If Lala can't do math does this make her officially dumber than all pinks combined?
Star Twinkle precure
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, she is the equivalent of a preschooler with a talking tablet.
My wife is here all the way from japan
your wife is beautiful
Why does Madoka always look like she needs a hug?
Because she lives a stressful life and has to fulfill many expectations from her dad.
I love Eas
>dumber than all pinks combined
Is that even really all that dumb? Two heads are better than one and there's like 10+ pinks now to work together at whatever. Wouldn't it be better to say she's dumber than just one of the really dumb pinks, like Miyuki or Megumi?
Because she is always in need for a good fug
I want to fuck Lala.
Which one though, it's hard to tell these days
I'm afraid the Japanese school system won't take Lala's delayed development into account.
We heard you the last time
I didn't pictured her as a dumb as bricks pink, maybe her naïvetty was too much but she seemed competent.
Megumi's the only pink whose stupidity makes her violent.
Megumi would follow someone into a van without even asking who they are.
Nah, she's really dumb. Cute but dumb.
I haven't watched rocket episode yet.
It was odd desu. Megumi literally did everything wrong in that episode and even at the end the rocket girl was like "yeah thank you, now fuck off", on top of being anal about Iona getting INOCENTO form.
I don't get this meme
These tightrope jokes are getting funnier.
The "walking a tightrope" idiom taken too literally
So Madoka is literally walking on the edge?
Pinks don't even know what math is, so it's hard to tell.
Girls and tools are incompatible
She's kind of generically nice. Unusually insistent even for a pink, but otherwise mostly generic.
Finally saw this movie, and i really liked it, my only major grip wit hthe movie was how useless Magical and Miracle were at times. also i want to fuck a goldfish
She's a cute fish.
That's a very special kind of girl
Imagine the smell
wtf I like yellow now
Reminder that blue cat is pure, PURE
That's great, the Kaguya household would not accept anything less
How would you improve Yukari as a character?
more porn
her own Rape Namek arc
Wait! That's not what I mean...!
Turn her into a loli. Akira too.
Forgot my image.
make her even gayer
She is already great though.
Ara Ara.
Have her become evil for an arc until she reveals she was working as a double agent just for tokimeki's sake.
I want to marry a prekigger. I think they would be really good with children and they have muscular thighs.
What cure would be your wife?
Aoi is so cute.
What is the cat saying to the bunny?
I didn't think it could happen, but Lala is even dumber than the Smiles.
Is this Hikaru's reputation now? I think Madoka got out of hand using Hikaru's name during her escapades
Aguri's dress is too sexual.
"Look upon a star" sounds like "look at porn star" in a Japanese accent.
How so?
I hate Madoka's dad so much
You can lift the dress so easy.
God how can she be so voluptuous
That's what dresses were invented for, stupid.
That's not what that word means. Her figure is perfect though.
Huge futa cat penis.
>skinny nine year old
get in the fucking robot, Madoka
Aguri is really cute.
>he doesn't know
Two year old, whatever.
How often do you rewatch a whole series? It's been over five years since I've seen Smile and Doki and I'm starting to feel nostalgic for them.
I love how Saaya's drill autism became such a big thing in this fanbase.
With barbs?
Wrong, dresses were invented to air the cooch.
I watch Heartcatch at least once a year, sometimes twice a year.
I'm sorry I asked.
Heck yeah!
That's some nice revisionist history you've got there. You must have a degree in women's studies.
Oh man, here we go again...
Have you ever confronted the sultry crotch of the female species?
It's outrageous.
Well, I've only seen the other seasons once but I plan to watch KiraKira again soon. Heartcatch is just a special case since I love it so much.
I dropped precure because of hacha and after so many year i decided to watch Heartcatch again was going to finish hacha first but i changed my mind last minute, and after that rewatched Smile and finally finished Yes5.
Now i want to rewatch gopri and kira^2
I've never rewatched a series completely. I think the experience of watching it weekly, always moving forward, is how the shows are meant to be watched.
thanks Peter
I never do. Instead I save one of my favorites episodes of that season like the school festival's band play on Heartcatch and when I feel nostalgic I just watch the OP/ED and the segment I loved the most. Doing a rewatch takes down the enjoyment of a serie unless it's a no-plot one (Smile).
