Ao No Flag Ch.44
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lesbo is getting told next chapter hopefully.
Right now I'm kinda annoyed with everyone in that room. They are all just bitching at each other and Taichi is just sitting there silently.
Basically. He turned into Kuze. I really wanted to hear what Taichi thought about the situation but he got no room to speak at all. Also really annoyed with Shingo, I know he is a shit-stirrer of the century but he just looks like he wants people to fight and create more conflict.
Yeah, probably. Or then she gets interrupted by Mami so we'll never know the answer. But how the conversation is going, I feel like Kuze is going to say something like '' I'd want her to be happy so I would probably try my best to fall in love with her despite not feeling the same and probably never will '' or whatever. I feel like whatever the answer is, it's definitely going to cement the lesbo's choice to NOT confess. Even if she'd potentially have a chance.
Seems they did some of his thinking for him. Kinda serving as apposing dialogues in his mind. He's been in denial so he kinda needed that a spark for that. I don't think Shingo was trying to start shit he was just calling out hypocrisy. Funny that the girl that looks like a female Shingo is his girlfriend. Wasn't expecting him to even have one. I guess that kills the "he secretly loves Mami" thing.
Her fucking face man. She wasn't expecting that.
I feel like she's going to say something like "I'd feel awful for not being able to return those feelings"
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Chapter summary:
>The two girls are being cunts
>Kensuke's anger is explained
>Shingo's cool and he pissed off his gf
>All Ichinose did was waste the artist's time for having to draw him
>The girls are talking
If he didn't want to stir shit, he would criticize Kensuke's behavior as well. He is taking sides and it shows, to the point of pissing off his girlfriend. I just don't know what he thinks he is going to achieve with this '' everyone should respect each others values!!! '' nonsense.
>>The two girls are being cunts
>saying that punching a friend and being disgusted by him because he's gay is dumb and shows how shallow the relationship is, is being cunts.
What in the world.
This chapter is going to be super divisive in terms of who people thinks is right or wrong.
I want to believe that Shingo thinks that ultimately, Kensuke should only have this discussion about homosexuality with Touma, and the girls ranting about his '' beliefs '' isn't going to do shit, and only aggravate and tense up the friendship dynamics. But if Shingo thinks we can all just kumbaya despite there being a guy who is disgusted by his friends for liking dudes, I seriously don't believe that.
I'm sorta starting to think that Shingo is the author's self-insert.
I wonder if this is just a one off comment or if it'll be explored later
They were imposing their hypocritical opinions onto him and they had a holier than thou attitude throughout the whole thing. "Cunts" may be oversimplifying it, but I was trying to be a bit comedic as well.
It was pointed out by Shingo, but even your post shows their hypocrisy. They were also disgusted with Kensuke, just as he was disgusted with Touma, and they were also judging him a lot about it before understanding his perspective. Plus, Shingo's gf got pissed of and left because he didn't take her side and that's pretty shallow too.
There are so many other things to clear up, I don't think the author has time if they want to finish this one day.
>everyone should respect each others values!!
Yeah! And it was totally okay for Nazis to want to kill jewish people! Every value is acceptable and understandable! "Bad" and "harmfull" values don't exist!
If your value is "hating people for what they have no control over" is totally fine!
You think people in wheelchairs are gross and you want to punch them? You're not wrong for thinking that! It's totally fine!
There's no such thing as bad or good emotions, as long as their beneficial to you!
He did basically tell them to get out
>because he didn't take her side and that's pretty shallow too
He was totally stirring up shit, because fighting over shit is manly
I was pretty frustrated by this chapter. We get another chapter with Taichi doing absolutely nothing. Really annoyed with how passive he's been and the author keeps on having him be drowned out by other characters.
I have no clue how to regard Shingo now though. I don't buy his whole argument about showing respect to values or whatever. There's a difference between being ignorant and being outright discriminatory of people. Like if you're going out of your way to hate people for shit they can't change like their race or orientation then no, I'm not going to respect you and I don't see that as the same thing the girls were doing.
I also hate that it ended on that cliffhanger. It was just another huge blue-ball chapter.
