Do you like your anime/manga girls with big butts? If not, when did you realize you're an absolute faggot?
Big butts
I like big butts and I cannot lie
Ass/thighs are very important
>getting aroused by drawings
you're nothing but a degenerate, please kill yourself
The bigger the but the better the mango.
I like my anime BOYS with big butts!!
They are, but they also need to be drawn proportionally. That one just looks weird.
They are indeed quite important.
I do, butt shape is more important than size.
god i love me some milf butts in mom jeans.
big black boot type≠good
everything else is fine
I think it's just perspective, Miku does have pretty thick thighs though.
Oh yes
It is know, that the great Confucius once said:
>big tits with no ass will fill your hands,
>big ass with no tits will fill your heart
Reminder that liking ass is due to the inflitration of nigger culture in the west.
As Confucius once said:
>"Big tits and small ass will fill your hands, but big ass and small tits will fill your hearts"
I think I've heard this one before.
Pretty sure humans as a species have appreciated large lower bodies on women for thousands of years regardless of region of the world or race.
have sex
Yes I do.
Who's the author? I remember his stuff but lost track of it. Is this the one with the incestual slut and the creepy photo boy?
What do anime butts smell like?
No it's a s&m manga and it's really good
hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, /pol/‘s two blocks down
hairy anus
Depends on what you mean by "big." "Big" in Japan would be small in America. Big in America would be OH MY GOD, KILL IT WITH FIRE in Japan.
As far as I can say, I'm fine with Japanese taste.
the more abstract the girl the more powerful the brainpower to get aroused
do you even train your mind to lift your dick?
Name a better anal doujin than this.
you can't
>BDSM manga but without the sex
Absolutely retarded
I hate pornographic manga that isn't actual porn.
It's just a tease, a huge tease, but this guy has such good art and settings that i just can't not look.
There are plenty of doujinshi/ pixiv artists with huge asses.
If you can fap to it, it's porn.
Its because you're a dumbass. The manga that do not have sex in it but are ecchi are not there for porn, but for comedic purposes. In Japanese culture, sexual teasing is mainly for comedic purposes. The same thing is taboo in the American culture because of how the SJW have deemed sexualizing women as rape and misogynistic.
>The manga that do not have sex in it but are ecchi are not there for porn, but for comedic purposes
Ken-sama, you've had enough sake for today.
You're right but that manga in particular is not comedic though.
I can't.
Fuck off.
t. irishmen
You can't say this and not give a name
nana to Kaoru is a ero rom-com. With com being comedy.
That's not a milf though. This is.
Otherwise applauding your patrician taste.
this panel was dumb, she didn't look stuck at all
Yes, they can.
Yeah, and clown porn is a circus act in video.
Right. It's such a funny manga!
It makes my penis laugh.
I gave you the reason you don't find it funny, its because your brain has been programmed into seeing either something as porn or not porn. Your brain cannot process anything in between as likeable, thats the nature of your programming. Thats because if you like something that's nor porn but erotic, then it means you're a misogynistic rapist in your programming.
Deprogram yourself by avoiding the 3d culture.
No idea mate, you're gonna have to look for it yourself.
yeah most stuck scenes look pretty fake in general
(not pic related)
While a girl can be attractive with a flat chest, she can't be attractive with a flat butt. This is a simple fact of biology.
It's essential
It's a great story and you seem to think I'm someone else. Comedy also doesn't always mean humorous.
Doesn't that doujin have the one panel where her hand is backwards? It's the reason I could never fap to it.
welp time to go again, too bad for that other guy.
Yeah, but that's never really been a problem for me.
>fags can't appreciate the beauty of a small butt
As usual I'm surrounded by plebs
Small butts can be good too, but this is not a thread about small butts.
>Liking small butts
Good job admitting you're a faggot that fantasizes about fucking little boys.
>I only like females when they look like this
way to out yourself as a literal faggot you fucking gayboy
Not everyone is attracted to obesity.
A small shapely butt is cute too. The problem is when someone says they like small butts people assume they mean small pancake Hank Hill ass.
>I like big tiddies
oops, meant to reply to him
Are you implying Yozora has a small butt?
You're as bad as he is
How's life in Limerick, Seamus?
Let them eat cake. Petite & pert butts are great!
These are not small butts by any means.
Found the pedoshit
but she is a small girl
They are compared to the plump rumps OP is looking for. Pic related.
And they're both girls that prove this
I'd say they're about the same size as Chiaki's, actually.
For you.
Okay, how about this?
Now that's a skinny butt.
When did you OP realize you are NIGGER?
the toes seem off
Based. The truth is that only niggers and other subhumans cares about how big an ass is.
>when did you realize you're an absolute faggot?
Somewhere along the way in going from fapping to futa hentai to fapping to 3D trannies fucking dudes in the ass
What the fuck are you talking about? You do know that those teenage movies with sexy girls? That is the same thing.
