What makes an anime a classic and what are the requirements to become a classic?
What makes an anime a classic and what are the requirements to become a classic?
Complete story.
>not pic related
People remember it more than the people who forgot it and a vocal fanbase.
Me calling something classic is the main requirement for things to become classic. Same with things being art.
1) Be entry level
2) Wait ten to twenty years
More than anything, being in the right place at the right time
Normalfag appeal.
It had to resonate with people of the time it was made.
>Born to late.
He only watched anime after eva
>didn't get it
It's honestly too deep for guys like this
He doesn't know his history and is too stupid to learn
To be a classic anime it had to be an anime of its time and ahead of its time at the same time.
Consider zankoku, it's the best anime opening theme of all time and it's the last good opening theme of the 90's.
Zankoku was a product of its time and became timeless.
>"classic anime"
Implying anime is high enough an artform to have classics
It has to be old and popular.
Say it again faggot
>Old enough to be out prior to streaming
>Have English dub or at least fairly accessible
>Be watched by a large amount of people as one of their first shows
>t. plebeian with shit taste
You absolute Retard
Don't you know that made for tv anime was only possible because of eva?
You fucking retard you should kill yourself
Now this is top satire.
Zankoku was a song made at the last moment.
>Lyricist Oikawa Neko [ja], commissioned to write the song, recalled that she completed "Zankoku na tenshi no tēze" in 2 hours by browsing the idea proposal for the anime and watching incomplete clips of the first two unaired episodes in fast mode. She had been given specific instructions by the producer to make the wording sophisticated and "philosophical". She reveals she got inspiration for the title from the manga A Cruel God Reigns.[2][3]
Neon Genesis Evangelion is a classic in the same way Shingeki no Kyojin is a classic.
Both will be forever forgotten one the one hit wonder who produced them dies and the merchants kill the franchise.
Meanwhile, true masterpieces like JoJo and Hunter x Hunter will never be forgotten.
>>Lyricist Oikawa Neko [ja], commissioned to write the song, recalled that she completed "Zankoku na tenshi no tēze" in 2 hours by browsing the idea proposal for the anime and watching incomplete clips of the first two unaired episodes in fast mode.
Pretty much eva in a nutshell. Cheaply made shit on the fly that gets praised as one of the biggest masterpieces of all time due to you-know-who influence over the sheep.
I've neve read Jojo or HxH but I hear they both have quite the following amongst the homosexual community.
You're a giant faggot so you should explain why you like derivative bullshit like HxH?
Stereotypical soulless husk who thinks Evangelion is one of the best animays ever made. I bet there's a big overlap between NGE and MSM followers.
It has to be, in a word, "kino".
Being enjoyable enough that you want to pick it up again and again and would hold through watches, sometimes even becoming better with time.
You used one the word you should have not have used.
Didn't you pay attention?
Don't you know the meaning of the AT field?
Eva is good.
100 years from now people will still be arguing who is best Rei or Asuka
You're a fucking retard.
Implying that eva wasn't the most significant anime made after 1990 makes you look like a fucking retard.
You're stupid and I hope you know that whenever you look in the mirror
>vocal fanbase
Your pic shows a very vocal fanbase for a show that never became a classic on it's own, just it's manga. same thing with naruto, very vocal fanbase, not a classic.
On the other hand a lot less people discuss akira or lupin, both classics.
If it wasn't for EVA's vocal fanbase, people would have forgotten it as a 90's mecha anime that borrowed from others
Not saying it's not a factor, but often shows that rarely get talked about are considered classics.
It's usually judged based on how evergreen the product is, not how much hype it has.
First of all it needs to be good. Secondly it needs to be unique. Finally it has to be somewhat old enough for people to come to a conclusion after discussing it for years.
Let's take Takahata's works. Most of them are classics because they are really good, unique and loved by literally everyone.
The question is: is it possible for a new anime to become an 'instant classic'?
Evangelion has no meaning. Hideakki Anno has said this multiple times. He also said that he considers neckbeards like you, who think that Eva is anything more than a cheap anime for children, to be subhuman.
I know you won't even get to this part, because you had a heart attack at the first sentence, but I'll say it one more time to be clear:
>The author of the anime you think is a masterpiece wishes you were dead and hates you for thinking that his turd is anything more than mediocre entertainment for (man)children.
>What makes an anime a classic and what are the requirements to become a classic?
