
> magic = programming language

Why am I always uncomfortable with this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>literally just drawing shapes


Show me the world where can I be the greatest magician.

Because there's something on screen you can't immediately understand and that makes you think you might actually not be as smart as you thought you were?

You can see hand signs and see the jutsu happening and understand in your head, "that's just how it works"
You can see people take a stance and scream and grunt until they're covered in ki and then the big kamehameha comes and understand in your head, "that's just how it works"
You can look at someone chant a string of words and there goes the magic and you understand in your head, "that's just how it works"
It works because it's abstract, and it's easy to trick yourself into believing you understand how it works

But the programming code is different, you see these strings and numbers and you just can't figure out how those things even do anything. But they do. It does do things, and you just can't understand why since it's not showing you the process in an way that you can understand in 3 steps.

You want something simple to understand, but you're not getting it. So you begin to become uncomfortable (A mild form of frustration).

>t. has never read SICP

good_shit > justShit

Because you harbour suspicions that we in the digital world actually do wield magical powers and the only thing stopping you from becoming one of us is clicking on a web tutorial and putting on a skirt?

Maybe because its silly if you put it that way
But if you make it like
Logic Programing can be applied to magic chatting/runes/spell etc
In my opinion it kinda make sense
But i never seen any manga or anime did this

>If(someshit) set bool to true
>If(sameshit) set bool2 to true
>Inline used when it makes shit less readable instead of more readable.
Where's the CS grad template, this is some shit code.

I'm perfectly fine with magic functioning like real world programming.

What I can't accept is magic accepting c++ as incantations.

Bumping this cause I want to see some of Yea Forums's computer scientists ripping this program to shreds.

It's not that bad. It can be more readable than making a single huge expression that includes all the conditions at once.
It's Java, there is no inline.

What happens if compile error?

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It should be Haskell. It looks like magic to 99% of all programmers, and it's conceivable that it could be adapted to the likely very different runtime environment that actual magic requires.

You kill yourself or worse.

I mean, magic is, like, foundation of everything. If there's an error that prevents compiling, then what, universe pauses until it's resolved? Is it organised into independent modules?

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Python is pretty much magic already

use ternary operator.
and why calling the same method twice?

I don't even remember what manga this was, but I've been waiting for a chance to post this since 2015.

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>region = shape == null ? a : b;
Looks inline to me.
I will admit I'm not familiar with Java so maybe it's something else entirely.

This is the ternary operator, I've never head of anyone referring to it as an inline thing. Would you use a fucking if statement?

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Java is a disgrace.

region is a or b dependent on "shape == null" comparison?

I don't think you know what inlining is. Inlining is for methods/functions but they avoid the actual call, it's essentially a programmatic and more reliable way to do C-style macros.

Please help us.
Our magic academy will be closed down if we could not win the next Armored Gunner Turret Championship (tm)

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said Mihon

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Alright you got me. I always assumed that's an inline if since it's basically if (shape==null) {region = a;} else { region = b; } except written in a single line, ergo in-line if.
Believe it or not people argue over this constantly in PRs because it's subjective what's more readable.

May I refer you to Clarke's third law?
>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Or, if you wanna be more 'fantasy about it
>Any sufficiently powerful magician is indistinguishable from God.

If a 'magic system' in a fantasy setting follows some sort of geometric rule, then it CAN be expressed as a language. Whether or not it even looks like programming language is another matter.

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I don’t think that’s it, they put magic into terms that people can explicitly understand and that people do every day. Programming is just a shitty job you can do, not a divine art like magic is supposed to be. It’s too realistic, because in the real world if there was magic people would try and reduce it to a programming language and that’s just boring.

Because math and sciences to dumb people is magic.
If someone was to explain why Goku would get destroyed by the Living Tribunal using Dimensional Tiering, first they'd spew out 'Dog, Chad, Cope, Kneel' and other shit. Then they'd call them autistic because they don't understand things they can't see. They can't see the 4th, 5th, 6th and beyond dimensions therefore they do not exist and are some fantasy shit.

Stupid people will overuse the operator,
other stupid people will reject any use of the operator.
This happens with almost all language and syntactic features, what else is new?

>Template metaprogramming

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Template metaprogramming is basically modern magic. Including the mixture of awe and disgust when you see it.


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>isekai magic = MCU Stark Tech

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If magic was a natural force, wouldn't living being in that universe develop to use them naturally just like we developed eyes to see light?

>magic = programming language

Might as well use Curry, that's some real magic

t. codemonkey that doesn't know how his machine operates

>wouldn't living being in that universe develop to use them naturally
Technically, yes.
But effectively, no.
There's a reason why we can't see Infrared and UV, but other animals can.
Anything we observe other living beings use we will try and adapt it for our own use.
Humans can't fly and yet we built machines capable of flight using design inspired from other living creatures capable of flight.
It'd be the same with magic.

>Literally Yukari and Anzu in the back there

What amazing manga is this

Programmers are autistic.

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so are mages

literally supports the theory

what about java?

Because isekai writers are creatively bankrupt due to their soul-crushing jobs and thus can only transfer ideas from the same soul-crushing jobs onto their writing.

That's why you see analysis-type cheats, product testing, marketing, step-by-step making of household items, numerical stats, menial work and a lot of other soul-crushing activities in a fucking magic-fantasy story.

>Why am I always uncomfortable with this?
Because japs can't code for shit.

Not so far fetch, since some scientist theorize that our universe could be a simulation.

>magic system is object-oriented

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because the magic does what they want it to do

>divine art like magic
Pick one

>to make an original magic, one has to know assembly.
Its like maniplulating nature by using electric signals.

>program spell to make food
>make 1000 cakes
>bite 1 cake
>every other cake also gets bitten

what is using GOTO equivalent to in magic?

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You could call an instance of a cake instead of being a retard dinosaur magician still using old languages

>demon king gets killed by overhealing

>demon king gets killed by overeating

>demon king gets killed by snu snu

>boolean needShowing
>boolean needHiding
this triggers my autism

This thread makes me want an isekai that actually makes magic into programming language.

and before the minotaur asks, I don't know how to program.

I don't watch anime but the problem might be that the concept is not fully explored

Programming does not exist on some abstract plane of truth like math but is the work of human beings, and it needs constant attention and work of human beings to work properly

if magic worked like programming it'd probably kill its practitioners like 90% of the time, like what's gonna happen when you get the occasional segfault or undefined behavior?

And there'd be huge corporations making safer tools to create magic, but the users would have no control over them and they'd be subscription based, and the corporations would fuel the whole thing with hordes of overworked and underpaid magicians from 3rd world

If you just adopt the magic = programming concept and do not explore it fully I think your brain just notices that a lot of things are missing in that explanation

I have a question. If that happens does the bitten part of the cake dissappear or gets into your stomach?

>accidentally make an endless loop on the search algorithm for a homing fire bolt
>pass out in the middle of battle while the spell goes fucking nowhere

I'm a programmer and I feel uncomfortable with magic = programming.
Has a series ever actually gone to lengths to show how magic is just programming, or do they just have the MC say "this is just like programming" and flash some random code on the screen?

There is at least one that tries to do that but written in english originally

>Programming is just a shitty job you can do, not a divine art like magic is supposed to be
to be fair you can do stuff with programming that would be like magic to a guy a hundred years ago

truly an isekai mc we can all relate to

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>if magic worked like programming it'd probably kill its practitioners like 90% of the time, like what's gonna happen when you get the occasional segfault or undefined behavior?
Just like programming, Pajeet shouldn't try to make a magic spell by pasting code from spellreference

Even assuming magic is some logic based system in every fantasy world (which is really isn't), making it so basic that people can actually understand it at a glance means it's not fucking magic by your own rules

Well, I would hope magic training involves setting up a virtual machine inside whatever part of the body handles magical power.

kobayashi maid dragon

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What about Mahouka? It's scientific magic.

Imagine Python being magic during an age when typewriters haven't been invented yet. You have to write all that shit to a scroll with ink, and if you get the indentation wrong by a millimeter, your program to summon a servile succubus from the Realm of Lust will unintentionally summon a servile Nicolas Cage instead.

Programming language is something we created ourselves as an abstraction over machine code. The only way magic could be a programming language is if someone created the language and matching compiler the same way we created ours.

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>villain's master plan is to destroy the world by changing his name to ' or 1=1; drop table users;

If magic is like programming, wouldn't there be a Proprietary magic guild and an open source magic initiative

Mistakes into miracles


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an entire isekai about debugging magic? I'd read it.

You assumed he wasn't aware of Arthur C. Clarke's proposition that sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic. When in fact OP alludes to a criticism of this idea.

>mc goes to magic guild
>claims his level is -1
>instantly top level

You can blame Mahouka for that.

>open source magic initiative
So the wizards can be secretively assholes AND openly lecture on the aspects of free beer?

It's in your stomach. The rest of the cakes are literally the same exact cake as the one you eat.

That looks like a good outcome too


An urban fantasy would fit better for that kind of magic creation.
Having your smartphone acts like a magic wand, having an app that can cast magic either through incantation or direct manipulation of the phone.
I rhinkt Mahouka have this idea but it would be better if its only handled by an underground society or cults just to add mystery.