Nya nya
Precures are too damn sexual
thats my name and i didnt post that
How is that an issue
They're children, user.
I hope you furry fucks are excited.
They're 14, which Yea Forums has taught me means they are old women.
im sure that was fake
I thought someone tweeted the guy asking where he got the info from and it look like a fake source.
based and toshiakipilled
instead of being the fickle older member with obvious /u/ undertones involving Akira have her be the curious younger member with burgeoning /u/ undertones involving Akira.
Probably a radically different character at the end of the day but it lets you keep the cat gimmick at least and I think it'd lead to more interesting episodes.
Because sooner or later someone's going to rape them
Is this season the only one where there aren't exactly any fairies (except *maybe* Fuwa?) and takes place more or less in the same universe except for a somewhat separate/distant dimension?
Hugtan was just a baby, Harry and his village were sentient rodents. Fuwa is more blatantly a fairy
A space fairy!
That's a scary situation to be in.
It is. But it will go away if you just give in to despair.
I've already given in to despair, I'm trying to watch Doki from the beginning after dropping it before.
I like the bare shoulders on Komachi and Karen and Nozomi's midriff but other than that that the Y5 outfit design was fucked.
No it wasn't it was good and has a team feel. Smile's is fucked
Nani the fuck
I can already cringe imagining Aoi's songs being remade.
not a problem, they need to cut like 16 episodes, just cut the Aoi songs
oh don't worry, they gotta cut out a few episodes somewhere.
It just occurred to me we'll get a version of this involving a space idol singing in a few months.
Am I just imagining things or is the group transformation in star twinkle pretty short?
I think it's around the same length as a solo transformation (only lasting longer because there's more roll calls). Because of the song I'd guess
speaking of the space idol, do we know if this the only vocal song of the disc, or is Mao's song there too?
also, have some cute/cool bears.
I think they cut out the "twinkle twinkle precure" part in group transformations. Can't imagine they can really cut out much else. As much as I love the addition of the song that almost makes it a double edged sword, you can't really have a "short" transformation unless you remove it entirely.
Where does Mana rank in terms of smarts between the rest of the pinks? I'm three episodes in and I can't get a good bead on her. Also Rikka is such a nice girl.
>refusing to ban spammers, trolls and rule violators
Well done. You've deleted a few of the spam posts, delete more of that shit now, it's wasting the fucking post count.
You too.
Would Hikaru wear a spacesuit?
What are you on about
I'm talking to the useless moderation. Don't worry about it.
How is this new series? I had to take a break mid season of Huggto, but I want to finish it once and for all and start the new one, is it worth the binge or wait?
Star Twinkle has been pretty good so far. I'd say go ahead and get caught up if you have the time.
Thanks user, did they go back to beam spam or are they punching stuff again? Huggto is giving me hopes that they go back to more hand to hand combat.
I did the exact same thing and I've really enjoyed star twinkle. I got all caught up in a day.
While I don't rewatch a complete season, I like to rewatch random single episodes, I drag and drop all seasons folders on my playlist, then I shuffle it and watch the first 2 episodes on the top.
2 random episodes per day, Precure has a lot of content, so it's more fun and interesting than you would expect.
There is some hand to hand combat. The fights aren't like how they were in KiraKira if that's what you meant by beam spam.
I miss food edits that would be posted often, like this one and Makopi eating onigiri. I'm going to post the one's I have and if anyone has more they're welcome to contibute.
Post the one with Minami eating makopi
Unfortunately don't have that one. I'll post this one and hope it's ok. Megumi is being very rude to my waifu.
I don't quite even remember the story behind why Makopi was associated with onigiri, except I guess her name nickname flows into the word well enough.
Not him, but are you talking about this scary image?
That's the last of what I had as far as these types of edits went. Thank you friend user, for posting disgusting gore. Take this if you haven't seen it.
Yes, thank you. Minami is a cutie pie.
which actual theme Hugtto had? it was pretty random.
