Why is manga less popular than anime when it's the objectively superior media?
Why is manga less popular than anime when it's the objectively superior media?
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To many letter
Retards here dont want to read
Reading is hard for normalfags.
That's only the case in the west.
ain't nobody got time for that.
I can anime and do other shit at the same time.
You can read faster than you can watch though.
Unless it's innocuous shit like brushing your teeth or cooking, no you can't.
Animeonly fags are retards.
It's hard enough to actually watch shoes/movies while doing something let alone anime with subs.
Unless you know Japanese.
As of the state of the industry right now, manga is better but anime has a lot more potential than manga. After all, anime has the use of voice acting, music and well... animation. Manga requires the audience to fill in the gaps of what's not there, such as the transition between panels, needless to say, anime makes that much easier.
However, the reason I prefer manga now is because works in the manga industry just tend to have better writing and many of them are never adapted. Not sure why, maybe because works in certain mediums are more likely influenced by works in the same medium and there have been great narrative techniques from many manga works to learn from.
great now ive got a boner, why this particular pose and angle?
Try reading actual books instead of picture books retard
Anime has a lower barrier for entry. Hence, more retards.
Manga is popular in Japan (even normies read it) and doesn't carry the same stigma as anime.
>heels off ground
>Anime has a lower barrier for entry.
Manga is easier to fine free online with good quality and is more mobile friendly (no audio, lower data usage, etc).
What's the barrier of entry for manga? Everybody and their mother has read comics, it's just that except read in a slightly different order and it's in black and white.
Because if I want to read I read a book.
>watch shoes
What shoes do you like watching in your off time? I like chuck taylors personally.
How many books have you read in 2019?
My jordans, a true waifu.
So why are most adaptations these days of light novels?
i kind of like it more that way
I don't know, 7 or so. A few of them being educational rather than entertainment.
Don't underestimate picture books, they can challenge a reader's eye for detail in series like Detective Conan.
Cus its too hard for kids to wait a month every time. Considering that 1 chapter reading time is aprox 5-10 minutes
I'd read it if I knew what's it from.
Because it's easy to market. All they have to do is pick one of the top 10 most popular lns every season or whatever and make an anime. LN popularity drops so fast that by the time the next season arrives there are 10 new ones.
Manga is still much more popular but the bulk of that popularity is in the like 3 biggest magazines and there isn't nearly as much variation in what's getting read until you get down to the mid range.
Oh, it's just Pixiv art. Too bad.
are you sure?
there's barely any fanart when a manga is ongoing but when the anime adaptation comes out? oh boy twitter and pixiv is flooded
Why would you want manga to be more popular user? You should sigh in relief when you see a normalfag complaining about being too lazy to read manga, in knowing that normalfags will never like it. Remember, we want our subculture to remain that, a subculture.
More translations?
>when it's the objectively superior media
Please justify this assertion.
Reading is hard for niggers.
Damnn user tell me who is this beauty.
How long to be able to draw like this?
>Why is manga less popular than anime when it's the objectively superior media?
exactly because it's the superior media. The majority of people are stupid so they don't know what's the best and choose media that "fits" them (stupid media). That's why shows like Naruto are popular.
>Why is manga less popular than anime
It isn't. In fact, manga is considerably more popular than anime in Japan.
Only cause japs are too poor to afford TVs
>implying i'm not a Yea Forumsfag
>tfw filtering slowly through my old man's sci fi collection
Stainless steel rat's fucking great. Anime and mango crap aint got nothing on it.
Definitely an apex retard-tier post but it's Yea Forums I guess.
I don't understand enough to get what accounts are for.
Maybe he illustrated for ハルタ magazine? He has some pages and drafts so not sure if he is published mangaka.
Thanks user, I appreciate it.
No they prefer manga because they can fax them to each other.
Japs are too busy working to death to have time for anime. They read manga since it's faster.
Are you brain dead?
learn moon
user I already got my answer sorry for asking. You can dismiss those messages.
Once I have more time I want to.
Honestly I have no idea where to find raws though even if I did learn it. Isn't PD dead?
Because 80% of manga are dropped by the mangaka in the middle of the story and also it sucks having to spend 30 years to complete a manga.
> i read 7 book in a fucking year and it's enough to call people retard cause they read manga
This is some A+ retardness very good user
It's not like most anime even have proper endings anyway. Read the light novels.
>start reading
>realize it's a series you like
>1 hour later
>already reached latest chapter
The dread and grief are too unbearable, with anime series you're sure to waste much more time at least.
I'm not calling anyone retarded for reading manga, but if you read manga and think you're better than someone because you ""read"", you're fucking retarded.
How many manga you guys read/reading?
I have manga on one monitor and Yea Forums on the other monitor.
>not buying physical manga
most physical manga is shitty print quality
I read manga on pirate websites first and the ones that I really like, I add to my collection of physical manga. Its way more cost effective that way.
>Actual books don't requiere talent to draw
>All the world building is made by shallow words
No thanks, any visual media is superior than your normie books that's why no wants do read books nowadays, there are clear superior alternatives
Made me chuckle.
Reding and imagination.
First one is ok but people this days cant imagine for shit.
Its like fapping pre-internet: just remembering a tit or a photo was enought, but now you can access to porn easy.
