I hate you furry faggots but, as is customary, I have your raws
I feel like I'll enjoy this particular thread, though, because of its end
I hate you furry faggots but, as is customary, I have your raws
I feel like I'll enjoy this particular thread, though, because of its end
Other urls found in this thread:
Based rawposter
Can't wait to see whatever insane twist happens
I love beastars!
Thank you tsun user
What the fuck was he saying about Haru?
Legosi you total fucking retard
thanks again you cunt
Never have I seen a character so consistently fuck himself over
Why is he so fucking stupid?
He has autism.
>Autismo Wolf fucks up again
Hybrids are dumb. Hybrids between carnivores and herbivores are both violent and dumb.
What the shit
They could've actually been friends in some manner, but nope. Gotta keep the antagonist as a bad guy with no reasonable motive.
That motherfucker must die now, don't care if Yafya choke him with his horse cock.
What the fuck man
This is all because he's retarded
Not a fatal shot but goddamn
What if Meron pulled a Piccolo and missing every vital organ?
Legosi was growing too autistic, Meron knew he had to put him down
>Legosi does something stupid that gets himself hurt and makes his life worse.
He's never going to learn, is he?
Do Komodo Genes help recover from bullet wounds?
I mean... I'm not even surprised. Legosi is a dumbass
Nothing personnel kid
>hey racemixed abominations might not be all that ba-
Paru absolutely redpilled as usual
I hope Legosi learns his lesson, never remove the handcuffs of some serial killer just because you want to have an intimate chat with him.
>Get told you're going after a killer
>Hey why don't I just remove his restraints and have a nice conversation with him? I'm sure nothing can go wr-
I too am autistic enough to let the serial murderer go so I can go on a walk with him
Well he could have easily made certain he killed Legosi but he didn’t and they had a nice chat.
That’s as friendly as it gets for this serial killer.
So now that Legosi has gotten to know this arc's antagonist on a personal level just like with Riz, he'll definitely have a duel with him.
Yafya this is why you don't use a mentally handicapped person to help out with caching a serial killer
yeah yeah yeah, i get it. makes perfect sense. A serial killer surely deserves a redemption arc. there's nothing that could go wrong
why the FUCK would he want to be friends with a random autist?
>Get told guy is a psychopathic manipulative serial killer who's already killed a bunch of people.
>Yeah sure, just let me take these handcuffs off and we can have a nice heart to heart while taking a stroll.
God damn Legosi is stupid. Also, didn't grandpa komodo tell fag-horse not to get his grandson involved in this business? How pissed is he gonna be when he finds out why his grandson is in the hospital?
>Yafya leaves Legosi alone for a bit while he makes a call
>Finds him bleeding out and no serial killer in sight
I can't wait to see how pissed he'll be at this autist.
Yafya's gonna have his heel digging into Legosi's wound while looking down on him with 350 degree vision full of discontent.
We literally don't even know what they are talking about yet.
Legosi won't die, right?
I hope it doesn't go this route, but what if this is all a ruse cruise where the gun was shooting blanks, legosi had squibs on him, and the gun has a gps tracker so they can follow him back to where he's hiding out?
5 minutes
Did he take Legosi's gun or something? Is that why he was checking his pocket?
Yeah I was wondering this, if he had a gun from the start just shoot at Yafya and run, its not like a wolf can catch a gazelle/leopard speed
Will Yafya take it and the medical bills out of Legosi's paycheck?
How's healthcare like in Furryland because that could very easily ruin Legosi's life even further
I have no doubts that Yafya would use any possible angle to ensure that Legosi keeps working for him.
It's like Bunny said, every time things are going well for him he finds a way to fuck things up, he is a dumb pervert violent self destructive wolf
If it is anything like Japan's, not as bad as American health care.
>Back Scars
>Eye scar
>Now a gun shot wound
This dumb wolf is destroying his poor perfect body. What a shame.
>legosi let him go just like that
This was the worst chapter I've read.
you forgot the false teeth
I'm curious to see what the conversation is about. I imagine Legosi probably wants to know a lot about the life of a hybrid like his mother or his potential future child with Haru.