Where is the manga? Can't find it anywhere
You should never hurt anyone, but hating someone isn't a crime you moron. Let me guess, you're a self described liberal, it's obvious you want to make thoughts a crime. There is a nice book about it, 1984, you should read it.
>another month of waiting after this
Fuck this not gay enough Earth.
Read the fucking thread you dip.
Mangaplus site or app.
The link is in the 2nd post in the thread. Jesus.
>kills the "he secretly loves mami" thing
And thank God for that. We don't need more useless drama.
Though if it did happen it'd just be a rehashed version of Kensuke's dilemma, ie "oh nooo, I have a decent girlfriend and my female friend who I actually like is right there, what should I doooo"
>You should never hurt anyone
But Kensuke did. His hate for something caused him to irrationally attack someone. Irrational hate, while not a crime, leads people to do irrationally hateful, hurtful things. Is this too hard to understand?
I think, maybe, Shingo knew about Kensuke's past, and understands his reaction because of it, hell even I can understand it. But this whole '' Kensuke's values are his and regardless we can coexist and be friends '' thing is an oversimplification of the situation and it annoys me.
What I don't like is that the manga makes it out to be that Shingo is right, and in a way so is Kensuke. Like, the girls can't really back up their point of view and they are shown as simple-minded and in the wrong for not putting up with Kensuke's homophobia.
Well there was not much Taichi could say. The whole scene was basically everyone taking their own piss on gender and morality, they didn't and never did want to actually talk about Touma, Taichi, or the actual situation. It was avoiding the elephant, but in a way where they could never even have to make contact with it, since nobody really asked Taichi anything.
Fuck you're right, sorry about that.
On one hand, I'm REALLY annoyed how they are dragging this on. But on the other, I think it's quite genius how Touma's coming out and confession to Taichi seems to be affecting an entire circle of friends and everyone is just on the edge and mainly thinking of themselves, instead of the actual people who this shit involves, aka Touma and Taichi, partially Kuze.
I just hope the author doesn't go all '' Touma ruined everything and his coming out was selfish!! '' or something, but I doubt it. But you never know with Japanese authors and what they think.
I kinda get what Shingo is getting at.
Basically he's saying that
> Fuck faggots they should all die
> Fuck bigots they should all die
are basically the same thing
Putting aside which side you're on, spewing crap against spewing crap isn't gonna solve anything, it'll just end up with a bunch of shit everywhere.
I don't doubt he disagrees with Kensuke's values, but he still feels that Kensuke deserve to have a proper discussion and let his opinion be heard without getting smacked every time.
Basically moral of this chapter is hardline SJWs suck
Nobody was saying "x should die" or anything though. Like I get the author is trying to say there should be a certain amount of nuance with this and it's not all black and white.
Shingo still was standing up for Kensuke being a homophobe and that people should respect that he feels that way and that's bullshit. The girls outright ask whose side he's on and he dodges the question. I don't know, I don't like it.
I'm not gonna say bigots need to die, but theres a difference between a gay person and a person who hates gays. They aren't equivalent positions.
Even if Kenduke has a sympathetic reason for hating gay people, he's still the one who started this mess
It's exactly what he's saying and it does make sense.
Kensuke is a shithead and handled everything wrong and as Shingo said they should be confronting that, not telling him his feelings are bullshit because they don't like it.
Look at Taichi's reactions to what each side says. Every time each one makes a point it's like a light bulb comes on and he realizes these are all the feelings he's been struggling with.
Of course...
I can already see where this will go
>What I don't like is that the manga makes it out to be that Shingo is right, and in a way so is Kensuke. Like, the girls can't really back up their point of view and they are shown as simple-minded and in the wrong for not putting up with Kensuke's homophobia.
I completely agree with this. I'm hoping there's more to Shingo than this because it's wrong. I always figured there was a reason why Kensuke was homophobic but he even says himself that because he was molested by a guy doesn't mean all gay guys are predators.
Are the midgets still dating?
They haven't broken up.
The story has been sympathetic to touma and masumi til now, especially with touma's SiL basically telling masumi that she is who she is.