Imagine chemistry being life in an age where particle-wave synchronicity hasn't been compiled yet. You'll have to react all that shit to a macromolecular chain with assembler proteins, and if you get the nucleotide wrong in any way it may do nothing, work just fine, work better, or create a crippled monstrosity

Fucking Kamachi already did it in basically all of his stuff besides Heavy Object.

>spells are written on JS
>every spell book is 500 pages, but you only need to read the very first line

Just like science today. You have general knowledge for the public that's completely free and edge research science that requires you to pay thousands a year to get access and even the frontier requires you to get very intimate with the person working on the issues.

>ancient undeads are immune to recently developed spells

Oh, yep I should have guessed. There is a strange app in the Intellectual Village where it automatically writes a story of a person.


There's lots of replacing symbols to make this japanese spook do what I want it to stuff too in Zashiki Warashi.

>proprietary magic guild sells minified and obfuscated scrolls

Only usually found in western influence fantasy, that's due to the western idea of fall from ancient perfection state, aka the adam/eve mythology that grafts the psyche of western mind.

I mean is there something wrong with magic=language(as in spoken word or written symbols)? Programming language is just a branch of language.

>tfw Perfect Shinobu was canonized by the final volume

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So theoretically if an apprentice mage graduates from academia with a bachelorette in magecraft they should either look for employment with a mage craft company, enter into a paid mage training program, or build a repertoire of spells to assist in employment?

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Just elaborate on the ontological nature of magic.
Like what the fuck happens if you use a microscope to look at a runic magic circle?

>healing spell
>target is cloned
>clone gets healed
>still injured original evaporates

Packages. Truly a strange idea Kamachi has. Its quite confusing sometimes, but I think its part of the appeal, manipulating a youkai's properties by doing strange things.

Fucking amazing, especially that legendary Oyakodon. Kamachi goes crazy on that novel. I actually like his shorter novels, and I'm looking forward to the final volume of Blood Signs, where a bickering couple can destroy the world.

This was relevant.

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Imagine trying to do complicated macromolecular chemistry with enzyme catalysts.

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Electricity doesn't give a shit about programming languages or CPU, yet the best way to do as much with electricity we can do is thanks to all the abstractions we've built to manage and use it, including programming languages. Magic will be the same, and due to the complexity of it, a complex formal system (like programming languages) will be the best way to handle it.

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Play Shin Megami Tensei.

You're referring to Stallman? Open Source is commercialized today and driven by companies, it doesn't have to do shit with GNU or freedom anymore.

Lord of the Mysteries does something similar, failure to properly define the deity you're asking for help, or failing to define the target of your spells can lead to you getting driven mad by eldritch gods and random malevolent spirits, or you could just blow up, that can happen too.

I like the one where they play magical 4D billiards

Because it destroys the disconnect that magic typically has in media.

The idea of magic as a science, as in a real science, breaks the inherent suspension of disbelief tied to magic.

When someone says "I cast Fireball". Fine; Go with it.

When someone says "I split air to make combustible gasses and ignite them", You're still onboard: It's just "rationalized" magic.

Now consider "I channel energy to induce polarization in mana to separate it into component elements. I'll be using Wind and Earth later for concussive effect, so I need to handle the undesirable Water in the reaction. I use a "Fire" catalyst, which is misnamed, since it's more accurately used to sequester Water elements out of Fire-focused reactions. This unbalances the elemental cross, causing a 3-way split between Fire, Air and Earth. Since we want an unstable, energetic reaction, we encourage this, allowing the Air and Earth elements to negate, collapsing the unbalanced cross to leave us us with mostly the intended fire Mana. At this stage however, we simply have made our necessary raw materials, typically with a 90/5/5 ratio depending on quality and skill of the mage. In the next four steps, we will manifest this energy into a spacial and temporal state appropriate to project at a target. (As described in Elminster, Bigby, Et Al.)"

A pseudo connection to a real world science (In my example, basic acid/base chemistry) is a dangerous narrative technique, since those without knowledge of the science have their verisimilitude punished by their lack of knowledge, while those with the knowledge are punished in the opposite way, as the shortcuts and mistakes involved in adapting the system draw attention to the writer not being as clever as he thinks he is.

I want to write but I also don't, it's such a chore especially when I don't get paid.

Blood Signs user. The next volume is the final one.

>magic == programming language;

Wouldn't it make more sense to be the other way around with a magic-programming setting?

I just want a comedy isekai where mc gets transported to badly programmed MMO and has to find and exploit bugs to succeed. You can literally just take some retarded glitches from oblivion of other existing RPG, i'd be okay with it. Am i asking for too much?

I think there'd be a bell curve between new constructs being updated to avoid old exploits versus ancient versions being immune by consequence of being architecturally incompatible.

It's only magic because the MC is literally Jesus.

But that exists

New programms can't run in very old environment, but new environment is usually backwards compatible with old programs.

I am sure it's shit.

But the environment would be the world, and a (un)living being would merely be an executable, not a self contained environment in itself.

Instead of electricity you got this glowing "magic".

There's not really anything wrong with the last one.
How about this one?
"I channel my mana to introduce energy into the elemental catalyst, elevating it into an excited state. Due to the selection rules, the excited state is forced to slowly undergo state conversion. Shifting the elemental alignment of the system allows me to re-excite the catalyst (Draper Et Al.). Collapsing this state in a controlled manner results in the emission known as "magic".

Find the inaccuracy

>Kino Seeker was canned
Damn, I had high hopes for it aswell.

you wouldn't have had this program if you separated your code into side effectful modules and pure functional modules

>poorfag mc has to use pirated spells

if (flat = true) {
self.wife_material += 100;
} else {
self.wife_material -= 100;

if (flat = true)
self.wife_material += 100;
self.wife_material -= 100;


Because it imply that magic is
In other words, the scientific method applies here and this so-called magic is actually science.

See the following endearing and amusing posts and Death March.

Female girl_1 = new Female(age a);
if(a < 14) {
} else {
age tmp;
for(tmp = a; girl_1 != isDead(); a++) {
System.out.println("FUCKING HAG");

What mango

jk flip flops allow us to store voltages as ones and zeros. binary allows us to use a string of ones and zeros to represent data. that data is used to:
A) represent memory locations
B) represent values in those memory locations
now that you can use ASCII with that binary, you can form words to make an abstraction of an object no different from words in a book to describe the events in detail.

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
System.out.print("enter a reasonable age fag: ");
Scanner keyboardInput = new Scanner(;
String filename = keyboardInput.nextLine();
File file = new File(filename);
Scanner textScanner = new Scanner(file);

waifu newUser = new waifu(textScanner);


>if(flat = true)

Attached: 1462457356459.png (485x448, 355K)

flat is a int and true is labeled as a final int value. so i'm comparing numbers. no typos that are caused by my IDE writing my code for me

>mc uses object oriented programming
>the smart character in glasses uses functional programming
>the shy girl obfuscates all her spells
>the genki girl is a codemonkey who writes unreadable spells that somehow work and sometimes she doesn't know how they work

>at is a int and true is labeled as a f
that's not comparison it's assignment dumdum

>mc searches for spells and copypastes them from stackoverflow mid battle

>shitter incharge of programming

>no typos that are caused by my IDE writing my code for me

>thinking this has anything to do with an IDE

Aren't scrolls just the 'compiled' magic-equivalent of machine code on print? What compilers would wizards even use?

intellij and visual studio auto finishes code and in this case puts a second = in a while loop or if statement
what are you? some terminal/gedit coder floating above the rest of the world

Fuck I want this now.

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>d-don't look at my code, mc-kun... it's not clean and i barely use any best practises...

>>the genki girl is a codemonkey who writes unreadable spells that somehow work and sometimes she doesn't know how they work
she's working with php?

I'm good at JavaScript, is that programming?

So is /g/ still into lolis?

Yeah, if you also know C++++++ you're goot to go.

>h-hayai! his code's performance is so fast i can't even see his spell!
>heh... your spells have O(n^2) complexity but all my spells are O(n)!

>program yourself
>either become an archmage or get bricked

I like it

>Impossible! He's dereferencing null pointers, he should have segfaulted by now! Is he even human?

Fucking kek

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>camera slowly pans while the smart character explains mc's algorithm line by line
>harem: sasuga mc-kun...

I hope we get to a point where society has to keep people content through vr fantasies world to keep society from collapsing.

its true

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>he never stops to let garbage collector work, just how much RAM does he have?! bakemono!

>first mob npc uses bubble search during his particle creation algorithm
>mc-kun defeats him and later teaches him heap search

>I mapped some crucial memory at address 0, all in advance to trick you!

>What is this sorcery?
>His spells are casting other spells?
>Look closer
>Impossible! His wrappers are wrapped in more wrappers!

>Wait, could he be garbage collecting in a separate thread? That idiot! He's going to corrupt his heap at this rate!

It makes sense that if you had technology that can affect certain abstract concepts, you'd regulate it into doing complex behaviours using programming.
However, the magic there is not the programming itself, it's the machine the statements activate.
Unless the program is like a magic spell, were the pattern existing on a computer screen causes something to happen.

