Is there a bigger pseud anime?
I think not.
Is there a bigger pseud anime?
Pleb status: Well and truly filtered.
Pseud anime core: Death Note, Code Geass, Ergo Proxy, GITS 1995, Akira
Show is good. Fanbase might be the worst in anime
I liked it but it's kind of impossible to criticise without being accused of not getting it.
Inb4 pseudo intellectual American high school dropouts try to defend this garbage again because they manage to understand an experimental anime meant for teens
Based OP.
>Fanbase might be the worst in anime
It can't be worse than JoJo fags online.
you mean BNHA fags
Why don't you give reasons for calling it pseud instead of just saying that it is
Lmao you didn’t even get a show with that low of a barrier to entry
Eva is worse in both quality and fanbase
OP, you don't seem to understand
It'd be nice if the criticism demonstrated getting it.
Why the fuck are bnhafags they way they are?
It's not like it tries to be more than a bunch of cool imagery thrown together.
Present day
Present time
Nah that would be technoxljzize or however it's spelled
>can't even spell the title
>GITS 1995, Akira
These two are actually pretty good, even if they're not really as "deep" as some people say.
>Code Geass
It's trashy schlock and complete garbage, how is it pseud?
>worse fanbase than HxH and Madoka
The right answers are Madoka, HxH, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, anything Yuasa.
What's wrong with the madoka fanbase?
easy Yea Forums bait for dummies
god damn, this anime or Death Note
Boku no pico.
It's not nearly as deep as Yea Forums makes it out to be. I was bitterly disappointed with it.
I will never understand why Yea Forums loves pretentious garbage so much
Hey man, no hate for Mushi-shi. I've never heard someone claim it's deep, just an anime you chill out to for it's episodic nature and relaxing atmosphere.
I cannot watch this show. I've tried many times.
I don't know why either other than it just bores me. Normally I understand why it's boring, but this anime baffles me.
In fact now I am interested in finding out why it bored me so much the last 4 or so times I tried to watch it.
Why would you continue to torture yourself? The anime is shit. And if you continued you would be surprised at how it manages to get even worse, and by the end it's absolutely fucking retarded.
>madoka is the greatest anime of all time FACT!
I disagree
>watch it instead of criticizing it based on youtube reviews!
I did watch it
>no you didn't!
Repeat ad nauseam until the thread reaches bump limit.
At least hunterchads put some effort in their shitposting, and waste time making collages and pastas.
>Why would you continue to torture yourself?
Because by looking at the things it covers (genres, themes, etc) and the people who made it, it should be at least 7/10 and watchable.
As I said, it bothers me how unwatchable it is. It shouldn't be unwatchable as the concept was perfect and it was written Gen Urobuchi whom I usually really like the works of.
So I assume "I guess I never gave it a chance" and start it again, only to end up the same 2-3 eps in.
>a bunch of college dropout stoners are a worse fanbase than HxH, JoJo, Geass, and BNHA
>a bunch of college dropout stoners
Holy shit you hit the nail on the head. I have only had 1 real life conversation about Lain in my life, and it was with a guy who said that SEL was his favourite anime. I met him and had this conversation at a university we were both studying at. He was a stoner and dropped out in the first year.
>It's trashy schlock and complete garbage, how is it pseud?
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Ergo Proxy. No one with taste thinks it's good.
It's average. But there were parts to like.
when the plot finally fucks off and the characters start to wander the desert there are some admittedly kino episodes
The episode where they are stuck in the ship is the best one.
Not even close
Ghost Hound
literally these, also hxh fags
I don't think bnha think they are special snowflakes like the fans of those 3
This is a great rec list for anyone looking to watch the only shit that matters
I really like Madoka but I hate how fans only focus on shipping girls and barely mention the great visual backdrops that Shaft made and Inu Curry's fantastic Witch designs.
>patlabor 3 times
>memories 2 times
Do people watch Akira and think it's good because of the message instead of the visuals?
what's the message in akira?
That's my point
blocks your path
I'll agree with Yuasa. Yuasa is a great visual director, but can't write for shit, which is why I will never forgive him for the abomination that was the second half of Kaiba.
"Just because you have psychic powers doesn't mean you should be a dick"
I thought most people who liked Lain were autistic people who spent too much of their lives on the internet. Lain starts out as basically a social robot but becomes more powerful on The Wired which is pretty much true to people with autism who find it easier to communicate through the internet.
That's mob psycho 100 message
Yes your life.
>Death Note, Code Geass
How are they pseud?
>woah they kill people because they think it's good/needed
so deeeeeep, they aren't even trying.
Yeah but with Akira it's more of a bro thing because it's Tetsuo being a power tripping cunt and trying to justify is bullshit because he felt he was being kept down by Kenada.
That's basically the core of the primary protagonist and antagonists struggle. There are obviously your standard cyberpunk elements and classic science fiction element "oh my god, the horrors of science, they experimented on kids!" and the Manga goes with bringing Akira out with some classic "did god make man or did man make god?" shit but at its core it's just basically "this infighting is out of hand, we're bros, brah" the story.
Science’s hubris
Inferiority complex/social hierarchy
Maturity and adolescence
I like it especially since it dealt with the 90s depiction of the internet as this "mysterious and arcane place."
Also, I visit Lainchan almost everyday.
Throw in Love Live fags along with these two, they're all equally bad