Do you think that Fuuts also hides a photo of one of those quints?
5toubun no hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
>Immediately shits out another garbage thread
Fucking kill yourself
More like Yotsubabe!
I missed the scan drama, what happened?
There was a Chimpout.
Ninofags, what do you except?
Daily reminder to please refrain from turning every 5toubun thread into a Nino thread.
geeee its called a general grandpa, keeps the waifufags contained
>be Yotsuba
>meet with your first love and declare your goal to be everyone's example
>get your first love stolen day 2
>i must change to get his attention
>massive tumbling down ensues
>timeskip 5 years
>meet your first love
>do nothing with it
>instead you watch as your stealing sisters multiply like bacterias on a petri dish
>later learn you're actually his first love, too
>"This is fine."
>Ichika dropped out
Still not fucking over it.
Which scan drama?
A new one?
>i must change to get his attention
>massive tumbling down ensues
I don't remember what happens here with Young Yutsuba and Fuutaro.
Unfortunately Ichika would never win. Yotsuba, sadly will never win too.
You know why?
Because best girls always loses and worst girls always win.
Other Examples
Midori days
Ookami shonen
Infinite stratos
Roku Aka
Shokugeki no souma
Boarding school Juliet
Kenja No Mago
chink post arrive to reddit...
bunny girl supporters...
>meet Shotarou
>day 2 Ichika (forma del lolikano) steals him from you since you arr rook same and she spent the night playing cards with him and you didn't
>get this totally not retarded idea to separate yourself from the others by changing your hairstyle the first
>this causes grandpakano to have a massive seizure because not arr rook same anymore
>"""""""""""example""""""""""""" for everyone
>be so fucking dumb you flunk your grade and cause your other 4 sisters to do the same in the name of sisterly solidarity
>repeat the cycle of despair
miku a best
Miku is the worst character I've ever seen in this anime. It really pissed me off that such a waifubait, pathetic and cliche ridden character occupied the first spot in the Japanese fan polls conducted.
That speaks volumes about her mouthbreathing fanbase rather than anything else, who have really bad taste and have too much time on their hands.
I shall attempt to enlighten the Mikufags of the various ways she flat out sucks.
>Bland design
On the whole Miku is ok at best. But when compared to the designs of the other girls in the series she comes dead last. The tired yamato nadeshiko trope is applied to her with her long straight hair and meek personality. Compare Miku with Nino, Itsuki or even Yotsuba. She looks too bland and unoriginal compared to the others. Too plain. Just like a bowl of boiled rice.
Grown up Miku looks the worst amongst the quints, with her Takagi type fivehead and weird haircut.
>Boring personality
I know this point has been reiterated several times, but Miku is really boring.
Initially she was kind of interesting with her banter with Nino and Fuutarou. She had the guts to face them head on and not cower under the sheets like a baby.
But now she comes across as too lame and uninteresting. Like a stale piece of limp celery.
Reminds me of Kosaki from nisekoi.
I especially hate the way she does absolutely nothing (besides baking some croissants) and expects Fuutarou to magically fall in love with her.
And I hate the way she expects the other quints to back off since she had ""dibs"" on Fuutarou just because she fell for him first.
But then again Japs and betas love a docile, meek and le gamer girl to satisfy their neckbeard fantasies.
They don't give a shit what Reddit is, and if they do, they should fuck off back to tieba.
I know she won't win. But I didn't want her to drop out like a chump. Should have fought for her love, she should have started over again, apologized to Fuutaro for all the bullshit. Goddammit, I'm still mad.
>speed reader
she almost fucking destroyed her family, killed her grandfather and maybe their mom by wearing a fucking ribbon to not arr rook same
>No ambition
Ichika wants to be an actress, Nino wants to start a restaurant, Yotsuba can be an athlete, Itsuki wants to be a teacher.
Now what exactly is Miku's ambition besides lusting after Fuutarou's dick? No clue!!
The author tried to shove some hamfisted crap about being a history geek, but honestly that is no use in the real world and is quickly forgotten. Later she tries unsuccessfully to become a baker, which was brought about by pure spite and petty competitiveness against Nino.
>Physical harm to the MC
With the exception of Nino, who drugged Fuutarou twice, Miku has caused Fuutarou to get a stomach ache and a nosebleed from force feeding him poisonous food. None of the others have done anything remotely bad as this to him.
At least Nino had the decency to apologize for what she had done.
>Shit tier confession
Nuff said.
Now all this would not be a problem if her chances of winning were low or non-existent. But judging from the way the author is setting up the story she seems to be a candidate in the forefront. Also judging from Negi's twitter reaction to the latest chapter he seems desparate to placate her fans which leads me to conclude she could win the Fuutaroubowl.
A pity win is the worst possible outcome that an love story could conclude with. Fuck Miku and her pathetic fanboys.
I actually think is pretty cute and a lil outof character how the cold fuutqro decide to give that photo album to the quints
Don't worry. If you're anything but a Ninofag, Negi has pretty much screwed up the characters of the other quints to the point where actually rooting for them feels shallow and pedantic.
Only Mutsumi Nakano can save this series.
I think i finally knew why i always gravitate towards supporting Yotsuba even when all hope is lost
I can relate to her JUST-tier fuckups more than any self-insert MC can
/ourguy/ has grown. Meanwhile the absolute state of Yotsuba...
>later learn you're actually his first love, too
That was Takebayashi.
Man, Yotsubafags are fucking annoying and can't even read the manga properly.
And why you here? You want to become a garbage right?
The girls gave him gifts, it's only right for him to reciprocate.
No. Maeda probably does though.
>transient puppy love =/= real love at first sight
>cause your other 4 sisters to do the same in the name of sisterly solidarity
>Still speedreading.
Thanks Negi for enabling those retards.
Garbage like this is our future now.
It's sad how even in the end she kept on lying to Fuutaro. She apologized to Miku for all the drama, but not to Fuutaro, the man she claims to love. Maybe the only truth was that even her love for him really was a lie all along as she admitted.
Would you say it's a... Nisekoi?
>4 and 5 were gay all along
>dropout is still shit for being shit at english
>Yea Forumsnonymous is still shit for using literal translations
That other user is right, though
Man, rereading it makes me feel utterly retarded for dismissing the almost too convenient timings Yotsuba had to interrupt the lolikano secret to leak out.
are all these images pisstakes or are they made by shizo crossboarders from /x/
step aside, true bride coming in.
The one on the left is hot.
She has fallen for him after playing cards for a few minutes.
Of course it was shallow as fuck.
How's it feel to taste your own medicine?
>even /x/ came to party in our threads
Man, our dance floor is on fire!
This is the face of a 5D chess grandmaster, say something nice to it!
You know that Raiha doesn't know shit right?
We've seen that Takebayashi was his first love for fucks sake.
Yotsubatards, I swear.
Let's me honest. If we're going to distill the way the quints fell for Fuutarou to one liners it's obviously going to sound dumb.
Fell for him because they played cards
Fell for him because of his bike
Fell for his because he's nice (?)
What do you mean?
/x/ is omnipresent
I was one of the guys who kept mentioning this in the threads, Yotsuba always interrupts anything that'll reveal the identity of lolikano (Ch 34 and 77). I always thought chapter 34 was a coincidence but doing it a second time in chapter 77 was odd already.