I expect it's gonna go deeper into this. But yeah, it's kinda rough currently
Nice of you to assume things.
Throughts aren't crimed, but it doesn't mean you're right for having them. If you're thinking about rapping someone, you're still wrong. If you think that physically abusing children is good, you're wrong even if you're only thinking and not acting on it.
Even if it's just thoughts, all values aren't equal. All values aren't respectable.
Kensuke thinking that Touma did something unforgivable to him just because he likes a guy is stupid, it's wrong.
>Kensuke's values are his and regardless we can coexist and be friends
Is not oversimplification, nothing was stated as a fact. Shingo was at point when he actually told the girls they were being shallow with their so open-minded attitude. Because when they criticized Kensuke for "hating it and not thinking about it", they were ignoring that they were doing the same with the "just let it be, is not your business".
His point is that Kensuke's negative feelings are no less valid and he is right about that. The girls can't sit there and say people can't help their feelings and then pick and choose what is and is valid for someone to feel.
Kensuke is saying
>He had a bad experience with a gay dude
>He sees all girls as potential sex drives
>He thinks male friendship is based on a lack of sexual inclination
>Because his bad experience in the past, and the fact that sex interest implies a set of feelings and rules he already considers facts for him a gay friend is imposible according to his own
Isnt even about someone telling him to not be so narcissistic to think Touma would see him as a sexual partner or love interest. But there are two conditions that make imposible that he wants to keep his friendship with Touma: the traumatic past and his way of drie his own sex desire.
>Basically he's saying that
>> Fuck faggots they should all die
>> Fuck bigots they should all die
>are basically the same thing
But that's not even what the girls said.
No, telling people they shouldn't hate others based on something so harmless as being in love with a person of the same sex (something they have no control over) isn't the same as hating gays because you find them gross.
Now what? Not liking Nazis is just like being a nazi? Sure, fucking carebear.
Being valid and being right are two different things though. Sure, it makes sense for Kensuke to feel the way he does but it doesn't make him right or ok for him to be a bigot.
Shingo seems to be taking a neutral stance and arguing that letting things play out is going to lead everyone to a more satisfying conclusion than trying to force beliefs one way or the other. Whether this argument or the fight, he didn't step in until he felt one side was being unreasonable.
Touma and Kensuke are either going to work through this or stop being friends. The girls were right for berating Kensuke for being an asshole and getting into a fight, but they were wrong for trying to force their own system of beliefs on Kensuke.
Their argument should have started and stopped at, "It's understandable to be confused when you don't understand something, and it's okay to not understand things, but you don't go trying to kick the shit out of people because you don't understand them."
While I hate being blue balled and still not seeing Touma, I liked how the chapter explored and develop the themes it had. Giving Kensuke depth it's also welcomed, I hate when they make all homophobes in fiction screaming retards only meant to be evil and a opposing force, an easy strawman to attack, when ignoring homophobia can be more nuanced and complex than that, like Kensuke, who himself acknowledge his feelings when it comes to gays, even if himself can get confused about how he feels. Shingo continues being blunt and straightforward, being true with his own philosophy. Basically, every character has something to say and I like the complexity.
What about you bros? Did you like it?
Fun part is Kensuke was still a screaming retard but what he was yelling was interesting, in part thanks to Shingo for translating it so the girls would get it, the reason they left, to me, is that they realized Shingo wasn't in the wrong and Kensuke either. This should be read by all the idiots who pretend to be LGTBQ+++ lovers to realize they are also being cunts.
>Shingo still was standing up for Kensuke being a homophobe and that people should respect that he feels that way and that's bullshit. The girls outright ask whose side he's on and he dodges the question. I don't know, I don't like it.
The worst thing isn't even Kensuke being homophic, it's Shingo validating him for feeling PERSONALLY ATTACKED and betrayed just because Touma liked a guy.
He can be homophic or whatever, but he's just plain wrong for acting like HE is the victim because Touma "betrayed" him.
