I guess this is what forced animation really is. Forcing animators to do something, so it doesn't look entirely like a slideshow, 5 minutes before the deadline.
I guess this is what forced animation really is. Forcing animators to do something...
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Lmao look at the crowd
This episode look great don't know why you guys are complaining.
>not skipping the entire season
At least they made him look "fast", even if it was with twitchy frame bullshit. Flashy flash was a fucking joke this episode despite being faster than every other character shown up til then aside from Boros and Saitama.
Looks exactly like late seasons of RWBY
Is that shopped or did the episode actually air like that?
You really people went out of their way to draw fake frames for shitposting?
Someone please upload the web where saitama is with&without wig in 3 consecutive scenes
Bad animation, bad drawing, everything is rushed.
What is not to like about it?
I wouldn't put it past people lol. That's tragic
He's a big guy
>Season 1 was an adaptation of the manga
>Season 2 is more faithful to the REAL source material
secondaries btfo
This shit gets my heart pumping faster, always
Totally lit
forced? that shit is just shaky camera and some still image flashing quickly. That shit is QUALITY
What the fuck is this shit
>le 60 fps
absolutely degenerate
Someone make a webm for that scene where Saitama is walking up the steps and his foot just appears over the layer where they drew the step instead of it being actually animated
Kys if serious
Its more faithful by reproducing the manga panels with little animation, but its not most of the times just by seeing the shot of Orochi.
>S2 is more faithful to the REAL source material
>the tournament arc is nowhere in the webcomic
No, he's right. It looks like shit and you're a retard.
lurk for 2 years before posting
I had to pause when I saw this scene because it was so beautiful.
I had to pause during the suiryu fight to cry out laughing.
You're an idiot if you don't see what he was going for there.
shit's so great. I remember actually getting the shivers watching it when it first came out
At least everyone can find solace that it's muratas OC filler arc being raped instead of the quality webcomic content.
but ONE added the tournament arc himself.
>make shitty OC arcs
>manga quality went down hill and readers fucked off to other meme story of the month
>SS2 can't even generate a fraction of SS1's hype
>given shitty studios instead
you reap what you sow
AHAHAHAHAHA fucking what?
Guru vs Suru. Who wins?
S2 is exactly the adaptation the manga post Boros deserves.
stop being 12
Don't worry, you can still hear his theme in season 2 because Flashy Flash decided to steal it.
>People unironicallly enjoy this interpolated mess
Literal children
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
>best villain gets best animated fight
get fucked garoufags
lmao just look at the difference in suiryu's face, god what a shitshow
Why is it so hard to find this well-animated anime...
Can somebody make more of these comparison pics?
I'm about to start ep 1 of this trainwreck.
Wish me luck
jesus christ you cant be serious
>dark body
This one makes me laugh everytime
sugoi, i can feel my heart pumpin
>why is it so hard to find an anime that has some of the best animation in the history of the medium
It's a puzzlement.
How did they manage to fuck up the quality of this show so bad. It is literally one of the most popular animes in modern time, how could they of put the least amount of effort and money into it.
Anime is a dead industry.
>It is literally one of the most popular animes in modern time, how could they of put the least amount of effort and money into it.
You answered your own question
>hey brah it's popular people will watch it no matter what the quality so why bother?
totally accurate. there's still loads of people eating it up even if it's shit and there will probably be a good chunk of people buying BDs to see if they made it any better.
If it were faithful to the webcomic you would be able to see what was happening.
fucking god i'm dying
Nice cosplay, but it looks like someone is hiding under his cape.
how long does it take for the webcomic to get translated usually? im jonesing for chapter 114
whats with the the white outlines in the manga panel? is it just a cheap way to get good contrast?
>is it just a cheap way to get good contrast?
Yes. Oda does it all the time as well. It works well until you notice it.
Season 1 was GOLD
Season 2 atm is a fucking JOKE and a BAD one at that
Ep.7 feels like one of those garbage 5min fillers you devote minimum effort
Almost can't believe how shitty it is in comparison to S1
read the fight in the manga, anons, please do
imagine being angry at comedy show
Christ they're completely static
What the hell happened?
Such magnificent creature has to die... i cant take it anymore borosbros, is just not fair.
is it just me or the opening sucks too compared to the first season?
Everything but some scenes suck...
It's okay, Boroschad. We got the best fight in the series properly animated, and he got an ending that will be remembered.
It's one of the few things that's better.
>Season 2 peaked at episode 3
>No sakuga
>Underwhelming song
In what way, exactly?
>dude, we don't have time, what to do
>just make the 3 frames we have as blurry as you can and make it appear one on top of the other
>dude we don't have time, what to do
>just slap copypasted 3D models on the background
>but it looks like shit
>just make it as blurry as possible and people won't notice
>dude we do-
>shut the fuck up already and just finish drawing this shit, you have 2 minutes
Who is to blame for this anyways? Was it really that hard to wait 1 year for the original staff to work on it?
