Kanojo Okarishimasu

As of the latest chapter, what are your thoughts on Chizuru?

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Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

old hags must go and stay go

Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

5 out of 6 anons can't believe this garbage is still going on!

Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

As long as she doesn't ask for money I don't see the issue. If the fucking cuck has to pay her because she doesn't want to come out then I'm dropping this shit immediately.

Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

Yes, this garbage is still going on.

He should settle down with Ruka. Chizuru Is too beautiful for him.

Wow this shit is still going on, fags must be grateful we gave 10 more posters to these dead threads, fit for a dead manga about prostitution

But how can this garbage keep going on?

Oh, wow this garbage is still going on?

Oh, wow this garbage is still going on?

Oh hey! This garbage is still going on!

>this thread
Does anyone actually like Whorezuru lol

Rise up Kanokaribros

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I only read Mami and Ruka chapters.

It's better than kusomanga like Bokuben

>thinking that's an achievement

It is

It's kinda is.

That one doesn't have a prostitute as a main heroine.

Chizuru is a virgin.

It has sluts.

Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

It has sold about 2M.

cheeser is using her priorities as a crutch to avoid confronting how she feels about kazuya

Holy shit thatzs pathetic

>What happened with Mami lol Where’s the direction in this manga?
>Wouldn’t most grandmothers hate to know that their grandchildren is receiving money to go on a date with men?
>It’s only Kazuya who will feel better to reveal the truth to them. If things don’t work out perfectly, then Chizuru will regret the outcome forever. Even if she miraculously got a role in a movie now, it would still be too late as well.
>Chizuru’s grandma would also find out that Kazuya used a lot of money on her granddaughter right? Then she will die feeling guilty towards Kazuya’s grandma.
>Ruka got sent back home? lol Next time she appears, she will probably act like nothing happened.
>The Grandmas getting criticized a lot, but essentially speaking, it’s Kazuya and Chizuru’s fault. I actually feel sorry for them.
>The one being lied is close to dying so he thinks that revealing the truth is good but it’s only meaningful to him but not the one who has to hear that. Chizuru’s is her granddaughter so she will regret either outcome.
>It was clear this manga would have a Chizuru ending since chapter one, but after reading, the only good outcome would be the Ruka route.
>I cheer for Ruka and she’s a good girl, but the fact she likes Kazuya is nuts.
>Everyone’s complaining but you all like this manga lol

>>It was clear this manga would have a Chizuru ending since chapter one, but after reading, the only good outcome would be the Ruka route.
>>I cheer for Ruka and she’s a good girl, but the fact she likes Kazuya is nuts
My brothers.

>Everyone’s complaining but you all like this manga lol
Is he right?

Oh wow, this garbage is still going on?

>2 million copies in print

Everyone is tsundere for this manga.

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Still not as pathetic as Bokuben
>Published in Jump
>stagnant volume sales since forever
>get anime by literally who studio
>almost zero boost to manga sales
Now that's just embarassing

If only.

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Oh wow, this garbage should end already.

She is in a really fucked up situation
Her grandma believes Chizuru is in a relationship with Kazuya and she wants her to be happy with the boy she thinks Chizuru likes and to have someone to console her after she'll pass away. He isn't her boyfriend though, they're just neighbors Thanks to the rental nature of their relationship they won't progress from this state. She takes money from him just to hang out and the dumbass became complacent with that. On top of that there is her job she probably hides from her grandma.
At this point she just tries to spare her worries. Props for Kauyza for actually wanting to end it, bu t he couldn't find a worse possible moment.

It did nothing but copy the Nisekoi formula, but unlike Nisekoi, now there is strong competition in 5toubun and Kaguya. As a manga it's okay, but it can't hold a candle to better written manga.
We call that the otter effect.

What if Jump published Kanokari?

It would have joined the U19 club.

It wouldn't reach as many chapters as it did. We'd probably get some half-baked ending though.

Do girls really think in this way?

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The beer party was fucking great.

You only need to go on Twitter and find some random woman's account to verify that.

Have you never seen a women in your life? Absolutely


is there a biggest guilty pleasure manga than this one?

so cliche,so trash at times but i cant stop reading the new chapters

It's also better than Nisekoi and Toradora, if that helps.

autistic yotsuba

don't ever make that comparison again

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Chizuru a cute.

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>It was clear this manga would have a Chizuru ending since chapter one, but after reading, the only good outcome would be the Ruka route.
>I cheer for Ruka and she’s a good girl
Absolutely disgusting.
Nips have shit taste as usual.

>Everyone’s complaining but you all like this manga lol
Based and redpilled.

she looks better without that dumb ribbon

No. It's the same as visiting Yea Forums. Nobody fucking likes it, most people come here because it makes them angry and anger is by far the most positive emotion they can still feel in between all the depression they have.

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>Read first 15 chapters a while ago, mediocre
>Oh wow, it's on chapter 90 now
>Lets take a peek, maybe something happened
>Muh grandma, muh rental girlfriend

>It did nothing but copy the Nisekoi formula
All it did was actually rip-off the art style.
It couldn't copy Nisekoi's soul

>but unlike Nisekoi, now there is strong competition in 5toubun and Kaguya
Wrong as hell.
Nisekoi had to compete with Oregairu and Saekano on their prime.

>entire manga based on a premise
>wow how can they still keep that premise
Do you complain how captain tsubasa is still about football?

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That's what happens when you don't read manga.

Yeah, nothing actually happened in the 70 chapters I skipped, and garbage is still garbage. It was nice to confirm that.

It's nice to confirm that you're a shitposter.

>Comparing LNshits to weekly manga
None of them are manga original? What kind of shit are you smoking?

A lot of stuff has clearly happened. You see that things have reversed where it's now Chizuru that wants to keep the relationship going.

It's still competition whether direct or indirect.
They also had manga versions and such too as well as anime adaptations.
Do you know how the market even works?

And Nisekoi had The World God Only Knows to compete with on top of that too. How fast you forget.

>LN that released when the author feels like it
>Monthly manga with mediocre art that sell some 20000 max/volume
Also TWGOK sell 60k/volume at best during it's run, which can't be compared to Nisekoi 300k/volume

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Ruka and Mami look the best.

This is my first time seeing the volume end pictures of girls. Did the author always do this since volume 1?

Oregairu and Saekano were getting published regularly for most of Nisekoi's run.
You can't forget stuff like Seo's shit Kimi no Iru Machi and shit like that either.

He's always been doing this.

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Cute Ruka.

Ruka best

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Can you post a cute Ruka?

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Thanks. Now let's leave this thread and and wait for spoilers tomorrow or later.

>bokuben vs chizushit

Dude seriously? this is some low hanging bait.
1) 5 top grade girls (pure but with various levels of thirst) vs a slut and a prostitute
2) main character is a likable if bland yet moe incarnate vs an unlikeable splurg lord fagot, who is a legit step down for a prostitute and a slut, to the point the reader would feel bad if either "won" him as their lives would be ruined even more
3) light hearted manga vs mexican soap opera nonsense
4) cute and sexy art, vs generic and plain art
5) no real rage in the threads, vs rage and bait threads

Bokuben isn't cancer, this trash however is pure cancer.