Berserk - Live Adaptation

How do you think it will go? Seems like every year we're having live adaptation or Hollywood adaptation of Japanese titles. This year we're getting Alita, Akira, and Cowboy Bebop. How do you think a Berserk live adaptation will fair?

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fuck off

as long as they don't show shit they haven't done in anime already idc I'd probably watch it.

Doubt it'd be good though, look at the Diamond is Unbreakable live action film....fucking wuau..

Apparently John Boyega has been casted as Guts

There are tons of good people to play Griffith and Casca, but what early 20-something giant could they get to play Guts?

According to leaks the black guy from new star wars movies.

Don't think it's fair to compare Hollywood and Japanese adaptations. On one hand you have a shoestring budget of $1M or less with terrible CGI, or you have a budget of $100M+ and passable CGI. There's a ton of interest in medieval fantasy now that GoT is over.

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>as long as they don't show shit they haven't done in anime already

So what the hell can they adapt? Lost Children? You can't show naked kids. Fantasia? How would the average viewer know what the hell is going on?

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No no no please no. No nigger for Guts please.

I wish I never got into this series, it's been nonstop suffering since I caught up.

Jesus christ if they're going to with the muh black people route they could at least go with someone large and intimidating who fits the role.

>inb4 nu Yea Forums is triggered without proof

Who else would you cast? He's the BLACK Swordsman, after all. You need someone who's huge and gives off a physical presence. I'd say Terry Crews, but he's old.


The Rock.

The Pajeet that adapted Castlevania and other titles for Netflix wants to get his hands on Berserk. We'll be getting the announcement that Berserk is picked up by Netflix soon. Evangelion is already widening the average Netflix watcher's taste to anime.

Black swordsman because of his fucking outfit not because of his skin color. Guts is white for fuck sake. And that nigger from Star Wars is not huge at all.

as long any american is being involved im fine , they had many oportunities to get 1 just 1 decent anime adaptation they not only failed but insulted the source material so please stay the fuck off americans

It will be butchered beyond recognition and a true insult to the source material. Something as brutal and rapey as Berserk will never be allowed in its original form.

Why not? We have japanese animation in our movie theatres now it makes sense.

And yeah, I really hope GoT mutants don't migrate towards Berserk. It'd get a terrible ending before miura can write it :).

>any ending better than no ending
ye if its by miura

I keep seeing Geass show up in non-anime lists on Netflix.

Miura already said in an interview that he don't want to give Berserk rights to Hollywood because they will not understand his work. He said he prefer to adapt it with a full japanese cast in Japan than giving it to americans.

I doubt very much that Miura will let go of his precious IP while he's still ali.... oooooooooh.

>implying netflix normies would enjoy something like Evangelion
yeah right

What? He literally said he wants to see it adapted, and by Guillermo Del Toro is his preferred director.

>uno movie
Literally what part of the manga could they actually adapt satisfactory if they have 3 hours of screentime at most?

>I doubt very much that Miura will let go of his precious IP
Have you somehow missed the past decade of terrible movies, games and spinoff books?

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Guillermo Del Toro =/= Hollywood.

Miura gives no fucks

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>Berserk will never end
>but it will get one passable anime, 3 slightly less passable movies, one abomination that shall not be named and a (((Hollywood))) adaption
>normalfags will ruin yet another one of your hobbies

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David Benioff and D.B. Weiss (the internationally acclaimed writer/director duo behind the hit series GAME OF THRONES) have been contracted by HBO to write, produce, and direct a 7 season, live action adaptation of BERSERK: THE GOLDEN AGE. Benioff and Weiss will begin the work after their trilogy of STAR WARS movies end.

Cast it.
Will it be shit?

I'll care when we get a live adaptation of Kodomo no Jikan

Is it literally your first day on 4channel or something?

This was back when James Gunn posted that thing that looked like the Brand, but ended up being for some other shit that I didn't care enough to remember. Luckily most people in this thread seem to not be fucking retarded, and know to find a source before reacting, but if you did get worked up by this, then use it as a learning experience and don't be so stupid in the future.