Lol they won't. Whenever you ask mangafags to actually name mangathat are better than the best anime they shut the fuck up because they know they don't exist and are just saying that for hipster cred.
Accessibility and also people don’t like reading. That’s pretty much it.
It has pictures though?
What the fuck is this reading meme? You have to read subs regardless.
Even conceding this point the number of such anime can be counted on your fingers while there's an ocean of great manga.
I’ve read a couple hundred probably, but off the top of my head I’m currently going through or waiting for new chapters of;
Vinland Saga
Dai Dark
Hunter x Hunter
Totsukuni no Shojo
Hokuhokusei ni Kumo to Ike
A couple others I can’t remember the names of right now.
Less reading overall and due to the audiovisual nature your brain has to put in less work overall to interpret what it’s looking at. You still need to put in a modicum of effort to keep up with an anime but in general more effort is required to reach that same level of gratification with manga.
>there's an ocean of great manga
Anime honestly has enough 'hidden gems' that this doens't matter as much as you'd think. Manga has a sea of 'acceptably readable' works sitting in a wide open ocean of complete mediocrity.
This is bullshit though. Manga has images can be read hyper speed, but it lacks tone of voice and there's no proper manga equivalent of what anime does visually with shows Eva and Utena.
I don't even bother watching anime since they're way too long. If I watch anime I watch at x2 speed.
Why are black and white pictures less popular than animations with color and sound? Jeez user I wonder why
Yeah but if you’re just skimming over the images you aren’t reading it thoroughly. Same with ordinary literature to a degree. Anime moves at once pace for all people which generally makes it more accessible to people who don’t have the patience for or just don’t enjoy the personal pacing of mediums without a ‘fixed’ pace. This is just in general of course, there are a lot of really low effort manga in existence as are there anime series that demand more attention be paid to fully enjoy, it’s just a general trend due to the nature’s of the mediums and not an ironclad rule.
No, the number of anime auteurs is necessarily smaller due to the costs of funding and staff requirements an anime show/movie.
A manga is 1-2 people with some editorial input.
Adding sound effects, voices, music etc...
2019 isn't over
I have read 20,875 chapters according to >MAL
>A manga is 1-2 people with some editorial input.
And yet despite this, how many mangaka can you mention that are even close to the level of Oshii, Kon, Miyazaki, Takahata, Ikuhara or Hosoda etc. and yet lack fitting anime adaptations of their works?
Anime directing attracts levels of talent that aren't seen more frequently in manga.
>and yet lack fitting anime adaptations of their works
Why would that be a requirement?
Because then you can just watch that instead.
Hell, I'll be more lax. How many mangaka are there on that level, period?
because most of anons here came from gai/a/ through the eternal summer
manga isn't free and not accessible to everyone who's not willing to pay.
If you mean in terms of "mainstream" acclaim then there's obvious ones like Urasawa, Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Inoue, etc.
Beyond that there's plenty of individual works or mangaka that I would put up there even if they're not approved to like or get to go to the oscars. I'd say Blame is more interesting than the majority of Miyazaki's films.
it's only less popular in the west
in japan manga is vastly more popular than anime
>no color
>no voiced characters
>still pictures vs movement
>physical format
the only thing manga is good for it providing a story board direction for the superior animation that will be made off it.
>Because then you can just watch that instead.
Anime does not supplant manga. They are different media and different experiences. It's not wonder you think so lowly of manga if you really believe that sort of rubbish.
>Anime does not supplant manga.
For the most part it does. How often do you see manga doing stuff that couldn't be done in anime?
Manga is literally more popular and less niche than Anime is in Japan.
What are you on about OP? It's still popular overseas.
All the time since there's loads of artstyles that either can't be or are too difficult to translate to animation.
I read more manga when batoto was alive, but after it died I just didn't get into it again. I just feel it will be a pain making a list again for mangas I follow. I sometimes use the angel manga page to download manga, but then I usually download a bunch of chapters at once and marathon. I'm not reading chapter by chapter each week anymore.
I used to watch a lot of anime, but now I usually only watch one or two shows a season. Like with manga, if I hear about a show that's interesting, I just binge it after it has aired, usually blurays.
Because shitty anime adaptations censor, modify or straight out remove what's often VITAL content from the source material. You can't defend this.
only shonentards get mad at this and its because anyway your serie is shit
>I enjoy badly directed garbage
Is this your argument? How old are you, edgelord? 16?
Mangadex, bakaupdates, ...?
That's why anime is more popular?
A lot. Anime is mostly trash. There are so many more manga masterpieces that will never be animated.
because nobody would watch a manga on tv or in a kino
Reading is hard
fuck tv
agree but also needs to add that the art is superior in manga version 99% of time
book better than manga more smart you're a fucking idiot user
Because manga is at the awkward middle between movies/TV and books. You lack the sound, color, and movement of movies/TV while also being unable to really flesh out dialogue or narration like in a book.
its better that way, i dont want brainlets who cant read having an opinion on manga
It won't stop them, you know.
Every well thought out fight scene in a manga turns to shit in an anime adaptation because explaining things takes too long. Reading is way faster and doesn't kill pacing.
Nobody cares about anime either.
And it is why action shonen manga are more popular.