contradicts itself
he was also an austrian, aspiring artist and middle child of a weird patchwork family. Quite the amount of stigmata one could say.
hitler's religious views are ambiguous and oscillatory at best. referring to his table talks, he constantly changes his mind on christianity. at times he praises it and some of the qualities it promotes, and at other times he decries it, saying it's worse than islam and an actual tragedy which befell europe. arguing that either way is the case is really ridiculous and not well-supported historically, sorry.
>Church did bad thing
>Bad thing is exclusive to church
>Hitler himself disdained Christianity, as Alan Bullock noted:[15] In Hitler's eyes, Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves; he detested its ethics in particular. Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle and the survival of the fittest.
>In Mein Kampf, although Hitler claimed that was he doing the work of the Lord by fighting Jews nevertheless in another chapter Philosphy and Organization he denounced Christianity as a "spiritual terror" that spread into the Ancient world. Though raised a Catholic, Hitler rejected the Judeo-Christian conception of God and religion.[16]
>Alfred Rosenberg, an "outspoken pagan", held among offices the title of "the Fuehrer's Delegate for the Entire Intellectual and Philosophical Education and Instruction for the National Socialist Party".[39] He also saw Nazism and Christianity as incompatible.[44][verification needed] In his Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930), Rosenberg wrote that the main enemies of the Germans were the "Russian Tartars" and "Semites" – with "Semites" including Christians, especially the Catholic Church.[38]
>He planned the "extermination of the foreign Christian faiths imported into Germany", and for the Bible and Christian cross to be replaced with Mein Kampf and the swastika.[39]
If you knew anything about German history you'd know that anti-semitism was around and rampent way before WWI
Normally I'd complain that you're purposefully missing the point but I'm uncertain wether or not that is within your grasp.
Have sex
>using wikipedia as a source
The absolute state of /pol/
WTF bro, you can't say that on the internet.
Check the citations
Bait, Leftie or cuckfeed puppet?
Go to his
No, Europe in general hated Jews beforehand. Muslims had kicked them out of the Middle East, sending them north into Russia. Russia kicked them out sending them west into Germany. Germany kicked them out sending them across the Atlantic into America. Crazy, I wonder why people always try to expel the Jews from their country? Virulent and baseless antisemitism and scapegoating- that MUST be it.
>t. Mary worshipper
Catholics don't worship Mary. And seldom do you find Pr*testants leveling the same ignorant criticism at the Orthodox churches.
>your religion is some bastardized fusion of true Christianity
You mean that Catholicism is a bastardized version of Catholicism and Orthodoxy? How does that happen?
Citation needed. Or are you one of those everschismatic Protestants that unironically believes that Easter is a celebration of Ishtar for reasons that only make sense if you're an anglofone?
>and other assorted obscure BS
Such as? The Mother Church through the centuries did its utmost to purge heresies and confused theological understandings like Arianism and other pagan beliefs.
>If you want to worship Christ, following a rebranded Saturn cult isn’t the way to do it.
The ease with which you mock the Church who shed her blood to evangelise the world is nothing short of demonic. Restrain yourself from further spewing falsehoods and misinformed BS. Your understanding of Catholicism is very much like that of silly mangaka writing shit-tier isekai. It's embarrassing. History validates the Roman Catholic Church time and time and time again. Confess your heresies or at the very least learn the value of shame and stop spreading misinformation.
>>>muslims were the perpetuatters of the slave trade.
Literally true.
Like anyone even knows or cares about how some fucking Slavs or Greeks do. Besides Orthodoxy got cucked pretty hard by gommunism.
Last I checked Latin America is a fucking shithole, not really much to be proud of. Also
>having a modern idea of sanitation
good one moor.
The only people that get uppity on Colonialism are either the minorities who think their continued living wasn't given to them when they could have been wiped out or people with a serious case of white guilt.
What if you think there's good colonialism and bad colonialism?
Have sex
>the church is evil
Yes, and? It's just realism, user.
No such thing. All colonialism is good colonialism. If you can't adapt to what your colonizers gave you then the issue is on you.
>We don’t worship Mary we just make prayers in her name
Fuck off, that shits so disingenuous. The Ten Commandments say that you shouldn’t BOW to or worship anything that isn’t God. So what the fuck is the rosary, exactly?
>Citation needed
How about the fact that your Saturn cult rebranded Saturnalia to Christmas? Jesus was clearly not born during the winter, so why is His birth celebrated then? All just Romans rebranding to get with the times.
Even better than Saturn worship, though, is the days of the week you idiots made up. For people who spent “centuries purging heresies,” I find it odd that you decided to name days after heretical gods, and Months after heretical emperors alleged by the Bible itself to be evil. It’s like me starting an anti-anime cult and naming all the days of the week after Ghibli films. Take your garbage “””””religion””””” and your false idols somewhere else.
If that's that case then why are former Anglo colonies so much more successful than former Hispanic colonies? Clearly England was doing something right that the moors weren't.
Fuck evil and fuck good humans are higher than that.
>imagine thinking that the Catholic Church was ever evil
Embarrassing. Either a protestant, an atheist or a jew.
We're not in disagreement. It just means that England were better colonizers than Spain. Even the Australians, a land of criminals managed to make something of themselves.
Some colonizers are just better than others.
>enslave them in mines and plantations, only stop when it becomes more economical to import slaves from Africa
>genocide 90% of the population with disease, take the surviving women for yourselves (most of their descendants have Iberian paternal ancestry)
you have to have your brain thoroughly rotted by /pol/ to think this was a good thing for the natives
Muslims worship a literal pedophile
If there is a better way to colonize and one is not using it, that thus means that one is doing colonization worse and thus badly, ergo bad colonization.
If you do something others against their will you are evil.
So it is written. Catholic church and religion are definitely evil.
Faulty logic. You're presuming that just because one person does Colonization well and one person does it alright that the one that is not well must be bad by definition.
>Christianity has been the biggest violator of human rights in history
>perpetuated up until the last decade
[Citation Needed]
>What has islam done that even comes close to the salem which trials, the inquisition, colonization
Just look at the middle east
>the crusades, the holocaust
They participated in the Crusades and WTF holocaust?
> No mention of any Jihad
The only aspect of muslims I like is their hate for jews.
Weren't most Islamic Jihads against other Muslims? It'd be like lumping in the 30 years war as a crusade or considering the Cathar Crusade as a...wait a minute.
>2. religions, being defined by political power, are downstream of it. they are simply used as proxies for more tangible territorial feeding frenzies, power plays and institutional conflicts. it's not always apparent what the cause for a war or genocide was, cataloguing them is difficult
So's communism.
>The Ten Commandments say that you shouldn’t BOW to or worship anything that isn’t God.
You will listen and you will listen well. Idolatry is a much more broad concept than mere paintings and statues, whatever occupies your mind the most is your idol. Even God Himself commanded the Hebrews to fashion two golden angels on top of the Ark, so was this idolatrous? Was God just having a silly day? Of course not. And that is because idolatry is not about statues of saints, of the Holy family, of Jesus Christ, of historical events of what have you.
>So what the fuck is the rosary, exactly?
The rosary are prayer beads, they facilitate our daily obligations. What about the rosary? Are you suggesting we worship the rosary or any such nonsense? Come on now.
>How about the fact that your Saturn cult rebranded Saturnalia to Christmas?
That is literally the only event that has been rebranded by the Catholic Church. And in the act of rebranding, we expressly do not worship the Winter Solstice but dedicate the solemnity in adoration of the Birth of Our Lord. There is nothing pagan about it other than the fact that it used to be a pagan festival that has been thoroughly uprooted by the Mother Church. You're welcome, I guess.
>I find it odd that you decided to name days after heretical gods
But that is not true at all. The Catholic Church did petitioned the nations to change the days of the week but only Portugal complied. This is very well known. And this was perhaps excessive zeal since the name of weekdays are not magic words that adore the gods whenever uttered. Just protestant foolishness.