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Absolutely retarded.

I wouldn't bother watching even the first episode if that's true and I'm a huge berserkfag that spends most that one should with berserk merchandise

Any point in buying the hardcovers or is there a chance Dark Horse is going to go bust?

That brand shit was the dumbest thing and I swear it constantly happens whenever anyone teases anything using a vaguely norse looking rune. You don't have to have 3000 iq to realise that if someone was going to adapt Berserk they would use the brand exactly as it is it's not fucking copyrighted.

The hard covers are the only ones worth buying in my opinion.
The common paper they use for manga is shit

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They look really nice but Dark Horse have lost too many properties and have me worried.

Why would Dark Horse go bust? Berserk is their biggest title. They could live off that alone.

They've lost loads of properties lately and they've got pretty much nothing left. Hellboy film was also a total failure. They could turn around I guess and focus more on taking advantage of the booming manga scene like they are already with Berserk by giving their titles better release.

It can’t possibly be worse than the 2016 anime

Right. I forgot Hellboy was released between Shazam and Endgame. What the hell were they thinking.

New chapter when??

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Probably do golden age. Again. Possibly the black swordsman sans eclipse. But since it will probably be redone so that they can shove politics into it, they'll probably do the count that looks vaguely like trump, or EBIL RELIGION.

I think they were thinking they could probably capitalize on the hype of both of those movies but it just got steam rolled and forgotten about I guess and it backfired on them.

high melanin guys are physical more impressive and easier to find that muscular white actors. Sorry man, this is 2019.

Look if it will make you feel better, Casca will be white and blond, ok?

shut up tranny

Oh so it's a Netflix adaptation?

looks like people forgot what it's already happening with The Witcher on Netflix? and do you believe they are going to make it work with Beserk?


So who's gonna be white Donovan?

Witcher is 3-4 months away. Wonder how it'll look.


>Writes your story ending

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where is the fucking chapter you fucks

inb4 it turns out to be worse than the 2016 CG adaptation

>writes 5 different spin-offs series for 3 different TV networks
>writes for 2 different gaming companies
>writes spin-off book of his own universe
>doesn't write anything for his magnum opus


cant wait

No because as shown they are pretty good when following source material, it's only when that runs out does it go to shit

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So who are they going to cast as best boy Donovan?

Can it be worse than the "new" anime?
It ruined the franchise.

Channing Tatum as Guts and Ezra Miller as Griffith.

Erza is probably the best cast for Griffith other than the person Miura based him off of

Was Guts gay for Griffith?

No, but the opposite is true.

A beefed up Antony Hopkins, maybe in the muscle suit.

>tfw no bd realse of the 97 anime in NA


The Hiatus arc.

>it will be ANOTHER adapation of GA

>Ezra Miller as Griffith

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Thought you were joking at first but I don't even know if Ezra as Griffith would be a bad cast.

my name guts

Jesus I’m so gay for him
He’s like this rare multidimensional mog who is simultaneously beautiful and handsome/masculine

Can you provide source for this?

Guts is black and Casca will be white. Why are white guys so cucked?

Tatum is too old now.

>shove politics into it
So it's going to be made by americans?

Based Bocchi get

I want to see live action rape horse

INB4 it have worse CGI than last anime

Is Guts even white in an european white sense? Griffith is definitely white, but for me Guts looks like some arab/turk/persian dude.

Muslim hands wrote this.

You jest, but I think KnJ would make a great live action movie. Just remove some of the racier fan service scenes and the timeskip ending and you have a pretty serious story about a greenhorn primary school teacher and his kids from dysfunctional homes. The manga already feels a lot like a live action melodrama especially at the peak of the story in the middle volumes.

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Say what you want but Guts doesn't look white.

Guts looks Asian. Zodd has lived for centuries so he could come from non-Mongolia and traveled all the way until Midland. I think Ryohei Suzuki (Hentai Kamen, Ore no Monogatari) could be a good Guts

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Elf ears and getting blacked does not make him a sandnigger.

Guts looks like an Armenian or Greek.

