they actually showed this on live television during kid's programming, the absolute madman! they also curse in the dub too!
would this happen in your country?
they actually showed this on live television during kid's programming, the absolute madman! they also curse in the dub too!
would this happen in your country?
Did they censor anything at all
>during kid's programming
like saturday morning cartoons? in any case, no, I'm a burger.
>Prison Break
That's still a thing?
thats why its blowing my mind, anime on tv was literally shut down in the 90's because of ramna's boobs! fuck religion!
Gib moni HUE HUE HUE
God bless the mexicans.
I hope they take SAO as seriously as they took Dragon Ball. The memes will makes themselves.
SAO is the top trending on twitter every week in mexico, its happening brother, can wait for alicization dub (which by the way its amazing god-tier dub, they fucking nailed klain among my fav characters)
>would this ever happen in your country
Not if I have anything to say about it.
I await the "arte de espada en línea" take over.