If Yotsuba doesn't win we riot.
Yeah, except Ichika literally said that was the case, but keep dismissing others too.
Thanks for being disingenuous.
Ghosts aren't real
when your mum dies she'll see you wank
The amount of bullshit in this half a page alone is unbelievable. Are we sure she's actually room temperature IQ?
I still think that Fuutarou met all the girls that Itsuki meant that Yotsuba was the "first" and everything thanks to her
They met Fuutarou bacause of Yotsuba
I'll remind her to get me a cute ghost gf if she wants a grandson then
>literally said that was the case
Yeah, cause Ichika is the bastion of truth. Use that grey matter and think instead of spouting pointless rhetoric.
you can get one now if you play your cards right
295IQ. In Kelvin
>Are we sure she's actually room temperature IQ?
Academically, yes
>Social Awareness
4D Chess Grandmaster IQ
Let me guess, Yea Forums's version was way better overall but they didn't change that one line because they're autists. Both are speed TLing it too, I don't care who is first.
You can fix bad japanese/translations but you can't fix autism.
I wonder if she feels very small compared to how Fuutarou shot up academically in the last 5 years, that's why she never considered herself a potential partner for him because she's a disappointment for herself.
Yeah, he has a stash of Nino's thighs hidden away
>Ichika must've been lying about herself in her own thoughts!
>Come up with a headcanon instead of using the manga
Sasu fucking ga
Don't forget that #dropout uses liberal translations that completely change the meaning of lines.
No one knows yet. In the future Negi will tell us all, but I'm betting it on Yotsuba growing up to be a failure after saying to Fuutarou that she's going to set an example for everyone.
pretty sure she felt good when Ichika cucked her.
She wants to feel that sensual again.
>5D chess
I bet that
>Fuutarou knows who is Rena since 79
>Fuutarou knows who is Yotsuba since his first date with her
Fuutarou is not so baka
>He fond about fake Itsuki 67
>He fond about the kisser 71
>He found about the fake Miku
>Ace stands for Desire to be loved
>Two stands for Union in love
>Three is for Faith in love
Yeah, that too. There a lot of cases for that. It felt like I was reading a World Three translated chapter.
>this was the best miku "evidence" so far
How much more delusional can Mikufags be?
Fuck off with your repulsive post
>Yotsuba is OG lolikano
Miku won, user. Get on with the times.
Yea Forums had a better release but was an hour slower.
Pick one
don't know, but 2chan is surely mocking them (got that image from 2chan thread)
Except for that one.
It fits better than dropout's now that we know that Miku was fucking with him.
still here, moka?
>Let's come here again...
>With everyone next time
>next time
I can almost see through your bullshit Negi, you plan on having Yotsuba have a nuclear fallout that makes the shitshow that is Sister's War arc looks like a firecracker, then resolve everything on the ordinary place she and Fuutarou alone prefers as the climax.
Kyoto's not an option anymore since we're through with that, what better stage would there be for the self-proclaimed utter disappointment?
Except it doesn't.
>Boarding school Juliet
>Implying Juliet is worst girl instead of best
That was pretty self evident.
The best part of the chapter was
>Miku btfo
>Ichika btfo
>Itsukifags who thought she's Lolikano btfo
>Itsukifags who thought she's Lolikano btfo
Literally me.
the lolikano, the kisser and the bride!
>liberal translations that completely change the meaning of lines.
Like what?
I don't see many drastic changes here and there. Dropout is a lot more liberal, but they also sound less stiff. No important plot details were lost this chapter.
>The best part of the chapter was
Funny cause I can see this happening too.
Cute Nino
Cute gremlin
Can anons help me out?
I distinctly remember there's a lolikano panel bearing almost the same tilting pose, half-eye as this Yotsuba panel. Like 1:1
>Ichika gave up
Fuck me. She actually let go of all of her feelings for him. Fuck Negi too.
get owned noob
Chapter 36, page 16
Interestingly, this is not the first instance of babushka Nino in the series.
fuck, I'm fine with being called a gremlinfag at this point.
it's cute as fuck.
No, Fuutarou is really confused by everything. She is probably "giving up" but isn't fully out. She'll just stop snaking,
Miku's back is broken.
can't stop laughing.
also Nino, stop playing with your hair.
>arms growing out of headphones
Another instance of Yotsuba being a chessmaster and destroying the slightest hint of her own chances
Also maybe a proto-protobabushkagremlinino
Appreciate it, but that's not the one. There should be one more closer to what i posted
translation when ?
Found it, although not as close as i'd hoped
Why's Yotsuba so dead fucking set on being an example when the leader figure of lolikanos was Ichika anyway?
wait untill we trigger Mikufags enough they will move their lazy ass and translate it just to mock Ninofag... in case they have a capable translator.
I'd TL it if there was a willing TSer. I'm not a Mikufag or a Ninofag either,
nor you dumb ESL
If he do that, better be Nino. He has been strangely wary of her for a reason. I mean, for many times, why can't he get his eyes off Nino?
Ding dong says Ichika;
Heart says Nino,
Soul says Miku
Anyone else feel like Yotsuba being lolikano is a massive asspull? It feels random. It also also assures that Yotsuba will be the last to lose and will get second place no matter who wins.
Please stop posting pictures of this dead girl. It's disrespectful to the deceased.
Foreshadowed since 66. Also 83 and 85.
Literally where is he placating her fans on Twitter? He hasn't responded to any of them
I think at that time she was the dumbest quint just like now. She thought that if even the dumbest can change then the other can too. Sadly, dumbest is still the dumbest
>>Physical harm to the MC
>With the exception of Nino, who drugged Fuutarou twice,
>make him sleep peacefully
>physical harm
does not compute
It was obvious from the start.
Ichika would fucking melt if Fuutarou gave her a few seconds of attention again,
Literally quint-tier IQ
Nino obviously since she kept noticing it. He definitely has a ton of Nino pics.
repost for pic related
It's random, despite most of the "foreshadowing" the main argument for it was that Yotsuba would be irrelevant otherwise.
Negi has to explain what Yotsuba and Itsuki are doing now, which will be done poorly or retcon the shit out of it.
>To avoid people saying "first girl wins" he introduced all the girls in the first chapter
>However the editor made him introduce Itsuki first (and have her in the centre in the Vol 1 cover) to make it easier for readers
What the fuck does "make it easier on readers" even mean?
>what Yotsuba and Itsuki are doing now
Yotsuba asked Itsuki to play the part and tell Fuutaro to move on. Itsuki, however, was planning to tell him in Kyoto, thus the
>are you hiding something from me?
>Anyone else feel like Yotsuba being lolikano is a massive asspull?
Literally one of the oldest theories out there.
Miku fell in love with him because of a bad tasting tea drink in a can.
this, it's fucking strange that the photo album doesn't have many nino photo.
maybe someone has kept all the nice stuff for himself.
Reminder that Eba is for nakadashi and facials. Why did Negi make her so hot? It's weird how she has the best eyes in the series.
>Yotsuba is playing 5d chess
>yfw she's actually the one who seeded division within her sisters' ranks via having Ichika become selfish again knowing she's in love with Fuutaro
>carried Miku to the top of the shrine, knowing that she'll see Ichika dressing up as her
>yotsuba's mouth
Based fuutarou, her husband.
