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Discuss Yea Forums
There's nothing wrong with qt anime girls, faggot
what about braindead fans that keeps eating all the shit given to them no matter the quality?
if you want manly western style shows, go watch Yea Forums shit
No,every genre that is showed to the mass public will eventually ruin it,see Dragon Ball for example
Moe didn't but Isekai definitely ruined creativity.
Moe initially ruined everything, but then Isekai fixed everything.
I sure hope this thread won't get more than 20 replies
I wouldn't say everything but it's definitely annoying seeing the same shitty isekai or CGDCTs every season
go back
moot is gone, im not even shitposting I'm being serious, im not saying that the genres themselves suck it just feels like im watching the same shows over and over each season, sure there are a few that stand out but overall its seems kinda bland
hur its summer, I don't really like western cartoons
back where? futaba?
definitely agree
If it stays as popular as it is now for a few more years I'll definitely agree
Isekai is just a superior evolution of battle harems, which were even worse
I should leave the thread before the moefags start shitting it up
Animation budgets ruined everything.
agreed, actually thats more accurate than my post
Fucking zoomers
I just wish we would get cyberpunk and deliquent anime again
>Battle haremcuck seething on IsekaiCHADS success
>OP only started watching anime within the past decade
This. I can't believe anime died in the early 80s.
At least there's less and less mechashit and cyberpunk.
I wish we could go back to the 70s. Screw the 80s for killing anime with moe and isekai.
no I started watching anime 2 decades ago
yeh I was actually just thinking about this, there were so many mech series before moe was a problem
>yeh I was actually just thinking about this, there were so many mech series before moe was a problem
Sounds like your problem is more about anime and manga being derivative as fuck since always and not exactly what's a trend at the moment.
Oh no, it's retarded
Moe and isekai are older than 99% of this board
like there's a fucking difference between the two
that guy wasn't op, I am, he was disagreeing with my post, like I said I just wanted a discussion, I expect anons to disagree with me
moe isn't a genre
Properly speaking we are dead now. There is no point in talking any further.
mmm yes
I just want to talk about lolis