Being a mother maybe? Two of the girls ended up being mothers by the end of it. Follow your dreams too. Saaya and Homare both followed their dreams at the end.
Watch it again moron
In the interviews before it aired, Naitou was really keen on the whole birth rate thing, but he changed his tone over the course of the series and this is his takeaway by the end of it.
So, how did Emiru tie into that? Considering the fact that they decimated her in the ending?
She pursued her guitarist hobby and in the end became a rockstar, something her brother and grandfather were once completely against.
I'm talking about the part where she possibly went crazy at the end. You know, when she met new Lulu.
You were asking how she tied into the theme Naitou detailed.
I already knew about rockstar Emiru and how she was able to do what she loved, I was just curious if they had mentioned anything about her possible descent into madness. Sorry for the confusion.
Honkers is my glorious leader!
Won't she get fat and have to quit ballet?
Mana's smart for a Pink because most Pinks are idiots, but she's not one of the "smart ones" relative to Cures as a whole. Tsubomi, Reika, Rikka, Honoka, Madoka, etc. are all more academically capable than Mana.
Oh man, I didn't realize she is a JK
Please, don't do this here.
she's 17, almost legal in the majority of countries.
See you later little girls
Moving forward.
I haven't watched Hugtto but isn't the theme of every time-related serie that the future is now and you have the power to change it? Nothing is set in stone? But dunno how babies are related to this.
what did she mean by this?
you've never heard the phrase "Children are the future"?
>But dunno how babies are related to this.
Based Harry straight up says that children of today won't have a future if we don't fix this shit world right now.
That is the context of "the future is now" tho. But yeah I guess it fits.
None of the English abbreviations even include the "Precure" part in any way.
>Himari finally gets an episode
>It's just obligatory so she can get her next power up
>Himari or someone else constantly looks wall-eyed
This episode perfectly encapsulates why I don't like Himari as much as I want to; Toei don't want to focus on her so when they do, it's out of obligation so what we get is underwhelming or fucking nothing.
Based and violet-pilled
Himari's first episode is plenty good but she doesn't really hit her stride until near the end when it's pretty much too late. It's too bad.
>Himari or someone else constantly looks wall-eyed
"I want Aoyama out of All Stats" was a monkey's paw wish.
I was a bit disappointed when oyonigiri didn't catch on like Maokotonigiri did.
Himari is much like the reclusive squirrel, small an unnoticed.
Do Hikaru and Lala even wear bras? I mean there's nothing there. Sure Madoka needs support, but not those two.
And cute!
every girl wears one, not matter how small her tits are. Also dunno but I think bare fabric touching her breast must feel weird.
Hikaru probably does, it's just expected at a certain age for humans.
Lala? Not a chance.
Does this looks good? This is the cheapest Twinkle doujin that I can found in suruga plus Kappard is my favourite general
Here's Madoka forget to wear bra
This dude's great
Both of those look amazing. No-bra Madoka is my new favourite Madoka.
it could be good if E1 become the red? it would look odd a Cure with a single eye and I don't know how the girls could relate to her.
Yeah world ain't ready for a cyclops kaijin Cure, and I kind of feel before series end she might get a mature body through experimentation
>people think there's a sixth cure
Both the transformation toy and the fuwa thing have been hacked already, any new cure would require her own super special toy.
You say this as if extra Cures don't have their own toys practically every season.
>any new cure would require her own super special toy.
like they always do?
Yeah but for several years now the extra cure always gets introduced before the halfway point and there hasn't been a cure that joins super late since suite.
Can't get much more "super late" than episode 48, and we've had a whole bunch of Cures join then!
That doesn't count and you know it
One of the best yellows!
It's a shame non-h doujins don't get translated, there's a lot of cute stuff.
But in exchange we've been getting movie Cures. The movies air around episode 39-ish, so that's basically the replacement.
The Star Twinkle movie will have a red Cure, calling it now.
