Best girl

best girl

Attached: 1553997780460.jpg (1200x1697, 347K)

Other urls found in this thread:


smelly foot

bad fetish and a bad girl.

Attached: 1536731913307.png (800x800, 684K)

feets yumy

Luka a best.

Attached: 1854.jpg (640x895, 101K)

i see you have the best girl there

Attached: 2019-05-19_081007.png (90x90, 21K)

Sexiest girl!

Attached: sexualize Miku.webm (1280x720, 1.1M)

For all the footfags out there

Attached: 1862.jpg (640x880, 92K)

Attached: slutty miku.webm (512x288, 2.6M)

Obligatory fap material.

IMAGINE cumming in her pussy repeatedly without worry of pregnancy.

I'm sure that by the time Miku is real, that there will be artificial wombs. And that all female androids will be required by law to have one.

Attached: 1554862886470.gif (400x371, 1.28M)

Wokada makes the best mikus

Better Miku coming through

Attached: Nakano.Miku.full.2499480.png (1655x2536, 2.95M)

I see gifs from this video posted frequently on the vocaloid thread in /jp/ so please tell me the sauce so I can finally fap

Seasonal trash tier girl that will be forgotten in 10 years. Miku? 11 + years and still strong.

Attached: dd4c84a5b4dae7f6f0fc7438c4ed6c76.jpg (824x1500, 177K)
I only know this one song.
RIP little Minerva.

Attached: 1554803478284.gif (400x548, 2.14M)

Attached: miku !!!.jpg (850x850, 242K)

Finally, thank you

Attached: 31D94F66-5B75-477A-86DD-CE213D14AD96.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)

Attached: 8e4db656e5572dcd39f6ba950c1c0157.gif (1024x768, 2.93M)

Based wokadaposter

Miku Hatsune has literally no redeeming personality features. She's just a nice design, no actual character.

Miku is an anime character on Shinkalion though, therefore she can have her own waifu thread on Yea Forums

Attached: 2D9F2C7E-4714-40E0-8541-C6BB0934A154.jpg (800x822, 164K)

I'm gonna die because all my blood is flowing to my penis.

One of the advantages of having a small penis: less blood loss.

post the "other" one

Also visit
Lots of good lewd Miku there.

Attached: 1525546142_VYLL0faGBTeRM9BN_Source.mp4_snapshot_02.15_[2019.04.09_19.25.46].jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

I want to die between Miku's legs.

Attached: 1546641092785.png (800x1200, 3.66M)

Thank you user-sama!~

Attached: 0065_10666685_p0_55291820100515_2257.png (750x1200, 725K)

Except I want to cum in her with worry of pregnancy

Always happy to help fellow Miku enthusiast!

Attached: 8c8ec52a7e2b76afe6233d7230f3f5c8.jpg (905x1200, 212K)

best and superior

Attached: 73056207_p3.png (960x1200, 849K)

Which is better, Miku doing the bullying or Miku being bullied?

Attached: __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_wokada__868ccdc24376fc0cf14e6962deccd695.png (1000x1753, 1.04M)

Says the idiot watching 5 retarded sisters

Why can't we be friends

Attached: IMG_0889.jpg (1800x1282, 582K)

They are already good "friends".

Attached: 43dc0bb5e7c3b1979ea7c56f6e64c43e.jpg (1000x1023, 670K)

Rare thread

Attached: Y07ZOoS.jpg (1366x768, 121K)

bully Miku? no way...

Attached: file.gif (500x281, 869K)

I'll bully miku

i like this kind of friendship

Attached: 69874002_p0.jpg (2500x1659, 2.27M)

Luka was a mistake

Attached: 1403127568270.png (1200x1200, 1.65M)

>Luka was a mistake
Kys, homo.

Attached: 18bfdab22f5da05ff0405bb39f4f7a85.jpg (1600x1200, 1.15M)

Luka is great, she was the first vocaloid that could sing in english without sounding like it was having a stroke.

Miku was my waifu

Attached: 1521772504768.png (1800x2386, 3.28M)



Attached: 2019-05-19_120443.png (270x180, 105K)


Why must you hate her. She's sweet and reserved and not even a bother. You can usually ignore her if she isn't your type, unlike Miku.

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too old

Attached: 1548067808141.png (861x889, 853K)

My nibbas

Attached: IMG_0896.png (1269x886, 851K)

I love her so much.

Attached: 1486509527828.jpg (775x1037, 299K)

agree, Luka is a cutie too

Attached: 72937052_p0.png (595x842, 475K)

She's my one and only

Attached: 1893.jpg (446x600, 86K)

There was this one song on youtube sang by Gakupo and Miku, the title was in japanese and while I couldn't understand a single word I'd feel like it was a tragic love song. This was like 10 years ago, the song got deleted because it was probably stolen from niconico. I can't find it again and it's been so long that I can't even remember the melody, I can only vaguely remember the drawing in the video.
Lost forever, I wish I could hear it one more time.

Attached: sadness.gif (500x376, 52K)

Im glad Vocaloid scene died out. K-pop wins again baby

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Why does so much art focus on her feet?

Attached: based strelok.png (1275x666, 645K)

What a silly question.

Get out of here, stalker.

Pretty girls

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Attached: u_mad.png (1211x880, 856K)

She's my green princess

Attached: 67647288_p0.jpg (750x950, 283K)

Is Miku green or blue?


