How much better would your favorite anime be if the entire cast were replaced by adorable and hilarious characters?

How much better would your favorite anime be if the entire cast were replaced by adorable and hilarious characters?

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Much more cunning

Nothing change.

Ichigo Mashimaro went downhill ever since Barasui started drawing them in the digital uguu round face like new Bersek instead of keeping same artstyle.

but what if my favorite anime is already full of adorable and hilarious characters

I need to see more adorable and hilarious characters before I can form my opinion.

I don't have a punchline.

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Then you are a true renaissance man and I admire your exquisite taste

I’ll help you with that, how do you feel about little girls?

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Imagine the smell

Imagine the taste

Me on the floor being hugged by the nopan loli

Hey, you're drooling

What are you implying? It should smell very nice, like sweets and shampoo.

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Would you rather have a loli’s head in your lap or your head in a loli’s lap?

Zero. It would be boring.

You sound very boring yourself.

It would turn into yuritrash. If the males stay the same, then it would improve immensely.

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>kiss x sis but the sisters are js

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It already has a great and cute cast.

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You can fix every anime by making the girls JS and the male MC over 25.

>loli gunbuster
10/10 would watch

I don't have a favorite that isn't full of adorable and hilarious characters


>Kemono Friends
I'd have a heart attack if Serval and Kaban were cute and funny on top of being adorable and heartwarming.


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>inb4 LRD

Based! I just want a loli to burp in my face.

Kill yourself

But IM is my favourite anime.

Why can't we have a proper Mui x Chika doujin instead?

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Me as the nopan loli

>reading manga

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Me behind the camera wanking vigorously

>not reading the source material
Secondaries are CUTE!

Hey, get off me

Exactly the same.

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Fuck lolis

The manga is much better than the anime


The second.

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Imagine spreading Yui’s little loli legs and playing with her cute and funny place

I love l@lis

How would Yui react? Would she be curious and reluctantly allow you to continue? Would she be afraid and start tearing up?

She’d definitely be scared at first because she’s never felt such pleasure before and is afraid of her first orgasm. She might even ask you to stop but she’s clearly enjoying it.

Kigurumi sex with Nina

Attached: [HorribleSubs] THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater (TV) - 46 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.28_[2019.05. (1280x720, 164K)

Be the loli.

It got worse.

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I was about to point out how that's not possible, but apparently it is.
I want to impregnate Nina years before her first period!

That's not how it works. A period marks the end of a menstrual cycle, but the cycles don't start at all until a while into puberty.

For me it's Chika.

For meu it's Miu.

For me, it’s all of them

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For me, it’s the Colors

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my favorite anime is just adorable and hilarious characters

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Fuck the Colors