When it comes to anime sub releases, whose do you prefer? and I already know what the answer is, and to that, I say: why do you continue to use HS and their shit typsetting over the much cleaner ER?
When it comes to anime sub releases, whose do you prefer? and I already know what the answer is, and to that...
wait, i never even noticed they were different. i thought they both just ripped from CR/Funi/etc
>Caring this much about something you get for free
You don't want free shit to look coherent?
Have to admit that I just downloaded what was first available in the fan subs golden age. I guess my favorite subbers were mazui, FFF, and probably commie and gg because they always were first.
For movies I used THORA a lot, but I think that group died years ago.
They are, it's just that HS's ripping bot fucks up the sub placement and they have been too lazy to fix it.
I use Erai-raws when they're ripping from Sentai since HS's ripper fucks up their subs like in your pic. I generally try to avoid Sentai shows altogether though because their subs are fucking awful. HS's sub rips are better for other sources.
I'd love erai if they didn't include all the monkey languages because I like to switch subs on and off with one tap of S (for screenaps)
You shouldn't need to do that if you're using the write hotkey for mpv or have madvr properly configured for MPC.
Explain, did you think I want clean caps automatically? I actually want to take caps with subs occasionally.
I mostly wait for fansub but I end up taking HS when they have more than 1 week delay in between episodes.
Still waiting for GJM Kaguya though.
In video quality, I would go with :
2015 Daisuki > CR > gap > 2018 Funi > Sentai > Animelab > old Funi > Exiled Destiny batch releases
In that case, never mind. Use mpv.
I don't use HS because I don't watch current anime other than stuff that isn't subbed by them
Doesn't MPC have a hotkey that turns off subtitles completely instead of cycling through them? I don't use it anymore so I can't remember.
W to disable/enable
S is "next sub"