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Mahouka did this in an interesting way. The human brain could understand spells on a high level, but processors shaped like guns converted it to a low level language the magicians body could understand to create actual magic. You had to be really autistic and know certain spells in human machine language, study the architecture of the human body, write your own compiler with your newly discovered functions and really optimise shit to git gud. MC did it all, plus was unable to die and seemed to have infinite energy because he hacked the matrix or something.

>wait, how does he keep healing, when he only casts offensive spells??
>haha! you though all my functions were pure, but they had side effects all along!

In RL, your species branch of, get mutations for magic, and then every species that branch of your species get some kind of magic..
Now, if something is EXTREMELY useful, you might see convergent evolution, where some other species will develop something similar because its that good.

I haven't read up on the subject, but i know EYES has been evolved in parallel. Because it turns out it might be really useful. And further adaption is done in parallel, where some of the adaption are completely batshit like Mantis/Pistol Shrimp.
But i guess hot/cold, and ability to sense pressure/touch comes from really long back in the lineage. But how minute it is depends on species, where a lot of parallel evolution is done.

sounds boring

>magic system is a simplified coding system
>battles are drawn out yugioh style, with simple changes to the program as the battle goes on
>the anime teaches programming this way
It'd be awesome.

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>He's handling memory manually?! No Human could possibly do that without dereferencing the wrong pointer or run out of memory

Was it explained liek that? All the time I thought the human brain was the processor and the gun just transmitted the code via bluetooth or something

>divine art
Dollars to doughnuts there are more magicians per character in whatever fantasy you are thinking of than programmers per person at your local starbucks or college or whatever.

>with this spells i will end this battle!
>he is bluffing. it's just a simple fireball spell!
>*mc smiles* i know you've read all my source code, but you missed one important detail
>i have overriden every single operator! i knew you are going to read my programs and changed meaning of ALL operators!

>opens the Code Note
>#define true false
>maniacal laughter

>You thought you won? You're actually sealed in a VM right now and you didn't even notice!

Obfuscations schemes would definitely be pretty popular in a world where magical circles are plainly visible on casting.
Or they might forego this, and try to make the circles not visible by implanting them in wands or something before hand, making wands vital for any mage that doesn't want his secrets to spill.

Thus, the MC goes about using wandless magic with some complex obfuscation or layering magic circles to hide each other's collective effects.

>he can't possibly cast such complex spells so fast, compile time should be huge!
>you can't even comprehend the difference between you and me... you see, i write all my spells in machine code
>this can't be!! no human could do this!

>C wizard meets Java code monkey
>C guru meets Haskell sage-guru
The possibility are endless.

No. Stop.
I can't accept this.
Writing in machine language is just compiling in your mind. That's can't be faster than the compiler. Don't mess with my immersion like that.

This sounds similar to what malware makers and reverse engineers do.

But even if they were to use obfuscated code in battle, they would store source code in some place so they could fix or change it later.

A disgrace you pay for, now.
Just wait a bit and it will be gone.

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>In other words, the scientific method applies here and this so-called magic is actually science.
This applies to literally any magic setting that has spells. I can't think of any series where magic is totally random and uncontrollable.

java is for brainlet code monkeys, they don't need cleverness.


made me chuckle

looks like honey blonde's author

>means it's not fucking magic by your own rules
These are not 'rules,' you dummy.
Also, an understanding of magic doesn't automatically make you a God-like being, just as much as knowing code doesn't make you a good codemonkey.

Fantasy magic being 1:1 identical with a real-world programming language is retarded, but there being some sort of language which is applicable to reality itself in such a setting isn't. It's basically what math is for us. Clarke's Third Law is only a pragmatic view of how such things might appear to a third party.

>magic language is perl

There are plenty of established series where tech is misinterpreted as magic.

Book of the New Sun and also Dune come to mind.

Even Schierke "spells" is basically her begging for help to various spirits.

Mahou tsukai no Yome?
Same as above, somewhat.

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I think the activation magic was incomplete and needed to be converted to usable magic by the cad based on its programming. It's not 100% clear what it was doing but I think it was basically a compiler or a math coprocessor. Doing it directly was autistic savant tier.

Schierke's shit isn't really random, she's just not actually doing any casting herself. Whenever a spirit decides to help the result is controllable and expected. And yet no one would pretend to call such a thing science.

>Kobayashi is the most competent programmer and the pillarwoman of her company
>finds out boss's proprietary coding language is based around magic incantations
>in a few weeks she's powerful enough to one handed conjure a Genki Dama in seconds with no additional practice
Please add Kobayashi Azul to the chart.

people don't think their everyday thoughts as if they were writing a research paper. not even researchers.
the amount of autism you see in a typical research paper is primarily a result of ESLs using the language in a way they aren't familiar with because "that's how everyone else does it."
There's a certain skill in being able to write a research paper without losing people in the language and most writers don't have it.

I unironically started SICP

I hope it isn't a waste of time

html isn't a proprietary coding language, it's a declarative UI description language governed by an open standards body.

We've already been over this in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the ancient super demon that was immune to all weapons ever forged was created by people that had no imaginative concept of rocket launchers.

convergent evolution is pretty neat

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Is it your first introduction to programming? Then yes, it is a waste of time.
Do you have a certain proficiency in multiple languages and are interested in what other programming paradigms have to offer (and are likely already integrated in languages you're familiar with)? Then no, it isn't a waste of time.

Except for that time when she nearly destroyed a village because she got overwhelmed and lost control?
And you still need to get a spirit to agree first, so if the spirit tell you to fuck off, the spell will have no effect: it's not reliable.

Not really. Machine language is speaking directly to the machine, and giving it specific instructions. High level languages are just a way of representing common patterns of those instructions. Hand-written assembly /can/ be faster, but rarely is. It used to be more common that it was faster, simply because compilers were not as advanced, but even advanced compilers can only optimize in the ways that they are programmed to, they cannot come up with novel optimizations like a human could. Until we get AI/ML involved in code optimization, there will always be the (albeit slim) possibility for a human to produce faster code than a compiler.

why no convergent evo for higher int, seems really fucking useful to me

Not really no. How much of programming is just conditionals and booleans and such? A shitton of it, and maybe object manipulation. The problem for me is how does it work? Do you gain access to everything with admin structures to the entire program or universe?
Lets go with say cast fireball. How the fuck does it work? I’d understand if it’s a method call, but how does the method work? Does it check a conditional for whether you have enough mana, a high enough level, etc. and then the universe decides to give you a fireball? Cause under that system, magic would just be a set of limitations, and is functionally no different from a DM saying
>no you can’t use that, you’re not a high enough level
That also makes it no different from a simple videogame leveling system. Also what language would it even work under?They aren’t just there for shits and giggles, and saying shit like
>well air magic is python and earth magic is like c
Is wrong on 30 levels.
Also under that system you can eventually input the “become admin” command and become god with one spell.

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>implying user's end goal isn't just to turn the whole world flat while making it look like a """mistake"""

that's not how evolution works

Programming language is less like an actual human language and is more like a language if only one person used it as a way to command others. This is a flawed explanation but I don’t know of a better way to show how the way people talk to people is not the way people talk to computers

>CSfag thinks his discipline is some obscure shit
kek'd with your post

>when mc-kun and genderbender mc-kun meet

Attached: z4.png (1168x1600, 790K)

I think you are mixing up programming and sysadmin'ing, and really failing to grasp the point at all. The idea is that magic in such a universe is just a fundamental part of it, in the same way that registers, memory, and interrupts are fundamental parts of a computer. And like the parts of a computer, this magic would behave in deterministic, logical ways, as opposed to, say, operating on the whims of gods and spirits, so using it is less about being "in tune with the divine" or whatever, and more about creatively applying simple concepts in a complex way to get what you want.

Honestly, the fact that you jumped to things to function calls and console commands suggests you just have a very superficial understanding of the topic.

its pretty much how it is. Modern technology is just rationalized magic. It runs on the same energy that animates your body and creates your mind through neural impulses, electricity, the different circuits are basically just sigils, the programming language and the input you give are the spells, we stare onto (liquid) crystal displays like the crystal balls. Processors all even use quartz crystals. There is also the method of scrying where you basically stare onto a black reflective surface (black mirror) at flickering lights until you gain visions, and look at turned off smartphones or TVs, all black mirrors.

proprietary programming dialect

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>an average isekai mc when a girl doesn't fall for his cock at first sight

It would be pretty terrifying if the average CStard had power over life and death.

Yeah because science experiments can't go out of control when you make mistakes and pour too much of whatever chemical into the reaction? Dumbass. Getting the spirit to agree is irrelevant, she's not casting, the spirit is. I'll say it again for you, the spirit is the one doing the magic. It is doing it in a way that it likes, that it can repeat, and in a reliable fashion. No one with a brain is going to turn up their nose and say "excuse me, you didn't get a random effect every single time you tried to do this, so clearly it's just science".

Higher int is not that valuable for the cost. There is a pretty big gap between smart enough, and can make long term plans and complex strategies, and you also need communication for a lot of it to be useful. So while something is evolving through that gap, they aren't gaining much, however the calorie requirements go up dramatically.