BASED and punchline
You can't just checklist this stuff, autist. If you didn't grow up in the time when Evangelion came along and literally changed EVERYTHING about animation, then you're just not going to get it.
>literally changed EVERYTHING about animation
Holy fucking shit, the delusion in this post.
>the last good opening theme of the 90s
The 90s were literally jam-packed with amazing openings from start to finish. Surely this is bait.
If you mean how to get popular like Evangelion, then all you need is fan service, epic robot battles, and two main underage girls to fap to with some extra options for hipsters.
Avoid character depth, meaning, and interesting dialogues or lore.
There's at least 5 video essays on youtube of the series.
Asuka was the only good thing about NGE
This, everything else aged badly
Have enough of an impact that the next generation of popular stuff (even if that stuff is shit) directly models itself off it.
YYH and Naruto for instance of classic inspiring shit.
High sales figures
Eva bakemono ttgl madoka all sold cumbuckets
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
What has Naruto inspired?
>atheist former Christan Redditcuck who thinks NGE has depth because he watched
Swap Naruto with ippo
>Anno: It actually has no meaning...it's just based on a headache I had.
Yet you chose the very worst one for your pic... the guy in that vid can't even pronounce "Evangelion" correctly. Actually since it's such a shitty bait channel I bet he did it on purpose just to get loads of comments about it.
I'm not sure how you can say it has no meaning. The themes are literally spoonfed to you.
Unless you're talking about the religious symbolism, but no one is stupid enough to think that's anything other than aesthetic flavor.
I didn't say naruto is a classic, I was saying YYH is.
post the other four
Stop shilling this bullshit manga. I dropped it midway because of how stale it got.
This is in response to Japanese critics believing the show has specifically a religious message. It's always nice to take things out of context, isn't it? Everyone who thinks that Eva doesn't have carefully constructed themes that are present from episode 1 is a fucking idiot. It's fine to not like it, but it's just being retarded to not see them. Sorry man
Ashita no Joe is probably the only anime which deserves the title of a "classic".
There are a lot of classic anime/manga but AnJ is THE classic
>slap on some biblical references
>"oh my god, such deep animes!"
Consistent acclaim, consistent popularity, and being 15+ years old.
Something that was really popular in the past but quickly forgotten outside of having a cult following of older fans is not a classic. (VOTOMS, Martian Successor Nadesico)
Something that continues to be popular decades after being released and constantly gains new fans and viewers is a classic. (Gundam, NGE)
yamato, gundam, Evangelion, cardcaptor sakura, Dragonball, haruhi, FMA, tatami galaxy, monogatari, gintama, logh, Boku no pico, your name, the girl who leapt through time, Akira, one piece once if finishes, ashita no joe
I only like half of this list myself but they're all iconic, influential, well known, well regarded. All that you need for a classic is that it's a mix of these, there is no clear definition of a classic and they depend on the institutions that decide them. But in my view all of these fit the bill enough that 90% of people can probably agree with at least half of them
Anno himself is a giga Otaku and considers animation Japan's greatest cultural achievement post-war, and the only that can acclaim internationally. Can't imagine being so stupid as to actually think that he considers all animation for subhumans
Nice list of classics actually if you remove fucking gatari garbage
What the fuck killed Nadesico's hype anyways? Ruri used to be more popular and iconic than fucking Rei among otaku at one point.
No continuation to Prince of Darkness.
I’d say it’s possible for something to become an instant classic, but it’s impossible to know if that’s the case. Something like Code Geass made a huge impact when it was airing and continues to be an important show within many communities and be well regarded (regardless of whether or not it’s actually good) whereas Franxx for a more recent example had a huge impact while it aired and many people liked it, but has already mostly faded from popularity. Despite both potentially meeting the criteria at the start, only Geass was able to become an “instant classic”
There's no such thing as an "instant classic".
Code Geass has the makings of a classic and is probably old enough and still popular enough now to be considered a classic, but even given its immediate impact on the industry it would be dumb to call it an "instant" classic; there's plenty of anime that seemed like it would be a classic and then fell off the face of the planet in popularity 5-10 years later.
Maybe if Franxx had an actual good ending instead of surprise aliens then it would have still been talked about. they had an initial good start and then botched it
>a lot less people discuss akira or lupin
You better believe that back in the day when both of those first came out, there was plenty of discussion about them.