>pink hair yotsuba
>pink hair miku
My problem here is why did Ichika never go with
>Yotsuba is lying to you
during her snek phase, she knew she was the one who met Fuuts.
>She apologized to Miku for all the drama, but not to Fuutaro, the man she claims to love.
Excepted she did?
>4 being lolikano is an asspull! That also means she lost!
Mikufag damage control is always an amazing sight. Snakefags are kill so we won't be able to see their damage control anymore.
The true snake is Yotsuba. She finally stopped eating her own tail like an Ouroborus and finally decided to strike to take what is rightfully hers. Ichika has already dropped, Nino is in dire straits as she forced Fuutaro not to answer her feelings because she knew she would be rejected, Miku backpedalled her confession in her gesture of goodwill to her sisters and probably realized she was gonna get rejected too, and Itsuki is basically a non-entity, a puppet on strings she manipulates to force Fuutaro to recall who the true lolikano was
It's all coming together.
It just happened outside the panel, I swear!
Ichika wanted to take advantage of the Lolikano card, why would she reveal the truth? Maybe now she'll go asking Itsuki and Yotsuba what happened since she's returned to her normal self
>Like what?
There were some side-by-side posted in the last thread. >No important plot details were lost this chapter.
That doesn't make it okay.
Well, it literally happened off-panel, yes.
I bet Fuetaro kept a copy of the Nakano sisters' photo that he took in the bus.
A Yotsuba end would be the worst end at this point. It's be so fucking forced and out of place.
So now that Yotsuba is confirmed to be Lolikano, what do you think there was inside the charm that Rena gave Fuuts, telling him to open it once he acknowledged himself?
I'm going to marry Nino!
>I'm actually not the girl you met 5 years ago. Plz don't forget her
She has the self sacrifice/depression aspect to her, which makes automatically better than most ends.
It's not really that surprising. We predicted "Yotsuba = OG Lolikano" weeks ago.
>yfw yotsuba kept using kiddie pantsu because shotarou saw them and liked them
You're always among the first ones to reply, in every thread.
You actually like these threads, don't you?
Oh, yeah. I knew I saw it somewhere before.
>She has the self sacrifice/depression aspect to her
That means she is just Ichika with less screentime then. They even share the Lolikano thing.
At the start of the arc I thought that an Itsuki end would be the worst since she was still forcing the Rena shit, then Ichika was being a snake I thought an Ichika end would be the worst, then as Miku started getting carried I thought her winning would be the the worst. Now I am starting to think that a Yotsuba end is actually the worst. There is no way to write one well.
Who's a good girl?
>There is no way to write one well.
With a shitton of drama and character introspection.
Despairchads win again baby!
Most of which has gone to Nino. The only way to write a good end is to write a Nino end. I'm not even a Ninofag
What's with the sudden hate for a Yotsuba end? Did some quintfags choke on the salt?
>Most of which has gone to Nino.
So start with Yotsuba now? What exatcly is your problem here? Hell, just seeing her perspecting on the Rena and lolikano shit would make her end feasible.
Yotsubafags became as obnoxious as Ninofags overnight.
>The only way to write a good end is to write a Nino end.
>I'm not even a Ninofag
I kind of doubt that, Ninofag.
I love Yotsuba but even though she is lolikano, I have a feeling that she still won't be the bride. I think it was revealed too late and would feel weird if she was also revealed as the kisser and being the bride in the end.
>Implying they weren't already
Their constant wailing was insufferable
Canon hair ? Or Nino hair .?
>Most of which has gone to Nino.
That would be Ichika. What happpened this arc is the conclusion of all the drama that's been built up with Miku and she finally decided to bow out. Nino had one big arc to accept that Futarou is a nice guy, that she loves him and that's it.
It looked like it actually could happen, for once, and she has a ton of baggage, so waifufags are getting anxious.
Reminder that its
2>4>5>1>3 is also acceptable tho not preferable
Yotsubafags were obnoxious for a while. People were just so busy with dealing with other quintfags to even notice them
Canon hair, it's somewhere between Ichika's and Nino's.
Even worse than Itsuki aka first girl end, Ichika end aka snek end? Jesus Christ. When Yotsuba is irrelevant, noone talks shit about her end and some user outside Yotsubros even accept her end. Now she finally becomes relevant and suddenly the amount of hate increases. Lolikano is a dead card and I know she wont win but hating Yots end doesnt automatically make your quint end any better
Only fat smelly anons save Nino pics like crazy, not Fuutarou.
Since the photos were shown the first time it has already been pointed out that Yotsuba was the most likely candidate just by comparing the visual cues. Afterwards it became even more likely because of she hardly got the spotlight.
People were just in denial because they wanted something different than the most obvious solution.
>Yotsubro chapter
>immediately shuns Ninofags and posts theories
Based Yotsubros
I don't see hate. A Yotsuba or Itsuki end is the safe ending.
Hey, at least she wasn't Rena, gotta give that to Negi.
>the safe ending.
>least popular girls
>safe ending
Whatever floats your boat, user.
Here's a picture of me and my wife.
Please don't be jealous
>Why are we hated now?
Where do you think you are? This is Yea Forums, this is what happens when a character becomes relevant especially in a romance series. In the end shitpost always happens. Itsukifags are a joke for a reason.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Wait a second. I posted that and deleted it right after and reposted it as with a different pic right after.
Why in the world an hour later would you even know what it says and even bother replying to it and not the other post when it's practically the same exact post? You going through fireden for some autistic reason or something and quoting it from there? Just to shitpost? What goes through some people's minds..
Whoever did this did a beautiful job. I especially love the different colors on the diamonds
don't be fooled by some shitposters. Nobody cares.
>he doesn't know about 4chanx keeping deleted posts and images
How fucking new.
Ninobros still bros. It's the falseflaggers coming out
The legendary thread
Damn, I didn't know Fuutarou was a real guy
I always felt that when fuuts cut himself off there explaining Yotsuba that he was about to say that she was Rena
Sorry I don't use extensions at all since forever besides adblock. Not a hobby of mine to ever pay attention to that with anything I do. So even if I have been around for a long time in anything period, I wouldn't have known because I just don't do extensions period.
He suspects Yotsuba is lolikano, but doesn't know she's not Rena too, probably.
I think next arc is going to be Itsuki's and not Yotsuba's.
Can Yotsuba surpass Miku?
Literally at this point all would be rejected, it does not make sense that you give it more laps, the real race starts from now, at least for Miku
With this i do not say that she wins, she only ensures that she is alive until the end of the race
lmao this was literally the first page of Volume 5 which was Yotsuba's volume cover. Every detail about the lolikano ordeal is all put in Volume 5 too. It's not an asspull just because you fell for Negi's red herring.
>there are people in here that believe Yotsuba is going to win
>the only reason she is Lolikano is because Negi needed to give her some relevance
>there are people that believe Negi is a good writer
It was obvious he would do that.
If Ichika dropped out why did she kiss him
Ichika doesn't deserve Yotsuba's kindness.
I'm still think what dafuq is going here. Itsuki is Rena, Yotsuba is lolikano. And this..? Negi bait or some asspull will happen again?
>incest incoming.