So Taichi is left with the two boys who aren't standing up for Touma in any way possible. One who hates gays and one who supports his values in hating gays. They better not inject Taichi with their bullshit. I can see Kensuke egging Taichi on on how '' it must be super disgusting being courted by a fag '' and Shingo just smirking in the background.
>Kensuke is a shithead and handled everything wrong and as Shingo said they should be confronting that, not telling him his feelings are bullshit because they don't like it.
>"muh Touma is a traitor, how dare betray me, he's unforgivable, I'm the victim."
His feelings are 100% bullshit though.
Are you kidding me? Kensuke will always be the real cunt. A complete cunt who attacks gays. Jesus christ.
>telling people that other people's social orientation has nothing to do with them and beating them up for it is wrong is the same as hating gay people, actually
Kensuke is in the wrong and Shingo is a dumbass for stirring shit like this but I have to imagine that he did it to get them to leave since nothing he has done gives off any kind of vibe that he'd actually agree with Kensuke.
Kensuke's suffering is real and his feelings are legitimate but the dumbass needs to learn to separate the fact that the person that molested him was gay and the fact that said person was evil.
That was the worst chapter I have read of this entire manga. It's genuinely an achievement having all the side characters be this boring and insufferable. IM HOMOPHOBIC BECAUSE I WAS MOLESTED reveal was the icing on the cake
>Being valid and being right are two different things though
I don't think he's saying Kensuke feelings are right, or that what he did with those feelings are right, just that their existence can't be just ignored and dismissed because the girls don't like it. Sound familiar?
At leas he got his reasons. The only thing the girls got is "LOL, is cute, I assume cute thinks about gays and decide how to emasculate other guys. Also, if I don't think about it and just let it be is better. Thinking too much about it' Why?". And just for a proof of how the the girls were being told bu the author see Mami, Futaba and Masumi, that were having an actual discussion, and thinking about the topic instead of letting it pass and accept it just because.
No they aren't.
Kensuke is mad because he's can't have the girl he likes and would only accept being cucked by Touma, but Touma's gay therefore, Touma is a traitor. Also he believes that since he sees all girls are simply walking pussies and potential sex partners (age and personality doesn't matter as he said) that means Touma is the same and sees all boys are sexual preys, which includes him.
Basically, Kensuke is a narcissistic and self-centred bitch, more so than the girls.
I don't think the story will leave him like that though, I I don't think Shingo defend Kensuke attacking Touma. Like always, we will have to see what happens next.
Few disscusion about Masumi, Futaba and Mami though.
Also, I'm starting to feel, if it wasn't obvious before and didn't realize, the theme the author is going for, about how sometimes you need to be selfish for your own happiness.
Yes, yes they are. Touma didn't betray anyone, Kensuke just likes playing the victim.
>sometimes you need to be selfish for your own happiness
That's absolutely a big theme if not THE theme.
You can not tell somehow how to feel. Please stop confusing your own feelings with the point Shingo was trying to make.
I do like how the group sort of vocalized what Taichi has been thinking about, but at the same time I can't fully appreciate the scene because there was no incentive to really push the conversation TO Taichi. This incident does involve his closest friend after all.
This chapter was physically uncomfortable to read and left me feeling exhausted
What being said I respect Shingo pointing out how girls are just being dismissive of Kensuke and their tolerance is shallow
He's still a trolling chaos stirring cunt and should have approached the situation differently though
Maybe they'll get there now that the girls are gone. None of this is really their business at all. Futaba is opening up so we'll probably get to Taichi next after that conversation happens. It's parallel right now it seems.
>but the dumbass needs to learn to separate the fact that the person that molested him was gay and the fact that said person was evil.
Oh, look, that's what a lot of feminist should be doing! And the point, you are calling dumbass a guy who experienced a traumatic shit, like he should just shallow it a keep going for the sake of not bothering others.
I can't tell you how to feel, but I can still tell you your feelings are bullshit.
Kensuke feeling like Touma had obligations towards him, which he betrayed, is bullshit. It just shows that he'w self-centred and expects people to be and act a certain way just to please him. He feeld like Touma owes him shit. He's wrong.