As we're moving into the 2020s, it's safer to say that a lot of the popular stuff from the 2000s are classics now instead of just trends.
>Reddit spacing
good lord
>There's no such thing as an "instant classic".
Not him but when I finished Ping Pong the Animation I felt like it's a classic. It was so good and unique
I don't take anybody who considers something from a current decade is a classic
I'm skeptical when somebody calls something from an immediate previous decade is a classic
I think a "two decade" rule is a must when considering a classic.
That is kind of what I was trying to say. Calling anything an instant classic soon after releases isn’t something you can do because something incredibly popular and influential can often fade into obscurity, but you can look back in retrospect and say that something was an instant classic seeing how it’s initial impact persisted.
>I think a "two decade" rule is a must when considering a classic
That 'only old stuff can be considered classic' thing is so pretentious
Good and unique =/= Classic
I wish classic was synonymous with good and unique.
It's not pretentious because that's literally what classic means, classics are what they are because they're still the heights or essentials of a medium even after a considerable amount of time has passed.
A "recent classic" literally goes against the dictionary definition of classic.
It has to not be a time flop
But it's exactly what it is. Come to think of it, if we take shonen only stuff like Kinnikuman, Hokuto no Ken and Dragon Ball is considered classic because it was unique at the time. One Piece is objectively better than Dragon Ball but it's not a classic
That's obviously not what user means. More recent stuff will become a classic in the future, two decades onwards, however it's impossible to truly know which currently-airing shows will be remembered fondly in the future.
Is classic just about popularity then? People still remember Lucky Star but you realise it's not all that good and especially unique, right? Same with Code Geass. If we're talking 00's then I'd like to mention Haibane Renmei. People don't even talk about it but it doesn't make it any less of a classic
They kind of are. Classic provide an experienced you can't get elsewhere else. That why they keep being remembered. Pretty much the definition of unique. As for the classic part, if a show isn't seen as good by the consensus then I don't think it deserves to be labeled a classic.
Haibane Renmei is still pretty well known and popular. People just don’t talk about it because it has been discussed to death.
What year is the cutoff? 2004?
Classic is defined by a mix between age, popularity (objectively measured), and what the larger, more mainstream crowd considers good (subjectively measured).
Something could be old and considered great by the people who watched it (like Haibane Renmei of course), but not enough people watch it today to warrant calling it a classic.
Likewise, I fucking hate Lucky Star, but its already a borderline classic just for how popular it is and how much the larger crowd still likes and watches it. The reason its borderline is because I still think it (and a bunch of other late 2000s shows) are still a bit too recent to be considered classics.
It's a mix of many things. It's hard to really pin an exact formula for making a show a classic. Some say that something becomes a classic for trying something new and visually impressive like Akira's impressive frame rate, and some say that it's just luck and popularity like Evangelion and all of its gimmicks. In the end it just depends, and there's no point in trying to figure out what might become a classic, because "becoming a classic" is something that just happens, and it's best to just wait and see.
I think Gundam 079 is the most textbook example of a classic in anime, even moreso than Eva, Dragon Ball, Ghibli movies, Ashita no Joe, Sailor Moon, Bebop, Lain or Atom
There are no themes. There is nothing spoon-fed to you. You are mentally ill and delusional.
No it wasn't. You white pigs are pathetic. I bet you would let me fuck your girlf-- well ... your waifu pillow... if I wanted to.
Hard to swallow pill for Reddit:
If it was called Neon Genesis Jihad, and if Asuka was Pakistani-Japanese, it wouldn't have a sliver of its current popularity.
This man speaks the truth
>Consider zankoku, it's the best anime opening theme of all time and it's the last good opening theme of the
The absolute state of this NPC.
It's nowhere near as good as Spirit Bomb from the 90s, or the Cowboy Bebop OP. And in the 2000s, it gets shat on by more than a dozen of openings. Basically every JoJo opening is better except maybe Stand Proud and chase
B-But user, everyone loves Zankoku
...what kind of shit argument is this? Even if popularity was the deciding factor, Cowboy Bebop alone would still completely rape NGE. Bebop OP transcends anime.
Based & redpilled
obvious bait is obvious
>There are no themes.
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
>Even if popularity was the deciding factor, Cowboy Bebop alone would still completely rape NGE.
but NGE is more popular than bebop.
How can you state your opinion on which anime opening is better as if you're speaking objective facts?
You are a retard
Fucking based.