Gave up on isekais for good today, after reading the dungeon seeker manga. Way to fuck over any remaining hope of the novel ever getting further translations, with that motherfucking fanfic garbage. How do they even allow these things to share a title? Fuck me...

sorry, had to vent.

>It is doing it in a way that it likes, that it can repeat, and in a reliable fashion
But the process is not observable, we only see the result and the spirit themselves are only representation of an element, they probably don't even know themselves how shit is working and that's assuming there's a physical, causal process behind it.

>you didn't get a random effect every single time you tried to do this
Irrelevant, just because something doesn't fall under the scientific method doesn't mean it will suddenly give you absolutely random effects of varying degree.

>The idea is that magic in such a universe is just a fundamental part of it, in the same way that registers, memory, and interrupts are fundamental parts of a computer.
No I’m saying it like this. Magic works as a fundamental part of the universe like you said right?
Then who determines what spells you can or can’t use, or can you simply write any spell you want and then execute it was my issue. If it does function as previously stated, then there is literally nothing saying i can’t just go
And not have to ever worry about anything.
And that makes a shit story so there has to be some limits on their powers or abilities. But how do you set some limits other than a “god” setting up what is basically a limit system for the mages, which is in a way sysadmin.
>Honestly, the fact that you jumped to things to function calls and console commands suggests you just have a very superficial understanding of the topic.
Ok sure, then explain how such a programming magic system would allow you to do aomething like cast fireball, but not allow you to cast become_god without either going into
>user privileges
>conditionals, which is all a user privilege fucking is
Also you didn’t answer my point about what language would be used, not unless we’re working with binary.

Just because you can't observe it doesn't mean it's not observable.
>They probably don't know themselves
Irrelevant. This is like arguing that because humans don't think about the parabola of an object that they throw, or dogs find the shortest path to a thrown object, that the math doesn't actually exist. It does, it doesn't matter if you're too stupid or blind to see it, it exists.

Do you think computers are magic? Do you think I can just tell my computer prove_riemann_hypothesis() or integrate_universe_lagrangian() and get the output I am looking for?

I don't think you understand anything about how computers work outside of messing around in the console of a video game.

I'd enjoy a VR MMORPG where to cast magic spells you had to write code to program the surrounding world.

And to cast miracles you have to actually be able to quote scripture off by heart accurately into the mic. Longer and more accurate passages would yield stronger miracles.

You'd gain no spells by levelling up, only by learning.

Attached: 1483401359676.png (1000x1189, 193K)

>it doesn't matter if you're too stupid or blind to see it, it exists.
Not necessarily?
The Abrahamic God is a perfect example of that, there's no process involved other than him speaking out loud and it's certainly not something that can be recreated with science since in literary term, he basically pulled the universe out of his ass.

>You'd gain no spells by levelling up, only by learning.
You'd had literal script kiddies ganking newbies and actual programmers as progamers

>There's no process besides him speaking
Kek. You're telling me that just because the myth is not very descriptive about God that he himself totally has no idea how he did it and couldn't do it again if he tried? Some "all powerful" deity you've got there christfag.

there's an isekai about a game that did that. anyone who programmed their own spells was essentially OP beyond balancing and abused the system

>Do you think computers are magic? Do you think I can just tell my computer prove_riemann_hypothesis() or integrate_universe_lagrangian() and get the output I am looking for?
In this finctional situation, yes it is. You could 100% do that, thats THE POINT OF THIS ENTIRE THREAD, THAT MAGIC IS JUST THE UNIVERSES PROGRAMMING AND IS MY ISSUE IN EVERY POST IVE MADE. In isekai world, you could 100% call prove_riemann_hypothesis() and it would work, not unless some admin(God) set up a set of FUCKING CONDITIONALS to limit what a user(magician/wizard) could do. In which case, this magic has 0difference from fucking videogame magic where you just need to be a high enough level or have the right ingredients to cast prove_riemann_hypothesis.
>I don't think you understand anything about how computers work outside of messing around in the console of a video game.
I think you should actually learn to read a fucking post instead of speedreading you blind ass faggot

>Then who determines what spells you can or can’t use
Your ability to use the fundamental "instructions" you can issue to the universe. The idea is not that there is a "cast fireball" instruction, but dozens, if not hundreds or more, of tiny instructions, that, if used correctly, result in a fireball, just as it takes hundreds of instructions simply to draw the text "hello, world!" onto a web page.

>explain how such a programming magic system would allow you to do aomething like cast fireball, but not allow you to cast become_god without either going into
See above

>conditionals, which is all a user privilege fucking is
See my statement about how magic in other universes being about "appeasing the spirits/gods". That's a better parallel for sysadmin-type stuff, where if you don't have the right privileges (read: don't have favor with the right god), you can't cast your magic. Compare this with writing software, where you are only limited by your understanding of the primitive instructions, your ability to solve problems with them, and the environment you have to execute within.

>Also you didn’t answer my point about what language would be used, not unless we’re working with binary.
Because I'm not that person, and fair enough, which language you use determining the element is stupid, however, you could make a case that because some languages are better equipped to do certain things (i.e. C is good for low-level bytewise manipulation, where as java is good for plugin-type architectures), you could draw parallels.

>he himself totally has no idea how he did it and couldn't do it again if he tried?
Show me where I said that?
I'm saying that not everything fall under the scientific method, that's all. He can do it again and reliably so but because there is no process involved (and is thus not observable), it is not science.
>assuming I'm christian
>assuming I'm even religious to begin with
Abrahamic religion has more than just christianity you retard.

>Because there is no process involved
Prove it. Prove that there is no process involved in God creating the universe. You can't. The entire process is listed in like what, one sentence? Two? You can't use the lack of details to prove shit. You can't look at the thing and say "Look man, the author didn't describe the process of the MC taking a shit, so clearly humans don't actually excrete shit in this setting ever!"

>tfw can’t understand coding humor since I’m a brainlet

Only the most religious Bible Belt programmers would be pro.

The reality we live in right now is literally a set of consistent rules and can be described as the result of a programming language, of which many elements we understand well and can manipulate. That doesn't make us omnipotent in any sense unless you a priori specify that you are omnipotent, but that idea is not fundamental to the analogy or connection being made between programming and casting magic.

The difference between your average LN and a religious text is dogma: the religious text cannot be questionned, hence why I previously called it an asspull but apparently you missed that.
The whole point of dogma and by extention religion are they can't be proven false or true IRL.
But in a setting with magic, it would most certainly be true more often than not hence.
Again, if it happen to be true and that god truly asspulled creation out of nowhere, magic in those case would not fall under the scientific method, regardless of its reliability.

>Look man, the author didn't describe the process of the MC taking a shit, so clearly humans don't actually excrete shit in this setting ever!"
I don't know about the men but cute girls certainly don't shit piss is ok though.

Attached: girls dont go to the bathroom.png (1473x828, 2.22M)

It's not because you're a brainlet user. It's because you don't give a fuck to learn. Go and learn something today.
Or stay an empty husk shitposting for the rest of your life.

Disregard that word, i forgot to delete it.

Sometimes I really am glad that the worst an user could do to the anime industry, is shit on it online, instead of actually having an anime produced

>mc wins a hard battle against upcoming python student
>click click click
>hmm? Nani?
>click click click
>typing sounds? it sounds chaotic and with no bases, what the heck is going on
>hahaha ajajskskwk=akkosokamm(wksodkkdk)jkoskn

>Hiding behind more fallacies when your previous fallacies are brought to the fore
I don't even know why I wasted my time on a subhuman like you. I probably should have been tipped off the moment you legitimately tried to pretend magic can't be organized.

>Hiding behind more fallacies when your previous fallacies are brought to the fore
Please point them out to me, dogma are a real things and the actual reason why christian, before, and muslim nowadays did a lot of shit.

>you legitimately tried to pretend magic can't be organized
Except that I literally said the opposite before someone asked for example of setting where it isn't?
If anything, you're the one hiding behind fallacies since you can't help but tag me with a lot of shit i did not say.

If we look into the Prophets, their miracles exist as fundamental commands to the world at large.

Cursing a tree kills it. Water is now wine. The fish and loaves will not run out. You are blind no longer.

"Miracles" as magic are direct translations of will to action. GET UP AND WALK!, RISE LAZARUS, BEGONE SPIRIT.

If there is an underlying system, it's external to the world. If that is the case, it is as relevant to the world as the writer to a story: When time, space and reality only exist in the words you write and say, you are omnipotent: your rules in the real world only affect the story as depicted in your world: On the page, you are omnipotent.

>Your ability to use the fundamental "instructions" you can issue to the universe. The idea is not that there is a "cast fireball" instruction, but dozens, if not hundreds or more, of tiny instructions, that, if used correctly, result in a fireball, just as it takes hundreds of instructions simply to draw the text "hello, world!" onto a web page.
>See above
The cast fireball is just combining said “tiny instructions” into a fucking method. The only reason I did that was so could just have an easy thing to call on as an exaple of say, a “hello world”program.
But all you’re saying is that you could cast all those”tiny instructions” and become god, same as you could cast fireball.
According to your system you have no fucking limits and becoming god is just a more complicated “hello world”. This might work for programming, but its a fucking retarded system if you wanted to ever make a story which is one of my issues. Also doesn’t make any sense in relation to your sysadmin posts becuase which god is in charge of the become_god privilege?
>See my statement about how magic in other universes being about "appeasing the spirits/gods".
>just turn all wizards into clerics
Theres no point in magic being programming if it’s just an overly complicated way to ask for stuff.
>The reality we live in right now is literally a set of consistent rules and can be described as the result of a programming language, of which many elements we understand well and can manipulate.
Oh yeah definitiely. But WE don’t live in a universe with MAGIC that operates with the fundamental fabric of reality like the isekais do. So how would set magic have any limits if it works the same way if it interacts with all reality.