>and Months after heretical emperors alleged by the Bible itself to be evil
So are you suggesting that we go back to the lunisolar calender of the Jews? Confess your sins, filthy Judaizer. We are commanded to reject magic works and other nonsense. The names of things do hold no power over our faith and you're professing heresy suggesting so.
Read St. Pius X's catechism.
>hurr durr your ancestors were immigrants too
The colonization was still good in that it was better than not colonizing. It may not have been optimal colonization, but you are just trying to be pedantic now.
Jesus was a cuck beta faggot
You had me up till muslims
This is true, for all of us.
Reminder to report /pol/shit under off-topic/extremely low-quality/racism outside of Yea Forums
Fuck off faggot.
Did you report?
In my country slaves would build churches with pregnant angels to defile the church. Pretty based.
I know it makes more sense now of having muslims as this position in anime.
But it does not erases the fact that christians tried to kick the ass of the shintoism.
Shintoism is the religion that gave legitimacy to Japanese Emperor.
In Other words, Christians tried to kick the fuck up of japanese emperor.
I mean, Dejima was made for a reason.
I'm not falling for that faggot
>killed lots of innocent witches
Innocent witches is like saying Undocumented Citizen.
The only bad thing here is science suppression and killing of innocent (which rarely happened). And regardless, it was the countries that were cucktarded and gave church power so it's the fault of the government for not telling religiousfags to fuck off.
And you in africa, Christians fight against slavery.
Well played. You'd be surprised how often that actually works.
I suggest that you read the novel or watch the 2017 Martin Scorsese movie 'Silence'. The Japs were literal bugmen incapable of understanding and much less cherishing Christianity. The utilitarian way in which they've resolved the 'problem' was utterly despicable and shameless.
okay virgins this is a tate no yuusha thread ffs where are the raphtalia lewds??
He did announce his report and he was announcing his sage. He's still a pathetic little newfag.
>Japs killing off Christians? backward savages.
>""""""missionaries""""" inviting Native American women under the guise of spreading christianity and then raping her? BASED
Japs are savages, you only need to ask to China.
>understanding and much less cherishing Christianity
Why should? It was literally like a cultural marxism for the japanese perspective at that time.
If Christianism were successful to spread, there would be no japanese emperor today.
Pre nuke Japan was almost on par with Israel with how many war crimes they commit.
I didn't though
And the west dindu nuffin around that time I assume?
>suppressed science, killed lots of innocent witches
Literally propaganda by protestants and the enlightenment
>But God said to build muh angel statutes
You create so many rationalizations for your idolatry, but I find it odd that you omitted the commandment forbidding their creation and just bifurcated the “Thou shalt not covet” into multiples. Hiding evidence is the sign of a guilty conscience.
>Muh rosary is pure
This is so cut and dry, you’re bowing before an object that isn’t god and issuing prayers to it. On what planet is this not worshipping and kneeling before false idols? Oh, let me guess, do the catechism invent some technicalities to explain it away? “The Church can’t be wrong, the Church said so!” Honestly, user.
>Okay, so we rebranded this one pagan holiday that has its roots in Moloch worship, but it was just the one! And we definitely don’t worship Moloch aka Saturn on his day, we actually worship Jesus!
This is what you sound like.
>It wasn’t us who named the days after pagan gods, it was everyone else! We even wrote a letter telling them to stop!
I seem to recall Catholics chopping down trees of people who refused to comply with church service. Why not do the same for days? Moses says that you shouldn’t worship ANY pagan gods under ANY circumstances, but you especially shouldn’t worship the sun and the moon, but you guys just let the other Europeans name the Sabbath after the Sun? Well jeez, must all just be a coincidence.
>You don’t like muh Roman Emperor calendar? Well that just means ur a JOO
Nice false dichotomy. Maybe next time try not to name the months after the spawn of Babylon, though? That thought ever cross your mind?
>Read muh Catechism
There it is, folks.
I just couldn't care less about the emperor. The persecution of Christians in Japan was shameful and terrible, Christian missionaries were peaceful non-violent folk who were highly educated and lived in poverty and still walked to the ends of the earth to spread the Good News. And even despite the absolute bugmen insanity that followed, there was still a strong Christianity in the catacombs of Nagasaki for centuries before the a-bomb fell on top of these good people. If you think that a religion with a full pantheon of demonic clowns is needed for you to assert your right to rule, then perhaps you were never really much of a ruler in the first place.
You had me until the "poor muslims".
Sure thing mohamed.
I can't tell if you're just being ignorant for the sake of being ignorant or if you're just trolling me. If you care this much to spread lies and misinformation about Catholicism online, at the very least read the Catechism of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and I have recommended you a short book that was written not only by a Holy Father of the Mother Church but also a Saint through whose prayer divine interception was granted. Sure, I was a bit provocative in my reply, but it is all so tiresome to reply to the same nonsense time and time again. The Catholic Church is not the boogeyman you think it is and history still validates her. Read the Catechism of Saint Pius X, it's an easy read and a short read and it covers most of the nonsense you spew.
Catholic missionaries treated the nips like shit, so the nips just responded in kind. Also, Tennōheika Banzai motherfucker.
I'm not sure what makes me more sad. The fact that the pacing is slow as fuck or for the last three episodes barely shit happens
Oh look another protestant who hasn't done his due diligence into looking into the history of Christianity.
I hope you don't have any pictures of your family around your house least you commit idolatry.
>history still validates her
What history? The Bible? The Bible most certainly does not validate you. In Revelation, the beast the arises out of the ocean, it’s most recent head, Rome, it is said, will appear to be struck by an axe, and a second beast who comes IMITATING CHRIST, but is in fact NOT Christ, will ‘heal’ it to make it good as new but rebranded from its old ways- thus, the Catholic Church. Admit it user, the Bible clearly spells out prophecies that denounce the Church. I’m not reading any books by your homosexual, demon-worshipping leaders. If I’m gonna read a book on religion, I want it to come from the Big Man Himself.
One almost wonders why Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the two largest bastions of christianity in Japan, were the targets dispite other better strategic targets existing.
Wow. I know how muslins are persecuted in islamic countries but still you are acting like a christian version of muslim extremist. lol.
>Fuck your emperor, praise Jesus.
>Shintoism is demonic religion.
That's the reason this shit did not spread in Japan.
Also Shimabara Rebellion.
Also The USA nuked the exact city where the most japanese christians existed. It does not help to spread the word of Jesus in Japan.
It’s not the same thing and you know it’s not the same thing. You want me to say “Oh, but I don’t worship pictures of my family!” Whereupon you’ll explain that “We don’t worship the pictures of God either!” Which is utter BS. As I literally just explained to the other retard in this thread, if you’re bowing down and proclaiming prayers to an object, a rosary, a statue, a cross, whatever, it’s worship. If you kneel down and pray to God while looking at a picture, rather than envisioning God’s true presence in your mind, you’re still just worshipping a fucking picture you nonce.
found the brain-dead marxist.
Not In the Pacific theatre of war. the Americans unironically did nothing wrong
The pacing is pretty fast for me, we're getting the punishment of the bitch like next episode and then we still have 4 episodes left before the end(not counting the next one). I don't even know what they want to put in them, there's really not much left that they can fit into those episodes without starting the next arc. I sure hope they don't want to start it and then end the anime in the middle of it. That would suck more than this show already does.
lol no. At the end of the day religious art is just an accessory that helps believers keep in the mind the presence of the divine and helps them pray. They do not worship the object at all, the object is just a representation, it's not divinity in itself but that kind of nuance is far beyond you.
Didn't realise we were having /pol/ threads on Yea Forums now. Guess it fits the theme of every other board though.
Reading the Apocalipse is forbidden in Catholic liturgy and the laity are very much discouraged from interpreting the Holy Bible. And if you wonder why that is, read a catechism and contemplate your own ignorance. The schismatics, our fallen Orthodox brothers, have many qualms about the Papacy, but even they unite with us in sheer disgust with the boundless ignorance of protestantism. Read a catechism if you wish to understand the RCC. Maybe you'll come to understand the absolute foolishness that was the reformation and how misguided "sola scripura" and, worse, "sola fide" is.
