Was GitS 1995 really that good?
Was GitS 1995 really that good?
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better than lain and texhnolyze?
Most certainly. That is hardly a high bar.
no, it was just ok, nothing special
are you joking?
It looked and sounded beautiful but it was a rather boring, pretentious story.
like Kon's works? i see
Mob Psycho in a couple of years
It will blow your mind if your in highschool
>Mamoru Oshii
>if your in highschool
Looks like you are.
Thats a really good list,some of the best that the anime medium has to offer,most 16 year olds faggots never even heard about 90% of those and nowadays they only watch sesonal shit.
Yah i know that pic is obvious b8 that has been
trown around forever but i still took it.
Using "cringe",just commit suicide and go to reddit you massive flaming queer faggot.
The story was pretty simple and straightforward if anything ya dumb nigger.
What? Isn't he the best anime director that makes anime for people who dont like anime?
For sure nothing is as deep as Lain. Not even Tenshi no Tamago. That was trash
it was and is amazing. don't listen to the kiddos. look at crossovers into culture.
Watch "The Machine" 2013. The matrix exists because the brothers said they wanted to make it for real.
it's considered one of the greatest anime movies of all time for a reason.
there's a french film that has a near 1:1 adaption of the scene where she is created with the same music in the background and everything. god it's good.
I have literally never seen a high schooler rep these over shounen trash, so if a high schooler starts shilling these he's alright in my book.
it was good but not that good
>GitS is super good because it made the Matrix happen
what kind of retarded non-argument is this
Someone should have just given the Wachowskis a good rip of Megazone Part I.
>most 16 year olds faggots never even heard about 90%
This statement is disingenuous. The assumption that the image is supposed to reflect the average 16-year-old is completely baseless and a self-indulgent distortion of the truth indented to give you an air of credibility.
lain is definitely below average
lain is kino retard
do you exclusively watch shonenshit and seasonal trash?
It was mind blowing for its time. You had to just be there underaged~kun.
God, why don't we just get to the goal post of this thread. Here, let me do it for you.
>The insectoids that make up japan do not have the "soul" to reach the supreme artistic merit of the west with exception of Akira Kurosawa
>There is no "citizen Kane" of anime or manga and never will be.
Goshogun isn't even popular enough to be here
>The story was pretty simple and straightforward
Not a complex story like Tenshi no Tamago? Then it must be shit
>because the brothers
are they still brothers?
Isn't Matrix a rip off of Megazone 23? The plot is literally THE SAME
Only if you just truly believe that people can change their birth sex with surgery.
Only Megazone Part I, though they ripped off Ghost in the Shell more.
Well done putting patlabor there 2 times
No. Oshii took a fun genre title, and sucked the life and soul out of, setting the tone for every other Shirow from then to infinity. Which is a shame, because unlike Oshii's GitS adaptation, Shirow's manga isn't ponderous, sterile, navel-gazing pseudo-arthouse.
You can feel a contempt for the medium Oshii is working in in all of his work. If he hates anime so much, why not just do live action stuff? Maybe he can't hack it.
His live action movies are really shitty. Just watch Talking Head and Avalon.
*every other shirow adaptation.
Lain is anime faggot
maybe if you got into anime through tumblr gifs
Oshii hates anime? Well, for sure I know he's #1 Miyazaki's enemy
>tfw we are approaching a time where zoomers watch these old classics and spam "this sucks"
>Talking Head
Is there Anno too? it must be great, right?
Is it like that Paranoia Agent's episode where they insult the japanese animation industry?
I don't get why slow shots make people think something is deep. It's like the people who talk shit about things like this haven't even watched it.
It's not amazingly deep once you finally understand what the movie's message is but it definitely is an artistic achievement and will only get more and more relevant as technology moves forward.
It's kinda like if you took 2001 and designed it in a less pessimistic, more up-to-date way. It looks at technology less like this amazing, near-magical marvel and more like something that we'll eventually get to as a species and will have to deal with. I liked Stand Alone Complex more though.
Don't you mean Dark City?
I watched it when it came out and I say "this sucks". But only in the plot, the animation and art is still groundbreaking.
The manga on the other hand has a much more comedic and acceptable story, it doesn't take itself so seriously despite addressing serious issues of identity and freedom. And jet by goofing off all the time it manages these issues far better than the stupid anime movie which didn't manage a damn thing except boners for tits and sakuga.
Thanks for the rec image
Why do you have Magnetic Rose and Memories in the picture even those Mangetic Rose is form Memories?
That's a pretty God tier rec-list. Nice meme.
is the tv series any good?