Didn't you know? Sakamoto666 got sued for ripping off Arifureta. It was only a matter of time till it died.

chuuni fucks, the lot of you

>But all you’re saying is that you could cast all those”tiny instructions” and become god, same as you could cast fireball.
Write an operating system. Right now. While you're at it, write me a program that will predict the stock market for the next few years.

Do you see how even though you might have "god-like" control over your computer, it is your understanding of how to use it that prevents you from becoming an actual "god"?

If that still isn't enough for you, perhaps the "hardware" isn't the universe, it's the caster themselves, meaning that even if you know the spells, you can't cast them if you don't have the specs. Maybe magicians could have different architectures, so a spell that some characters could cast easily would fizzle if someone else tried to cast it, and they'd have to take it apart and re-write it using their own instructions.

It's a good comparision though, if magic were real it might be very similar to programming.

Attached: 20.jpg.png (1114x1600, 260K)

You'd be interested in reading a couple of Rick Cook books (Wizard's Bane, Wizardry Compiled, etc)

Guy gets isekaied, sucks at magic but pretty quickly realizes that even if you personally can't do the giant spell all by yourself you can if you put enough abstraction between you and each individual step.

(He programs magic in FORTH using Emacs the mad bastard)

Because you suck at making macros

>he doesn't like piss
what's wrong? too haram for your christian values?

this nigga making a graph or something?
>overusing Boolean
its literally true or false
how can they not get this?

>Write an operating system. Right now.
While I can’t, it’s not like there aren’t fucking DOZENS OF THEM andmore couldn’t be made with ease. So all you’re saying is
>yes my system allows gods to form if they put in effort and there is no difference between them and a simple wizard casting fireball except they have more time on their hands
>Maybe magicians could have different architectures, so a spell that some characters could cast easily would fizzle if someone else tried to cast it, and they'd have to take it apart and re-write it using their own instructions.
So no difference between that and someone having an “earth affinity” or a “spirit” contract or inherent personal mages architecture being a conditional which is preselcted by the actual laws of the universe. Either way we get
>god-mode with someone who has enough time to type, no other major sacrifice needed
Or we get
>some conditional which makes things work and has to be preselcted by the original structure of the univeres code

>but processors shaped like guns
CADs come in all shapes.

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That name alone deserves everything he got plagiarizing another series, this shows Isekai is really trash even artist are that pathetic not being creative.

and hit submit before finishing but there's an explanation of the spell building process in the screenshot

>it’s not like there aren’t fucking DOZENS OF THEM andmore couldn’t be made with ease
And this is how I know you don't know a fucking thing about computing.
>>yes my system allows gods to form if they put in effort and there is no difference between them and a simple wizard casting fireball except they have more time on their hands
You seem to have missed my suggestion that the casters be limited by their own "hardware" aka personal limits.
>So no difference between that and someone having an “earth affinity” or a “spirit” contract or inherent personal mages architecture being a conditional which is preselcted by the actual laws of the universe. Either way we get
Or it would just be a fundamental part of that universe, in the same way that the physics that allow for, say, CMOS. Not sure how you jump from that to "elemental affinity", though, just because a spell has to be "Re-written" doesn't mean it doesn't have the same end effect.

Higher Int = More time spent in development of brainz
Most likely need cranium size, so can't be born with a full brain due size.
And once you add these 2 together you get species which have children that will stay children for a long time until they are big/strong enough to actually function as that species. Meanwhile a Dumber species could be born with full mental capabilities, and then mature within year of being born. Just growing the entire body at a accelerated rate, where cranium and brain stays the same.

There is also another problem: If you have big Int, you need Big Food. So if you got something to get Big Food, like eating corpse bones or just hunting bigger prey, or preservation of food: You can get Big Brains, if nothing is more important.
But Evolution is random and fickle. Whatever evolution that is happening also need the random mutations to be present in the first place, otherwise the ball won't star get rolling.

Attached: RattusPhylogeny.jpg (551x741, 53K)

Holy shit, that is exactly witch hat atelier! Good guys closed, bad guys want open.

Attached: 220px-Terry_A._Davis_2017.jpg (220x165, 18K)

Yeah, I think I heard it helped fund the arifureta anime, but I think that was an user trash talking.

>While I can’t, it’s not like there aren’t fucking DOZENS OF THEM andmore couldn’t be made with ease. So all you’re saying is
Not him but there isn't a single person out there who can write an OS by himself let alone an advanced one. it's not about your capabilities, it's about the fact that it's not something that can be done from scratch.


TempleOS was a barely functional pile of features that would have been impressive 30 years ago. IIRC, it didn't even have memory protection or paging. Calling it an OS isn't really accurate.

>take a nap
>thread still up
alright whats going on, why haven't the mods nuked the thread yet?

That's my fetish.

Attached: Did you just say GENDER-BENDER.gif (422x309, 447K)

>Prove it. Prove that there is no process involved in God creating the universe.
God wills it. No process needed if God's will can manifest itself

Attached: Fun_allowed_Kemono.jpg (901x1107, 124K)



Programming is magic. You make an electrified rock do things. Pretty much rune golem magic.

>guy writing java
>on the side there's a cmake file

what did he mean by this?


>wasn’t a good OS
>this means it isn’t an OS at all
Neat logic

The problem with programming as a magic system is that it would leave reality at constant threat from dumb apprentices writing the magical equivalent of stack overflows or memory leaks.
>"Whoops, I accidentally made that fireball move constantly in every direction rather than just forwards, and now the entire atmosphere is on fire. Oh well."

Attached: 1299809206669.jpg (694x642, 93K)

but which language tho

It's not that it was a bad OS, it didn't do the things an OS is supposed to do. MS-DOS is a bad operating system, because of restrictions and myriad issues. Temple OS doesn't do the things an OS is meant to do. It's still a marvel that it was made by one guy, and its an incredible accomplishment, more so given that he did it in the mental state that he was in, but that doesn't make it something that it isn't.

Besides, that was his life's work, the original remark that it was "easy" to make OS's, citing an example of an otherwise very talented person working for years to produce something that is, at best, a curiosity, is not an argument in your favor.

because you've never taken a philosophy class.

That doesn't sound like a bad thing.

That just suggests that Wizards should be mentored by skilled mages in isolated locals using the necessary wards and protections.

User access, crash handling and VMs are congruent to sealing magic, wards and pocket dimensions.

Because you forgot that these are supposed to be video game worlds.

It's simple, people say programming =magic, but they mean codemonkey javascript, not actual programming, which can be obscenely hard. Remember that there is NO DOCUMENTATION for reality, and it's a MASSIVELY PARALLEL SYSTEMS BASED program which is CURRENTLY RUNNING!

This means that you're actually attempting to reverse engineer reality from inside it, with say science, math, and psychology, and then build tools to help you build tools to build tools just to get a rough estimate of it's operating method.

Don't forget also, that since you're INSIDE THE PROGRAM, every abstraction is ACTUALLY PHYSICAL, and obtaining it is non-trivial. When you need an actual warehouse to store memory, acquiring pointers involves knives and cartography, and setting values requires actual objects which just happen to contain said values and it makes sense why it would be hard.

Instead of setting enemy.self=dead, you've got to get a lock of his hair, stitch it to a corpse's head, stab it through the heart, and then use the "value setting ritual" you learned from your ancestors along with your knowledge of anatomy and geometry and a "remote access" circle constructed of various exotic ingredients to direct the connection.

Only if you were yourself an unbelievably powerful and experienced wizard with incredibly well-developed pre-made spells, or knew one willing to lend you his aid, could you use such a simple abstract method like self.location=royal_capitol.

Just set age_of_anons_death to 9999999. Then take your time with the rest. Ezpz

>Not realizing that lifespan is a 16-bit integer

That's assuming that figuring out the correct syntax for that doesn't take longer than your lifespan. And that it alters the aging of your body rather than leaving you to become increasingly decrepit. And that it prevents you from dying via means other than old age. And that it doesn't require more resources than you have to begin with.

sorry but that function isn't in the academy records, can you show me some documentation or some pseudocode

Attached: Minotaur8.png (640x508, 153K)

Buzz off old man, can't you see that I'm about to hack the mainframe of reality?

You misunderstand the idea. The mage is the computing unit, all a stack overflow will do is melt their brain or something, and only if they were created/evolved/trained wrong as a joke and their OS does not have the appropriate protections.

>magic that alters reality
>only works if some school lets it
Pretty bitch ass reality
>syntax for generating energy from nothing should be easy
>but living longer is stupid complicated

I love that the boolean names implies that something both needs hiding and showing.