Can't believe how many retards fell for this
Yea Forums is really filled with newfags

The new Chewbacca. I'm serious.

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Nah, the nose is completely different from both of them.
You know that not everything in those regions was islamic, right?

Bullshit, he looks european 100%, chinks don't have that kind of side profile like in OP's picture, y'all can keep talking about "these obviously white characters are clearly meant to be japanese because....they have a japanese name and were born in japan so they must be ethically japanese".

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Guts will be a black man and Casca will be a white woman.

Zoroastrian, family fucker hands wrote this.

I'm slav though. Also,

Guts is based on Mel Gibson from Mad Max and his apparatus is similar of Rutger Hauer in blood of heroes.

The thick as fuck eyebrows and darker skin does make him fit for Greek/Armenian/Turk I'll admit, but he's actually modeled after a dark tanned Nip.

He's Samoan/Pacific Islander.

I wouldn't mind the Rock as Guts however, just have the Rock actually grow some hair or wear a wig.

I wanted to laugh at all those fucking idiots.

Yeah, I mean just look at this chink fuck,with his flat nose and slanted eyes. No european could look like this.

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>inb4 they cast a black woman as Caska

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They must cast a muscular poo.

Weeb are so fucking stupid on this, you can literally draw the anime version of the whitest people on earth and they will still claim they're japanese because they were drawn by a chink, cope til the end retards, japs see whites as the most attractive race by a long shot

Channing Tatum does have the face structure for Griffith, and acting chops to be him. Ezra looks like a fuccboi so I guess that's fine for Griffith.


Good one.

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She could be from Kushan, her ethnicity could basically be any dark skin, from Mediterranean, to SE Asian.

Stop falling for a shitty bait thread

Idris Elba as Guts.

Only acceptable choice but only if Casca will be white

He really is beautiful
Would have to wax everywhere and dye his hair though, or a good wig

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They should cast CGI Arnie as Guts.

What are the chances they'll turn down Griffith's gayness?

Bakemonogatari starring Timothée Chalamet as Koyomi

*Peter Dinklage

So do they ever explain how Guts is magically stronger, faster and more durable than every other human? People call Rey a mary sue when Guts slaughtered a 100 men by himself

The magical negro training. Did you even read the manga?

Honest question. Who the fuck actually watches live action anime adaptations?

Halle Berry could be a good caska

Maybe 15 years ago.

Tilda Swinton as Griffith, no other options allowed.

Well his whole life is pretty much a hardcore grind in training and conditioning. Combine it with athlete genes and it's kind of believable.

More like 25. Remember they are still teenagers.

Only thing that look arab/turk/persian on Guts is his eyebrows. Otherwise he looks white.

>berserk live action
it will be shit
>rumors are guts will be casted by the black actor from star wars that has questionable acting skills and is mostly a diversity hire.

Luck stat is maxxed out

This, guts life was so hardcore he bungyjumped out of his mom's dead womb.


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Why are people saying Guts isn't white? He got fucked in the ass by a big black man. He's white.

His birth was kind of weird, I always suspected he was slightly out of Causality's reach as a result of it.

Hello, this will be your Casca for tonight.

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Blacked swordsman

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Light brown/tan skin is not how blacks are depicted in anime.

Hopefully at least on a similar level to the Golden Age movies, but most likely it'll be a dumpster fire like 99.999999% of films adapted from anime and manga.

I swear to god if they cast guts or casca as a nigger

His birth was definitely weird but he was the main reason why Griffith lost everything so he must have been a toy of Causality as well. What set him outside of it was surviving the Eclipse which also freed Casca, and their child from it. That is why I expect their child to play a huge role in destroying the God Hand.

>People call Rey a mary sue

Because she is one, learn what a Mary Sue is.

I am in for this, would be awesome seeing the rock as guts during the eclipse.

This is an attack on your hobby and you want to ignore it? You think it will flop don't you? You really think there isnt a chance in hell that they will make some pozzed pile of feminist pandering garbage and it will succeed and become the face of Berserk in the west?
I'd try to stop this.