The only person who deserves Yotsuba's kindness is Yotsuba herself. Unfortunately, that is also the one person she will never give it to.
Don't worry, Fuutarou will set Yotsuba free.
I believe in Negi.
Maybe she saw him for a second back then. He was like one room over
Maybe Shotarou reminded her of the current Fuutarou
I love new Nino fanart.
>Nino is in dire straits as she forced Fuutaro not to answer her feelings
>she forced Fuutaro not to answer her feelings
>she forced Fuutaro not to
>she forced Fuutaro
>she forced
KEK Fuutaro is OK with Nino plan
I think this was only meant to foreshadow that Nino was starting to link Kintarou to Fuutarou so that her figuring it out during 7 goodbyes wouldn't look like an asspull.
Are you new here? They've been obnoxious ever since they started theorizing that she was lolikano, and that was months ago.
source ?
Highly doubt this. Fuutarou didn't think Rena/Lolikano was one of the quints at the time, he only realized it after he heard from grandpa that their mother had the same name.
He probably suspected that Yotsuba's cheerful personality was a facade but cut himself off because he was unsure.
Maybe, but in this arc never mention about any lolikanko expect Ichika and this chapter is Yotsuba (original lolikano). I'm still thining Negi is baiting us or there is something he planning again. No one talk about this so I post this image here to discuss.
She said "5 years ago" that means there is something that we don't know. Until this chapter we know Yotsuba is real lolinako and Ichika is another lolikano played with Fuutaoru until he was picked by teacher.
Remind me, why does Nino love Fuutarou?
Then, everyone knows about the history of lolikano and shotarou, except Miku?, or did i miss something?
why didn't she recognize him the first time she saw him?
negi is a fucking hacknegi is a fucking hack
All of them met him at some point. Remember when Yotsuba talked with Miku about "that guy she liked back then"?
She knows his sincerity and his other site.
Yep, Miku's the only one left in the dark about it, at least as far as we know.
It's always like this
>Everyone kept saying that Rena is a death flag
>Itsuki is Rena
>Suddenly Itsukifags' narrative shifts to Rena being the winner
>Everyone kept saying that Lolikano is a death flag
>Yotsuba is Lolikano
>Suddenly Yotsubafags' narrative shifts to Lolikano being the winner
It's a coping mechanism
She found the boy familiar because he has the same face as the guy she sees everyday. You fags keep overthinking everything.
I think maybe she met him in some way, not like Ichika and Yotsuba. That's why she didn't remember correctly.
A man who is willing to keep your sisters together and is persistent to go after you no matter how many times you have tried to push him away can have that affect on you.
Meh. Nino doesn't need a loser flag
You call me a fag because I post an image that doesn't have an answer in manga yet? Really?
Miku is the bride confirmed.
j/k. Miku only cares about herself or her sengoku old men.
Nino a SHIT
So, she played hard to get, and know it's been reversed onto her.
Probably only Ichika and Yotsuba interacted with him. The other quints most likely only caught a passing glance of him since they were in the same inn after all.
Ichika a best
Nino a second best
Yotsuba a third best
Meeku a shit
>Ichika immediately recognized Fuutarou in the blonde wig
>Ichika immediately recognized the boy in the photo
Nino just never interacted with him 5 years ago. That's all there is to it
> Flag this, flag that.
If Negi decides to do things in different way than expected, all the flagfags are fucked anyway.
I'm going to marry Miku!
>this, it's fucking strange that the photo album doesn't have many nino photo.
>maybe someone has kept all the nice stuff for himself.
100% obvious he kept it in his notebook.
Nino will find it in her next chapter
Miku a best!
No? Nino and Miku don't know. Nino only saw Shotaro on the pic. She doesn't even know that it was him when he was a kid.
>all these anti Yotsuba Mikuspics/Ninochinks come out of the woodwork
This chapter proves to me that the winning quint will be enemy #1 no matter the reason.
Only if you're an old man do you have a shot.
Wasnt chapter 85/86 supposed to be a Nino stalker chapter?
>Remember when Yotsuba talked with Miku about "that guy she liked back then"?
And when was this? I only remember her her saying Miku is in love and it turned out she has a hard-on for Sengoku generals.
According to Ninofags, she'd have the stalker plot in Kyoto.
Cute couple Fuu and Miku
Since you brought up Takebayashi, the girl fuuts was crushing on, her and the guy she liked were both class reps together.
Fast forward the story Fuu and Yots are class reps together.
Miku only fully accepted she fell for Fuutarou around chapter 30 ish so she was probably talking about her sengoku addiction, yeah.
>Remember when Yotsuba talked with Miku about "that guy she liked back then"
I didn't know that Ninofags can have the same level of delusionality as Sengoku-neetfags.
That’s pretty damning evidence. Why else would Negi bring up that they were class reps
Cute bride Nino x Fuu-kun.
Huh? When was that?
>>Ace stands for Desire to be loved
>>Two stands for Union in love
>>Three is for Faith in love
>his D says Ichika;
>Heart says Nino,
>his mind says Miku
> parallels
Seems like every idiot is allowed to have them.
I can just look at DAT's art for hours.
Are we the new despairbros?
You guys should be Hopechads instead.
>the lolikano, the kisser and the bride
What is there to like about Miku?
Miku being lolikano would have still made more sense.
Don't despair, Itsukifags!
We're gonna band together and buy each of you a Donut! Hopefully Itsuki is gonna be satisfied when you guys give them to her!
I don't think she met him directly but this might be a reference to a certain event in the past. I guess she tried to stop Fuutarou from meeting other quints because she was overprotective of her sisters, but he just kept coming back
to be honest, she was pretty lewd in the early chapters.
>mystery lasted for 72 chapters (out of 86 so far)
>Fuuts doesn't care about it
Are you satisfied with this conclusion, Yea Forums?
She cute
Don't despair Itsukibro. There is always space on the hope train.
I mean
Every quint is cute.
Kirby and the angel make the best duo.
Sengoku nerds, B-list celebs and drug dealers have nothing on them.
It hasn't even been revealed to him yet, dumbfuck.
Nice theory. But I still think about how Nino didn't remember blond Fuutarou when she saw it in the first time. Maybe she met him randomly or not very long time? And maybe it's not in Kyoto like Ichika and Yotsuba?
Yes, now stop reaching. You're reading too much into this.
>mystery lasted for 72 chapters (out of 86 so far)
>Fuuts doesn't care about it
What a great ending to that mystery. Now it's time for Nino.
Endgame contenders
Nino has wet farts
Are ninotards really this stupid? Holy shit, this is just sad.
5toubun = (imoutos > oneesans)
Never reply to me again subhuman
Not the point here. Even without Itsuki or Yotsuba spilling the beans, Fuuts doesn't care to try and find out himself.
Puts a tear to my eye know some Itsukifags are somewhat changing there ways and slowly turning into bros. Meekufags on the other hand..
All quints are good quints. I fell in love with this series because each quint is great in their own way. I admit i got caught up in the petty squabbling between waifu factions for a while but no more!
And you should stop reading the post and act like a cool guy. End.
to know* their* typos
Nino never met him before and there's nothing wrong with that
How did she do it, bros? How did she managed to win?
He reminds her of the current Futarou, because,well, that's him.
Maybe not Fuutarou, but Itsuki will or even Ichika.