Kensuke is wrong here. But the point is, prejudices born out of trauma are tough to break because you can't heal trauma with logic alone. That being said, Shingo seems uninterested in addressing Kensuke's trauma and is content to leave it at "hating gays is a valid standpoint, let Kensuke and Touma fight about it like men."
>that's what a lot of feminist should be doing!
And? Two wrongs don't make a right you fucking retard.
Yes, I started to realized this the last chapters (english is not my fist language, it makes hard to get the nuance and intention sometimes).
Not only I feel it's completely right, but also that this kind of message is even a bigger deal in Japan. I can't assume 100% how Japanese society is, but from what I see is centered more in the group that the individual, so making the statement that if you want to be happy, sometimes you must tell everyone else to fuck off is even more subversive. Like when Masumi said to Touma sister in law that if you stand out (like being gay) you bother everyone else and cause trouble, and she say to her "screw them". That's why I really like this manga. I'ts great it's generating discussion imo.
Girls wouldn't have helped there, see how they just treated Taichi like an asexual funny toy who is cute and also have a girlfriend. That attitude was condescend as fuck. Also, Shingo and Kensuke are Touma's friends, and is interesting they want to talk to Tai, it says a lot about them, about Shingo for wanting to listen the two sides, and for Censure for just sitting there despite his own shit.
just see, the author will hack the debate and and shift the reader expectation at certain side. I hope not though.
No the feelings are valid. Feelings just are. The reasoning is arguably bullshit and how he dealt with it is for sure bullshit.
See I really didn't get what he meant with ''let them deal with it like men''. Does he want them to beat the shit out of eachother until their trauma disappears and they turn into best friends like in some shonen manga?
Please explain this part to me
Nobody cares about your rant towards feminists so I won't even address it.
He is a dumbass for what he did, Touma being gay has nothing to do with Kensuke, it isn't his problem, Touma doesn't owe him shit and all of this is born from how self-centered he is since at the end of the day Touma was coming out to Mami, not to the entire school including the person he's in love with, past trauma doesn't make him right, his feelings are real and understandable (if misguided, gay people as a whole didn't molest him, an evil person did), how he dealt with those feelings isn't.
I think he was just telling girls to fuck off
Sometimes talking about things isn't enough and the raw emotion present in the situation needs to be let out, and sometimes that means you just wail on each other until you get to the heart of the problem. Not like that works 100 percent of the time, but at least that's where the "men solve their problems with their fists" thing comes from.
With that in mind I was wondering why people didn't bring up cat fights, since they're basically they same thing, or play devil's advocate and say that by Shingo's definition that should also be considered masculine behavior
It also really annoys me that Kensuke HIMSELF acknowledges that not all gay people are like that, and that Touma would never do anything like what his molester did. He acknowledges this, but regardless he still has some issues. And that is fine to a degree, because sometimes phobias be like that, but Shingo is REALLY not helping with trying to validate Kensuke's values, as if he is right to keep them at all cost.
>Shingo is REALLY not helping with trying to validate Kensuke's values
It seems to me it's less that and more, "What the fuck are you two girls even doing here beating him over the head for something that has nothing to do with you while at the same time telling him he should ignore his feelings on something that has nothing to do with him."
>Taichi this entire chapter
The way I see it, Shingo didn't agree with Kensuke's views himself, nor should he keep those views. He's just saying to the girls that continuously berating him is doing no good at all.
Literal Simp
In my point of view you're wrong. Now what tranny?
>Shingo using logic to walk circles around the girls who are just there because they love drama and don't make sense
He was little bit of a white knight fag last chapter but he is still the best.
The girls storming off was so fucking realistic I love it.
I'm getting annoyed by his passivity even Kuze is more active than him now
People are entitled to feel Tai owes them some explanation asap. The only people he needs to talk to is Futaba and Touma.
Smartest guy in the entire manga.
She's literally fucking retarded and doesn't really love Taichi. She loves the Chad
He makes me cringe so much
I remember being that guy and playing devil's advocate and how stupid that is with women. They do not care about logic like that.
