Let's talk about one of the objectively, overall best anime ever made

Let's talk about one of the objectively, overall best anime ever made.

What did you dislike about Zero?

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Not even the best Fate anime you mong
get some fucking taste

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Fuck Tokiomi
He made Sakura to Phychopass

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Best Fate Series

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Wanna know how I know you're a newfag?

>he fell for the bait

>best animes ever
Get some fucking taste kid.

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Being associated to the rest of the franchise especially fsn and fgo

t. likes eva


You get all these dipshits that then bitch about the fact Saber isn't wearing a suit, and how UBW totally ruined her character.

And they do this unironically.

It's not the best of it's year, it's not even the best Fate anime.

Wasn't even better than Deen's adaptation desu. At least that one was fun. Fate zero is just boring.

I liked the part which felt like it was written by a teenager trying really hard to give it shock value. Iskandar and Waver were pretty good though.

imagine going from urochad to fagsu

Fuck you psycho mode Sakura was great.

Way better than two assclowns sperging over MUH HEEERU OF JEWSITCE crap that we got in UBW or the boring wait forever for my happy ending from Fate route.

Don't post 3dpd on Yea Forums please

>muh pain
>muh sex worms
Please. It's the most juvenile route

bad points:
The main thing I dislike about it during a rewatch is overly long fights that kill the pacing. The first fight in the shipping yard just goes on and on. For some reason, the fights between the servants mostly suck, while the ones between the masters are the best. Kiristugu vs Kirei is S tier, and I've rewatched it dozens.
I think Zero also succeeds in feeling far more cinematic in its presentation that UWB. Maybe because it's not as shackled to the other fate stuff.
The v v end where Kiristugu saves Shirou from the rubble and we see them living together is a little rushed and strange. Again, I think Zero would be better if it weren't connected to rest of Fate so it didn't have to periodically remind us of its retarded cousin.

good points:
More writers should learn from the first episode about how to handle exposition, even though the walking in circles bit is a meme. Urbuchi did a great job laying Waver's and Kariya's entire motivations out on the table in only a few minutes of screentime and gave them a wealth of character.
Kirei is simply the coolest.

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>"Senpai I need your semen or else I'll go crazy!!"
This is actually a thing in the LNs.

They're porn games.

That almost all the characters are super flat, unsympathetic and the ideals being explored in a very shallow way.

UBW isn't some masterpiece but at least the story centers around Shirou's conflict and we don't have to waste time on one-dimensional child murderers or MUH HONOR. Yes an ensemble cast story has the potential to be better than the VN schlock but the execution is so poor. It's weird because I love Madoka and Psycho-Pass but I guess at that point Urobuchi did his homework.

I mean, you have a man who sexed up a one year old homunculus and had a child with her, plus let them experiment with the unborn child in the room and that's the best shot you've got to knock Sakura? Dude, magi are shitty people and do horrible things to their own progeny, let alone other people's children. Besides, Sakura actually had with terrible shit happen with those familiars where she gets her insides squeezed if she doesn't give them energy in a fashion. Now, her asking Shirou for sex was a painful step for her, both emotionally and you missed the point that there are other ways to get energy she obviously knows. The thing is, she doesn't want to take his blood, she doesn't want to connect their circuits because obviously she is hooked to Zouken, so that's no good. So sex is the best way that doesn't hurt him, and doesn't make a lasting connection while she is still hooked up to Zouken. Given that he has been around Sakura for so long and never seen these symptoms means that she has to be on deaths door bad to even look like this. Having your life force sucked is actual deadly and the familiars take her power all the time, it's just that because she normally has as much power as Rin, it takes a long time to get as bad as she is in HF, where she has the familiars draining her and if you forget, she just had Rider save Shirou at the temple, using more power, so of course she needed some more. Its fanon that she just needs sex constantly, otherwise Shirou would have been pushed down already, HF just had the unique situation where she is using her powers and being drained on the inside at the same time.


It's the best Fate anime. Wouldn't call it the best anime in general but I really liked it. Fate/stay night was shit honestly.