Well, the good news is that Our Lord is the God of History. So as much as these events pains us personally, we can be united in the assurance that everything evil in this world our Good Shepard turns to good. Surely the bombs were guided by the devil's hand, but I choose to think that martyrs were consecrated on that day.
Fucker, Jesus died so you could have a personal relationship with Him and God, and you’re saying we need to look at fucking pictures of them, despite the fact that They are with us always? At the end of the day, idolatry is like being propositioned by a woman you like for sex, and rejecting her in favor of a dakimakura with an image of her overlaid on top. Why do you constantly push God away when He gave away His only begotten son to save you personally?
This thread sucks, fucking plebbitors, goat fuckers and niggers.
>Reading the word of God is forbidden according to the Catechisms. And the Catechisms are correct because the Catechisms say so.
Non-Player Catholics, everyone.
>Church being evil is a real life thing.
>Look at how euphoric and rational I am!
Why are Atheists so fucking cringe?
>started crusades against poor Muslims,
>He thinks this is bad.
If you bitch about the Church, just take a nice look at what Islam did to it's scientists! They didn't just put some of them under house arrest, and eventually assimilate and allow them fully into society (most scientists were also men of God who believed that science was a tool to explore and understand God's creation, in order to get closer to Him). Islam, on the other hand, butchered all of it's scientists, sending them fleeing into Europe during the "Golden Age" of Islam, leading to Europe becoming an intellectual powerhouse after the based Mongols kicked the shit out of the Umayyads.
Pretty sure the Church includes the Muslims. Its an analogue for organised religion.
>Wow. I know how muslins are persecuted in islamic countries but still you are acting like a christian version of muslim extremist. lol.
I don't understand what you mean by this. I didn't express any religious extremist sentiment, just plain olf vanilla flavoured Catholicism.
>Fuck your emperor, praise Jesus.
"Slaves, obey your masters". We are supposed to be meek and obedient. We only want to peacefully maintain our faith. Let the emperor be so long and he doesn't feel that everyone should deny his faith for the sake of his empire. I fail to see what is so revolutionary about it.
>Shintoism is demonic religion.
Yeah, it is.
>Also Shimabara Rebellion.
Yeah, what about it? It's more of the same old story, protestants conspiring against catholics because they are ultimately much more interested in playing politics than they are about spreading the Gospel.
like 1% of reported abuse cases are made by priests
Art imitates life, what's so hard to understand about this?
it is. it's shit tier isekai at it's worst.
Can you two retards get a discord or something
are atheists butthurt when they see religion?
>Complains about Christians
>"B-but muslims are WORSE"
Easy with the comparisons that no one asked for there, Billy Bob.
Ironic considering the people that always start these threads are butthurt religious followers. Half the time it's not even atheism that they're arguing against, just the mere mention that their religion isn't perfect sends these autists into a tizzy
>>"B-but muslims are WORSE"
That's all the reason that's needed, fucktard. Hell, if you want something even worse than even Islam, Socialism, and any other fanatically Atheistic system of a "Godless Heaven on Earth" that holds Humanity as perfectable, killed even more than Islam in only 80 fucking years.
Yes. I used to be an atheist, and I distinctly remember wanting to, and on many occasions actually going ahead with, mocking Christians and Muslims. I used to constantly try to epically debunk my reliotard parents with facts and logic, Ben Shapiro style. Those were dark times.
>Proceeds to complain about atheists and socialists
Can you hicks not take criticism without resorting to whataboutism for like 5 minutes?
How does another system being worse suddenly nullify the faults with your own religion in your tiny head?
>Socialism, and any other fanatically Atheistic system
Didn't know Atheists worshiped the God of the socialism. Also when early Christians experimented with communal living, were they atheist socialists as well?
Can you fucking discord trannies get the fuck out...?
>come to Yea Forumsyy today
>le bait thread click anyway for the lulz
>look at replies
>*tips fedora*
>*tips menorah*
>*tips cross*
>*tips goat*
>*tips bald head*
>*tips shrine*
>*tips stinky pagan thing*
This isn't animu, you need to go back to 4cucks and plebbit WE on 4channel are men of culture.
>Can you hicks not take criticism without resorting to whataboutism for like 5 minutes?
>"Everyone who disagrees with my superior intellect is inbred and from the Appalachian Mountains!"
Fuck off. It isn't "whataboutism" if all of your "criticisms" for Christianity are vastly outdated. Like, 5-6 centuries outdated.
>Didn't know Atheists worshiped the God of the socialism.
Marx envisioned Socialism as a fanatical Athiest society. It's why every single Socialist State enforces a ban on religion of any type. Religions are the "opiate of the masses", and distract people from being proper slaves to the government.
>Christianity is the most brutal and evil ideology to exist.
Congrats on being the most retarded person in the thread. You have no statistics (all of which show Islam as having vastly more savagery, brutality, rape, and mass murder than any Christian organization ever).
in all seriousness though it is overplayed, I much prefer seeing some boggy cthulhu cult than a badly designed priest and 'temple'
That's not what the phrase 'religion is the opiate of the masses' means you fucking idiot. What it meant is that it's the painkiller, used to soothe people from the pain of life, since the second part of the phrase, 'the sigh of the oppressed'. It's used to help ease the pain of oppression so one can let out a sigh of relief.
And to continue, Marx saw society becoming Atheist not because religion is inherently evil, but because people would no longer need the 'painkiller' in Socialism as the burden of oppression would be gone.
I really want this show to succeed. I really like the premise. I like the general story, this anime is just fucking everything and I am torn between hating it and wanting it to be good.
>Marx envisioned Socialism as a fanatical Athiest society.
No he didn't. Also 95% of his work was towards analyzing capitalism. He didn't even layout what the socialist system would look like out aside from collective ownership(didnt even layout how that would be done either). It was Lenin that went and modernized and advanced his theories.
I wonder if that is why communist states savagely persecuted christians and even current year "reformed" China resorts to printing Xi Jiping on top of crosses and on bibles for whatever godless reason.
Atheism leads to the worshipping of the state. You either take the Christian theological view that Man is a fallen angel or you understand Man as being a rising beast that will slowly but surely achieve godhood. And if you ask me, that's nonsensical since the only logical conclusion to such perverse understanding of human condition would be transhuman supercomputer Bill Gates sited on a technothrone wandering the vastness of space forever after either suppressing or digitising all of humankind, just some bullshit Texhnolyze future that nobody wants.
>Atheism leads to the worshipping of the state.
Stupid dumb NRx tard.
> and you’re saying we need to look at fucking pictures of them
That user didn't say that. He said that it can help with prayer. Seeing an image of Jesus on the cross dying for us keeps my mind from wandering while in prayer, and is a constant reminder of His great love for us.
How are we constantly pushing God away by prayer?
Fuck me, how many times do I have to explain this? Just reread my post, man. Jesus died for the EXPLICIT purpose of putting man in DIRECT contact with God. When you pray, you are speaking directly to Him and to Jesus and to all the heavenly host. And these pictures themselves, of course, aren’t actually pictures of God or Jesus. We don’t really know what either of them look like, so all pictures of them are just pictures made using normal human men as models. Think about how sick that is, that you people, when directly addressing God, want to do so while looking pictures of phonies mimicking their greatness.
>Hitler was a christian and that influenced his antisemitism, fact. trying to deny it is dishonest.
You're positively insufferable, user. You're strawmaning so hard against Catholicism, it isn't even funny. Read the bloody catechism. You don't need to die ignorant.
Arguing with protestants is very tiresome.
Fuck your stupid man made books. Find me biblical passages which say that it’s okay to use human models to, often inaccurately, depict divine figures. You will not, because you cannot. It’s not too late to turn away from the spawn of Babylon, user.
based and truthpilled
>started crusades against poor Muslims
Pfffft Hahahaha they did that as a defense/ retaliation, and even then it was sanctioned by the established governments who thinly used religion as a means of justification, since most adherents to it weren't even allowed to read.