Yafya severely underestimated Legosi.
You see, Legosi, Yafya is a huge asshole for a reason.
Poor Legosi
>Legosi's mother committed suicide when he was 12 years old
>Next chapter: Yafya finds Legosi half dead and decides to kick him the other half in anger for fucking up his one job
>leaves you on the floor dying a slowly agonizing death with no help in sight
If I was Yafya I would never use Autism the wolf again
I'm sure Legosi will go after Meron by himself to atone for his stupid act here
and now his beliefs about hybrids are that much stronger
sasuga legosi
Man, remember when legosi was just the boy in charges of the lights and not going after criminals in illegals nightclubs?
Does anyone have the source of this image?
I wonder if anyone in the drama club will ever be relevant again.
It reflects on Paru's confidence as an author that the story has changed so much
I want Grandpa to get revenge on Marion. Show him what a real killer is like, go full viet cong on him
Did he just ejaculate?
Bill will be relevant again when he becomes the next beastar
Moral of the story: don't have autism
This isn't stephen galaxy you know?
(Read houseki no kuni instead, the superior gem show)
I can't believe Legosi is fucking dead.
He deserves a horsekick.
Legosi has a big:
- dick
- gun wound
Relatively speaking.
void where his brain should be
>not Aoba
So, you guys are furfags right.
We are kemono fags.
You have to admit this chapter was unexpected. I mean who thought Legosi would go above and beyond when it comes to retarded decisions?
>who thought Legosi would go above and beyond when it comes to retarded decisions?
Every single beastars reader?
There's rip out your teeth dumb
And then unchaining a known serial killer just to have a conversation with him in an isolated place with no one around to help dumb
Not that user but I feel like there is no level of stupidity legosi will go to, his mother's retarded-ness has really fucked his head up
This is the guy who challenged a homicidal bear to a duel under the bridge like some 80s delinquent manga instead of calling the cops.
I'm just here for the story, if it were human or animal It would not influence my perception of the written material.
The setting is basically realistic Zootopia though, and it does what it sets out to do well.
We don't even know anything about his mother
No, do not!
What the fuck was I expecting from Legosi? Common sense and not fucking up the mission? Why do I get my hopes up for this boy?
The real idiot here is Yafya. I mean I understand leaving Legosi but why would you leave the key with him as well?
Fuck I meant his grandmother. Are we ever going to get anything about his mother besides she killed her self?
More importnetly, what's their tax policy?
Legosi was worrying about the what-ifs if he would have a kid with Haru, since the kid would also be mixed.
Feet is already plural.
The muttzilla
Reading thos chapter with O Fortuna playing in the background turned out to be a good decision.
>Yafya wants to uproot the entire tusk trade and knows just capturing the guy won't do much
>Plays 5D chess to get him to lead them to the heart of the operation
I mean I can see it, but I don't know if Yafya would risk letting a criminal go when he's already escaped once.
El Ogro de las Beastardes
It was truly a nice conversation, shame Paru gonna Paru even if this time isn't even surprising because the guy is a psycho and Legosi a retard.
Who here thinks Paru had a crush on Vash the Stampeed shirtless?
Legosi had it coming
Grandpa could just pay it off with Legosi's would-have-been-college-fund
Who doesn't?
So what kind of genes does Legosi need to survive ruptured bladder? Elephant? Velociraptor? Amoeba?
all this fighting and spec ops just makes me miss beast complex and autistic wolf getting bullied by all the herbivores at school
I mean it's not like melon needed to be what he is for this part of the story to work even
This is why we need herbivorism. Fucking retarded carnivores I fucking swear
>I mean it's not like melon needed to be what he is for this part of the story to work even
There aren't many hybrids running around, so Melon is a welcome addition.
Where can I get good translations? nyaa only gives me raws
>truth is
>the game was rigged from the start
Mangadex or translator's page.
That naive IDIOT
But how will Louis get involved in all this?