Hatsune Miku is literally for boomers now.

And I am literally a boomer. What's the problem?

There's a whole sect of zoomers who's first sexual experience was to Vocaloids

Quick, post your favorite picture of Miku.

Attached: 1546466050298.jpg (960x1358, 800K)

>Screw the rules, I have green hair!

Attached: 1557129501268.png (1040x1280, 2.19M)

here, one of my favorites

Attached: 61509722_p0.jpg (1260x1995, 1.04M)

How come doesnt Miku have good doujins?

Attached: Hatsune.Miku.full.864613.jpg (773x1083, 175K)

Attached: DFHo9VFVYAApfvI.jpg (650x948, 90K)

Arumans Miku is so hot. I've fapped to her so many times. Wish he'd draw pubes on his other pics too.

Thanks for censoring that, I almost threw up


Attached: __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_wokada__561b43486a69fe8f75f8ed6247539572.jpg (1000x1000, 154K)

Watch Shinkalion

Attached: 1533569938283.jpg (3840x2160, 1022K)

Cyan, Aquamarine or Torqouise.
Teal is too dark.

Attached: miku color.png (807x1302, 57K)

Thank god you censored that!
I would be offended if it was not!


>being disgusted by girl's natural body

Attached: luka nude.png (901x1200, 1.14M)

The uncensored is absolutely divine

Attached: 32323.jpg (2303x1630, 771K)

Attached: 1544996904213.jpg (1200x675, 94K)

>without worry of pregnancy.
Then what's the point of having sex?

Attached: 1443601568182.png (683x623, 316K)

Attached: miku and rin on a beach nude.jpg (3000x2160, 1.13M)

Short haired Rin is the only version that gets me going. Any version of miku is enough though

Does Miku even have any good songs other than this, which also sounds better when sung by humans?

Attached: 03d68dc1.jpg (730x810, 84K)

Uhhh source?

>he gets off to hair
Fucking disgusting degenerate

Attached: 1548405951816.png (540x676, 247K)

>he doesn't know how to use image search

It's not even Monday yet.

Are you saying we cannot have a Miku thread on any other day than Monday?

Attached: __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_ohjin__b9be5b0482ff05482fa08e7f268b0eed.png (1147x893, 453K)

Its a healthy aversion

Yes. It is verboten.


I want to be her slave for ever

>not liking girls who look flashy and colorful even when naked

This. Nipple piercings a SHIT

You mean

Hard no.

Oh yeah? Since when miku speaks without her robotic voice? As i thought, she's fake miku

Did this faggot watched like 10 anime in his life?

Hard yes. Pubes are gross, matte and smelly bacteria infested hives. Piercings are clean and shiny

Based retard.

Ever heard of soap?
And piercings are worse than pubes, as they can easily get infected.

>i like damaged goods that participate in ritual masochism in the name of beauty
"Yikes" as the redditors say.

Me on the bottom.

Attached: Miku.jpg (1002x1416, 180K)

how many silly disputes

Attached: d37ndlt.jpg (500x500, 169K)

can i join

Me on the bottom.

Attached: 2.jpg (2389x2500, 1.01M)

>ywn digest miku alive

Attached: 1509411828074.png (201x345, 55K)

>I like vile creatures that dont go through the effort of shaving
At least people with piercings keep up the appearances

Attached: 1334744719082.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Both pubes and piercings are shit. Smooth skin or fuck off.

They certainly maintain the appearance of a degenerate.

Attached: 1412804324670.jpg (1000x1000, 144K)

>Piece of metal makes you a degenerate
okay fag


healthy Miku

Is it just my imagination or is Luka actually not popular anymore?

Attached: 716225-top-megurine-luka-wallpaper-1920x1080-for-1080p.jpg (1920x1080, 513K)

Yukari > Miku

Imagine the smell of all these smelly feets

Attached: 1550673868615.jpg (620x357, 20K)

>implying inNEPt would put effort into shaving or even washing
Neptune is a dirty, smelly and hairy mess.

I want to pee on Miku-chan.

Attached: miku.jpg (3000x4600, 2.32M)

God, imagine the smell of Nep after a 72-hour gaming sesh in a bean bag chair.

>not wanting Miku to pee on you

Attached: miku peeing.jpg (750x1000, 252K)

>in your mouth*
I fixed that for ya.

Why not both?

Attached: 1552824302371.jpg (1000x1493, 233K)

>shimapan under pantyhose
This may be one of the most dangerous combinations known to peniskind.

because it feels good

Attached: Zipper.png (1530x1414, 490K)

What is she about to do?
Describe in great detail.

Attached: 1509660823884.png (431x449, 174K)

take a steamy shit on the floor, she's been eating a diet of only chocolate super laxatives, coffee, corn and taco bell.

She? Nothing.
But she expects you to rip her pantyhose, push the panties aside and stick your raging erection into her pussy and fuck her like a bitch she is.

She's clearly fixing her skirt. She probably got dressed in a hurry and the back was bunched up. Another passenger noticed and let her know so she could adjust it.

Attached: Miku Luka.webm (720x406, 1.11M)

Soliciting offers from an older gentleman.

A shit

Is her poop cyan too? OwO

haha I bet it's striped
I wonder what it smells like haha

Miku doesn't poop.
But her pee is blueberry flavored and really sweet.