>make the best girl
>make her a canon lesbian
why is this allowed
Make the best girl
Nico isn't a lesbian though
What's the matter? It makes all the porn of her getting dicked violently even better knowing she's a dyke don't you think?
There are no canon lesbians in Love Live.
Absolutely positively based.
She wouldn't be best girl if she wasn't a lesbian.
/u/ faggots destroyed
She isn't a lesbian.
Seethe more hetcel
Absolutely BASED!
>why is this allowed
It should be required.
absolutely based
Hetfags are pigs who cant accept that some girls dont like dick.
This is coming from a fujo. Pretty sad, huh?
>seething /u/fags are also nametards
Can't beat the cock.
Turning dykes straight is a patrician fetish, especially when it ends in marriage and impregnation.
>Impregnating a dyke
Name a hotter thing in the world
Nobody cares, retard.
Back to school, timmy.
Why are you calling yourself out in your own post. Is being braindead a requirement to be a namefag?
Pic not related, right?
Namefag, but you’re absolutely right
Seething trannies will disagree
Based and redpilled
Reminder that all namefags need to jump off a cliff
All the seething trannies agreeing with you should dilate honestly
Imagine being so mentally disturbed you think liking what's biologially natural makes you a fag. You will never be a woman
Cope with what? The happiness of being lucky to be a man in the world? I will, you should too c/u/ck
Excellent quality post
Stay mad
Mad that gay marriages end disproportionately in divorce compared to straight marriages or that most people revert to being straight once they grow out of their delusions? That sounds pretty nice actually, what's to be upset about?
lmao @ this assdevastated tranny
>n-no u
>stay mad
What's next? Yikes? Have sex? Fuck off back to your dilation station
Grow up
All best girls are lesbians. Hetsluts can't be best girls.
All best girls are lesbians, all lesbians are made to be dicked. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy
>replying seriously to single word, low effort shitposts
No wonder Yea Forums is dead.
Don't you have to dilate your gaping surgical wound to push back your inevitable suicide by one more day?
Have sex.
I'm sorry, but that's just plain wrong.
cringe namefaggot
Except for all of them.
>make the best girl
>make her fat as a whale
Being a dyke is just a phase, user. If you dick her once, she'll see the way.
I wish there were more doujins for this fetish
Based but bluepilled
Cringe but redpilled
Cringe and trannypilled
Obsessed and yikespilled
Can you blame her?
Nozomi is so relatable.
And impregnatable.
Incels, all of them
Recognizing that it's natural for a woman to want to take dick isn't incel behavior, recognizing otherwise is pretty in line with being a tranny though.
Go back to and stay there
This isn't your safe space tranny, fuck off to /u/ first.
Make me faggot.
Yea Forums=/u/
Never going to happen, people are sick of you /u/trannies for good reason. Put off your suicide another day and go dialte why don't you?
Reminder these people never sperg about yaoi.
Stop projecting, will you?
Because /y/fags are bros and aren't self-mutilating man-hating freaks that c/u/cks always are. Plus they stick to 1 general instead of making off-topic random "why is yuri so good my fellow girls?" threads.
>he can't masturbate without self incerting!
>ESLfag is also too beta to think he could take on a lesbian
Man up spic
Why can't people who appreciate /u/ enjoy het porn and vice versa?
based, /u/ fags blown the fuck out yet again
Feels bad loving a lesbian like Nozomi. Now my only options are to hypnotize her or rape her.
>it's a hetcel sperg thread
Or fuck her so good she's straight again, easy.
>Hetfags got worked into a shoot
Like clockwork
Blessed post.
lmao, seething hetnigger
Why is she so perfect?
Daily consumption of cute girls
Someone woke up the tranny, here they come
The fact that she's canonically lesbian is what makes her best girl. Why don't you understand this yet?
I wish I was a cute girl so Nozomi could consume my life force.
>projecting this hard
Take your meds sweatie
I came here to issue a daily reminder
Yuriniggers eternally destroyed.
hetcels on literal suicide watch
Is it so hard on your tiny brain to understand that people don't need to self-insert to have a wank? Or worse, enjoy a show?
This post instantly kills the yuriniggers.
Completely and utterly based.
>having canon yuri is good because I can read doujins about it
Well at least we're on the same page?
Other way round, especially with Idolshit series
There is no canon yuri in love live
Yurifags and hetfags confirmed for best bros
Reminder she literally created her own idol group, recruited exactly the girls she liked, won worldwide, fulfilled Nico's dream and then raped everyone and got away with it
Based mungposter.
Here's the kicker: there is no such thing as a girl that does not like dick .
fuck yuri
Nobody fucking cares, you pile of nigger shit.
why does everybody like her, she doesn't sing good and she has a flat ass, all she has is gigantic tits but hanayo has better proportions, so it makes no sense for her to be so popular
>>canon lesbian
Imagine being this delusional lmao
Who is?
say that to your mom
Anyone who thinks my wife Nozomi is gay.
Liking cute girls doesn't make you a lesbian.
She's not a lesbian, she merely enjoys bullying girls sexually. That's a fun trait to have in a wife, just imagine all the girls you get to grope along with her. Would also be easy to get girls like Rin be a bottom in your fucked up hardcore 3some.
But being a canon lesbian is what makes her the best girl.
most based post in the catalog 2bh
Bluepilled heterofag
unironically based
But all of them are canon lesbians, OP. None of them display the tiniest bit of heterosexuality. That's why I don't care about the waifu wars in this franchise.
You can't blame her if she's in love with perfection.
kek, sasuga spics
that teleportation jutsu
based and gaypilled
She's faster than Dyspo!
Don't really see the problem, lesbian or het she'll never marry you. Also since she's lesbian she won't get Kumiko'd
This place is getting more and more Yea Forumseddit by the day.
Gay is anyone who doesn't want to harpoon the shit out of this titwhale.
Stay mad, fujonigger.
Found the cuck.
I don't care about headcanons of anons, especially if they're based on fucking doujinshi. I'm just talking about the faggot lingo that you niggers use.
Best girls are for firm but gentle dickings
Firm girls are for best dickings
Best girls are for gentle dickings
Gentle girls are for firm dickings
nozomi is straight
>implying that vice versa dont happens
>implying there isn't tons of Yuri doujins
>ufags utterly destroyed
More like cope harder hetcel canon anime matters your shitty fanbooks nothing but piece of shit ,based u chads always wins
>canon source material
>tons of doujins
>BTFO !!!! canonically
>consolation shitty doujins because they can't get off without men
Hahaha hetshitters won my ass
What a chad
So you can fuck her and her girlfriend.
No you can't you delusional faggot
Ur mom
arent they all lesbians?
I want to believe, but I've yet to see any unambiguous proof.
based as fuck