I fell in love with Meeku's legs only to be taken in by Nino's dominance.
She confessed already but backed down because Fuutarou wa gonna give her the rejection. Not a Mikufag but shes no doormat anymore
Why is Nino the only one with lenses by the way? We know that Itsuki wears glasses in the future. But shouldn't all of them have sight problems since they are quints?
>I have enough of the quintuplets and their motherfucking games.jpg
Ichika also being Lolikano was already a stretch. The part about Shoutarou and Lolikano playing cards together was only mentioned in the same chapter where she claimed to be Lolikano. It would be a big asspull if the other girls turned out to be Lolikano too.
Damn, why can't all the quints be that stacked?
His heart was stolen at this moment.
There is nothing wrong with being a drug dealer
>backed down
That's even worse than being a doormat
Sleeping Miku is so precious oml
Noni a shit
This actually looks like more of a loss to her. Fuuts doesn't even want to know she was the one from 5 years ago.
On the other hand, her defeatist attitude seems to foreshadow a change in the future.
I swear the nime looked a lot like hentai from time to time, budget-wise too.
you just hate miku
>Fuuts doesn't care about it
>implying I care about what the fuck Fuuts thinka about the situation.
I don't really give a shit what Fuuts think because I'm only interested in Yotsuba being lolikano and how all this became her despair. Fuuts caring about lolikano is the last thing readers would want to know as of know because the lolikano story hasn't even been fully told yet.
>backed down
>no doormat anymore
Hard to agree with those conflicting things.
So, what about Nino then?
>Fuuts doesn't even want to know she was the one from 5 years ago.
And it's all Itsuki's fault for being a retard and playing with him
Nino isalso just as bad for backpedalling.
Miku's character is inconsistent. First she's confident in getting with Fuutaro, then she loses confidence, goes into a crying fit after getting catching Ichika, apologizes to Ichika instead of confronting her, runs away from Fuutaro, was about to run away again until Takeda stopped her and now later on she's all fine again as if nothing happened
Maybe she just saw him briefly then locked the door immediately beause she hate stranger
So whatever progression she makes is bad for you? fine. Whatever
Nino didn't back down.
There's a difference between
>I'll show you how much I love you
>Lol jk! I was talking about my sisters, idiot!
It's not Itsuki's fault. Motivation comes from within, and Fuuts just doesn't have it. Otherwise he would've unmasked Itsuki with his own hands instead of telling her to fuck off.
I cant comprehend this kind of retardation
>I just confessed to you b-but don't give me a reply
>Not backing down
Yeah, right.
Being a doormat means letting people walk over her, Backing down was actually a good move because she addressed her sister for their help as well as avoid a rejection.
>First she's confident in getting with Fuutaro
When was that? Miku was Meeku as early as the kyanpufire dance.
What progression? There is no difference between chapter 86 and 81 when Fuutarou heard about it from Yotsuba.
Miku didn't accomplish anything.
And how she said she have seen him before somewhere?
Backing down is getting walked all over though. That's why they conflict.
Yeah. She didn't back down. Her confession is still there
No, that's just being a coward. "We are fighting and I punched you, but don't punch me back yet."
So Nino got walked over when she backed down from her confession then? She literally told hi to not give her an answer.
>b-but he was wearing the bracelet for Raiha! What a hack!
>wh-why did nino invite fuutarou's manager and not him? what the fuck!
>she drugged him twice!
The meltdown will be delightful to see. Can't fucking wait.
>Do you think that Fuuts also hides a photo of one of those quints?
It's the first Ninofags/bro theory of this arc
He had a crush on her because she was the cutest girl in class, but meeting Yotsuba truly changed his life.
Nino didn't back down.
I know it's hard to understand and that's why you're trying to put them on equal ground, but it's not the same
I will quench the deserts with your tears.
>because she was the cutest girl in class
Nice headcanon.
Please, explain how they are different then. They serverd the same purpose and they are in the same positioon. Miku and Nino both have a confession on hold and they both are confident in showing their love at this point. Dont try to throw shit at Miku when shes int he same position as Nino
I'm looking for Ninotears more than other girls winning.
>That doesn't make it okay.
So you want word-for-word LOVE-tier translation?
It might be a little bit hard for Negi to keep all characters consistent while at the same time creating intersting situations. Although her character switches between the states you mentioned pretty fast, I can partially live with it because it is not boring. Also you could argue that constantly failing drags you down and when your efforts are recognise by the one you love it will give you a boost.
What's up with anons trying to equate their quint to Nino?
First Ichikafags and now Mikufags.
I shall add this to my screencaps collection. Thank you for your contribution
I can't believe Yotsuba is finally relevant it only took 100 chapters
Nino said it herself, she resembles Ichika.
Miku literally retracted her confession and made fun of Fuutarou thinking that's it was it.
Don't be disingenuous please.
Cause Nino has been the most successful and nobody has beaten her yet.
>Fell for him becuase of his bike
Nino fell for him because everytime Fuuts being nice to her, it reminds her Kintarou and she unconsciously fell to him. It has nothing to do with the bike
>Nino didn't back down.
Bitch please. She knew Fuutarou was going to reject her so she told him to wait so she could force him to love her. The exact thing Miku did.
She also said Fuutarou is not dumb and knows that she meant.
Logic doesn't work with them.
He's citing chapter 71 and you're citing chapter 60 and she's doesn't back down and declares she's going to make him conscious of her.
She didn't back down though. Keep saying that but it isn't true.
Nino could never be as good as Ichika.
That's just some headcanon and extreme reaching by Ninofags. She explicitly stated the knight in shining armour coming on a steed to save her. Guess who shows up on the next panel.
>I have enough of the quintuplets and their motherfucking games.jpg
And that's why Nino will win.
She's the only one who doesn't play with his feelings
Give me a break, what was she supposed to do? lie down and accept the rejection? that would jsut make her a doormat. Whatever she does, you all just seem to find something bad about it. What should she have done there? She cant go with it cause Fuutarou would reject her. She addressed her sisters and avoided her rejection, I cant think of a better end for her with this retarded confession assist story arc. If you can think of a better outcome, then please share your thoughts
Calling it now, 45 will be main focus of the last stretch of the story to equalize their screentime with 123.
>and declares she's going to make him conscious of her.
So she's refusing getting an answer because she knows she's getting rejected otherwise.
Although Miku said that she wanted both of them to know each other better, while Nino said that she would show her love, this may seem the same, but in practice this is different
Then your being shallow asf
Whatever she does, Yea Forums will always find a way to shit on her. Sad to see so many real people care about the actions of a fictional character. Fine
Sto being disingenuous, please
So she's declaring how aggressive she is. Hard to comprehend? Meeku was like uso~ was just a prank bro.
Meeku backed the fuck down.
Then I hope you are ready.
Now make another post on leddit.
>discussing harem manga on Yea Forums
You only have yourself to blame
Ask him to hold off his response?
>implying Itsuki won't eat all of her screentime
>both confess
>both do something to avoid getting flat out rejected
>both will keep going anyway
It shows Nino is afucking coward or she could have taken the rejection but keep going anyway, if she's so aggressive.
Itsuki will win.
Nino didn't retract her confession.
Stop being disingenuous
Nino already did that. Youre telling me everyone wouldnt flip their shit if Negi did the same thing for Miku as he did for Nino? It would be an actual hack.