Key word brother. Supposedly ST is bringing back that old feel (forget the lack of MotW), and we already know Cosmo/Mao is going to join the group by episode 22 so assuming it's a 48/49 season the red cure could very well join by episode 33~35. We'll know for sure if there's going to be an Red in a few weeks to see if they're focusing too much on someone not from the group. Plus the princess pens stuff is gonna get resolved by Cosmo introduction so we need a new McGuffing
>Mao get's her Cure powers by gathering all the pens and wishing to have the power to save her planet
fucking SHIT, at least the pens are sort of useless and won't be missed.
i love it when the precure are away from their usual town/city and bump into a general in the middle of nowhere
i did not mean to reply to this post fug
My favorite is when the cures bump into a general and just keep walking because they don't give a shit.
this time at least it's justified thanks to the pen's radar, it's not like when they go to the beach or another town and casually the generals are there.
I'm of two minds. If the general is srs bsns and it's just a coincidence then it's kinda lame but if the general is a dork that went there for some silly reason then it's great.
Am I the only one who thinks cure Star is just too sexual? also they really like showing her legs...
they had to give her puffy pants because spats was too much fuel.
Have you watched suite yet?
You're not alone.
Hmm the Maadoka one is slightly cheaper. I will see in future if cheaper one avaliable. Ripo's art is cute
I think Madonut has a good chance
I want that Emiruru, Hime and Ciel ones.
Why is the nebby always flying into Madoka's arms?
It's not her arms it's flying into.
Which Himari episode are you talking about? If you're still near the beginning she gets some good ones later on. I think that she ends up getting a decent bit of focus, she just doesn't stand out as much because of how she is.
Wouldn't you if you could?
to cover her lewdness
The strongest, prettiest, most intelligent star twinkle and designated fairy holder and donut lord.
Is there anything Madoka can't do?
attain peace of mind
Poor girl, but she also has the most interesting subplot so that's another plus for her.
Unstress and chillax
Everyone expected the brown yellow to be the lewd one. Turns out it's the proper purple with the bedroom eyes.
Keep her puberty in check
god i wish that were me
Is that another bush joke?
But Negom is blue-pilled
Not quite. Check the big word in bold letters in the last panel to get an idea
Absolutely not
period joke this time haha
I don't agree with that. Elena is the prettiest.
Does she serve breakfast for her family on that 5head?
smile when you say that, pendejo!
you guys are making me sick of this bitch
>Nyotaimori with Elena
I want Hikaru to look at me with disgust
I wish more precure doujins went that route, you can only mindbreak them so many times
The plot thickens
Is that Touma with a wig?
Madoka's alien harem by the end of the show better be 5+
If you're the same guy who gets annoyed by Mana posters I'll just tell you to fuck off.
Oh boy. What's she gonna do?
God I wish that were me.
Yes. I didn't save them, but it's part of a series of images that make it even more clear what she's doing.
So far Mana kinda reminds me of Megumi minus the super combat violence. I know she is the student council president, but it doesn't feel like she has the brains to back it up. However, her charisma is definitely off the charts
Someone give this woman a girlfriend before she traumatizes this poor kid for life.
How long until she kidnaps a 2nd kid to dress up with a blue wig, fake cat ears and some sunglasses?
>when you gotta relieve all the stress of the boys who are in love with your sister and you love lollipops
Sexycute star.
err... why Hugtan is blonde? George is a cuck/Homare's "gay" friend had a baby with Hana?
Isn't it just a reversal of Sailor Moon/Chibi Moon?
Hugtan was conceived while Hana was in cure form, so Hugtan is always in cure form, she doesn't have a normal form.
>When you realize this post fits Negom unironically
>have sex with a precure
>have permanent precure babies while mother can lose her form at any time
Life sucks dropout
Don't try to understand anime hair color.
Do you have seasons where your opinion of them changed significantly over time, just from having the time think about them?
Seasons I've grown to like better over time:
Seasons I've grown to like less over time:
Smile for sure. I watched it second right after heartcatch and was disappointed that it was so comedy driven, called it dumb at the time. Now after watching seven more seasons, I call it fun and it's my third favorite season.
imagine the smell
>pair of sweaty tomboys trying to one up each other
It's like trying to imagine what heaven is like, the human mind can't understand something so perfect and pure.
