>Be chad MC
>impregnate the sick side character and not the main girl
Hakuoro is a complete chad,what did Yea Forums thought back when it aired?
Be chad MC
If I remember correctly, they didn't know because the game wasn't fully translated at the time and the anime didn't show or hint at that. Waiting for him to do with the rest of the cast after the events of Mask of Truth.Karura best OLDER SISTER.
I cannot see that stupid mask without thinking of Underwater Ray Romano.
It's sometimes strange when you sit down to think that Yea Forums was already popular back in 2006, and before Yea Forums there was SomethingAwful and before SA there was IRC.
I feel such a strange feeling of nostalgia wash over me when I think about the age of the internet but then I also remember that barely any time has passed (all of these things happened only two decades ago at most) it's so weird...
Can you not make shitty threads with Yea Forums terminology
Fuck,dude,i've just seen the anime,and i can't choose who is best girl from Hakuoro's group,they ALL are good,The angel sisters,the tsundere,the onee-san,eruruu and aruruu,but Hakuoro like the chad he is goes straight for his brother's sister and KNOCKS HER UP
They story is good,the pace is good,the character are good,truly a hidden gem
The chad Hakuoro vs the virgin Haku
50 % chance this chad did it too.
>I convinced him to take on my burden so that I could fuck my waifus all day long, and he fell for it!
The absolute madman.
But not forever.