can we have a Bokurano thread?
this is good. did anyone not cry during this? if yes, are you emotionally blocked?
can we have a Bokurano thread?
this is good. did anyone not cry during this? if yes, are you emotionally blocked?
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It works as a cosmic horror story and only that.
I don't know man. It's a pretty good manga but what's there to talk about? We all know it's good, but its time to move on.
All I remember is that the teacher was shit.
I don't know talk about the story and the characters, the differences between anime and manga etc.
Only recently completed or ongoing series are allowed on Yea Forums?
I need to finish this, I got like half-way through.
It was really wierd, he was the most unredeemable character yet do they not just let him get off scot free
It was good. The antagonists' identity being ambiguous till the end amplified the dread and hopelessness.
I've only read the manga though.
There's a little whore that fucks old men too.
The mom of that kid who was also a scientist was the worst.
I was surprised to learn that the manga was even darker, considering that the anime basically pulled no punches and made the world utter hell for absolutely everyone.
Good but it was just too much of undiluted "we live in a society" for my tastes, Narutaru did the same but better in my opinion, emphasizing character growth and ramping up the sci-fi feel.
I never saw this as a sci-fi even when there's a giant mech. The mech was just to drive home the fact that humanity is fucked no matter what against the cosmic entity that can easily wipe them out so they have no choice but to play the game with the gundam given to them. The battle between the mechs are neat but the pilot and their character arc before it was the real focus.
Started to get boring after episode 7, always the same shit each episode. Only finished it because Im a /m/echa fag
the manga is even more fucked up
It hurt me.
It had a fantastic OP.
I thought it was comedy
anime is kinda shit but manga is great
What would I give to get faithful adaptions of Bokurano and Narutaru. Also Wings of Vendemiaire which is criminally overlooked.
Is the anime worth watching? I've only read the manga which was pretty good.
The manga was amazing. I really hate what they did with Koemushi in the anime. Although, some poeple actually prefer his anime personality.