Also I love the fact that most people forget that had the "church" been established in Europe, there would simply be a shitload of smaller tribes and factions constantly fighting against one another, which I can assure you would GREATLY decrease scientific progression, far FAR more than the "church" ever could.
Also Witches and get money
the church unironically always is evil.
The Buddhist only attack those who attack them first, which is what Muslims constantly do because their religion promotes violence, and the killing of non believers. Christcucks are at the very least supposed to be non violent but most of them dont even really believe it aside from just holiday stuff like Christmas and Easter(which have nothing to with actual Christianity)
Again, it is very tiresome to argue with protestants, especially the rude, ignorant ones. Read the bloody catechism, it is arranged in a Q&A fashion that is extremely easy to follow and will answer at the very least 95% of your misconceptions about the RCC. Everything is stated very plainly, I have provided you with to my mind the best possible introduction to Catholicism, yet you insist on your evil, perverse theology that voluntarily cuts itself from the fullness of the faith and pridefully spits on the face of the saints, the miraculous signs, the relics, the good works of clergymen and laypeople and so many other good things. If you are so adamant about your nonsense, surely you are not averse at the idea of testing your faith by reading a short, simple book written by a holy man of the Roman Catholic Church. And if you are incapable of such a simple task, then Pride may be your demon.
Why the fuck are ya'll having a pseudo-theological arguments and going 'nuh-uh my denomination is better'?
>And somehow thinking that isolated battles and territorial conquest somehow are on an equivalent scale to the crusades.
How the fuck were the Jihad on Eastern Rome and Persia any different than the Crusades. They were both wars of conquests under the guise of being "holy". Difference is that the Jihad was embraced in Islam since Muhammad while the concept of Crusades came centuries after Jesus' death and was an excuse for the Pope to make Catholics stop fighting each other.
>the fullness of the faith, including
>the works of man, the acts of man, the words of man, etc.
I believe the faith of CHRISTianity begins and ends with CHRIST. His works and the works of God were great enough to comprise the entirety of the faith before your larping saints came along, no?
have kids
Bad bait, no (You) for you.
Cucktholics are assblasted because their patchwork made up religion is being proven to not even be consistent with its own holy book.
They're always fun to watch from an outside perspective:
>self-pompous arrogant Catholics write paragraphs of rhetoric why protestant should read X by Saint/Pope Y
>Based Proddie shits all over Catholic by telling them that they only need scripture and wipes their ass with pages by book that no one has read written by irrelevant pope from century Z
>Easter has nothing to do with Christianity
I genuinely can't tell if you're trolling.
>Why the fuck are ya'll having a pseudo-theological arguments and going 'nuh-uh my denomination is better'?
Because Christianity concerns itself with the preservation of Truth. If there are sect that profess heresies, we're bound in obligation to correct them. You can call it "pseudo-theological arguments" all you want, but your disinterest does not accurately qualify these exchanges.
Pride is your demon, user. I won't waste any more of my time. I have pointed you towards the answers you seek yet you still mock them with unearned satisfaction. Tonight I will pray for you, user.
hey faggots, SHUT THE FUCK UP for a second so we can talk about the actual anime
as far as shitty isekai goes this show started really strong. I remember back in January I was counting down the days to the next wednesday and ep 4 nearly made me cry.
what the hell happened?
there's no way it's the same writers/staff dishing out this dogshit as the first few episodes
>using biological warfare centuries before germ theory was accepted by the general populace
>outside perspective
>based protestants tell off fuccboi catholics
not ever trying to be subtle
also the mormons are right and all of you are going to hell, too bad
>against poor muslims
Actual retard present.
>It's a Sectarian episode
>I genuinely can't tell if you're trolling.
>Tolerates Paganism in his Religion
If this were but a few centuries ago I would have burned you witch
Fuck you talking about people beliefs is far more fun, they actual seem to care about that.
I want the Queen to kick me in my face.
>Not looking at the citations
Do you forget to breath sometimes user?
Nobody wants to talk about this isekai garbage because it’s isekai garbage. The only thing it has going for it is the somewhat interesting anti-hero stuff going on, but it’s comoletely squandered with endless side-quest filler autism. If you’re going to make a story about a man who has his life unfairly ruined, and he has to claw his way back into the limelight, I’m 100% for that, but I couldn’t give two fucks about delivering medicine to rando mountain villages every goddamn episode.
>If this were but a few centuries ago I would have burned you witch
Protestants ignoring what lent is, while ultimately unsurprising, is still terrifying to witness. Also, Jews were responsible for the Salem witch trials. Just saying.
To be fair if your a Buddhist or Hindu wouldn't real life be an isekai
The are Jews always stick their protruding noses where it shouldn't belong. They only good thing they produced was our lord and savior...
>and started crusades against poor Muslims,
The Muslims have churches too you know.
no cause you get born into the same shitty world when you die
Whatever you say, user. I’m really not a prideful person, I can recognize that I’m not very good at a plethora of things, but one thing in particular that I believe I do well is the processing and comprehension of texts and discerning meaning from it, and I believe that my analysis of Christian intolerance of idolatry is correct, and you have failed to prove otherwise.
>To be fair if your a Buddhist or Hindu wouldn’t real life be an isekai
If only it were that simple...
islam gets a pass with liberals since they're brown and sometimes the target of prejudice
I think that was probably a troll though
Well you could always be reborn as a hot busty Japanese teen. I think thats an instant win as long as you don't become a prostitute and end up being killed by some frustrated business man who realized the only thing that made him feel alive were dying the youth their right to live...
>Tolerates Paganism in his Religion
The entirety of the Abrahamic tradition is plagiarized from Egyptian and Sumerian occultism with some fictional Israelite history thrown in for good measure. The entire reason that the earliest sections of the Bible refer to Elohim is that this was the Canaanite plural form of god and the Israelites were originally polytheists before the invention of monotheistic Yahwehism came about due to the political machinations of priestly elites. This extends to Christianity as well. The fish symbol associated with early Christianity is a far older symbol called a vesica pisces, which should also clue you into another association with "pagan" religions in that this cult with symbolic association with fish appeared at the beginning of the Age of Pisces.
The Abrahamic cults are nothing more than fraudulent systems of control.
>church is good
>you banging a priestess
>The Jews Stealing
Am I supposed to be surprised?
Yahweh had a cute waifu too. Her name was Asherah or something like that.
recommendations for non prot-brained anime/manga? found spice and wolf and maoyuu maou yuusha to obnoxious to finish. gracias
>Yahweh had a wife
And thats when I realized even was Heaven was Hell
so which parts of the old testament were made up and which were accurate?
The part where Noah got butt fucked by his grandson is probably real, granted Noah was incapacitated due to overdrinking but these things happen...
>They only good thing they produced was our lord and savior...
Except they did not. Christianity predates Judaism since it continues from the Old Testament and is very much intertwined with it. You could say that Christianity has existed since the beginning of time. Judaism has reformed itself multiple times and the earliest known books of the Talmud were penned several centuries after the fall of the Second Temple.
I don't know who you are or what are your circumstances, user. And to be sure, my assessment of you is just another ignorant, annoying protestant online. But in all good faith I have pointed you to a book that will answer most of your misconceptions, I have even tried stoking your enthusiasm by introducing some complications that you may never have even considered like the Apocalypse not being read in church or even the general discouragement to read the Bible. I have not introduced concepts such as latria and dulia since I do not believe I will be able to ever conquer your stubbornness and your pridefulness. I can, however, correct you on your numerous misconceptions about catholicism, and I have pointed you to the place where you can do so. I find it wholly unproductive having to rehash the debates that men much more learned than you or I have quarrelled about and even settled through the ages; in fact, I've presented you with a stellar summation of catholic thought in an easily digestible manner than was even written by a bloody saint. It is your choice now to read a short book or to repeat the cycle over and over again. Read the catechism. "By their fruits you will know them", history validates the Catholic Church and her works. Even the Bible and miraculous relics like the Shroud of Turin were preserved because of her. We've combated gnostics, Arians and other heretics before you lot thought Joseph Smith or Ellen White were swell people. Please, read the bloody catechism. There is a link in this bloody thread.