Why are you pretending Futaba, Mami and Masumi are not women?
He's telling them to fuck off in a long winded way
>if that's what you think then you should be here right?
>get the fuck out
He's equating the girls arguing back at Kensuke to Kensuke "arguing back" at Touma for being gay, even though being gay isn't an argument in the first place. The way that Touma exists isn't an opinion, it's a neutral state of being.
>you should not* be here right?
hypothetically what would you say if he was lying and that was just his desperate attempt so the girls wouldn't shit on him anymore?
>have chapter end on the cliffhanger of what Futaba was going to say
>next chapter will 100% cut to a different scene and we won't see what Futaba says for another 40 chapters if at all
I love KAITO but this shit is so annoying
>What I don't like is that the manga makes it out to be that Shingo is right, and in a way so is Kensuke.
I think the manga was trying to show that everyone has flaws and they can be wrong sometimes. No matter how hard they tried to be "neutral", there was always some bias. Perfect human doesn't exist.
I also think Shingo was not trying to excuse Kensuke but tried to make those girls stopped verbally attack him and hear him out. But the way he talked was kinda Kensuke-bias and his "peace" resolve was just hallusional.
>It's not your concern Kensuke so why do you care you dumb shithead!
>Oh so you're leaving then since it's not your problem?
>Conflict is bad so you should just let it go and leave or is it that you just want to beat up on someone for something that is none of your concern so you can feel accomplished? Isn't it inconsiderate and self-centered to be doing this right now when this is supposed to be a conversation between, Taichi, Kensuke, and myself?
This. Context matter. Shingo is just an idiot who hides it well.
Would be more bearable weekly
A cute desu
That would be another reason to call him a self-centred stupid bitch.
I'm sure by the end of the manga Taichi will still be friends with Touma maybe lovers
Would it change your opinion on the chapter though?
That would make it even worse.
Isn't she just spitting back the gossiper's argument? It's less about deferring to Touma's feelings because she likes him and more about who "deserves" what
His feelings towards his temporary steadies and Mami are kind of shitty considering this.
He was thrust into an argument between four people twice his size, I'd be acting timid too in his place.
Shingo was responding to Shouko saying "If you can't handle [Touma being gay], then shut up and stop being friends." And she has a point; Kensuke can't argue Touma into being straight because being gay was never an argument. But somehow, Shingo argues that Kensuke confronting Touma is constructive while the girls confronting Kensuke are just being selfish, when it's obviously the other way around.
Yay another month of waiting. Also I wish they have gone deeper into the whole molesting thing instead of it being brushed aside
The girls have no business confronting Kensuke. How is what they are doing right now constructive at all getting into a yelling match with the loose cannon? People are in this thread bitching because Taichi barely said anything. I don't know how he even could with all this going on. They brought him there to talk to Shingo and Kensuke and spend the whole time bitching at Kensuke.
And I mean what's between Kensuke and Touma is between themselves as well. They need to work that out themselves. These girls aren't helping at all.
Then what is this get together supposed to accomplish?
The girls weren't there for any good reason, they say they're there to defend Taichi (which might not be completely insane since with girls there the idea might be that Kensuke wouldn't blow up like he's shown he's capable of) but it's obvious that they want to hear everything from the people that were there and they want to hear the conversation, but that doesn't make what they said wrong and Kensuke's views need to be challenged if there's any hope of having him grow up from his self-centeredness. Not to mention that what started as a personal matter for Touma went public as hell because of Kensuke's actions so he can't complain of people wanting to get their say in after he made everything blow up in the way it did.
I truly think Shingo was just saying his dumb bullshit because he wanted them to leave and treat the matter between the people directly affected by it because the argument he provided is pretty blockheaded, Kensuke's feelings being real doesn't make the way that he dealt with those feelings or the views he has towards sexual orientation and gender OK in any way whatsoever.
Shit storytelling.
I don't doubt it's literally like this in real life but something about this feels really off.
A conversation between people that have stake in what happened.
