Kaguya-Sama's Chika

My friend says that this character is the real villain of the series. is this true?

Attached: tenor.gif (400x300, 1.05M)

She is an agent of chaos.

she saved the prez several times

>watching this show with two other people
>One of them keeps saying "this bitch...." whenever Chika shows up

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she's the hero

Sasuga Kyoani, saving the industry!

the villian is kaguya's father and shinomiya's mom.
we're gonna see them intervene in the relationship later, there's a ton of foreshadowing like how kaguya has blackmail on her brother to use in negotiation and kei sided with the love daddy shirogane during the divorce.

shirogane's mom*

>mfw her giant titties barely jiggle

Attached: 2017.jpg (332x500, 72K)

Hold the phone, didn't A-1 pictures animate this? I get that you're memeing but try a little harder next time!

Attached: THAT'S A PROBLEM.png (480x124, 42K)