Scary anime?

Has any anime legit scared or creeped you out?

I was thinking about it and I cant think of a time, I think maybey the art style wasnt doesnt lend itself to it.

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I haven't been scared from entertainment media ever since the age of 10. I can differentiate between what is real and what isn't.

Monmusu Quest was a good game

>I can differentiate between what is real and what isn't.
Does that stop media from inducing other emotions?

No. It's actually way easier for me to feel happy or sad for fictional people than real ones (including myself).

Sort of a contradiction.

>Has any anime legit scared or creeped you out?
You mean other than Boku no Pico? No. I'm not easily scared.

>other than Boku no Pico?
Scared that you might like it?

extremely contradictory and autistic dude

Does having an existential crisis count as being scared?

Alien 9

Attached: terrified.gif (500x336, 996K)

Damn, didn’t expect someone to post this first. That jump scare in episode 3 got me particularly badly.

Well ... as much as a meme as it is. What little I know of it, I do not dislike.
I'm more scared of the implications of all of that.

>jump scare

My advice
Dont fight it

You should try Paradox if you haven't.

Shit snake

Another monmusu game?

I remember the higurashi anime creeping me out in like 2006 irc

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you haven't watched a really good movie, then. drawing the viewer in, making him empathize with the characters is really hard to do. you get scared from a movie because the situation feels real, and a creating that emotional sincerity is next to impossible for a cartoon. even something as expressive and experimental as anime still looks like a cartoon

This usually gets a reaction.

Attached: distinction.jpg (500x280, 55K)

no, i get what he is saying. fear is hard to trip, without some very specific techniques. even then, it is easy to get desensitized to those tricks.

happiness, on the other hand, is really easy to feel, because we want it. just a cheap loop of a cute girl eating pie can put a smile on most people's face

The hospital scene in shinsekai yori was pretty creepy.