He's fine. From the looks of it, he didn't get shot in anything vital. Should be fine if he gets patched up before he bleeds out.
Perfect Kars
Is this guys supposed to be some sort of hybrid.
Pretty sure no predator has horns and those are predator jaws.
Yes. It has been repeated several times in the manga that he is a leopard/gazelle hybrid
Batalla final
La creatura de las savanas vs el oscuridad y el autismo
have you tried reading any of the manga
even the chapter before this one
>He got the undereye wrinkle thing that Legosi has too
It was a good manga. RIP, Legosi.
What's the next dumb decision Legosi makes that maims him?
Srry i just started at chapter one.
Dont worry about the spoiler i am the enjoys the journey more then the detestation guy.
I just find it interesting Hybrids are a thing in that world.
Seeing as different species hybrids are literally impossible among animals.
So, Louis will be the MC from next chapter onwards?
No, it's the final chapter, though we might get an epilogue.
>There will be retards ITT who will defend Legosi's actions
He 100% deserves what happened to him. Maybe this time he will finally actually learn something and grow the fuck up.
Piña deserves to be the new MC
Of course it's his fault, but it was a conversation worth having for his future.
Is yafya fault for giving the key to legosi.
>Hybrids are good boys! They dindu nuffin! It's all fault of society!
Yeah, Yafya should have known better than to leave an autist unattended.
>enjoys the journey more then the detestation
You'll enjoy this manga, from the way you post I can tell you will relate to Legosi.
Maybe he wanted Legosi to fuck up? The guy is a tard and Melon is a psychologist.
Make your bets lads.
Will Legosi learn from this?
Or will he go full on hybrid apologist anyway and blame everyone and everything but the one who shot at him?
He did give Legosi a gun, maybe he bugged it?
Does legosi even know how to use a gun?
Dead dogs can't learn new tricks.
Idk, maybe he'd throw it.
>Aiming hard
>Pulling bang bang button hard
C'mon son. It's not rocket science.
>Pistol whips someone
>Accidentally left safety off
>Shoots himself
I'm convinced this is part of Yafya's plan, no other reason to trust Legosi with a firearm
You don't understand, he had to trust the hybrid abomination, because how else could he justify his relationship with Haru? Clearly society is the one at fault here.
Or as an user said, the gun has a gps and Yafya was planning this from the beginning, he is a clever bitch
>Clearly society is the one at fault here.
Or maybe it's just that hybrids are mentally deranged from the get-go. I mean, look at Legosi. He's a mutt and clearly is not someone sane.
Just According to Keikaku
Hey i don't want to snitch but that other guy just called you autistic.
>mutts so far
>legosi, serial autist
>melon, serial killer
What is Paru trying to say here?
Don't forget
Legosi's mom: Suicidal
He inherited his autism from his grandad
>It's in his genes!
You're not helping your case muttlover.
Stick them with the pointy end
Reptile genes, activate!
Yeah, I wonder that myself.
Truth be told I would be perfectly fine with the story if it ends like his worst nightmare a few chapters back. He finnaly realizes that a fetish is not his entire life and he eventualy has to grow up and be realistic and settle down with 9/10 wolf cutie to have a stable life and kids.
All part of becomming an adult. I mean he literally is chasing after his highschool crush. How often does that work out, or is a healthy relationship at all?
Jack is a good boy. Hell, all Legosi's doogo mats are good cherry boys.
if only the dead can know peace from this autism....
there's a difference between breeding between different species of canine and breeding between a wolf and a rabbit or a lizard
Not mutt as in dog but mutt as in American
Goddamn it user that's the whole thing
Ah, silly me, though you were literal. No objections there, mutts must be put down.
>breeding between a wolf and a rabbit
...A wabbit?
Gosh you are stupid, even if Gosha married a female komodo dragon their child would still have autism
hes gonna be perfectly fine after yafya injects him with some blood
be very quiet i am hunting wabbits
I will not apologize
Played like a goddamn fiddle
I knew I should have waited for the translation
So by the end of this Legosi is going to be completely covered in scars and bulletholes.
