Shingeki no kyojin

Shingeki no kyojin

Do you think his okay?

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>6 SNK threads

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EHfags are mentally ill

Chads of Yea Forums

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Hell be fine.

i claim this thread in the name of the most kino ship

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Mob psycho is better and is AOTY

Mob psycho is trash with the exception of the reigen arc
That said its still better than attack on CGI titan

Mob psycho Is love
Mob psycho Is life

reigen arc was bad, moralfagging mob giving basic advice to poorly written retarded villians is a 0/10 anime.
It's the best looking tv anime ever made, with one of the worst scripts ever.

SnK is leaps and bounds beyond it thanks to it's themes and writing alone. It also actually knows how to write action in give weight and gravity to it's scenes, unlike mob.