>akane and nao will never have a competition over you, getting disheveled and sweaty in the process
feels bad
I want Elena to get Blue Cat as a close friend. She needs all the help she can get.
I hated Hacha in the beginning, now I tolerate it. I loved Suite, but now I just like it normally. I still hate Maho though. Nothing has ever managed to change my mind on it.
Homare is the dad.
Smile kind of. I've changed my mind on how I felt about some of the characters. I didn't really think much about Nao and Akane while watching Smile but now I've grown to love them. I still don't like Reika though.
Nice Flora.
I dropped Yes5 years ago not sure why the first time my favorite was Lemonade, now my favorite is aqua. I still need to re watch FW, Doki and hacha and I'm sure I will change my mind with them
They didn't decide to commit to Hugttan being Hana's daughter from the future until they were working on the final arc.
DNA shit, if an ancestor of Hugtan had blonde hair there is a chance she will be blonde
I've been getting into UFO research recently and I don't think it's a coincidence.
Yes please
poverty office
Call me if you find alien cuties
What a ugly purple cat, let me go get some water
To give her something to drink?
Episode 28
No, to scare her by throwing water at her, last time she fucked the dog
I usually keep my enjoyment of a season no matter the time, so if I hated or liked something it'll stay the same, maybe deviate a bit after watching a new season but it won't be a sudden change like "I found this season normal, now I hate it".
>last time she fucked the dog
Love is love.
I loved HaCha on my first watch but after rewatching it, it noticed a bunch of problems
>Nobody will shut up about love after the halfway point
>The poorly animated episodes
>The NTR
>Blue being even more of a useless god than Aqua from Konosuba
Although, Red and Unlovely were better than I remembered so there's that.
Not to be mean, but I'm surprised you didn't notice that during the first watch
No worries user, so am I.
That's something a furry would say
When I tell myself that Hacha was not that bad, somebody always remind me why I drop it so many years ago
Look, I have to be careful because the dog want to eat chocolat all the time, the cat wants to fuck it and I don't want to take care of the hamsters they will have
Oh, I didn't think the giant cake episode was that bad. If I remember correctly we got to see Himari overcome her fear of being in front of a lot of people for a while. She did pretty good in that episode.
>she just doesn't stand out as much because of how she is.
Himari is a shy girl so she don't like to be the focus of an episode, what a lovely girl
I wish the lesson Himari learned from her experience was something other than "The most important ingredient to make sweets delicious is the feelings you put into them".
I didn't noticed the school QUAILITY while I was watching the episode tho, it took an user here to point that to see it by myself. I guess I was enjoying it too much to notice it, same as with Fresh.
That's not what I meant and you know it.
Wasn't that the whole show?
>"The most important ingredient to make sweets delicious is the feelings you put into them".
Isn't that pretty much the theme of KiraKira?
Are we never going to see Mao again? Her design is the best, it's not fair
precure lost office
Next episode nya
You don't watch the previews?
>tfw you know there isn't going to be a satisfying resolution to your plot line because physics
Not that user, but that's Blue cat, not Mao.
what do you guys mean by design?
Mao isn't real, it's a disguise
>being new
It's okay Emiru. You're not alone. I know what it feel like to be in love with someone that's in a completely different dimension from you too.
i want to fuck hana while she wears her kappa costume
Is that the Smile of True Suffering?
Speaking of that, it annoys me that the dog and cat got a better ending than Emiru and Ruru.
>they see your dick
But they are not laughing
So you believe the Mao =/= blue cat theory? It's the fucking same, just that the idolslut is her disguise and the blue cat is her true form, hence Cosmo color.
But they got a sort of happy ending. Not the best and the most fucked of them all but Emiru was happy at the end (Ruru kinda got fucked tho, and seeing Emiru still longed about Ruru it's safe to say that she can't come back anymore).
I don't see how two best friends being separated forever is sort of a happy ending. Emiru looked completely depressed until she met her replacement Ruru. I guess that it's good that Emiru gets to be a mother, but poor Ruru got even less than that. I loved Hugtto, but their ending hurts it a bit for me.