>Dramatic scene as Louis wheels out a crippled disfigured Legosi boldly declaring him the Beastar to an audience of hateful herbivores.
>Look! Look at his sacrifice! He did it all for you!!!
Big dick doesn't stop bullets
Or he'll just die.
Reminds me of IBO. I was looking to see how Mikazuki would adapt to a nonviolent life despite being half crippled.
But then he never had to worry about that cuz he fucking died
What's the next mistake Legosi makes? Not wearing a condom when he fucks the school bicycle?
IBO at least had most of a series where he was basically limp all day long
I do hope paru is brave enough to give him proper debilitating injuries though, louis' leg being a non-issue and legosis fucking teeth don't give me massive hope though
You know damn well Legosi will regrow his teeth via komodo genes.
Can komodo dragons actually do that, though?
far as I can tell no
skunks are also smaller than sheep and hyenaes aren't canines so it's best to assume that all the species in beastars are rough approximations and amalgamations of real world animals
I'd bet my left nut Yafya's been watching this whole thing unfold as another test for Legosi.
No but then they'll make a reveal that Legosi's father was actually an earthworm all along
>half wolf
>half komodo
>half moth
>half worm
>full retard
I can't believe beastars was a bleach ripoff all along.
Hybrid monster has maxed charisma holy shi-
>Gotta keep the antagonist as a bad guy with no reasonable motive
if you can read jap then translate it fag
>"here's a gun, try not to get shot by it"
Dammit Legosi, I know you have some form of autism but not to this degree.
Yes they can
My exact reaction at Legosi's stupidity. Truly he is Beastar material
What if Yafya planned this just to get Gosha to fight by his side one more time?
Why the absolute fuck is there seemingly no way to just download the scans? There are a billion fucking manga streaming sites, but fucking nowhere I can just download it.
maybe he'll finally learn to stop being such an idiot
i feel like an stupid for asking this considering we're talking about THIS autismo wolf but , is there any chance this will make lugosi drop the whole race mixing idea?
i take the whole antropomorphe thing as a tool for the story, it isnt there just to pander to the fetishes of the author. But no, i am no furry. I'm still on the first level, and im happy there. chart related
you have to have some serious mental gymnastics to really differentiate 1-3 4 and 5 i can understand as being degenerate
I get it. Than Tibetan fox lady gouhin worked on in that chapter.
I have fapped to all 5 level, all from our Japanese doujinshi of course.
you dont like kemono girls, user?
well, dont worry. We're in 2019, being a faggot is okay.
of course i know that being a faggot is ok. just dont be such a faggot about it.
Does it matter? Why do you have to put people in groups? Why cant you just enjoy what fiction you enjoy without thinking about that crap?
see we are (still) ok
Legosi you stupid wolf lizard piece of shit.
Are you fucking kidding me?
never understimate the power of autism
Chris-chan used to buy me Yugioh! packs back in the day, before he got permanently banned from the shop.
Retarded and dropped.
is that autism? it happens to me and my family members sometimes
Toll paid in full.
Use the right font. Wild words.
Why Legoshi is SO fucking retarded? Is it the extra komodo chromosomes?
Oh my 6.3 chromosomes.
Your a winner, according to your digits.
I very interested to know what Melon actually said that convinced legosi to let him go
Muttzilla Bros?
- herbivore feitsh
>Legosi kills Elmer to protect his child
No he would free Elmer from jail and then Elmer would kill his kid.
In the end, he still got shot by a gun.
that sounds like something that would happen with this idiot.
He is truly hopeless.
This is what happens when you vaccinate your baby boy.
episode es translated
Go back to /pol/.
What made him so stupid?
You sound Tsundere as fuck.
Komodo genes
He's not a furry, but
But I bet a pretty penny he loves reading Beastars.
So the gun was Meron's. I can't wait to see how Yafya reacts when he finds that Legosi fucked up his only task.
I don't, I just always have the fucking raws because I buy WSC when it comes out