Do you have even an inkling of how complex the process of aging is?

>using undocumented spells

Attached: Papl4aE.jpg (1440x1524, 785K)

Please tell me how complicated the process of generating energy from nothing is then as a comparison

I want her to step on my peen

I want to hug and fug serval

Maybe the energy is harvested from souls falling from a higher energy world like Earth to the lower ones they arrive in. That makes returning even more difficult.

Before you reply with
Remember that a lifespan is a human mental construct, it's not an inherent part of the universe like energy is. If you just throw more energy at an organism, it's not going to live longer, it's just going to catch fire.

Successful bait

Why wouldn’t age_of_death_due_to _old age be a variable? Also you haven’t specified energy type?
>soul-harvesting energy
>not inherently using it for life-extension
The big thing about harvesting souls as energy is life force man, at least as a thematic approach

Almost all settings (including programming magic type ones) have magic require mana which is either in the environment or stored/generated by the body.

That's basically just how witches work. Wizards take the more deliberate and methodical approach.

there's also a css file

Set mana to 9999999 ezpz

>inherent part of the universe
Energy is just a useful invariant for calculations.

Because aging is much more complex than "x many days to live", unless life in said universe is some sort of health meter, in which case, so long as you have at least one hit point, you're functionally immortal anyways.

Fine, then increase the velocity of some particles, same end effect.

Surely this thread isn't so important to you that you need to try to keep it alive by pretending to be an idiot.

>TempleOS was a barely functional pile of features that would have been impressive 30 years ago. IIRC, it didn't even have memory protection or paging. Calling it an OS isn't really accurate.
Well you can say it was by design as it was what made it so fast, but yes it's a steaming pile of dogshit, but an interesting one at that. Kinda like the turds you give a good look over before flushing it down

I’m mostly shitposting, but why wouldn’t an infinite mana code work?

Go and describe how it would work. You first.

You're not an omniscient god, so you have no way of actually determining the existence, location, method, or state of such a variable.

Set mana as a variable to 999999. If you have the syntax to set fire in fireball or area in fists to 1000 degrees, why not set mana to stupid high?

Because that's assuming that mana is part of another program that you are modifying, rather than part of say, the underlying hardware.

I defy you to find a thread currently in the catalog that is interesting enough that this thread shouldn't exist.

At least they showed python code in the anime

Attached: [Fuurinkazan] Ninja Slayer From Animation 09 (BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC) [B56B3EC2] (1920x1080, 1.98M)


Plenty of series do the "magic is just like programming" thing, but that's generally jsut a convenient handwave so the audience has a convenient explanation as to why the MC is OP at magic. (He's got 30 years experience doing programming, and since programming = magic, he's an arch mage).

To rub salt in the wound, most of them then follow it up by demonstrating that it is in fact nothing like programming. Everything runs first time, and when things go wrong, they go predictably wrong.

Where are all the scenes of the casters tearing their hair out in frustration at the spell that just won't invoke for no apparant reason? Where's the barrier spell with a security vulnerability as it was built on abjuration 1.2 and the standard has moved on to abjuration 3.4 but the imperial magisters refuse to update the cantrips. Where's the political factions bickering over the type of glyphs to use in their magic circles. Where's the independent mage guilds starting up everywhere and then dying out almost as fast, and the absolute mess of grimoires with a new one being published every other week. Where's half the spells in existence suddenly not working because one mage got offended and uninvoked a trivial but widely used spell component? Where's proper arithmancy, with each spell and every phrase in a spell being equivalent to a number. Where's the magical quines? Where's the wizard running out of mana because his spell has a memory leak. Where's the list of things that are really easy for humans to do, but which are ridiculously complicated to do in magic? Where's the spell architect who died/left and didn't document anything and everyone is scrambling to figure out how the incantations he wrote actually work. Where's the spell that which shouldn't work, but somehow does, and leads the investigators to discover very weird and unsettling things about the rules of magic?

If you can generate things from thin air through, why would you be hardware instead of software? Actually why would you be hardware in the firstplace, if magic controls/influences everything you are software. I don’t think the universe make that big of a distinction.
But I have enough knowledge to summon say a cip of tea to my specific location or set something on fire five feet away specifically.

>no sense of right and wrong

Attached: d9.png (1125x1600, 578K)

>increase the velocity
Of what? How does one define, formally, an "object" to chance velocities of?
>inb4 particles
How do you get around the uncertainty principle? At the very least, the "true" laws of physics has to coincide with the observable results of quantum mechanics, otherwise it doesn't may any sense for humans to exist.

At that point you're in sci-fi territory. Most isekai trash don't even address something as simple as how new spells are created, or are even aware that perhaps such a fundamental concept as spell creation should exist.

This is a good post.
But also a very triggering one.

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seems people here forget its magic, it can be excactly as nonsical or logical as you wish. If you can't describe it accurately as a program, make pseudo code and generate code at runtime trough magic, or call up instruction sets that are magical so you don't need to go into specifics, it's not rocket science it's magic

Attached: trippledot2.png (1267x381, 418K)

>Dooming life on Terra
>To get more days a year

Attached: [Aizen_intensifies]_Bleach.gif (291x386, 601K)

Hey now let's not go into particle-wave duality, which rather worryingly displays traits of being a hack job used to simulate a universe.

>im stealing this for my roguelike isekai

I said something similar previously but it apparently gave someone an aneurysm given how autistic he became.

Screencapping this. Good shit.

I want to learn to code, but then I see stuff like this and I get scared off. Is it worth it, Anons?

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She is working on Elona, isn't she?

More worrying is the fact that the quirks of quantum mechanics and relativity seem to be key mechanics that drive the processes that allow for life to exist.
It's almost like that ML project to design circuit boards that ended up with a solution with five gates in a closed loop that somehow affect the other gates through some semiconductor quirks.

Only if you got a goal with it or you hate everything else you could work as

Well if MC is isekai-OP then we don't see such things happen except for the obligatory part where he solves someone else's bug with a wave of his hands.

as a cs major, it pretty cool if you don't value your mental health or social life

It really depends on what kind of person you are. If you like taking things apart at a conceptual level, and building complex ideas with them, then you'll do fine.

Then why have it described as programming code? Couldn’t you just have, say magic chants like normal?

Well, it's only to be expected from the trial-and-error process that is natural selection. It would be a lot more worrying if it wasn't the case and it turned out life was completely free of lower order effects and relied entirely on macro-effects. After all quantum effects were there all along, not some sort of alternative set of laws that only come into being when things get complicated. It's not like as if everything dead or alive isn't actually reliant on quirks of quantum mechanics in the first place.

it's just a flavor of magic, something that adds spice to it. Depending on the setting it could be better or worse of than normal magic, its fictional afterall

It's not that different compared to Tolkien, really. In Middle Earth the only being that can create is Eru (God), everyone else, including Melkor and Sauron, can only transform/corrupt. This ties directly into the whole focus on crafting of things that you see throughout the books. Elves by virtue of being immortal and not being restless like humans can dedicate their entire immortal lives to a single craft, so let's say an elf loves making chairs, eventually he'll get so good at making chairs that they'll be capable of flight or instantly healing it's user from back pains. Same goes for Sauron when he created The Ring, which he poured his essence, his evil and malice, into it to the point of essentially being a wraith when he doesn't have the ring on his finger.

Magic just "working" without an explanation that fits inside the world's metaphysics is just lazy writing.

If you're writing a setting or system where magic is present, you should only invoke complexity or intricacy if it serves the narrative or game.

The fact that mages have to build their spells in assembly is only interesting for programming nerds unless there's something tangible and relevant to that distinction.

"My magic system is based on pointers, which means that mages spend a lot of their time collecting conditions, locations and values from the world to apply them as effects" is a potentially interesting caveat.

"My magic system is coded in Java because I like Java, and think my players/readers will like Java too" isn't really a good plan.

>"My magic system is coded in Java because I like Java, and think my players/readers will like Java too" isn't really a good plan.
My game is made by an autist for autists, they are going to love/hate bicker about which school of magic is superior, C family, perl or some vm code

You cloud do better then.

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Do you think chants are fucking random or something? That the words and sentence structure used in them have no rules governing them?

Of course they have structure to them, but acting as if saying magic words and nailing the intonation, tone and pronucianation, as well as doing it on the right day are important isn’t the same as say, creating a variable by typing it into a system and expecting the system to obey. Programming language isn’t exactly the same as human languages.

They can?
It all depend on the setting after all.

Attached: 2fc.png (953x530, 344K)

is this the thread?

That isn't a programming language though.

Attached: 1548714550766.png (1700x1700, 2.45M)

>That isn't a programming language though.
It's Turing complete, hell even css is even if you have to do some really crazy hacky stuff

Nekomimi online

But not sane person will go that far when you have reliable and easy to use programming languages, I think.

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Since that other user didn't post his screencap, I did my own.

Attached: magic as programming.png (1852x374, 31K)

I got my bachelor, but do I need to read this?

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Excuse me is this the ISEKAI THREAD?

This could be simplified into two lines of code.

Does it look like one?