>ywn be a cute precure kigu
>best friends
Kotori should have been Emiru's new best friend throughout the timeskip. Then Emiru would have learned to move on, share skills with a cheerleading coach, and most importantly, get better makeup and fashion sense from Kotori.
Did you try to resize that on MS Paint?
Yes, best friends.
Precures in SIF when?
why would you do this, I was having a good day until you reminded me.
Precures in something better than SIF when?
I said happy ending for Emiru, not Ruru. I wonder if she visits the grave of future Emiru Everyday to remember the old days, and because she's a robot she's pretty much inmortal. Thinking about it Ruru's ending is one of the most fucked up and depressing in all Precure. Weird contrast with Hana's.
Pazurun exist. And I honestly don't wanna fall for the rythm hell again.
Ruru will fall in love with Emiru's grandkid
>But they got a sort of happy ending.
I'm not trying to start anything but for the record, that's what you said. I thought that you were talking about both of them with that sentence. But I do agree that Ruru's ending is super depressing. I'm still not sure how the writers thought that was an acceptable ending.
Smile. Watched the first 10 or so eps right after Heartcatch as it was coming out, didn't like it all that much. Watched all of it last year and I think it might actually be my favourite of the franchise now. It's just so enjoyable.
I liked Smile plenty when I first watched it, I like it even more now.
Everything else is more or less the same.
My bad. But I also said that Emiru got the happy ending and Ruru got fucked in that sentence, so it evens out.
>I'm still not sure how the writers thought that was an acceptable ending.
That's what I told myself about Hana. I wonder if Star Twinkle will have some sort of fucked up stuff too.
More like StinkleShart.
Opinion discarded because Coco and Syrup exist. C'mon I love a good /u/ ship but they're het as fuck.
>Opinion discarded
Better to have Urara as a best friend than to have Rin as one.
Yes, but this episode treated it like this is something Himari didn't already know.
Is it gay when one of them is a robutt?
You can't idolize or make them dance.. for now
Don't say that word like that. Yes it's still gay because she's a girl robot.
LL sieyuu voicing Precure when?
Don't even joke about that.
Why not?
>Be gay, do magic
I love my gay daughters
I want Mirai to touch my wand
>fapping to straight precure doujins
>half hour to c*m
>fapping to yuri precure doujins
>five minutes to c*m
G-Guys, did I become /u/-sc*m?
There's no escape, Elena. Madoka is inevitable.
Imagine how those teeth would feel on your dick
is it bad that I kinda want to see her getting fucked by bugs now
also, this was a really baller pic of Peace looking really cool
this season is making me wish they hadn't dropped spats, they're certainly nicer than the unlimited layers of fluff underneath nowadays
>Take a good look, Touma
>When you say something is "abnormal", you should refer to these old man who should know better than to watch Precure all day
>Y-yeah... t-they're looking at us, sis...
I know it's an odd complaint considering it's all magical girls but my main issue with the floof is how unnatural it looks 95% of the time.
Surprisingly enough, she's actually got a few moments of badassery through the series. Mixed in with many more moments where she looks ridiculous and pathetic.
Was Parple just a failed old idol in the future?
Literal Sentai/KR/precurefags
Oops, meant to reply to
I was literally going through this feeling last week when I spent the money I was saving for a new car radio on a ziku driver and some ridewatches instead.
Together, the Two of Us are Futari wa Precure!
If there is one thing that I'm liking about Doki so far, it's Alice. I love how she uses her money and resources to help out.
most adorable dork
Would you go to Aoi's concert?
I guess
Sure. I'd rather go to a Twin Love concert though.
What's the appeal of spats?
What if they played together?
That sounds like it would be a pretty good show.
Is hana is the only canon non-virgn Cure in Precure series? Not counting tsubomi grandpa
You get to see more.
Floof just obscures everything, and if they just had panties on under their skirts, they'd have to magic skirt like crazy because they can't show them.
Thus, spats are the best answer. They're stylish, form-fitting, cute, and let you see the Precure's legs better.
I fucked you're favourite Cure, so Hana and/or her.
