ITT Pointless character design

Attached: wtf.jpg (341x525, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1491492620282.jpg (707x1000, 81K)

Fuck you

Attached: 1414936411548.jpg (1130x1920, 701K)

You should not mess with powers you do not understand.

Attached: 73037.jpg (360x448, 62K)

Good joke.

Attached: chadcerned expression.jpg (360x360, 17K)

Attached: 1556480345931.png (644x995, 197K)

Why do I see this fag face so much lately?


Attached: what_in_the_world_is_a_shoebill_6_new_stateman.jpg (1280x800, 402K)

Attached: Paladin de bikini.jpg (850x978, 175K)

cause this dude was probably that
>i have no punchline
shitposter who was posting this face all night.

>Ponytail to the left
>No crotch plate
>Odd number of drills
>Nothing blue below the waist except for her waffle, maybe
>Lipstick on the battlefield

I both hate and love it at the same time, impressive

Attached: 1229806688310.png (960x320, 375K)

Not that useless. When all your characters look the same and you do closeups, this seems like it would be useful.

those fucking crooked legs. they don't look cute, they look retarded. case in point:

Attached: e26203de44df8913ed3fda5aa1d0dc041543327445_full.png (640x395, 142K)

Attached: 1543937160407.png (1963x2855, 1.93M)

This is some kind of eldritch horror


Only for (you)

Attached: 704.jpg (800x450, 31K)

Shinka's chest is perfect.
Poor MC got destroyed by such a hot girl.

It's a DETAIL. It gives her character that tiny bit more depth.

literal autism

Attached: hairclip IT'S YOU AND ME YOU KNOW IT'S MY DESTINY.jpg (500x352, 42K)

Utterly pointless

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg (800x530, 73K)


Turning legs in makes the hips wider and accentuates the female form

First thing that came to mind for some reason

Attached: Screenshot_20190519-075422.jpg (1440x703, 415K)

Attached: Them's fighting words.jpg (720x833, 32K)

How is this pointless if the point of this hair style is to make her more menacing?

The most impressive thing is the detail to her hair.