Eternal loli is growing desperate.
Hinamatsuri 88 spoiler
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Nitta is a horrible man. But Hitomi is an even more terrible woman
What's happening? Is she begging for his cock?
Give me the raws, man!
I dont have a single clue. Also, could this one be future Hitomi? Is the "turned evil due to a lack of dick" joke theory right?
these pages were all I could find
Hitomi would want Nitta's raws.
I can read it, but I don't get it.
I'm pretty sure this is indeed future Hitomi. She's giving Nitta the option to change the future or something.
I thought she was gay for her friend?
Why? We've known about her girlcrush on Nitta for a long time now.
yeah I could get the same meaning. You have two options, something something change the future.
Also the jaded look, that looks really future Hitomi.
It's too bad Nitta is reasonable and fairly normal in his tastes and values RE women.
Poor Hitomi.
She's supposed to be gay.
Not even Mao ended up being gay, author obliterated yurifags.
user, please.
You too, don't be retarded. "Obliterated yurifags"? As if he even gives a shit/people read this for yuri.
Looking at further pages it ain't Hitomi from the future, but rather grimdark "fuck everything" present day Hitomi.
That said I still don't really understand.
Based Hitomi.
Yeah, seems like she got past a certain point and was trying to blackmail Nitta into helping her.
>daddy im dating sabu
>nitta, grant me the D.
Hina is still the best.
seethe harder faggot
That doesn't even make sense.
Ouch my dick
Broken rape victim. How do we stop powerful lolis, anons?
>Hitomi trying to mess with Nitta again
We know how it ends.
The supreme one does not beg, she simply chooses to humor the notion of civility.
>As if he even gives a shit/people read this for yuri
So? That has nothing to do with it. Yurifags are still yurifags no matter the author or series intent.
>Literal newfag using a normalfag meme
Nitta only "won" that tiny battle because Hitomi was using a small fraction of her full strength.
Exactly you idiot. It has nothing to do with it, so
>author obliterated yurifags
doesn't make any sense. Again, it's not as if anyone was reading this for yuri, so what the fuck are you even on about? Just bitching apropos of nothing? That'd be like saying "author obliterated yurifags" for Kaguya Wants to be Confessed to. As if any c/u/nt would be reading that in the first place.
There were quite a few people who assumed Sayu or Mao were lesbians. Yurifags can infest any series, not only romance series. By making them straight, the author unwittingly obliterated yurifags. Stop being retarded for a second user, its pretty simple to grasp.
The irony of calling someone retarded when they're obsessed with whether or not characters are lesbians.
Jesus, pathetic.
This level of seething can only come from a yurifag.
What would I be seething about
How many years and you're still so autistically obsessed with your yurifag boogeyman, holy shit go get help.
t. angry yurifag
Chill dude.
You need professional help user
Hitomi needs to win!
The fact that you keep replying and being bothered by it further proves my point.
Hitomi is best girl
tfw ojisan wont give you the d
more like cringyman
>If they call me retarded I win
I think you have some serious mental issues. Not everyone is mad and out to get you schizo user
It's not a boogeyman when they're actually present, you know
>tfw Sabu redemption actually happened
We're back bros!
>saying that an author obliterated yurifags on Yea Forums means you are a schizo and you NEED to see a therapist
God tier logic, seething yurifag. Lmaoing at your life.
>she's gay
>no faggot
>ur obsessed about them being gay
>keep mad retard
>u-ur schizo
Nah the antiyuri guy was the one bringing up she's gay(because literally no one thought that) to false flag as usual and start his daily muh /u/ BTFO
Come on, can't someone try translating this again? I miss Norway already.
not really
Of course. It can't be one of yours. It has to be someone from the other camp falseflagging.
norway was a shit meme
>Probably dumb enough to believe the retards who spam "hetshit" are /u/fags
>they're framing us
At some point Hitomi became the reason to read this
Any theory that involves Hitomi being evil, be it in the past, present or future, will always be wrong.
>punished hitomi
it can't be that hard user
this. hitomi carries this manga single handely
>a hero denied "his" dick
Hina is better, and Mao chapters went from god tier (island), to meh (post time skip) to great again (latest Mao).
it didn't use to be like this, but at some point she became the mc
i really wanna fuck hitomi
>series full of grown up, ultra fertile, needy esper girls
>"I want the sexually frustrated eternal loli".
BASED user.
not an upvote
Nitta please.
to be fair, it all went to shit after timeskip, as if a totally different people started writing it. Pointless and unfunny characters like chicken boy were introduced, they shitted nitta with that blogging shit and other boring stuff, anzu also became a boring character that does the same thing every chapter, hitomi's "haha, she was misinterpreted again" jokes are not funny anymore, but at least she's still a good character. At this point i just hope they don't fuck things up for good.
Lol, Hitomi wasn't even serious. This time she is serious and knows Nitta's weakness. She targeted at his weakness this time
>it all went to shit after timeskip
Absolutely wrong. Some of the best jokes happened post timeskip. I'd go as far as to say post timeskip is better than pretimeskip.
Some of the last few chapters have been weaker, but I think it's also mostly due to waiting 2 months for a chapter.
Disagree. It only got better. I agree some of the jokes are this close of reaching tiredness and Anzu became worst girl, but so far the best chapters have been post timeskip.
Yes, actually, because you're bringing up something irrelevant like a fucking crazy person.
"Nitta climbed to the top! The author sure showed those fucking jews!"
like, dude what
There's no "yours". /u/ posters don't need to needle others because they remain deluded to themselves
Stop replying, if you haven't noticed there is rampant shitposting going on in this board and it's always either about HxH, some other trash tier shonen, or yuri in every single thread, even if it doesn't pertain to it.
You say that as if the guy just said "Yurifags BTFO" out of the blue. The whole conversation was started because of the user claiming that Hitomi is gay.
We seriously need to stop replying to any of those posts though.
nice thread
>why have women
>when I have vases
>and some retard esper
I hope Utako returns in a way that redeems her
If Sabu can, I know she can too
Sabu is also probably POUNDING Anzu as we speak
Nitta will bury him alive
So basically Hitomi asked Nitta to help her change the future but Nitta refused so Hitomi blackmailed him with Anzu. At least that's how I understand.
Yup, she cornered him from everywhere Yakuza, business and Anzu. Poor man underestimated her power
So in the end Nitta agreed to help her right?
He became her bitch.
And thus he takes his rightful place in the natural order
He's just laying low to prepare his counterattack. There's no way Hitomi can ever defeat Nitta in a fair fight.
Reminder Hitomi only wants Nitta as a dad, not as a lover.
Anzu will defeat Hitomi.
But Nitta has Anzu for that
Anzu has Sabu now so she doesn't need Nitta.
Always knew Hitomi would the final boss. Never trusted that bitch.
Male Hina is hot, what the fuck.
whaaaat the fuuuuuck this is great
>ultra powerful neet with a loli who takes care of all his needs
Living the dream.
Hitomi did nothing wrong
>Nitta is rigth wing
How will he destroy the future?
sauce user?
Hitomi's trying to change the future, but of course, it's not working. Nitta is trying to avoid all that because from Haru's story, he thinks he isn't involved in the future. He's almost certainly wrong though.