>Who is to blame for this anyways?
Everyone working for JC Staff. They've always been (and always will be) shit.
the song is still pretty good, the hero is better. other than that everything is much worse
The bigger issue with Flash is that he look like a complete pussy by replying to Tats when she was already leaving.
It has funny in it now. Better captures the soul of the series.
And we are getting filler next week.
Filler in a season based on Murata filler? Where's my Xzibit image?
Unless they are adapting until Chapter 77 which is way too much and that would also mean its going beyond the Elder fight.
The visuals are terrible but the song itself is pretty nice.
There are frames like that even in the Suiryu fight retard.
you first, zoomer
It was like this even when s1 aired newfag faggot. Manga readers were complaining right and left about the episodes and comparing it to the manga panles. Just that s1 was good enough to bring anime only watchers to read the manga. Now, again, mangacucks are complaing but due to s1's popularity, they are huge in number.
this is shit because they showed his expression in the next frame
This is what happens when your outsource to chinese.
>There are frames like that even in the Suiryu fight retard.
not even saitama's punch comes close to boros vs saitama kek
I just don't understand how this got animated so poorly when the previous season was done so well along with both seasons of Mob
At last the OPMfags have finally shown their true colors, by demonstrating how many of you never really care about OPM "great" story, groundbreaking characters, funny comedy, and overall being a fantastic "deconstruction" of the superhero genre. In reality it was all about the over-the-top sakuga.
Didn't both studios have a similar budget? I think the main issue is having a shitty director and animators.
>doesn't know what a frame is
Fuck off.
>doesn't have an argument
concession accepted user
I bet the chinese turned this down.
One Frame Man amirite
nothing wrong with the tournament arc
But the first OP was already humorous. By playing up Saitama's larger than life abilities it better contrasted with his mundane appearance and personality. There are even subtle jabs at his baldness when they show his head produces powerful lense flares while he fights.
This is just embarassing. There's no quality control in the industry?
Meanwhile with black clover.
Glad they finally got a good episode.
You're looking at a screenshot instead of a video. That's why it's static.
For reference here's the part with the lens flares.
Why this dude likes to animate water so much.
What the actual fuck am I looking at?
I don't have a punchline.
Its lacking compared to the 1st season but I loved the Shenlong stomp from Bloody Roar
For you
Season 2 is basically like those Disney direct-to-video sequels back in the day
That is an amazingly accurate way to put it.
fucking hell you don't even need animation knowledge to know why 60fps anime clips on YouTube are shit-tier.
From what I heard, it wasn't that S1 had amazing budget, but rather, the director was friends with a lot of good animators and they made the show on pure effort, because why the fuck not? The original director and staff moved on for the most part and are involved with other projects atm and weren't available in the timeframe the production comittee wanted the sequel get made, so they chose someone different, who's not quite on the same level, to put it politely.
Wonky storyboarding and tone-deaf comedic timing aside, S2 does appear to have 1, maybe 2, animators who know what they're doing, but it still becomes jarring, when it's just a few cuts here and there, that are immediately drowned out by several off-model low effort cuts as followup. The main question is, why the production committee, hasn't secured a followup engagement for the key staff right after they saw what they did for S1- There's the true crime in this whole scenario.
The new director is beyond not being at the same level. You should see his resume of works. Mediocre to forgettable and for the most part just an animation director. Also it was confirmed it was average budget to s1.
Why is her arm so long?
wtf it doesn't look like complete shit
you better be fucking lying user im not kidding
Anyone who has been watching anime for any appreciable amount of time has accepted that fact.
JC Staff sucks too hard to force animation, this is them trying and it's actually better than I thought it'd be after the first 2 episodes.
They only tried during episodes 1,3 and somewhat of 4. After that they show they don't try at all.
>how dare you complain about shit adaptations?
(You) now fuck off
I don't even know what to say.
The problem isn't just animation. All direction, pacing and tone is just off or fucked beyond belief. Only episode that had it good was episode 3. Otherwise others suffered from these problems at the minimum constantly.
If they actually properly adapted the story, characters and comedy that is.
>tfw no Super S girlfriend
I am 100% on board with changing the forced animation meme to mean this.
That looks bad though.
And to think I looked forward to this fight... I feel empty inside
Not so fast.
>Super S
What I want to know is does this get any backlash in japan? Like at all? And if so, what are the consequences for the people involved? I mean they massacred one of the most anticipated shows this year, one of the absolute anime flagships for normies you could say. In the normal world heads would roll for this
With JC don't expect anything.
Most Japanese say its about the level of average anime which says a lot about their quality. But there are some complaints mostly on twitter but its a minority with others still supporting the anime.
What "massacred" imbecile?
At most its subpar with season 1.