Huh so the Jews never did anything that was good for humanity... Maybe that guy had a point
>Christianity predates Judaism since it continues from the Old Testament and is very much intertwined with it.
Oh my....
Some of the tribes and places named have been confirmed in the records of other cultures or by digging them up where they were described. Some basic events, such as the sacking of Jericho, can be supported with archaeological evidence. That's essentially as far as it goes for accuracy. Even the foundational myth for Israel, the Exodus, was made up as there are no records to match it from Egypt and Moses' backstory is copied from that of Sargon of Akkad.
Considering the deluge and ark story was copied from the Sumerian flood myth, none of the other stories involving Noah are likely to be true.
you retard, the word "Christ" never appeared in the old testament, he was born to the Hebrews so he was what we'd call a "Jew" (although at the time Jew was just someone from Jerusalem)
>(although at the time Jew was just someone from Jerusalem)
You got the whole region of Judah why reduce it down to a city?
God bless you user, you have a lot more patience than I. At this point I've given up arguing with protestants online unless I have access to my 'quick answer to common protestant issues' word document.
>what is the Messiah
>books point to the Messiah
>Messiah appears
>Apostles write new books
You have failed the most basic Christian theology, user. I would accuse you of being a pr*testant, but that kind of reasoning is very, very jewish.
Always a laugh at anti-semites that worships a jewish demigod and the jewish god.
user I think you need Jesus
>the church is a scam
>can't even nail any thesis to Scientology's front door because of their lawyers
>Jewish and Atheistic Bolshevik kills 66 millions Orthodox Christians +44 pantheist and platonist who supported them
>burned all churches and holocausted them literally causing only 4 orthodox christian bishops to survive
>synagogues are not touched and burned churches are replaces with mosques
I'm sorry Ahmed/Sholmo Shekelberg but Judaism and Atheist beats it
>Thinking Jesus was the Messiah
>Thinking the Messiah has appeared at all yet
*44 million
>still thinking that MUH SOVIETS KILLED 100 MILLION PEOPLE is true
Funny that they were able to do such a thing without any of the data on their population showing such a thing happening.
>what is the Messiah
Messiah simply means anointed one and refers to both the high priest of the temple and the king of Israel as both positions were anointed with holy oil as part of their investiture. Messiahs are mentioned many times because they were commonplace, until the Romans destroyed Israel at least.
Why would I need a fictional kike?
Lets not pretend that the orthodox church was innocent here. They completely defended the tsardom.
>killed lots of innocent witches
So you admit they were witches?
oh, yeah you're right
that was the Hebrews, everything prior to Christ was the Hebrews, Christianity started after Christ. maybe if you catholics went to church other than on Christmas and Easter you'd understand
>were a response to Muslim invaders taking what wasn't theirs
Arabic aggression was in response to decades of imperialism by Pershits and Byzadogs so we conquered the Persians and sent the Greeks skittering back to Europe where they'd never make a comeback.
You can argue Jesus' divinity. But to claim He is fictitious is just plain stupid given the material on Him.
I've asked you repeatedly to provide biblical evidence for this biblical debate and you keep dodging my request and telling me to read the works of man. You're literally deferring me to other men on matters of God. Well, what makes these men so much more 'learned.' as you say, than me, on matters of faith? What, they read the Bible? Whose to say their interpretation is superior to mine? Them? Appealing to the Catechisms is a non-argument. I want to hear what YOU have to say about YOUR OWN relationship with God.
are you the same person? the other one seems to understand history at least although with an anti-religious slant. Messiah was not the high priest or the king, literally just read the wikipedia page on Judaism, they looked forward to his coming to liberate them from their enemies and rule the earth.
and you don't think Jesus was even a real person? I thought even the most secular historians agreed that he at least existed
>that was the Hebrews, everything prior to Christ was the Hebrews, Christianity started after Christ. maybe if you catholics went to church other than on Christmas and Easter you'd understand
What did he mean by this? That has nothing to do with the post that you've quoted.
If you take Christian/Jewish doctrine for granted, then it is very clear that Christ is the Messiah foretold in various parts of scripture.
Anime is evil.
Not that user but I'm sure you've heard this before. What institution do you think compiled the Bible together? It was inspired by God, but which institution guided by the Holy Spirit compiled it together?
Furthermore, the Bible is the divine word of God so why did protestants remove several books from the Bible? And why did Luther want to remove the gospel of John?
>Why would I need a fictional kike?
He might stop me from burning you like all the other witches. Only a magical being could take the piss out of me fun so quickly...
I think he's either a Jew or more likely is pretending to be, and btw they literally believe that Jesus was not the Messiah and that he's still yet to come if you didn't know
>can't read 1 reply back in the chain
No material about him appeared until decades after he supposedly lived. In that material, he is said to have amassed a large cult following, yet there is zero evidence of such a group from the time when it was supposed to have existed. At best, Saul took the story of a zealot leader executed by the Romans and turned it into something radically different in order to create Christianism, but if the life story of that figure is completely made up after the fact (and it is) then it should be said that "Yeshua ben Yosef" is a fictional character loosely based on a real figure.
It's the easiest religion to antagonize.
Kikes would make the company go bankrupt and muslims would chop off their heads
Depends on the country, user. But so far I haven't hear they shot schools there unlike USA.
is it physically possible for christianity or atheism to appear in an anime without us having this thread?
I don't think it is
>defending muzzies
>defending kikes
>muzzies literally shilling for the pagan side of nazi because hatred of jews
>while also giving jews unlimited supply of oil instead of germany
ITT: Muzzies, kikes, LARPagans, and muh Demiurge that got BTFOd by /pol/
What other, better targets were there that hadn't already been razed by the standard fire bombings?
cause no there's no one in the schools
Sure, Catholics RECOMPILED the Bible, but they didn't write it, and I would even wager that many edits and shiftings of the chronology by the Nician Council (Such as putting Revelation at the end for an 'epic' ending) harmed our understanding of the Bible, though of course there's no way of knowing for sure...
And, though everyone in this thread has assumed I'm a protestant, and I suppose I am somewhat, I really just consider myself a bibleist, as in, I believe in the word of God as described in scripture. Nothing more, nothing less. All works undertaken by men, whether they be protestants or catholics, meant to obscure the Bible are actions I disagree with.
Yes, using an imaginary friend to justify bigotry and promote lifestyle choices that are detrimental to western society is evil.
cause there's no one in the schools
And even though western society has largely forgotten it things are still going to shit... Its almost as if its people who are the problem...
Jews are tsundere for Jesus because if they did accept Jesus they would also necessarily have to admit to some messed up shit that they are responsible for.
A yes, the Jews crimes of ....... nope can't think of any.
>can't read 1 reply back in the chain
So you're just being a pedantic little shit and arguing semantics? Are you a Jew? Are you sometimes a persecuted religion and sometimes a persecuted race? You understood perfectly what I meant and yet your making that argument why? Christianity most certainly predates Judaism and if you want to argue against this, don't try to make silly deflections like "it's a region", "it's a tribe" or whatever because by the same token the term "Christian" only came to be several decades after the Holy Ministry of Our Lord. The meanings of the words change, if this is true of "Jew" that is a recent religion whose entire identity is being in rebellion against the Messiah, so it is about Christian that despite being a "new" word it defines a people whose faith has been through for several thousands of years.
Enough talk! Your words are as empty as your soul!
So what about the books removed from the Bible? Do you follow those too? Or just the books from the Bible being used 1100 years after the first Bible compilation?
Why do you also ignore the scripture that talks of tradition?
>For some examples
Have you looked into the disciples of Jesus' apostles? Were they all teaching heresy and sin as well?
Read Judges, dummy. Jews literally turned into the thing they hated most, and God punished them for it. best of all, this is in the Old Testament; this is stuff jews themselves agree happened.