>I truly think Shingo was just saying his dumb bullshit because he wanted them to leave and treat the matter between the people directly affected by it because the argument he provided is pretty blockheaded, Kensuke's feelings being real doesn't make the way that he dealt with those feelings or the views he has towards sexual orientation and gender OK in any way whatsoever.
This is pretty much what I've been trying to say. It was clear he had to piss his girlfriend off to get them to leave.
So where is Touma? This little circlejerking session ain't gonna do shit. Kensuke is going to point out how it must be disgusting to be lusted after by a fag, and Shingo will manipulate Taichi to whatever he sees fitting for this scenario.
things have been going good so far after the characters have a heart to heart, but it would be interesting if Kensuke will stop being friends with Touma.
I feel like by Christmas or some shit we'll get to a point where Kensuke wants to be friends with Touma and Touma is going to tell him to fuck off after everything that happened (as a cliffhanger).
Touma's a good person, user
I know, but it feels to me like he's damn tired and angry about everything
He's not a saint though. I think Touma would be totally justified in not wanting to associate with Kensuke anymore after all this. Dude effectively ruined his school life while also being a giant asshole to him.
>So where is Touma?
Doesn't seem like anyone is ready for that yet and I'm not sure Touma would even accept an invitation right now. Shingo did say he wanted to apologize to Taichi as his first reason for the invitation then called it a consultation I think it was. Seems they(he) wants to know Taichi's thoughts before proceeding.
We truly were the gay all along...
Shit story, shit manga
>say gays are gross, hiding your reasons for saying so intentionally and acting like a piece of shit
>Dude, you're the same as him because you aren't trying to understand his point of view that he was intentionally hiding until he was battered over the head enough to reveal it
Naw, Shingo is a faggot who almost had a point until he went full retard just because he wanted the girls to leave.
Mmm I don’t blame them
I hope he'd be truer to himself too. Outside of him being gay, I think he's not been acting the way he wants due to so many people giving him attention. It would be great if friendship with Kensuke ended, not everything needs to be happy
Absolutely BASED and redpilled
What a boring chapter.
What was those girls problem they we're told to fuck off but they choose to stay and give some sense for the retard guy like it will do anything or like he care at all for what those girls we're saying, I bet things would resolve itself fast if the girls didn't stayed to try be part of the discussion, same thing for the fight chapter with Mami interfering the fight between Touma and Kensuke, but noo she had to go participate on it and things got blow out more.
I'm going to drop this fucking manga if Taichi doesn't say anything again next chapter jesus
I feel like the author is setting up to have him have a big monologue type thing eventually.
God, he better. I know it's been a really short time since everything went down but I really need to hear his thoughts. This chapter shed some light on what Kuze is thinking, it's about time we discuss Taichi's point of view.
It's the monthly releasing making it painful.
Especially since this time it was nearly 2 months
>No Ao no Fag post
Come on
Everyone just vomiting their values and what's right and wrong and how everyone is a piece of shit but them is pissing me off. Since Mami's chapters everyone feels more like a walking blog post than a human being for me.
Shut up fag.
I don't think so. Everyone has their own point of view on the situation on hand and the way they discuss it feels pretty natural to me, like how you'd discuss a polarizing topic irl. I just feel like the author drags things out too long sometimes like in this case it's been several chapters and we still don't know how Touma or Taichi are thinking and handling this.
> it's been several chapters
It's been three chapters. Four if you count when it all went down. We have to wait a while but at least they are relatively long.
So how would he react to Astolfo?
Fuck first, beat up later
Did you forget chapter 34? He only likes Mami because of her appearance
Yeah, but when you put all chapters together it feels like it's happening way too often. And the one when Mami hides in the closet wasn't natural at all.
wtf I love Kensuke now
I re-read the chapter and Shingo definitely knew Kensuke was molested. It makes his viewpoint a bit more understandable. I also feel like the girls were wrong with how they regarded Kensuke. They were more interested in demonizing him. He is wrong, but calling Kensuke a dumbass and insulting him isn't going to make him understand. So to that end I can kind of understand where Shingo was coming from in telling them off.
I feel like everyone was grey this chapter. Except for Kensuke, he's still a pretty big shit.