Get woke get broke. I wouldn't worry about this. It will probably suck as much as other adaptations.

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Dream on negro

Possibly merely pretending.
Actually retarded.

Nobody mentioned our guy yet?

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Maybe 20-30 years ago before he was JUSTed.

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Blacks typically have Giant ass Nigger lips.

Watch how ((they)) will make Donovan a white guy kek

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Honestly hes got the face with some makeup for his eyes but ive never seen him pull off anything close to guts’ character

>white donovan
>black guts
>indian casca
>white griffith
>trans zodd

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He took it from his dad

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>destroying the God Hand

This nigga retarded.

If they have to make guts black, then they should at least pick a more good looking black dude than the guy from Star war.

theyre all gonna be shit

I'd be okay with love action berserk film as long as it wasn't Hollywood doing it

Powerful =/= mary sue
Rey is a sue because she literally does not suffer in any meaningful way throughout the series nor does she sacrifice or lose ANYTHING of significance.


>berserker armor
>shortens life span
>griffith always gets completely fucked up
>after a fee days everythings back fo normal without any repercussions

This is now a berserk thread

when is next chapter?



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>after a fee days everythings back fo normal without any repercussions
It's not conveyed well in either the manga or the anime but Guts spends 4 years with the band of the hawk. Usually months pass by between scenes.

Assuming you mean Guts instead of Griffith, there's literally a part where Schierke looks at Guts while he's shirtless and takes in just how fucked up his body has gotten from the constant fighting. The berserker armour has put his body through so much stress that it's literally made his hair turn white.

Not even to begin to talk about how funky time is conveyed to the reader in the series. One could even argue that he walks around with broken bones because of how the berserker armour works

Whatever the next Berserk adaptation is, for fuck sake please include The Black Swordsman arc

Emilia Clarke as Griffith.

In 2019? If anything they'll crank it up to 11.

>blackswordsmen again

Why do they even bother

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>White people
Inb4 muh money muh 56%

Im talking about how he recovers from near death situations almost always within a week
Yeah it SHOWS that his body is fucked up but name a single time where guts was fuckdd up from a previous fight and couldnt contribute? The only impact it had until now is visually, not functionally. You might say hes doing the same things but his broken body means more pain but at the end of the day the events are the same

Based. I hope Casca is white for maximum butthurt.

Yeah, what a bunch of retards wanting a faithful adaptation.

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If you want Hollywood to anime knockoffs with 3DPDshit then a Berserk adaptation starring that Star Wars fellow and some blue eyed blonde for his character to fuck is exactly what you deserve.

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I didnt say i want hollywood anime knockoffs, nice straw man. I said that people always want adaptations of any kind to be faithful to the source material.

>This bait again

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A live action adaptation is an anime knock-off but with meatbags instead of drawings. Enjoy your marvel quips and shitty CGI you dumb normalfag.

It'll be the 12,000th Golden Age adaptation (since it's the only part of Berserk anyone remembers) and it'll suck like all live action anime adaptations even Jap ones. Expect affirmative action casting, generic fart horns "epic" score, a washed out gray/brown/black color pallette and lots of shaky cam.

By the amount of straw men youre making you must be severly retarded please go back to r9k

> since it's the only part of Berserk anyone remembers
It's the only remotely interesting part of Berserk.

Go back to r*ddit, normalfriend.

> Ezra Miller as Griffith

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I'm glad to see something that isn't a GoT general on Yea Forums!

It will be awful because Hollywood is creatively bankrupt and Americans are so retarded they refuse to watch anything animated that isnt lighthearted and goofy

White Donovan...This is going to be truth since black people cant be bad unlike other evil races.

>Fucking turkish, kek
Guts looks like a Slav you retards. Mostly euro with some Mongolian thrown in, pale skin, angled features (but more blockish), black thick straight hair and black eyes

Name one evil thing black people have done.

they think they won in Europe and roleplay as master race.


you got that leak wrong John boyega will play Donovan.

>Latino Guts
>Transexual a bçack grifith
>Indian Caska

If that's him, I could sort of see it.

