What the fuck is this shit?

What the fuck is this shit?

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The anime is the canon ending
The manga had the shittiest ending possible

The best love story ever told.

Long term planning, the anime.

It's bait.

Patrician taste: the story.

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Women favorite fetish after rape

is Yea Forums ready for Isekai Usagi Drop?

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Is this actually worth watching though?

How to groom your future wife.

it's pretty comfy and heart-warming, so yeah.

waifuing your daughter is so last decade, wanting to fuck your mom is going to be the new hotness.

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Instruction manual to raising a proper daughterwife - the only non-cucked way of raising a daughter.

How good is it compared to this?

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>Written by a woman

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haha, what a meme

I forced myself to slog through the Japanese version, even though I only understood about half of it. The male characters are all miserable, whiny brats. So, normal Japanese guys. The only likeable characters is the girl, and she ends up with Stockholm syndrome because of her controlling father. I seriously think the author has severe emotional issues. Probably grew up with a father like Daikichi and never recovered.

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The anime and movie ignore the manga second half because it was widely disliked and the ending so widely hated I'm actually surprised the mangaka went all the way with it. I usually dislike Editor meddlings too much but this had all the red lights I'm geniunely surprised it was allowed to continue down this path.
Even the people involved in adapting it disliked it.

Oh this is in reference to the manga. The anime version is different?

There's also a live-action version on YouTube but it's your usual garbage j-drama and only covers a small chunk of the timeline.

of course they ignored it, the second half is a timeskip, that's way too much material to adapt into anime or a movie.

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the adaptations also make them feel more like family and was done in purpose to not lead people to think it would ever have the same ending has the manga
the director of the anime even made a backhanded praise that was like "I'm glad they are happy but I'm conflicted"

It's the life story of Woody Allen.

I enjoyed the timeskip more when Rin started moving on Daikichi, teh Rin/Kouki teenage drama was garbage.

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SPOILER for the manga:

The girl grows up and becomes a senior high school student. She never dates anyone, even her childhood friend who is a whiny j-brat. She doesn't want to go to college, only live with her father and serve him. She finds out she is adopted, and meets her biological mother and her new husband. They hit it off. Her adoptive father is very controlling and immature and doesn't like that his daughter is talking to the bio mom. Nonetheless, the main girl falls in love with her dad and confesses to him. He shares the sentiment and they agree to get married in the future.

>completely skipping over puberty
I got into this manga thinking it would be about the parenting experience, but it's just your usual high school drama bullshit.

0/10 even the artwork is shit

she never considers him her father.
read the manga.

Guaranteed replies.

It's a great story about fatherhood.

At least the first half is.

But it's true

Based and Grover Cleveland-pilled

How to groom your Husband.

the greatest love story ever told

Nothing can compare to Barakamon. Speaking of which, I should get around to rewatching it.