It was average. Hunter x Hunter 1999 was better.
holy fucking shit ralphie cifaretto was cypher in the matrix
how did I only now realize this
VIsually stunning, slightly more story than Tenshi no Tamago, but not nearly as good as Patlabor 1 movie.
he's also the chief in bad boys
yes? Regardless of what you think of the plot and writing or its merits as a worthy adaptation of the manga, it's a fucking beautiful movie. The visuals alone make it mandatory viewing if you're genuinely interested in animation.
>I liked Stand Alone Complex more though.
I feel the same way, partly because SAC is a more faithful adaptation of the manga. I do like how the tone set by the 1995 movie often bleeds into the series, but when I recall my favorite moments from SAC I often think of humorous ones, like when the Major forces Batou to punch himself.
it was outstandish and keep the bar high for a few years later after the highly remarkable akira (1988)
back in the day a lot of super high butget anime was released blue seed (1994) evangelion (1996) boku no pico (1995) and a lot of AAA animes
GitS has great sound and visuals and a plot that doesn't get in the way too much. Patlabor 1 has ok sound and visuals and an underwhelming plot.
Lain sucks Dick next to GiTS.
>better than lain
Not even remotely close
>and texhnolyze?
Yes, and by very far
>Blue Seed
>High budget
>it doesn't take itself so seriously
Post discarded.
The ideas in it were old and stale to anyone who reads (all of them had been explored by other authors decades earlier), but they were still super new and super deep to the common TV-watching mouth-breather. The matrix movies didn't exist yet, so you can imagine what an immense cultural and intellectual shock GitS meant to mouth-breather culture.
it would be really sad if someone actually believed "citizen turd" or anything else from burgerland can hold a candle to any decent anime. it's not even a fair comparison since 3d will never able to compete with 2d. thankfully this is just a low quality bait.
>Patlabor 1 movie
Was it directed by Oshii? Is it better than Patlabor 2 movie? I heard that is the must boring movie in history
How fucking retard do you need to be if you think Lupin is deep? It's a fun series about a cool dude stealing cool shit and trolling the cops.
There are those top-tier cell animation scenes that are timeless classics.
Fucking hell bros i want a return to form so bad.
Oh, GitS movie are serious and deep, GitS tv series is a comedy lighthearted series? I see
Is it the same with Patlabor?
>The ideas in it were old and stale to anyone who reads
If we're gonna go that route then nothing's good because authors ran out of original ideas thousands of years ago.
Oshii directed Patlabor 1 and 2. And yes, Patlabor 2 is slow as fuck. But it gives a lot of character development to Noa and Nagumo.
>Not even remotely close
I knew it. Thanks
>highschooler having watched Gosenzosama
>GitS tv series is a comedy lighthearted series?
Hell no, it's a drab melodrama that doesn't even have memorable visuals and tries to pass its superficial observations about politics as something profound. Patlabor TV is like eight different genres, and Oshii only wrote comedy episodes for it, the more serious main storyline episodes are by Ito who also wrote Patlabor movies 1 & 2 and GITS 1995.
Was the GitS OST Kenji Kawai's best work?
It's good. Just not for the reasons most people think.
but magnetic rose IS fucking deep.
Patlabor 3.
It's part of Memories, though. It shouldn't have its own separate image.
Or maybe you are just shallow?
Overrated and pretentious, manga was better
Sad that Shirow went to shit as an author
what do you consider "deep"?
Your anus.
You definitely have no clue what you are talking about.
Much better. People may not like Oshii style, but he infused a lot of mood, not to mention great animation in his movies.
Its a step above most anime.
>he infused a lot of mood
Implying lain and Texhnolyze don't have a good mood
Yes. It's so good that it's considered one of the cyberpunk genre's defining works. So it doesn't always hold up as well to some because so many things have copied it or borrowed parts from it.
It plagiarizes Blade Runner but cinematically illiterate weebs don't realize it
first time i heard this
I'm not your mom
>It plagiarizes Blade Runner
Where was this scene in Blade Runner?
And even aesthetically they're nothing alike. 1995 GITS isn't too far in the future technologically, and is set in 90s Hong Kong, while Blade Runner is set in supersized LA on steroids, and their world is advanced to a point where they have virtually indistinguishable androids, flying cars and off-world colonies.
I agree but you should stop spamming FLCL hate threads.
Didn't The Matrix literally reuse sets from Dark City.
GitS:SAC is much better for story.
It was just bait, user.
Blade runner the movie was also aesthetically nothing like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, it's more inspired by Neuromancer, which is effectively the holy bible of cyberpunk.
imagine being sub 100 IQ
Do all zoomers suffer from irony poisoning?