It 2019, they won't cast a black man to play Guts. Oh no, they'll cast a white aryan to do it, no doubt at all

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I always thought that Guts is just white. I feel like people might think Guts could be asian or whatnot because Miura's colored sketches of Guts show him with yellowish or tan skin, but he does it for all the characters, even for the ones who are certainly white like Serpico in pic related. I think Miura just wants to make his characters as oily, greasy, dirty and gritty as possible, imo.

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fucking this

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Miura was never good at colouring. I never liked his coloured prints except the one he made for the 2017 BDs with Guts fighting Mozgus.

I'd be more offended if they cast a manlet as Guts than casting a coon

They should cast a mutt.

I honestly think it has something to do with the fairy that killed herself to heal him.

Guts. My tent. Now.

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You mean Blacked Swordsman.

>missing the point

This but unironically.

So who is gonna be a token nigger?

Only girl fit to play Golden Age Casca

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He really doesn't
Where did this Guts being Med come from? Everyone agreed he was central yuro up to a month ago. Other than the thick brows, what gives? His hair has no curls, his nose is straight

What is Southern Europe. My entire dad's side of the family who are from Spain looks like Guts.

Wasn't that explained at a certain point after the eclipse?

And he was almost dead at the end of it. Guts doesn't have any "magic" powers. He's just a BAMF swordsman with insane willpower.

Guts isn't the perfect hero. He has plenty of character flaws.

Berserkfags revealing their true colors as the racists they are

The objective is always the denigration and infection of the original material. So, I think they will do a decent job.

Who doesn't hate niggers? Even niggers hate other niggers since they kill eachother so much.

Whatever, racist

back on hiatus lmao

>implying they wouldn't completely ruin the story and veer off Miura's actual storyline because he takes too long for chapters to come out

So this is how Berserk dies.

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Has anybody ever tweeted at moner about casca? It'd be cool if she got into Berserk

>With CLANGing applause....

Oh man, I hoped right into that one

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No one who says this is being serious.

Italian or Spanish.
So, no white.

Who cares?

Guts is obviously half-demon because he's Zodd's son

In the beginning hed be one of the tanned europeans but as the art style changed guts became more slavic id day.

Why does Yea Forums get trolled harder by this bait than Yea Forums does?

Yeah, that’d be a good fit

Dark Horse is looking to be in dire straits, but the Berserk HCs are selling like hotcakes. They didn't have enough production to meet pre-order demand months after release. If something is selling that well for them you bet your ass it's going to keep being published.

You deserve to treat yourself and get Vol 1 at least. Berserk is incredible in that larger format, the art pops so nicely.

at least the spines aren't out of unison on the HC

I'm fine with this as long as they keep Donovan.

the movies were good though.

genetics and training every day of his life. he natty brah. he's also outside of causality by the time the eclipse, perhaps before the eclipse even began.

Classic bait

>Japanese cast

It's gonna be worse than live-action AoT

who gives a shit about that.
who plays puck is the most important thing here.

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>godtier genetics
>lived life of incredible adversity from the moment of his birth
>progressively trained to do one thing from when he could walk, continues doing that one thing for over a decade and gets really good at it
>exists on the Interstice, where one's will affects the physical world, giving him incredible durability and strength because his entire life has been hardening his will
>Puck's dust is basically magical post-workout, giving him quickened recovery and adaptation

They just need to cast Moner and nothing will be wong

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"Hearsay proves that a live action Berserk movie might hypothetically be planned"
It's called clickbait.
Also bullshit.
>a rumored rumor is evidence

Peter Dinklage's next big role

I should play Guts to be honest.


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I'm just curious how the sjws and jews are gonna fuck this up again.

This guy should play Guts.

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You've got 2 whites there. Make Donovan asian and we have a deal.

While this guy can play Griffith.

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This guy can play Donovon

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>Guts looks Asian.
He does in the movies.

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He looks oriental or pacific islander in the movie trilogies.

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True but irrelevant. The manga is what matters

>Center: Guts
>Right: Casca

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lmao no

Here's your Guts bro

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