Kinosuba 3 when

kinosuba 3 when

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Zoomer anime

When the LN sales drop enough to need a boost. So in like 15 years maybe.

aqua is the greatest!

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Hopefully never

and the cutest!!!

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and the most powerfulest!

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and the moist moist!

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shud i be worried that the movie's being done by JC Staff?

not at all. it will be the finest boobie cinema.

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I’m 30 and look, they’re not gonna make any more slayers

I'm 30 and I just want to see more of Aqua's sweet ass.

Hopefully never, they'd probably fuck it up.

Is this yuri?

>movie's being done by JC Staff?
say what? no more DEEN quality? i can honestly say i'm worried, the janky animation was part of the series charm. hopefully they just handle the movie and it goes back to DEEN if it gets another season

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No, this is Aqua

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>muh studio
It's literally the same based boobie people working on it. Calm your tits.

he does not know...

Wait what don’t I know? My googling is failing me, I guess.

maybe this?

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Oh, I did know about that, but the show never caught up in the first place, did it?


At being frogged.

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um.. time to go bye

Shitqua the useless goddess

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How does it feel knowing they like every series you do? Do you lose sleep over it?

>now with pantsu
nani, nani

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Same time as NGNL S2

Delete this

If the movie does well maybe in a couple of years

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I love her so much guys!

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Don't be jealous stupid frogposter.

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Is this a contest to see who can be the most cancerous?

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Just ignore them and post best Goddess.

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Aqua is indestructible!

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Can a Light Novel fag please tell me if they really went with Kazuma x Megumin?

That's so fucking bad. Aqua and Kazuma are the only reason to watch the anime in the first place. If you get rid of either Aqua or Kazuma the show is shit but those two together can easily carry the entire series. Every other character is just a side character to these two. And I'm not an Aquafag because I actually like Lalatina the most but come on. It's so obvious that Aqua and Kazuma are meant for each other. They're best friends.


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You're losing your edge. That's obviously Darkness wearing Aqua's boot frogfag.

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Even after suffering she bounces right back to being the greatest and that is only half her charm

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>obvious Aqua fag
Yes Megumin won the Kazuma bowl. And no you fag it doesn't matter who wins the interactions between the party remain the same.
Aqua and Kazuma are still the source of comedy in the series

I've never seen such a USELESS thread in my life.

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Aqua is the main character so it doesn't really matter what pointless side characters do

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and the most messiest!

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Everyone is a side character to Kazuma and what ever girl is the focus that Volume.

So useless she can’t even be toilet trained

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I'm an Aquafag and even I can see it's time to stop guys.

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Maybe Aqua is shit...


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Says the fag who has replied to every one of my comments kek

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Why do zoomers hate JC Staff so much?

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