>Christianity most certainly predates Judaism
Well it makes sense for Japanese people to dislike the Church
Religion is not evil, but the church sure as hell is. Especially the catholic church. Those motherfuckers managed to ruin religion for everyone. I am a deeply religion user, and I say fuck the catholic church and their greedy, corrupt and pedarast workers.
>not a single mention of shintoism itt
Oy vey, the goys are finding out
hey I found one for you
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them"
oh wait...
How exactly am I not in accordance with Biblical interpretations on the significance of tradition? If anything, catholics are the kings of inventing rites and ceremonies with no scriptural basis and insisting that they are ordained by God. All I have said thus far is that I wish to take a purist approach to the Bible, unhindered by extraneous books and muh catechisms.
I guess that "thou shall not bear false witness" isn't in the proddie Bible. The more you know.
I understand you're a catholic so you're used to not thinking about things, but who are the pre-Christ Christians you're talking about, surely not the Hebrews right?
>statistically European public schools have more cases of pedophilia than the church ever did
>Anti-antisemitism in Europe stems directly from Christianity,
wrong it stemmed directly from the Bolshevek purges of millions of Christians in Russia and the German revolution of 1918, you know the one that is never taught in Western schools and you have to research for yourself. The same largely Jewish communists tried to take over Germany and starved hundreds of thousands of people to death before they were stopped. This is what drove Nazi Germany antisemitism but is all but erased from history because it doesn't fit the narrative of it coming from nowhere for no reason at all
based eastern religions have a remarkably peaceful history so they usually get left out of these arguments
>Q: What is idolatry?
>A: Idolatry is the giving to any creature, for example, to a statue, to an image, or to a man, the supreme worship of adoration that belongs to God alone.
>Q: How is this prohibition expressed in Holy Scripture?
>A: This prohibition is expressed in Holy Scripture in these words: Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or on the earth beneath; and thou shalt not adore them or serve them.
>Q: Do these words forbid every kind of image?
>A: Certainly not; but only those of false divinities, made to be adored, as idolaters adore them. So true is this, that God Himself commanded Moses to make images, as, for example, the two statues of the Cherubim for the Ark, and the Brazen Serpent in the desert.
Was Christ the Lord before the crucifixion, user?
Did you enjoy all of those (You)s?
I say we burn the heretic burn him till even his ashes are ashes
Shintoism is aesthetically pleasing, but so is most of Japanese cultural artifacts. At its core, its basically just nature worship, there's nothing flagrantly obnoxious or disagreeable about it, so there's no real reason for me to bring it up.
You have not answered my previous questions. Do you ignore several books of the Bible? Taking a canon 1100 years later than the original?
Why do you ignore the scripture on tradition?
Have you looked into the teachings of the apostles disciples? And are you arrogant enough to believe you knew better than them?
>Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth
I will start by saying that God did not mean that you cannot make statues. Because then that would invalidate God's decrees to make statues of the Cherubim for the Arc of the Covenant. Or the vision Ezikiel had with statues in the Lord's temple. Or the bronze serpent God had Moses make for people to look at to be cured of venom. God forbids the worship of images as gods, but he doesn’t ban the making of images.It is when people begin to adore a statue as a god that the Lord becomes angry.
> Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them
"Though bowing can be used as a posture in worship, not all bowing is worship. In Japan, people show respect by bowing in greeting (the equivalent of the Western handshake). Similarly, a person can kneel before a king without worshipping him as a god. In the same way, a Catholic who may kneel in front of a statue while praying isn’t worshipping the statue or even praying to it, any more than the Protestant who kneels with a Bible in his hands when praying is worshipping the Bible or praying to it."
ok I didn't see anywhere in there how he justified the saints as not being idols since they're graven images that you worship and serve
>Was Christ the Lord before the crucifixion
yes? so you are in fact going to say that the Hebrews were actually Christians then?
God you're so cringy
>How exactly am I not in accordance with Biblical interpretations on the significance of tradition?
You are ignoring the traditions put forth by the apostles of Christ and their disciples. The rites and ceremonies were passed on to them from the apostles.
>All I have said thus far is that I wish to take a purist approach to the Bible,
Obviously not unless you're using the canon from when the Bible was first made.
On another note, what are you thoughts on masturbation?
How about drug use?
Trannies? Gays?
You're the pinoy who made that thread, and you're shilling it here now, aren't you?
Those peaceful Buddhists are the ones most violently pushing back against Islam right now.
>page 8
>everyone told OP to kill himself
pleasantly surprised
>poor muslims
Sasuga user amazing trolling and baiting skills.
Yes, and?
how is the hail Mary not a prayer
t. kike shifting blame to /pol/.
>ok I didn't see anywhere in there how he justified the saints as not being idols since they're graven images that you worship and serve
Catholic do not worship statues nor do we worship or serve saints. We respect them and look to their examples and we pray that they pray with us and for us.
>yes? so you are in fact going to say that the Hebrews were actually Christians then?
Did they worship the one true God?
>expand slave trade till the British had to expunge it off the face of the earth
the chattel slavery was one of the largest on earth
fuck off with your bullshit
I was taught it as "hail mary prayer" in catholic school. Not sure what that dude is talking about.
>Those peaceful Buddhists are the ones most violently pushing back against Islam right now.
Buddhas and saintly souls of compassion forgive me, but about fucking time.
We all know atheist regimes are going to take the top spot. Between Stalin, Pol pot, and Mao's China, and whatever happens in the next one. Christianity is going to have its 2000 year history of bloodshed btfo in about a century.
Because he created the thread in an attempt to frame this thread as a /pol/ raid.
You are not saved by acts, user.
>"For it is by grave you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast" Ephesians 2:8-9
Blacks and Arabs still enslave each other even today faggot
They have an unfair advantage because of the population explosion during the industrial age
I'd say the Chinks are pushing back harder considering they are rounding them up and putting them in camps after cataloguing their biodata for organ harvesting purposes.
>Atheism leads to the worshipping of the state
You definitely live in a fantasy world if you think the most patriotic statists aren't vastly religious.
No. I found the thread and posted it here so more people shitted on OP for being a nigger.
Half of it is a prayer. Half of it is the Annunciation, it's the words of Saint Gabriel. Crack open a Bible and you'll find it verbatim.
Because you cannot treat animals with the same respect you treat humans.
I just dont like how Atheist think getting rid of religion is the end all be all to solutions. Even if religion is gone by tomorrow the world is still fucked either way, just that now there wont be any Christmas.
I hope so, user.
>we pray that they pray with us and for us
boi u bout to get smackd
>Did they worship the one true God?
look if what you're getting at is that Hebrews were actually Christians then just say that so we can stop talking. that wouldn't make sense though since you said Christianity came before Judaism and this approach would mean that they were just the same thing until they split
16 years later, even in the midsts of tits, loli, and dead-horse shitposting, it's still easy to weed out normalfag christcucks.
The European slave trade does not match the duration and scale of Islamic slaving. It's not even close. The Americas just didn't castrate all their slaves, making the history more visible in modern times.
For them that goes for EVERYBODY who won't openly sing the praises of the PRC though. In a way, it's sad that it's almost refreshing in this day and age to see them ignore human rights for the sake of efficiency and I can't even believe I'm saying that half-seriously.
>I just dont like how Atheist think getting rid of religion is the end all be all to solutions.
Quit making up your own scenarios in an attempt to be the victim, you faggot.
You wanna get burned witch bitch. Oh I'll burn ya, I'll burn ya reeeeal good and nice like
>Atheist think getting rid of religion is the end all be all
What are you, a facebook priest from 2007?
Depends. Historical carrying capacity of Africa: millions. Modern capacity: billions. Some European intervention was required.
>Its not idol worship because of this razor-thin distinction that we invented ourselves
>The Americas just didn't castrate all their slaves, making the history more visible in modern times.
Only the concubines guards were castrated to ensure he wouldn't fuck the women of the harem.