You're being a sore loser now. It's just pathetic.
The truth is that 1, 2 and 3 are virtually out of the bowl already. The endgame is between 4 and 5.
But she did tell him to not answer her confession. So...
Whatever she does, reddit will always find a way to dickride her. Sad to see so many real people care about the actions of a fictional character. Fine
Criticism =/= Hating on Miku
Go to your safe spot in reddit if you can't take it
I don't care what "everyone" thinks.
It would be better than backpedalling
Haven’t seen this posted yet but after the Yotsuba revaluation it makes sense. Two parts
1. Itsuki and Fuu are talking in the woods about the past again until they’re interrupted with Fuu thinking there’s someone eavesdropping on them
Itsuki seems like the only one who's completely on equal terms with Fuuts. That's why she is the bride.
She told him to wait with his response.
Her confession still stands
not that user but come on man. For a minute, take off the hate goggles and look at this in a wider perspective. You think this is the end for Miku? Shes been a major part of all past arcs and shes recently got a big boost in her character as well. Why would Negi give her this confidence if shes not going to do anything with it?
>Nino didn't retract her confession.
>but she stopped Fuuts from rejecting her
This is what you call a coward.
2. Couple pages later Itsuki says she happened to run into Yotsuba that day (she’s not at home at the moment) and Yotsuba gave her some school stuff in that bag.
Obviously that bag contains the Rena costume
>Fuu thinking there’s someone eavesdropping on them
There was no one there
>completely on equal terms with Fuuts
Yeah. If you ignore all the times when Fuutarou has to constantly babysit her
Well,Negi does. So what will you do about that?
See second part speed reader
Not that guy but
>You think this is the end for Miku?
Yes, the same goes for Nino because they literally stand on the same ground now.
>offered to cook for him and visit him at the hospital
>asked him out for labour thanksgiving day
>got really into playing house
>gave him a valentines chocolate
after that Ichika beat her score on the test and fucked her self esteem
The truth is that nobody is out but Negi wants you to think otherwise. He'll make it so that by the time we reach the end he can just select one quint randomly and it'll work one way or another. Seething will happen anyway.
Fuutarou loves aiming for things thats hard to get. Now we are confirmed that the other 4 are head over heel for him its the only remaining neutral one that is worth pursuing.l for him.
Be hold the rise of mad queen itsuki!!!
I see you gave up with your losing argument.
That's for the better, I suppose
Good joke. Nino doesn't give a shit about his feelings. It's all about herself. She forced him to group with her for the Kyoto trip and when that failed she tried to tag along with his group anyway, even though he went with his buddies specifically because he didn't want to deal with the quints.
I did, yesterday. There was none there
This. Nino a bitch
Go back.
I just said Negi cares for what other people think about his manga. The argument still stands,but if you're done then thats that I guess
>Same ground
Nino actually confessed, unlike Miku
I'm an Ichikafag and Ichika is fucking done, my man
Go back to r*ddit.
You dumb speedreader, Fuutarou already got the message. Stop being so delusional, it's bad for your health.
Came a couple posts after are you retarded?
Thanks for proving my point.
Learn to read next time
Bye bitches, keep jacking eachother off insulting the most popular thing becase you all are "different" and dont forget to seethe when your girl doesnt win. Fucking pathetic man, all of you
Itsuki just randomly decided to talk with Fuutarou and there's no way anyone would stalk them during fucking midnight. It might just be Raiha
He got the message in chapter 81.
Everything after that doesn't matter. Miku retracted it anyway
>try to look at the narrative
>go back to r*ddit
Sasuga I guess
>replying to pasta bait
sasuga braindead tripfag
Are you? Can you read?
There was no one there.
So what are you mad about? Both Nino and Miku have their feelings across to Fuutarou so I dont get it.
It sure looks like what you're saying, but we won't know until it's over. Honestly I find it rather easy to come up with a scenario where she could win, although I think Negi won't go that way.
Read his second post
>Bye bitches
And nothing of value was lost. I'm sure reddit will give you all the upboats you need.
Retard confirmed thanks for playing
I'm not mad? I'm just saying that Miku backpedalling was retarded
Haha, upvoted!
>Anyone who doesn't agree with my wrong headcanon is retarded
>/x/ came
that would explain the zodiac signs about Nino posting.
What was she supposed to do? Delay the reply like Nino? people would call her a copycat and Negi a hack.
Nothing in his second post probes that anyone was there
>Nothing to do with their life
>Claiming that they will win because of parallels and red herrings but they are being hated btw
>Claiming that they are the winner because of hand gestures and other shits and the other are being too delusional
>Claiming they are the winner because of being the lolikano and the line "...the lolikano, the kisser and the bride..."
>Claiming they are the winner because she has something on her sleeves.
Don't bother arguing with this retard, it's the same guy who thinks that Itsuki and Yotsuba aren't cooperating behind the Rena shitshow.
It kind of does if you’re not being ignorant to what he’s saying
How faggots define their winner
This is all these threads are gonna be from now on, isn't it?
Feels like the average IQ in these threads dropped by 50 after the most recent chapter.
>Claiming he is not a faggot
I’m pretty sure what’s being implicated is that they are cooperating with Yotsuba handing off the bag
>Yotsuba and Itsuki are cooperating
>Itsuki: Sorry for pretending to be you without your permission
>Claiming they are the winner because she has something on her sleeves.
user, please. Her trump card is hidden in her folds.
Blame Miku, thats usually the status quo
Went back and reread the kiss at the bell
I am convinced that A) the quint was leaning in to see how fuutarou would respond, and they weren't going to go full on for the kiss
And B) kissing fuu came as they fell, not causing it, and the quint was upset that it happened that way
To me, this probably rules out yotsuba and ichika because that sort of reaction is pretty out of character, not to mention ichika would have pulled the kiss card in Kyoto.
If we assume itsuki's not actually persuing, that just leaves two.
The question now becomes : why have neither mentioned it again
>red herrings
>all lose to a stale bread
Are you really this dense?
I'm not ignorant. His "logic" is just wrong.
Itsuki said "yesterday" which could mean anything from the moment she ran away from home to when Fuutarou came back.
>why have neither mentioned it again
Because Miku believes in Fuutarou. Nino would have spilled the beans already so she's ruled out.
Takebayashi and Yotsuba are both class reps and both have the exact same hairstyle. I wonder if that's Fuutarou's type
>Facts from the manga don't agree with my narrative
>That means everyone else is wrong!
Can't say I expected anything less
I dont wanna party anymore. This shit is just redundant at this point
Please, continue deluding yourself.
Itsuki only acted on her own in the mall when she showed herself as Rena. This was stupid because she said to Fuutarou on the lake that they'll never meet again. If Itsuki wasn't cooperating with Yotsuba's plans, then it would be a huge fucking plot hole because there's literally no reason for her to reject Fuutarou in the lake and make him forget about lolikano, she could've just revealed yotsuba was lolikano there. I don't even know why I'm replying to you dumb speedreaders.
>both have the exact same hairstyle
Yotsuba didn't when she was supposedly his first love.