This show has overkill animation compared to the average anime.
For some reason retards believe season 1 was the standard... It's not, it was a one time thing that will never happen again, like attack on titan season 1 or Jojo stardust crusaders.
Something that happens once to put the series on the map.
Orochi vs. the colossal little brother from episode 1
who wins?
based retard
Don't know but he's really big compared to Orochi. If were going anime size then Beefcake wins easily. Manga size is smaller and only skyscraper tall so probably a better match.
its not fair bros
I wonder what Murata thinks of it. I mean, animation quality aside, there's obvious botches that just make even the simplest things hard to look at. And to think Murata's drawings, ones in which you can mostly see the effort he put in, are actually the source of this adaptation. I'm curious to know about his personal opinion.
Move aside
>OPM "great" story, groundbreaking characters, funny comedy, and overall being a fantastic "deconstruction" of the superhero genre
lol this is a joke right? all opm has is great art/animation
Is it really so hard to see that while it isn't brilliant and unique in concept, its just executed well? It appeals to shonenfags in many ways, and with the excuse of
>muh not serious
It finds a way to appeal to the closet shonenfags as well. Visually, it's S1 and the manga are a treat, but that's seriously not all it fucking takes to make such a big hit series.
This entire season is as though they only did half the animation work and released it early.
EVERYTHING is rushed. Even the climactic panels are glossed over. The dialogue has been slimmed down and is inserted as fast as possible into every scene to rush through as much manga content as possible and whoever was directing the dialogue in the first season clearly isn't doing it this time around since none of the VAs seem to understand what the context for their lines is, apparently just reading them from a card. It's insane. This is incompetent directing at its worst.
Garou vs Tatsumaki?
Lemme give you it in gif form. God I miss this quality. I've been numb since the metal bat fight.
I could tolerate shit art if it was ONE himself animating things, but you're batshit insane if you think I'd accept shit quality from a professional animation studio. S1 set the standard and if you can't be bothered to meet it then you shouldn't bother animating it. The work we've been getting is early DBS tier and the people producing it should be ashamed.
expecting them to meet s1 is crazy, but i at least expected them to meet the quality of an average action anime yet they even failed at that
How are the nips responding to this kind of quality anyway?
Don't they normally immediately call for people to get fired and shit when this kind of stuff goes down?
looks like shit
Because they're saving their budget for the important shit. The tournament arc never existed in the source material, and it's boring shlock.
Tournament arcs always suck, so they decided not to waste their money on it.
Holy fuck that looks terrible. It's just the Naruto vs Pain fight without the funny facial animations.
Sweet summer child.
Why does every anime have to have the "Fifty spaghetti noodle homing attack" move in it?
Even though Melzargard looked pretty crappy for a good amount of that fight the animation was still an order of magnitude better than this season's crap. Besides which it was pretty clear they spent all their time animating the Boros sections of the episode without putting in as much work on the Melzargard sections. Whereas presumably JC spent all their animation time pissing all over the source material.
I couldn't even process snek waifu. Also did Chinese waifu even have any lines? Season 2 is going by so fucking fast and it's so rushed if I didn't read the manga I'd have 0 clue what's going on.
I never noticed that before, thanks for pointing it out to a brainlet.
They really managed to kill the shit out of this joke. One of the funniest pages in the manga, absolutely eviscerated by this episode.
Melzargard is the opposite of what happened to Face ripper. They may not could match the freaky art of Murata so they used the animation to compensate. For face ripper there was nothing but shit art, color and animation with no effort.
Why don't you try and explain this presumed joke. Because all I'm seeing is a disgusting monstrosity eating another monstrosity.
It's a visual gag, autismo.
Yeah the pacing was completely off
I'm only on episode 5 of season 1, this can't be real.
Quit while your ahead.
finish season 1 then just read the manga
>shounen shitter watching for muh fights
you should go back to naruto or dragonball
I second this. Don't even bother with that shitshow of a S2.
Aren't animators paid really badly? Maybe the're starving and can't put their all into it.
Yeah, exactly.
This is why nobody reads the webcomic oh wait
Man, don't remind me of season one.
The animation goes above and beyond and remains a constant reminder to what could have been for season 2.
Are the Japanese mad, also?
Yes even freelancers that bring in the best of animation are given shit pay.
Shut up tripfag.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. etc...
meanwhile at Black Clover
This. OPM isnt in any way shape or form a good series if you let the art out of it, its literally Air Gear and Gantz all over again but with capeshit so people are autistically loving it like with that retarded crap movie thing from marvel.
> but that's seriously not all it fucking takes to make such a big hit series.
Add capeshit to it and yes, than its literally all it takes to make something a big hit.
Isn't there also a frame with his head superimposed over the earth or the sun?
>first index 3
>then DAL 3
>now opm
Someone axe JC Staff already
They peaked with KMB and Joshiraku