>But not sane person will go that far when you have reliable and easy to use programming languages, I think.
The majority of facebook is written in php, it's entirely possible to write self contained programs in php running on vm's too. Still I prefer js/ts for webdev

>I got my bachelor, but do I need to read this?
All good programmers expand their horizon by reading books, there are a few timeless classics such as Code Complete, The Pragmatic Programmer, Clean Code, Working Effectively with Legacy Code and The Clean Coder. Shit there's more and especially withing specific languages / domains.

Don't get complaced in your current jig

Attached: 1540584157155.gif (400x471, 289K)

It looks like a off tpoic g thread without the trap posting my dude

This is the programming thread, shitty self-insert fics go elsewhere.

At least it's not off-topic slavery posting. On-topic slavery posting is always fine.

Attached: 68476598_p0.jpg (1468x1076, 212K)

Fuck off my dude, every piece of media is made for wish fulfillment and self insertion, go try to fit in somewhere else

Off-topic slavery posting is pure cancer. On-topic is only detestable, but you do you.

as american, i must deny every and all slavery posting

literally the plot of alicization

>every piece of media is made for wish fulfillment and self insertion

Attached: Projection.jpg (640x601, 76K)

>magic system runs on java

Attached: java.png (519x396, 89K)

>go try to fit in somewhere else
I'm sure there is an isekai thread somewhere here for a projecting loser like you.

>that one mage that just copies everything from the Grimoire of Google
I would be like that. If you can copy, you should copy. Don't be an idiot mage user.

I've started saving SICP edits only recently.
It's the greatest piece of culture 4channel is producing.

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Thanks for the clarification. I've been job hunting out of uni and been feeling stuck. I'll look into those books.

Attached: not so smug anymore.png (773x570, 175K)

>trying to prepare for technical onsite
>keep procrastinating

Want to be job buddies?
these books aren't best way to get job desu

Attached: 1541780861152.jpg (438x438, 20K)

I'm the kind of guy that understands something if I look at real examples. Not reading books. Is that bad?

>your mom will never cure cancer to anyone in the area by giving you a kiss

Attached: d6.png (2250x1600, 1.69M)

>Couldn’t you just have, say magic chants like normal?
When you get down to it most magic chants boil down to being either prayers/requests to gods/demons/spirits, or issuing commands to gods/demons/spirits/reality. Phrasing the requests/commands as programming code instead of some sort of poem is just an alternative way of doing things, and may be more appealing to people who want their magic system to feel a bit different than the norm, or to equate it to a modern day skill.

Watch convention videos.

Some good books, some bad books, some irrelevant books. I wish /g/ actually knew what topics these books touch, instead of being /pol/cucks seeking tech support.

Attached: 1556729449536.jpg (1280x720, 781K)

WHich are bad hmmm?

>When you learn more about coding in a fucking isekai thread than you did in class.

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Sure. I got an offer from a bootcamp sort of deal. It sounds like comp classes with the all day cramming in the lab. They want me to do more of their online stuff for another interview.
Thanks, I'll go through all these videos.

Attached: 1551544706172.jpg (558x698, 63K)

>these books aren't best way to get job desu
nah they won't give him a job and it's definitely no short term solution, but reading two books each year should be a good goal to improve your skills.

Keep at it, getting a programming jig isn't hard, getting a good one is another thing but that's more of a personal skill thing

>implying there’s not a base program magic in place that stops everything from effecting the whole system, world and person
Sloppy job monkey.

You have bachelors in cs? I don't see why'd you need bootcamp unless you graduated awhile ago and have some big gap on your resume.
You have to focus on fixing up where you're failing.
If you can't even get phone screen/responses then focus on resume.
If you get phone screen but panic, work on that.

Read SICP.
A lot of the people who fucking write this shit in a story need to read it too.
See that fucking wizard on the cover?

I took a VLSI course and everyone I knew basically commented that it was spell diagramming.

That last one sounds straight out of a Tales series game, and I love that shit.

>tfw you look up programming socks on Amazon
>tfw you get that exact pair
Meme magic.

Attached: sicp.jpg (931x1398, 194K)

Be careful with these bootcamps, if they just teach you how to write some simple stuff in one language (probably python or javascript), without teaching you what's actually going on, you're being taken for a ride. The best weapon you have for getting a job in programming is a portfolio, so if they teach you enough for you to start making thing on your own, get yourself a github, and a free trial on one of the cloud vendors (AWS, gcloud, azure, etc), and just start making things. Being able to say "I made x, using y, here's how I did it, and here's what I learned" is by far the best way to get hired.

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How to talk? I don't really use any social media stuff but I have dormant accounts I can use or email or whatever.
We're all gonna make it.

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How do you beat the magic code? is there a source somewhere? do I need to go destroy the electric magic mountain or key line that are generating the mana?

>expecting me to believe for a single solitary second that a programmer wouldn't just pirate the pdf version of the book.

Yeah, nah.

Attached: Trava.png (1276x881, 1.44M)

>tfw know python
Does this mean I'd be able to do magic n' shit if I got isekai'd?
Could I summon some hot bitches and weed?

>import hot_bitches
>import weed
it is python, after all

The trick with Tales Of games is that their magic systems are explicitly magic with a ruleset rather than using an external ruleset.

Expheres being effectively mana capacitors/reactors, Fonons being tied to magic as music,

I must admit, In retrospect I kinda like my example. I'll try polishing it up.

How would it work? Java doesn't run on real time

There's a fat server running JVM running whole universe.
People in the universe by definition won't notice gc pauses.

I got a bachelor in Information Science. I do have some programing experience, but I guess I need to buckle down on building up a portfolio. I like databases though. Guess I should focus on building some up. I got a call about a possible meeting, but they never called.

Thanks I'll keep trying.
I have a github so I'll start looking into those cloud vendors. I guess I could try cataloging all anime I've seen and making a side database for books so I can present that one on my portfolio.
Email could work, but it's always risky to put that stuff out. I'm rooting for you though. We can make it.

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just convert all of the cakes into JSON and back again into cakes and that'll solve your issue.

That's a terrible universe.

>How would it work? Java doesn't run on real time
There was actually a java 6 embedded system that ran java bytecode natively


>import hot_bitches, weed
>hotbitch1=hot_bitces.create_waifu(tsundere, DD, pink panties)

fuck I had a typo it would show up as an error

also shit I forgot to make those values strings, fuck I'm rusty after spending the summer being a hikki. Also anyone here willing to hire a weeb with a decent understanding of python but mediocre gpa?

I'm not a programmer but this thread would help me a lot on my worldbuilding

Esoteric programming languages are basically magic. Pic attached is hello world in piet. An actual magic one is
>Malbolge (the 8th circle of Hell) was designed to be the most difficult and esoteric programming language. Among other features, code is self-modifying by design and the effect of an instruction depends on its address in memory.

or you know, my little pony friendship is magic code, however gay that is
>FiM++ is an object-oriented programming language based on the My Little Pony television show.[10] FiM++ programs read like plain English, in the style of the show's 'friendship reports'.

Attached: Piet_Program_Hello_World(1).gif (143x143, 16K)

Good god, that is hilarious.

You guys could always make an IRC channel.

>my little pony friendship is magic code
This entire thread is the real magic.

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>under that system you can eventually input the “become admin” command and become god with one spell
Alicization is the gift that keeps on giving.

witch hat atelier does it

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You mean the same series that restrict magic to the elites only and any muggle that figure out that everybody can do magic will be killed/mind wiped?

That's part of the society, but the magic system is there.

>god-mode with someone who has enough time to type
You're working with basic primitives, not directly doing shit like cell_lifespan=MAX_INT or some shit (admittedly, that example would probably give the user cancer if it worked).
Go try and write a program to predict the day's weather for exactly one year from now.
Here's a better example. It's not just a Linux distro either.

TempleOS is considered impressive because the guy was literally crazy (admittedly, he was sanest when discussing technical topics -- veer anywhere off that path and he's textbook schizo). He deliberately wrote it as a "modern day C64", filling it with features that made it fun to program in and for rather than to do any kind of real work, so it does things like compile all programs at runtime, allow for images, sound, and 3D models in documents and as part of source, it's all ring 0 so you can completely control the machine as you will, etc, etc.
He was interested in x86-64 long, long, long before it became the norm, so he made it a 64-bit OS.

Like, yeah, writing an OS is difficult, but people routinely overstate its difficulty. It's a lot of work, and it's a lot of very low-level work, however.
There's still hard bits like proper scheduling, memory management, process management, dynamic linking, writing a compiler or getting one to output binaries for your OS, writing or porting libraries. Also, testing it on hardware.

Malbolge was some next-level shit. Still kinda is.
It took YEARS before anyone figured out how to program for it.

It's the closest thing we have to magic spells in our world.

But that means that magic isn't like programming. Programming is accessible to everyone. Not only the elites. Heck, most elites don't even know programming.

"God" would be the guy maintaining the server the "world" is running on.

>Programming is accessible to everyone
Most people are too dumb to ever be able to program anything.

Availability isn't an issue inherent in the activity, its due to social convenience
Thats like saying tennis isnt like badminton because badminton was a sport intended to be played for the social elite

I can imagine there would be gods lazy enough to remember his login details and just leave it in plain text somewhere in the world. Then some lucky isekai wizard manage to accidentally find it.