>say nge has no themes
>no actual "themes" provided as examples because they know there is nothing
A classic is an anime that defines a class of Anime. EVA, for example is a classic mecha anime, it’s what people think of when they think Mecha, or at least one of the things.
>EVA, for example is a classic mecha anime
No. Gundam is.
Not in the West.
NGE is a '''classic''' in the West because of the pretend Christian references.
>What makes an anime a classic
>what are the requirements to become a classic
Question - how many times have you goys rewatched Evangelion? The anime TV show, not the remakes.
Twice, but I'm not much of a rewatcher
that's pathetic!
Well anything that makes EDGY LE EPIC RELIGOUS GOD IMAGERY xD gets praised here in the west, not just EVA, Yea Forumstards have Kingdom Come, tons of Yea Forums stuff deals with religion (NMH, NIN, Swans) and even pretend retards like Snyder have done it (Man of Steel)
The most I've ever rewatched any story was 13 times
Most I've ever rewatched an anime (to completion) was 4 times
It was Madoka
Proof that Asuka is the better girl.
Most of the new shonen shit like BC and bnha.
best girl
Friendly reminder that Eva is the least interesting anime out of all the classics and that the first 23 out of 26 episodes are inuyasha tier filler bullshit before it even gets decent.
Amuro, Amuro !
True, but the last 3 episodes are actually the worst ones...
All it needs to be is a major influence on future works. It's one thing to make something people enjoy, but to make something that inspires others to create is something amazing.
Like Madoka?
Who the hell cares about OPs anyway?
>white pigs
Go home to Africa Jamal.
1. It has to not follow the trend of anime in the year it was released.
2. It must be an artists vision.
3. the creators must choose to put things in the show which would annoy some audiences and cause the show to lose viewers.
Instant classics exist and a show does not have to be popular to be a classic. Maybe after we are all dead space dandy will be hailed as a great classic.
I almost threw up in my fucking mouth
>All it needs to be is a major influence on future works
Hmmm... so NGE is not a classic then, since it hasn't influenced anything.
>Maybe after we are all dead space dandy will be hailed as a great classic
You have a be a fucking moron to not see Space Dandy's ample strengths
you're baiting, but it does fail some of his other criteria.
Toji was supposed to die, but they kept him alive so they could broadcast the show on daytime TV. so much for "muh artistic vision"
That entire episode was the reason they had to switch to a night broadcast. Just cus it happens in the manga doesn't mean it was suppossed to happen in the anime. Toji surviving is also one of the big ways Shinji learns to forgive himself in Ep 26
Toji was supposed to be Asuka's husband
something that still over time has some relevancy to today's world. every piece of valuable media is born from a need of telling something to its audience, so if you add that to a good set of visuals and storytelling, you get a classic.
Man, NGE was such a bad manga adaptation!
>something that still over time has some relevancy to today's world
Since people still masturbate to Asuka to this day, Evangelion is a classic.
Never underestimate the power of a first boner
honestly, you're right. asuka and the opening (and therefore all the memes) are the only things keeping evangelion still relevant.
When they have smelly anime girl feet they are a classic.
it gives a special feeling that no other anime has
recent shows that have that... made in abyss and the kizumonogatari movies
Mob psycho
1. Staying power
2. Significant level of impact
3. Quality
The theme is the hedgehogs dilemma you fucking brainlet.
My first time watching Eva was one of the most memorable artistic experiences of my life along with my first time reading The Dead, watching Koyaanisqatsi, reading Lolita, reading the hell sermon in Portrait of the Artist..., etc.
Not once did I think about the religious references or about Rei/Asuka as waifus. Those didn't cross my mind beyond 'oh yeah I know what Lilith is' until fags online kept telling me that they were the only reason I liked it. This was only a few years ago.
You think in 20 years people will praise stuff like HxH or OPM? That what defines a classic
They'll also be praising SAO.
I fear for our future because I truly believe you
Has to have an english dub for one.
Then I'd say merch at hot topic.
If it gets released on Netflix, then you know it's classic asf
I'm well aware, but It's nothing compared to the amount of people who talk everyday about wan piss or naruto, yet it is a classic and those two aren't.
What I'm saying is that what makes a classic is the quality, enjoyment, and rewatchability of the piece. I'ts more derrived by its artistic quality and not by fan dedication.
It has to stand the test of time
a minimal emphasis on weeb degeneracy