On the other hand...
not catholic but
"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." James 2:26
you "saved" idiots do as much or more mental gymnastics as catholics justifying idols
I wish times were simpler back then, now I see a future filled with massive faggots like you.
The only people who say "atheists think getting religion will solve all problems" are retards still mad at secular education guidelines.
Most unironic christians on this website are ex atheists who traded in their fedoras for crosses and kept the smug superiority complex. Contrarianism is one hell of a drug, remember that everyone.
>look if what you're getting at is that Hebrews were actually Christians then just say that so we can stop talking
Do you think that they are segregated on the shady part of heaven? Do you think that we got the better deal with Christ?
>that wouldn't make sense though since you said Christianity came before Judaism and this approach would mean that they were just the same thing until they split
Is the Lord Our God also the Lord of History? Were Jesus and the Holy Spirit present at the creation? Is Our Lord changing Himself and His promises by presenting us new facets of His divine nature? Who was the God of the Hebrews?
ok, so is only half praying to an idol ok? and also I'd like to see that reference, I don't know it
Go back to /pol/ you filtry kike
I'm not a "once saved always saved" retard, but you're bending the meaning of that passage. The point isn't that you have to work at soup kitchens in order to go to heaven, it means if you aren't inspired to do those things by God, they you probably don't really have faith in God.
Religious people on Yea Forums were always flavor-of-the-month newfags that expect to bend posters to their will.
As opposed to your invented definition of idolatry? Were the pillars of the Temple idols since they even had names?
Is reciting a passage from the Holy Scriptures idolatry? Is asking for prayer idolatry?
>When the angel Gabriel was sent to Mary by the Father, he greeted her, “Hail, full of grace; the Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28).
>“Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (Luke 1:41-42).
>Elizabeth addressed her in much the same way: “Why should I be honored with a visit from the mother of my Lord?” (Luke 1:43).
Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee.
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
75% of that is essentially God's word, through the Bible and in what He instructed St. Gabriel to say.
Simply the rest of it is asking for prayer on our behalf. Similar to how you may ask someone to pray for you. Only Mary is is a saint. It is shown in the Bible that her pleas to Jesus are answered even if He wasn''t really planning on doing something. Like when Mary asked Jesus to produce wine for the wedding. Or on another note when Abraham pleaded the Lord to spare the city if 50, then 30, then 10 then if only 1 holy person was in it. We would like someone like that pleading our case in Heaven.
(The numbers above may not have been exact)
>end religion
>people turn to scientism
among that baptist preacher monologue you literally made no counter to the point about Christianity not predating Judaism. take a moment and think about it instead of spouting off televangelist one-liners
K. Also isn't "secular" education pushing the whole tranny agenda bullshit... Like I told the other faggot, the future is going to filled with guys like you. Well at least the ones who dont kill themselves ...
oh, sorry, I thought you were one of the "once saved always saved" people, and yes I agree
I knew you faggots couldn't help yourself from bringing up tranny shit. Gonna throw Communism in too?
I won't claim to know what motivates God, but if he instructs a man to build some kind of idol or symbol, then He surely has some reason for doing it, but it doesn't imply a free pass for everyone else to go around doing something similar with impunity. For instance, Jesus agreed to heal the daughter of a Canaanite woman possessed by a demon. But does this mean any old schmuck can go and excise demons from people's bodies? Of course not. The only other people in the Bible to try it got fucked.
I never said the Hail Mary was not a prayer. Just that praying it while kneeling or near/in front of a statue doesn't mean I would be praying to the statue. Just like praying in front of a crucifix doesn't mean I'm praying to the bit of wood in front of me.
The point isn't that you have to work at soup kitchens in order to go to heaven, it means if you aren't inspired to do those things by God, they you probably don't really have faith in God.
Its the same bloody thing. We say you are saved through Faith and Works. If you believe in Christ but don't do His will or practice what he teaches you have not the works, and thus you will not be saved.
You're saying the same thing except saying that if you don't do the works you never had faith in Christ. There are plenty of people who truly believe in God, they just don't do the works or believe they're an exception and can do what they want. Or support sodomy, or masturbation, or drugs, etc. To say they don't have Faith is stupid. They have Faith, but they are not doing the will or the works that Jesus taught and won't be saved.
No, you failed to explain to me how Jesus Christ was not Lord before even being born. And you're arguing semantics when I have explained to you in no uncertain terms that Christians have completed a religion tradition that has existed since the beginning of times. So please do enlighten me, when Our Lord reveals His new name as prophecised in the Apocalypse, will the worshippers of Jub Jub be a new religion? Or were we also Jub Jub worshippers?
Pretty sure Paul and Peter exorcised demons in the Bible. Hell even other people were exorcising demons in the Bible and the apostles got barred up over them exorcising in Jesus' name without being an apostle.
Ah I see so your commie tranny shill. I swear atheist are the biggest faggots on the planet, either way the pendulum will shift and when it does im pulling out my witch burning torch.
The current Pope has stated that works alone guarantee entrance into heaven, and his word is infallible, right?
Jesus did grant powers to various people to enact God's will on earth, such as how he gave the ability to preach the Gospel in all earthly languages.
>Acts 5:16 - Peter
There came also a multitude out of the cities round about to Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.
>Acts 16:16-24: Paul
Exercises a demon that was pissing him off.
>Luke 9:49
Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.”
There were several mentions of it you smooth brained fuck.
You do not understand the concept of Papal infallibility. Pope Francis also said that Hell wasn't real and the clergy is right in respectfully correcting the Holy Father. The Pope doesn't spew magic words that make wrong things right and right things wrong, Papal Infallibility only ever works under certain conditions.
that's a reasonable argument, but 1. that's not "verbatim" like you said (sorry if that wasn't you) 2. are there not other "annunciations" to other saints that aren't particularly drawn from the bible? and 3. I personally don't draw a huge distinction between praying to a dead person to pray for you and simply praying to them
can't help but notice that it's the same people advocating those two things
k but if Hail Mary is a prayer then you are in fact praying to Mary, right?
My apologies didn't read your previous post correctly.
>The current Pope has stated that works alone guarantee entrance into heaven, and his word is infallible, right?
>and his word is infallible, right?
Wrong. The Pope is not infallible with everything that he says. That's a common misconception. In the same way we can disagree with the Pope. He is just another person.
Look into Papal infallibility for a fuller explanation of why people got the idea of the infallible Pope.
In addition I would imagine that you are being intellectually dishonest with what you said the Pope said. Leaving bits out, context or just using a shitty atheist translation of what he said.
islamic countries still have slaves to this day. fuck off.
on the contrary I agreed with you that he was Lord before being born, my question to you was how you consider Christianity to predate Judaism (your original point) when obviously you're saying that they are (or at least once were) the same?
inb4 some more preacher bullshit cause you're cornered. I'll be nice and stop replying if you can't think of anything
his words were "any old schmuck", not "anyone other than Jesus"
I'm not sure if he invoked infallibility when discussing the matter (it doesn't seem like it) but this is just a chink in the armor. If catholic religious leaders can, if we're being generous, err in such a colossal manner, then what else are they wrong about? These kinds of controversies reinforce that the works of men are never a substitute for the word of God. That's why I was arguing earlier that i had no interest in the Catechisms- they are written by flawed and fallen people, just the same as you and I.
The past two episodes have been dog shit, what the fuck happened? The series started off so well. Next week's episode better fucking deliver after the shit show of the past two weeks.
To be fair, I did say "the only other people to try it got fucked," when that isn't really the case.
>but 1. that's not "verbatim" like you said (sorry if that wasn't you)
There is 2 or possibly 3 of us Catholics chatting with you.
>2. are there not other "annunciations" to other saints that aren't particularly drawn from the bible?
Correct. Again we don't have a problem with praying to the Saints, but protestants tend to get really fed up with Mary and the Hail Mary in particular. Thus why we brought up how its found in the gospel of Luke.
user please take the time into looking into the communion of saints. A lot of the time we tend to seem very condescending or hostile in our debates with protestants since any Catholic/Orthodox that does apologetics has heard the same argument well over 15+ times. Perhaps if you read through our theology you could better pick holes in it? Or present an argument that we're not effectively dismissive of.