Fucking hell.
miku one was after the anime aired
This pic spoil us that the last game will be between Yotsuba and Nino (the next arc)
>Their heads FELL DOWN
>Yotsuba and NINO heads are still standing against each other
as much of a Mikufag as i am, Nino has enough reason to not mention the kiss as she wants her love story to be perfect
>there's literally no reason for her to reject Fuutarou in the lake and make him forget about lolikano
Fuutarou was suffering because of it and Itsuki is a fucking retard
Yesterday is referring to the woods where he thought he heard someone eavesdropping. Stop being a shitposting retard
Kill yourself subhuman
Why havent you all killed yourselves already cause all of Yea Forums thinks your waifu is the second coming of hitler and hates her beyond any semblance of reasoning and logic?
Speaking of headcanon...
Yeah, sure. I'm convinced.
>Caring about what Yea Forums thinks of your waifu
no one can be this pathetic
>Fuutarou was suffering because of it
Nice headcanon
See, we have gotten to the point this might very well be a falseflagger, but this is the kind of grasping at straws Ninofags were famous for when they first began becoming cancer and calling this sort of shit reaching.
Now, everyone is cancer perpetuating cancer and imitating cancer to generate more cancer. It's no wonder /x/ showed up here, I am half hanging here because I hate myself and half because I kinda like seeing circus fires and unholy abominations.
Actually, considering the phrase used, it's more likely that instead of "imitation" the word meant "actions, behavior". Then it would make sense if Itsuki only apologized for the second and/or third "Rena" appearance, not the first one.
>waah how dare people shit on my wife!
Reddit might be more of your speed
4chans better for me. Also, i'm not a Mikufag, just curious since all Mikufags seem to be keeping silent whenever Yea Forums shits on Miku while the Ninofags explode if anyone utters anything bad about Nino. Why such a difference?
Say hello to the quints and their future husbands
The kisser has such a deliberate walk. In the first page, you can see the shadow of her walking pose and it's a really strong/confident one.
These threads are such a mess. I can't think of any other series that has threads that come close to this kind of cancer.
Or humans or realistic
Nothing spells out the confidence in your reasoning than calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a "shitposting retard". Bravo!
Let's see
>Fuutarou and Itsuki come back home
>It's the middle of the night
>Yotsuba was stalking them the entire time
>Somehow she gets Itsuki's attention without waking up Fuutarou and Raiha
>Itsuki somehow leaves the house without waking up Fuutarou and Raiha
>They have a lengthy conversation about Lolikano
>Itsuki somehow goes back to the apartment without waking up Fuutarou and Raiha
>None of the other quints noticed Yotsuba missing for the half of the night
Brilliant deduction user! That must be it!
Then you have the actual sfx themselves, along with the relative walking speed. Again, it's an incredibly deliberate pace. No hesitation and could even be called aggressive.
It is my theory that the respective fanbase resembles their quint. You can guess the rest.
Afterwards Yotsuba runs into Fuu in the woods “jogging” where she was likely watching the whole encounter with “Rena”
She definitely only apologized for the 2nd and 3rd appearances.
Not if Miku did it but if Nino does it I guess it is.
Yes, humans are cowards when it comes to rejection. Fucking deal with it
>Or humans
You aren't one, subhuman. Kill yourself
What's the report on the current situation, Takechads? Are we in the clear?
Anymore who isn't an brainlet knows that Nino will be the bride
So not 3 or 5, but could be 1, 2 or 4? Makes sense.
>1 has got kisses on the brain thanks to 2
>2 wants a kiss
>4 loves him but won't show it directly
He will cum inside Nino
Definitely not a falseflag
Eba wouldn't let Yotsuba fuck around
Yes, Miku knows that Fuutaro isn't interested so you still have a chance
Ninos pussy*
This. And everyone was retarded enough before.
>Says the truth
>Be must be falseflagging
Calm down, user
It's not because i'm serious.
We just need to wait until Maeda finds his gf and Fuu-kun will be ours
Eba stopped her from assisting her friend while he was devastated and drenched, you really think she'd just allow her to stop training to watch the protector of dreamland do her best impression of a fallen angel?
The croissant stole his KONO SHUNKAN DESTINY meme so he's switching target
Sure thing!
Yotsubatards started crawling out of the woodwork
It literally shows in page 9 of chapter 41 that Itsuki mentions she ran into Yotsuba “yesterday” without Fuu knowing meaning they separated after their talk in the woods. The possibility of such an encounter is that Yotsuba was the person in the woods Fuu heard. Later that day after obtaining her bag from Yotsuba Itsuki appears as Rena to Fuu. To what purpose? Obviously that was something discussed with Yotsuba as she’s the real lolikano.
There’s no way anyone is this retarded that you can’t connect the dots. I think enough people now have made you look silly now that you can leave
Mikus pussy*
Ninofags are from Tieba(Chinks)/and glow in the dark as outsiders.
It can't be Itsuki, the ground would be shaking.
Takeda is the best partner for Fuuts, hands down.
This manga should become a battle manga about studying and competing in the national placement exams.
She has angered millions.
Where was she then?
You'd think these threads having two names in Lolikano and Rena would prime people towards realising they might not be the same girl
Glad you understand
Takeda will fuck Yotsuba after she gets the childhood friend ending.
MIkus second older sisters pussy*
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post!
Ninos first younger sisters pussy*
S2 incoming. All Nino.
Mikufags and Ichikafags, angry that the same chapter that sunk their ships marked the entrance of childhood-friend!Yotsuba into the bowl
Ninos cock*
Same Ninofag that constantly uses Meeku and Bichika if I had to guess
>the same goes for Nino because they literally stand on the same ground now.
>She takes a step forward then two steps back
She retracted her confession so Fuutarou will never reply to her because muh joke 2.3
>Step by step
Nino never retracted her confession.She only gives him more time to fall for her
And this shit work {you can see in ch72.}
>She solidifies her confession and her feelings every new arc unlike Miku or Ichika.
Who do I believe?
As it should be!
S2 gonna be delicious.
>Barely any Yotsuba for the brunt of the cancer(which is not saying much, considering most of this thread is pure concentrated carcinoma, but still)
>Muh Yotsubatards
Ninochinks out of the woodwork
No one. Run away from here, it's not worth it.
This place has consumed me, and it will consume you too if you don;t run!
All aboard
Believe in me who believe in you
Bullseye. Nino just hit a nerve.
>Get ready, Fuu-kun 15 chapters later
>still hasn't gotten Fuu-kun ready
When is Nino gonna do anything? Besides becoming a jealous cunt that ruins people's dates.
>I'm going to settle everything at Kyoto.
>does nothing
Negi forgot
Why is Nino so best?
>It shows Nino is afucking coward or she could have taken the rejection but keep going anyway, if she's so aggressive.
Reminder that Nino answers before Fuutarou.
She knows that he doesn't like her and she indirectly rejected herself.
So she not afraid about his answer, its just
>now don't reject my confession but please give me more time to change your mind
Miku is coward because she knows this will be rejection then she retracted fast
Negi forgot, she didn't even get her chance in Kyoto.
>Choose one of us
>*bell rings*
It sounds cute though.
Ninobitch only delayed her rejection
More like preserving her moment later. Nino got caught up with settling her family drama instead of her pursuit towards Fuut.
But I'm not a chink.
Negi's editor needed to stop him from getting Nino rejected because they'll lose sales.