>mana memory leak
I'm now extremely disappointed that I haven't seen this in any media before.

Programming is fun. That being said, it's easy to fuck up, and if your program is in any way non-trivial, it's easy to fuck up in a way that you can't figure out why it's fucking up.

>Programming is accessible to everyone.
Think of it like the early days of computing (eg, 50s into the 70s), where you had to either be in a large business, a university, or a research center to be a programmer, it wasn't like the 80s onward where everyone had (or could get) a computer and could get to writing code if they tried.

Good point.
join ##isekaiprogramming

But people didn't kill someone if they know how to program even in in the 50s.

>What is therac

When will I finally be able to block the entire Chinese language?
I'm tired of their yaoi garbage cluttering up the feed.

>Double Shedy chapters today
Shedy is love, Shedy is life.


Attached: 662a3c688218285de511397f3d9a7b92014.jpg (1115x1600, 483K)

Yeah what is threac?

You might want to say which server you're referring to
Also, can I be your guy's friend as well?

I just made it off a Nickname Serv. Jump in.

No, I mean which server, like freenode ircnode, rizon, etc

Oh rizon. Sorry I'm not too knowledgeable about IRC.

>programmings hard
It’s tedious, that ain’t the same as hard. Most people could do alot of it.

The funny thing is that it was supposed to be the GATE thread

Attached: bromo_homo.png (844x1200, 285K)

Gatefags are numerous enough to fill a thread, babies first gate style isekai and modern army vs medieval soldiers anime.

it's the only gate-style isekai and modern army vs medieval soldiers anime


There aren't enough gate style isekai. Or artists willing to draw extra lewd images of their characters.

*kills 200 nip tourists behind you*

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Would love to see a magic system written like a programming library.
Mahouka kinda tickled the idea.

I'm talking about one with the programming errors does the English one have that?

are villainesses out of style now?

I call this the "Everyone's caught up to what's available" moment.

It's a niche subgenre but there are definitely "villaness" stories being put out.

MC-kun is /ourguy/

isn't the CEO the father of the shota mage?
makes perfect sense

You could have just said Uncanny Valley

>Please read the title again.

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Why even bother having descriptions with titles like these?

Doesn't magic 'bugs' occurs in all sorts of work including anime? Its like one of the most common plot device.

Agriculture is the new hotness.


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I picked up a chink villainess one recently.

A pity that the only times I see them being done correctly is in fucking porn.

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Maybe you need to make the proper preparations and have an appropriate constitution to house large amounts of mana in the first place without exploding? Of course you could possibly use different magic code to alter your body and become a better vessel, but what if that goes wrong as well? It would take an incredible level of preparation and time to increase your basic specs to really high levels through magic code. Hypothetically

what about TV?

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Only in telenovelas.

I have not watched TV in decades.

>Done correctly

Attached: 1388064651200.png (253x253, 35K)

point conceded

Lemme guess, she burned everything down? I haven't watched any of the final season so I honestly have no clue how it ended besides pissing everyone off.

Oh, you haven't watched anything?

Attached: Arya NK.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>la goblina

By "read" do people mean "work through"?

Merely reading SICP won't help you in any significant way. One has to do a majority of the exercises (80%+)

I knew about what went down in the siege of winterfell but that's really it. Mainly because of all of the TW:Warhammer channels doing their best armchair general take on it

>Merely reading SICP
Merely reading anything won't help you. You always have to practice it.

It's more like the complete opposite, with hand signs, ki etc. there's willing suspension of disbelief, since they are inherently mystical. Magic Programming is weird because we know how programming works and can explain every step of the way so magic sticks out like a sore thumb unlike when its steeped in century old mysticism.

You don't have to make it explicit. Just do something like a fanfic of SAO did, but don't explain the reasoning behind the entire system.

Which programming languages are for chads, and which languages are for plebs?

Assembly is for chads, everything else is for plebs



>doing nothing useful is a chad thing
You are retarded, user.

>doing nothing useful

> All patrols, we have emergency. Apprentice mage in Foo Village forgot minus sign in fireball's lifetime decrementation code
> All patrols, stray Earth Golem with uninitialized HP variable roams the streets of the C++apital. Deploy breakpoints and overwrite his HP.
> All patrols, problems on the build site. Wrong comparison operator, tower that's being build keeps spawning floors. Stop the process immediately, before the stack of floors overflows.
> All patrols, we have report about new portal in C++apital. Apparently it kills everyone who enters, and creates new person on the other side. Deassemble it and add missing reference operator.

It was good 20 years ago when we still cared a lotabout efficiency. Now you are only gimping yourself by using it.

villainess /g/ in a world where magic is programming

yay or neigh?

chad: scratch
pleb: machine code

Attached: scratch.jpg (900x550, 57K)

You're a dumbass. C is still used in lots of places, especially anything low level and on GNU/Linux.
It's also stupid fags like you how don't care about efficiency which cause things like phones to have fucking awful battery lives.

which is it?

absolutely not in embedded systems, where it's still king

still trying to brainstorm my fanfiction where the MC is reincarnated as Joffery Baratheon

she burned everything down AFTER they surrendered

>All patrols, we have report about new portal in C++apital. Apparently it kills everyone who enters, and creates new person on the other side. Deassemble it and add missing reference operator.
B-but muh immutability

it's not hard to be fine
just turn a new leaf and be a genuinely nice lad and you don't get poisoned by the tyrells
maybe propose to dany

>Savage Divinity
Holy shit, this is somewhat good. Thanks, anonymous.

half his conflict is about trying to figure out which continuity
the other half is how he's going to be a dragonlord

Someone who remembers modern magic and the pan magic? And the triple blink in the OP?

I am so proud of you user!

Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir. One part I enjoy is that unlike other villainess novels, the MC doesn't know everything about the other characters just because she read the book/played the game which leads to a lot of false impressions because of these missing pieces.

I actually forgot about the pans until I was looking for a good image of using a phone for magic and just settled on that one. It's been far too long since watching it, although listening to the op/ed has been more recent.

If magic is based on a programming language, it is a strong argument that the world is a digital simulation / the Matrix. You can change the ruleset of the world by changing the digital codes.

My user of amazing taste!

Had to listen to the OP again. It is so nostalgic.

Not necessarily, a programming language can just be how they instruct their instruments to affect the natural world.

Then we can probably program another language to instruct the tool on what to do.

What about Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru?

programming languages are generalizations on a circuit that executes well known functions, and those circuits are built on boolean logic.
there's no reason wizards couldn't do the same thing.
A simple fireball spell would be a good example of an ASIC, or dedicated circuit designed to produce a fireball which looks nothing like a programming language because the spell is made out of foundational components.

But if someone were to perform nontrivial acts of magic (for some definition of trivial) they would likely require some amount of abstraction, which could perhaps lead to a state machine, but definitely something approaching procedural programming.

What's the difference between "Alohomora" and "Lock::get(this.finger.getObjectAt()).open()"?

That's interesting!

It's great probably one of my favorite isekais to date volume 9 never.

this the first time an isekai thread is discussing more than just the usually suspects (minoposting, slavery, "isekai is shit", femMCs, elves and beastkin, /u/, chinkshit, the n-word, etc)

>Wizards need to write long complicated program scripts to create magic. A study that takes up their entire lives just so they can release a spell or two with their name on it
>Sorcerer chads with their max CHA and stunning good looks, and ability to awaken the ancient power in their blood just make it happen and live a life of hedonism
Who'd want to be a wizard

No one would want to be, but if your dad didn't fuck a dragon he didn't fuck a dragon. Not much you can do about it.

>tfw Rudi is such a moron that he never figured out to use weights
>could have been almost Badi tier swole and crushed half the people who would shit on him if he bothered

I don't mind the idea of magic controlled by a programming language but there has to at least be something connecting something as high level as a "programming language" to the more fundamental "machine code" stage and from there to the actual underlying "electrical" operations. After all at the end of the day, magic is like electricity it doesn't give a fuck about your languages, forcing it to obey a language is something we humans did by making electric powered logic gates and putting them together in a programmable way.

Attached: 434.png (133x265, 62K)

I can believe in magic being a type of programming if it is written in some kind of divine language that completely boggles the minds of mortals. They know that calling function "Ultima" will fuck things up, but cannot comprehend how it works.

so what reads the spell code?
how do write the spell code? on old timey punched cards?
can you stop people from getting their code read by flooding whatever reads the code with your own spell codes?

Everyone seems to conclude that if magic has a programming language, the runtime model would assume digital computers that mirror our modern paradigm of a computer.
It's entirely feasible such a system could come out resembling HTML more than C++.

This is a good thread
Also thanks for the (You)s And for people still on the fence about Magic not like being programming, explained it best. It's most widely used function would be in enchanting objects with specialized scripts, and the generic mage's staff would be their portfolio of compiled codes/tools, the staff acts as the computer (it doesn't even need to be a staff, anything with surface area to inscribe on would work, materials effect execution speed and power needed, though). Their spellbook would be their source code and the mages with the most sought after spells would be in constant danger of having their spellbooks stolen.
Still trying to figure out how encryption, decompilers, malicious code, and worms might work.

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