Since protestants don't use all the books of the Bible I can't reference them. So I'll do my best with revelations.
>Revelation 5:8: And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
>Revelation 8:3-4:And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God.
Of course for those in heaven there is no need for prayers, so the prayers of the saints are for those on earth. If saints are praying for us, why not implore them with something specific? That is how we on earth ask each other. If the Body of Christ is not separated, then it would be wrong to say we can’t ask members of the Body of Christ in heaven to pray for us, because that would be a denial of the unity of Christ.
Jews are in rebellion with the Messiah, they rejected God. They are not peaceful, innocent Hebrews like in the good old days of the Old Testament, they were presented with God Himself and they have rejected Him. Jews are not the successors to the ancient religious tradition that worships the true God. So who were these people who worship the true God of the Old Testament? Surely some of them had to do something right, it wasn't all Book of Judges. So if you go by modern terms, you just can't call these people Jews since they did not deny the True God despite having an incomplete theological understanding of Him (as we have of His true name and the all the new books that will be written after His second coming). They were in the very modern sense of the word Christians, and to willingly miss the point or to disregard it with petty semantics or accusations of "televangelism" is just being insincere and argumentative.
So, was Jesus Christ the God of the Old Testament? And did you need a new word to worship the True God?
The beginning of the series really was the high point of the series. Once he gets his harem and the shield continues to get stronger a lot of the tension and excitement is gone. No longer is Naofumi an unfortunate protag that does anything to accomplish his goals, he just becomes your usual shonen protag.
ah, now I feel bad
Jesus wouldn't want us to be fighting
I disagree with your doctrine but you seem like a cool guy and I'm sure you have a strong relationship with God
Yeah I misread his post.
Give me a bit to read this.
It is correct he didn't invoke infallibility.
As for a lot of the article first I have to look at other sources. A lot of English media like to butcher his words. Such as his stance on divorced people and communion. And "being accepting of homosexual acts"
>If catholic religious leaders can, if we're being generous, err in such a colossal manner, then what else are they wrong about?
My main retort to this is that the Pope cannot make new doctrine. Everything that is said is based on what is known. The only thing they can do now is clarify on certain matters. For example I think in the 1800's there was mass confusion on the assumption of Mary. This was accepted for 1500 years but had never been formally defined.
They're not making new things up.
>These kinds of controversies reinforce that the works of men are never a substitute for the word of God.
>That's why I was arguing earlier that i had no interest in the Catechisms- they are written by flawed and fallen people, just the same as you and I.
It is correct they were written by flawed people.
However just because people are flawed doesn't mean we should disregard them.
For example the "Acts of Peter" was originally a candidate for being part of the Bible. As were some of the early Church Father epistles. However the Church could not conclude with absolute certainty they were God's word. So they were excluded from the Bible. However they still referenced and taught from them for the first 500 or so years of Christianity, and centuries after the actually Bible was published. Even to this day we used the Church Fathers who were there with the original apostles.
Fuck religion. Nothing but lies constructed by a man.
the harem route was definitely a mistake, it would be way better if it was just him and loli Raph running around
>ah, now I feel bad
I feel the same way. So I've been trying to change my tone. I imagine the other Catholic guy in here feels the same. We either get dismissive or agitated or just send links when people bring up comments about things we regularly discuss. We need to remember not everyone has had this discussion with us.
>Jesus wouldn't want us to be fighting.
Indeed. Most importantly is bringing others to Christ.
>I disagree with your doctrine but you seem like a cool guy and I'm sure you have a strong relationship with God
And I'm sure you have a great love for our Lord as well. Most people who are denomination-less and just follow the Bible tend to great examples of the Christian faith.
Whereas a large proportion of "Catholics" fall into the luke-warm group Jesus mentions in the Gospel of Matthew that have never known him.
Hey bro, you drop this?
I mean, I keep up with the manga, so I'm not spoiled or anything, but the past two episodes have been so completely different from the manga version. Worst of all, the pacing was so fucking slow. Is that how it was in the LN/WN?
Okay buddy. Listen up.
This is the biggest girthiest uncut black pill you're going to have to swallow.
Jesus was a bastard. Litteral bastard.
Not of GOD
But of Joseph, the direct descendant of david and the inheritor of the throne of israel and his girlfriend. Mary, who wasn't a virgin by any mreans. Her virginity means that she was not married and made a honest woman.
Joseph and Mary were porking like..well horny in love teenagers.
Jesus's divinity came from Josephs bloodline. Not God.
Jesus was a carpenter and a warrior. He slayed dragons and kicked ass and shit like that. Had a wife and kids too. Hell he was a man and a bad ass. No seriously, the full bible has jesus killing dragons and fighting demons and shit.
Secondly, the jews hated jesus. Why?
He was destined to rule the jews, as the direct descendent of David and was beloved by jews and the goy gentiles alike.
That's why the turned on him and had him executed.
Now let me let you in on a few other truth bombs.
God, isn't THE God.
He is part of the ancient Jewish pantheon of gods.
He YAWEH is the name of the ancient jewish god of war.
The gods that the jews worshipped?
Were basically devils.
They were three of them. Moloch, beelzebub and some other asshole. They were who the jews sacrificed people too.
Guess how they sacrificed them?
They threw their ass into the "lake of fire". Ghenna aka "hel" or "hell" .
Guess what that is?
A fucking active volcano.
A still active volcano up in the mountains in some god forsaken mountainous region in the middle east somewhere.
There is no such thing as hell in the "bible" and the devil is in fact a number of assholes and not just one. It was a cuss word for some evil being(s)/people.
By the by, there was never a rebellion in heaven. It was just something to talk the lesser peasents into respecting the divine right to rule of kings and the church's king the pope. Not going to go into that. Evil as fuck.
why is there no based doujin of fat priest fucking shotas?
i saw a realistic one made by an american author but it was about the fat priest being kidnapped by chubby chasers and sodomized.
>TFW critiquing "catholics" makes me a fedora
>TFW critiquing muslims makes me an alt-right incel
>TFW critiquing modern day atheists makes me some conformist
Why are you all so thin-skinned, it's not like you followed or believe this stuff seriously.
One of those is not like the other
Is this pasta?
>Church has pedophiled their choir boys,
All religions you can name and many big media and business and wealthy people do that.
Even some of the scum here do that.
>suppressed science
Church actually kept science going back in teh "dark ages" but yeah they mostly fucked a lot of it up. Thank goodness science progressed in other countries and the west could steal from them with impunity.
>killed lots of innocent witches
Witches were mostly evil scum and the witches both male and female in the amercias that weren't the horrifying rapists and pedophiles who were raping and manipulating everything in site, were yes sometimes innocent men and women who were thrown into the fire because of social and political convenience.
>started crusades against poor Muslims,
They were both retards.
And the catholics were just murderous scum who used war as an excuse and never managed to defeat the muslims...who were an actual force of good in the world compared to the catholics.
Modern muslims...not so much.
Barely litterate stone age shit eating rape apes for the most part. The american government really did a number on those guys back in the day.
>Hey I'm Catholic, no I'm not kind to my fellow man or give to the community or even follow the fucking Fish Friday rules but I hate Gay Marriage and pray every other Sunday so I'm good
>Hey I'm a Muslim, sure I smoke, hire prostitutes, and I'm a selfish bastard. BUT AT LEAST I DON'T EAT PORK
It's not even that hard to follow religions in modern day you weak willed scum
Muslims are the bad guys.
>Hey I'm Protestant, SOLA FIDE BITCHES! Ya'll are trying to hard to make it to heaven.
Yeah, I really hate when they mix reality into my fiction too.
>poor muslims
Including Christians, Catholics and Buddhists too.
All of'em are cancer to the world.
>this thread
Ah shit, here we go again.
Atheism is bad too. Believing in nothing is a belief itself, nihilism in disguise.
>started crusades
revisionist and musliminiggerpilled!