>I lost...
>she ran into Yotsuba “yesterday” without Fuu knowing meaning they separated after their talk in the woods
I have to ask. Are you retarded? I'm not trying to make fun of you, it's a serious question.
Let's see
>Itsuki is staying at Fuutarou's house
>Wants to talk with him so they go outside in the middle of the night
>They have their talk
>Then they split up for whatever reason (what the fuck user?)
Itsuki doesn't know about Yotsiba, being there, she's afraid of someone stalking them and asks Fuutarou to leave her alone? And Fuutarou agrees? Even though they're going back to eh same place?
Are you serious? This is the logic you've used to imagine your headcanon?
>There’s no way anyone is this retarded that you can’t connect the dots. I think enough people now have made you look silly now that you can leave
Irony at its finest
Subtle foreshadowing
>She solidifies her confession and her feelings every new arc unlike Miku or Ichika.
She is literally committing suicide, she has not the slightest idea of what Fuutaro likes or how he feels about having a relationship, she just tries to put pressure on her feelings
Kill yourself subhuman
These parallel the fanbase it seems. Meeku's is just sad.
To the retards saying that Miku "backed down", despite her looking more confident, smiling smugly and even holding Fuutarou's arm afterwards, I want you to take a bet with me:
Fucking go ahead and screencap this post, mock it to oblivion if Miku retreats back into her shell immediately afterwards, but if she just becomes more aggressive towards Fuuts, fucking admit you morons can't read context clues and don't understand romance unless it is spelled out to you as much as possible.
>Eba wouldn't let Yotsuba fuck around
Kill yourself sunhuman
Did you even read the page? He’s not making up their meeting Itsuki mentions it
Don't bother user. He's going to shitpost with his faulty reasoning until the next Nino chapter.
Then he's going to shitpost because he's mad.
I expect more "Negi is shilling Nino again!!!!" cries
Shaft would be perfect.
This is how Fuutarou shows disinterest. So far he's done it to Ichika, Miku and Itsuki. Are there any other instances?
>all fine again as if nothing happened
Like Mikufags after she get btg3
>until the next Nino chapter.
Unfortunately, you will have to wait for a long time for it to happen again.
looks good
>Miku is coward because she knows this will be rejection then she retracted fast
Although Miku also knows that Fuutaro is not in love with her now, she said it herself
That's why she wants both of them to know each other more, something that Nino never crossed her mind because she thinks she's perfect and that Fuutaro should love her for being pretty
Pic related works quite nicely too
>That's why she wants both of them to know each other more, something that Nino never crossed her mind
interesting, the kisser wasn't running, just walking fast
She is a rude girl
Adult version when
Oh don't forget the panel where Fuutaro revealed that he was already in a group with the boys!
I'm done. I'm not even sure you're able to follow what I wrote.
Oh that's a great find. That's the same exact walking pose as
isn't she supposed to be the aggressive sister?
she could at least ask him out
Fuutarou deserves better than any of these dumb quints
>isn't she supposed to be the aggressive sister?
>she could at least ask him out
about that..
We're mocking her because she decided that the best way to win this guy who's really fed up with mind games is to play yet more mind games.
But he never had that same
>*looks aways*
>*pouting remark*
Reaction during that scene.
Don't bother user. He's going to be back in the next thread with the same garbage
Good it’s nonsensical because you’re ignoring everything from the story. Go submit a shitty fanfic on reddit or something
She was busy encouraging Miku on day 2 and making her date happen on day 3.
It's nice that she doesn't only think about herself. Such a nice girl
>It's nice that she doesn't only think about herself.
The gremlin couldn't keep her feelings in check.
Why are Mikufags so ungrateful?
Last for Nino a SHIT
I know. I'm just saying that maybe Yotsuba and Takebayashi are pretty similar, hence why Fuuts fell in love with both of them
That's understandable. She's in love with him.
She still spent the whole trip helping Miku against her own interests because she loves her sisters.
>summarize Fuutaro to the history of lolikano
We just learned that his mother had a coffee store, so Fuutaro has a lot to tell, his character is not only lolikano.
So Nino technically knows nothing
It's just Ninorager
Everyone takes after their quint
I know you're just shitposting, but Nino objectively knows Fuutarou more intimately than any of her sisters and they have also spent the most one-on-one time together.
That takes time. You won't learn someone's 18 years of life in 6 months
When Miku lifted Nino up with her speech and gave her a haircut, there were anons in here sperging about her tailing Nino, so maybe some waifufags are just cancer.
I'm not fat.
This is why she will lose
>Nino objectively knows Fuutarou more intimately than any of her sisters
No she doesn't, get your head out of your ass.
Why is this thrash harem so popular when better series like KO or Sono Bisque Doll barely get any threads?
Nino butt
Because they are shit. Now kindly fuck off.
t. Ninorager
Maybe I'm hurrying, but in her last statement, she talked about her feelings, but not how Fuutaro felt, so for now she's a selfish
Ninodera will bake the cake
Getting lots of threads isn't a good thing when they are like this.
Yes, KO threads are mostly deserted and occupied by their own resident shitposters, but it isn't this bad.
Bisque threads are comfy, and I imagine precisely because they aren't big enough to attract shitposters to the same degree
We are spammed by literally one shitposter. His name is Ninorager. And yes, he's here every single day with the same exact shitposts such as
Isn't it better this way, allowing this to be the containment place for these retards?
The one they spoke to when he was confused does not make them closer, and if that were the case, it literally has not been shown at any later time, so it's just your headcanon
KusOfag eternally cucked in desert threads.
I'm just surprised the wojakposting ceased
how long before the parallel where she'll say she's given up on Fuu?
ad hominem
It's a better series thus a more popular following.
It's not Negi's fault whorizo is in a shit series
He knows that he won't get banned so long as he doesn't spam wojaks.
Notice how you didn't even say "pleased" or "happy"
Imagine having a thread where less wojack posting is a lateral move instead of a positive one
Can't wait for the next Nino chapter.
It'll be the sweetest thing
Sweetie, just because you keep throwing that word around doesn't mean you're using it correctly.
It's alright KOfag, we'll come to your threads to shit on Kazuya from time to time.
Yaharifags have invaded this thread.
Good. Please do, KO is crap.
I am not a KOfag, I am just an Otter. I love hating this place and all of you
I don't think the Kyoto arc is over just yet. They still haven't left.
Raiha may actually know who the kisser is. She calls out to Fuuts and the kisser while they're all tangled up under the bell. I guess this would require Raiha to be able to tell the quints apart, but she's never had a problem doing so in her few interactions with them. She's also been hard-shilling Itsuki (drawing Yotsuba away form Fuutarou in the mall so that they could have alone time), though she's admittedly been doing this since the beginning.
What the fuck was Negi thinking when drawing that?
That's one fat butt
I don't think this series is organically popular like BnHA or OPM when it's the same bunch of shitposters posting the same crap over and over again.
>only one who doesn't play with his feelings
Imagine being this retarded.
These scented candles showed how much she knew him, right?
>They still haven't left
Fuutarou literally gave the album to Renatsuki some time after the trip.
they're back home, Fuu met Rena at the same park he did the first time
Nice tinfoil hat user
The fact that's not an edit speaks a lot about how much Negi cares for her.