people actually watch Black Clover?
Damn. Is Asta the most ripped MC in jump?
>who is kenshiro?
>who is goku?
they're adults tho
powertatoes is his secret
Only subhumans
Is this physique achievable natty?
Not a fair comparison.
are you dumb or something? your question is if asta is the most ripped MC in jump, not the most ripped teen in jump. also jotaro is 17 in part 3
You're only making excuses
>"my 17 year old who looks 26"
Nice try falseflag kun
Not unusual if you're from a country not filled with manlets. Hell, I'm from Canada and even we had guys like that back in high school. Had a couple kids in my senior weightlifting class that could easily pass for 25 if they had more facial hair because of their height and overall physique.
> mentioning this two as if it changes something
If you had said Toriko i would have praised your taste but this two are sticks compared to chadsta.
I'm a Chad Clover bro myself but you're embarrassing yourself by moving the goalposts so much.
Fist of north star is a shitty enemy of the week manga. Kenshiro is a boring cold hearted gary atu.
Goku is goku, who doesn't know dragonball. Stop doing whatever you're doing mr falseflagger, you're so fucking obvious.
Damn. Black Clover is one of the few shounen where I can actually understand why girls want the MC's dick. I'll never understand why chicks in BNHA want Deku so much. He's a little twink bitch with some newbie muscle at best.
hunterchad, chad clover, dbzchad
just a bunch of beta manlets pretending to be chads
Despite what the fanbase claims, only Ochako and Toga are interested in Deku, Ochako makes sense and Toga is interested because of her fetish and Deku's habit of destroying his body every 5 minutes turns her on.
DBCHADS rule Yea Forums, if the anime returns, you'll see.
Not even close
>chad clover
It's scientifically proven, user
So you accept that goku and kenshio are shit. Go and read Toriko for true manliness.
>made up pic made by a nobody
The state of clovercucks everyone
Jotaro isn't ripped.
He is just big.
>That Yuno vs Rill fight
I just can't stop cumming. Based Pierrot.