My wife do her best every day
Yayoi isn't my favorite cure, even in Smile, but she's probably the one I wish I could befriend the most.
cute dork
She's the bravest cure in my book. Despite being scared of literally everything, she always tries her hardest to keep smiling and gets the work done. Hell, she's even scared of her own powers when she does the Peace Thunder, but she toughs through it every time. I think she grew the most out of the Smiles, by the end she learns to have the courage to face any challenge.
>You've been given the chance to cast the VAs for the next season of cures and choose the colours they voice
Who do you cast /pc/?
most erotic voices of the industry and then make sure there's a lot of fighting scenes where precures lose
I choose the Eva pilots (Ogata: blue, Hayashibara: pink, Miyamura: green) and Wakamoto: mid-season rainbow Cure.
See you later little girls
So knpk~
Lala is so gosh darn cute!
She still has the best episode
The main casts would be voiced by literal whos, maybe throw in some popular face actors/idols for villains.
The role of the main fairy will now be voiced by Tomokazu Sugita.
Pink: Nabatame Hitomi
Blue: Han Megumi
Yellow: Kanemoto Hisako
Purple: Miyamoto Kanako
Green: Kohara Konomi
Akane is only one letter away from Akanbe
Akanbe is only two letters away from Akanbest.
God I love Akane, she's literally perfect
You are correct.
I want to rub my face on Elena's feet.
Norio Wakamoto as the pink
Joji Nakata as the blue
The last time I browsed /pc/ it was a consensus that Precure hasn't been good since GoPri ended.
Does this season follow that trend or did Precure finally get good again?
Star Tinkle Precure
krkr was good
Star Twinkle seems to be very appreciated so far, but then again I seem to remember the consensus being very positive for HugTo too around the 15 episodes mark.
Kira was the lowest point of Precure, it made Mahou look good in the same way Dragon Ball Super makes GT look good, the Star Wars sequels make the prequels look good and Final Fantasy XV makes XIII look good..
>drop GoPri that's supposed to be good in favor of KrKr
>enjoy it a lot more
>this guy on /pc/ tells me its the worst
There really is no "consensus"
/pc/'s general consensus every year is that the new season is the best thing ever until the halfway point and then everyone hates it until leaks for the next season come out.
Meanwhile in Negomland
The only good thing about Kira was the food gore from /pc/
I don't remember GoPri being hated.
Do you think Negom watched Precure when she was a little girl? Or is she too old?
Since GoPri started, you mean.
There isn't. I'm with you though.
Assuming she is around 25 now, she could've watched Futari wa as a not-so little girl.
Precure is 15 years old, but Negom looks like she's in her mid-twenties, so probably not? She would have been past the target demo. You probably don't grow up to draw anime porn unless you were a super nerd child though, so she might have watched it anyway.
Where is the restroom?
You know what Star Twinkle and Pripara have in common?
The only good thing about both series is Lala.
oyorunfags are the worst
That's a bad comparison, there's a lot of likable characters in Pripara, and while Lala is my favorite ST Cure, I like the others too.
And the soundtracks, and the characters, and how cute it was.
That's just not true.
I want to watch a precure be killed in combat
which one and by what type of general?
As someone that marathoned every Precure season during 2017, this place was kinda slow during that year, I even thought that was just the nature of Precure threads, but once Hugtto and Star Twinkle started the jump in activity was pretty notable, most people didn't KiraKira when it was airing, maybe marathoning it feels better than watching weekly, but unless your hobby is baking, I don't see KiraKira being better than GoPri.
I just like Ichika a lot more than "muh dream" Haruharu
Gopri has this crazy intense pacing for a precure series where it never feels like nothing is going on.
Isn't it canon that all the Precure of the Trump Kingdom died in the opening scene of Doki here only Sword survives the onslaught? Just pretend those deaths were not left off-screen.
I like both, but I like KiraKira just a bit more than GoPri.
tfw no lion rock star
actually the thing they have in common is the fact that I want to fuck the ones with pink hair
Yes, it's canon. And they kept that detail in every version of the story, even Glitter Force Doki Doki believe it or not. Macopy suffering was the staff's #1 priority.