>3D culture
Oh fuck off, you weeaboo.
It's all down to the butts size, shape, and the girl it's attached to.
Can we have some more butts in jeans IIT?
>Big ass flat chest
>Flat ass big tits
Looks ridiculous
>Big ass big tits
Oh baby.
t. Dicklet
>no mention for no ass, no tits, stick mode
Goddamn this thread is not good for me
I can only masturbate so many times
Not as much of that as you'd think, I think Nips tend to stick to skirts.
100% true
>sexy girls in 3D
Found the normalfag
It's a shame, jeans are God's gift to cute girls.
ass was so big i had to resize the picture
I really hope she doesn't have extra equipment.
Lolis with big asses are the best.
Retarded /pol/cuck.
And to men, jeans look good, are comfortable to wear and durable as fuck, 10/10 pants if you ask me.
The fact that they make women's butts look great is just the cherry on top.
Of course I love them
I love them
low IQ: ass
medium IQ : boobs
high IQ: ass
As with breasts, shape > size
>The fact that they make women's butts look great is just the cherry on top.
To me it's the main course.
Well, it's a meal I wouldn't mind eating every day, if you know what I mean.
Best ass in Bleach
I think I know, yes.
Looks like a boy
Ass over everything
I stand by my decision
I want to hug her fat butt.
That's some good skindentation
I bet
by gods
When are they gonna bring the anime back so I can see all this ass?
the most based post in this thread
You can like ass, just not the disgusting ones nigs like.
t. breastlover.
Big 2D butts are beautiful. Notice how they are not attached to 3D sheboons.
Booty bump.
Ass > tits >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feet
Yea Forums has never been full of weaaboos. For example Star Trek has been here popular for years now and Yea Forums also has never hated everything western.
t. nigger
Don't fucking dodge question.
I want to have my face ridden by a big 2D butt
Right here
How come Yea Forums is so butt focused?
>big ass
Name a better tag combo, i dare you.
I most certainly do.
I thought Yea Forums liked boobs but this isn't the thread for that.
Fuck off Ireland
also like boobs*
You should probably realize you are a faggot when you start lusting after manga/anime girls.
Yea Forums was always an ass board to be honest.
is this from that manga by the guy who did ika Musume?
Not even close, nigger.
Yes it is. In fact we regularly got together and decided that in the past. Not so much today anymore because of mods.
>manga that you only read for the ass
countless brave sperm died to this doujin
>Do you like your anime/manga girls with big butts?
Words to live by.
This is such a basic fact. I can't comprehend why there are people that deny this truth.
Meth is too good
No Salyu yet?
No Salyu but plenty of Kawakami goodness around the thread, friend
Last I heard it was from a game review of emperor: rise of the middle kingdom by ssethtzeentach.
Shoulda won
I always figured that Yea Forums had more of a focus on the tits. Though I'm more of a belly man myself.
I unironically want to see more of the track girl and newspaper girl.
being from Belfast doesn't make you English, O'Hannigan
[Type-G (Ishigaki Takashi)] Ore to Nanoha to One Room
underrated and patrician tier post.
God I wish there was a part 3 to this
Keep talking and I'm gonna make sure you experience another potato famine.
This is just terrible.
Thank you, was about to mention how disappointed I was that nobody posted this perfect flat chested little miko with humongous ass and thighs.
A fat ass can fill your hands too
Hard mode: Triple digit measurements ONLY
She is so perfect
>Ass/thighs are very important
And how have we gone 109 images without any of the YgS girls?
Let me help you.
I see your Margaret, and raise you a Diana.
>Not posting the superior page with Margaret hanging by her pantsu.
Let me help you.
Diana is pretty hot, but Ethel is probably the one I most fapped to.
How can this young girl have such a big butt?
>Ethel is probably the one I most fapped to
Ethel is indeed very fappable, but I have a horrible condition where if I look at her face in the middle of my session, I immediately think of Colin and become a noodle.
Nana is made for spanking
boobs are unironically superior to ass
His shotacon is the stuff of legends
Faggots like asses, retard.
jesus mary and joeseph
Faggots also like breathing, guess you're gay now.
ass thighs buttocks
oh noooooo my eyes
all his art is legendary
why are they crying? They at least get to cuddle with each other
>ctrl+f: “brap”
>no results
What has this site come to?
I'm sure the author wrote this page in specifically as a solution to that.
Absolute semen demon. I also love the rarely occurring trope of the twin-tails having the most mature body of the bunch.
>Big Butt Thread
>All the asses are laughably tiny
It would be the ride of a lifetime.
Which of the three asses is the real one and how does she put on these panties?
>Which of the three asses is the real one
The one with the pantsu
>how does she put on these panties
Very carefully
Don't make me get the newspaper.
>that shitposter was deleted