Who was actually best girl?

Who was actually best girl?

Attached: Azumanga.Daioh.full.883150.jpg (1100x1034, 523K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>Not knowing

You're not from around here, are you?

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Osaka, not even a debate

osaka hue hue

Tomo, the supreme baka


Based and correct


Tomo, everyone knows that.

t. homosexual

Tomo and Osaka KISSING

Kagura is best girl.

>mfw someone thinks Osaka isn't best girl

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Mr. Yukichi

This is like some sort of bell curve where the worst girls are in the middle

You remember the car crash copypasta

Post it.

Why do they look so creepy?



Chiyo-chan - best daughter
Osaka - best mind
Sakaki - best heart
Kagura - best soul
Yomi - best rounded
Tomo - irredeemably shit

the one who wanted a pet, I don't remember her name but she was my favorite and I wasted tons of semen to a doujin of her

Is this that Azumanga Dio show

user, this is lovelive s2

Now I'm hungry for jellyrolls.

Sakaki no contest.

More like



Ah! Americajin!

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It was Tomo, you all know this deep down.

Attached: tomo smug.gif (512x384, 148K)

There are a few valid answers.

I think we can all agree that Tomo is worstgirl, though.


Attached: Azumanga-Daioh-azumanga-daioh-9708435-800-524.jpg (800x524, 69K)

Definetely Sakaki


Attached: trying_to_beat_chiyo.png (640x3360, 2.26M)



Love U too

Why is Tomo so shit? She ruined the whole episode!

Attached: 1553025427300.webm (620x440, 909K)

being chiyo is suffering i dont think theres a single episode where something negative didnt happen to her

Why did she do this?

Because she's a cunt and a bully who isn't worthy of Yomi's friendship

Osaka of course

Which do you think was more people's first, Azumanga or Lucky star?

Brain damage.

Lol. Yes, that sounds about right.

I watched the first 10 mins of the 1st episode of Lucky Star but I didn't like it. Apparently it gets better / changes so may give it another shot in the future.

That's pretty much my approach to Lucky Star. 10 minutes of "Jesus fuck, people told me this was good?".

Sakaki taking the lead so far, as expected.

She felt like the pull to do something that was just explained to be very forbidden was irrestistable.

Yet she knows Yomi better than anyone and she's willing to put up with her.


>2007 otaku show with self-aware moe
>2002 comedy 4koma adaptation
LS by a mile purely by virtue of coming out when it did.

This scene drew an actual 'awww' out of me.
Still prefer Sakaki

Attached: yomi sick.jpg (640x480, 40K)


Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it,

I have the bus.

Attached: azumanga bus.jpg (640x480, 49K)

The ever first hentai-esque game I ever played was Azumanga Drug Lord on Newgrounds back in the early 2000's.

Was my favourite because there was actual tiddies of her.

Attached: azumanga holocaust 1.jpg (378x1078, 128K)

I like both Yukari and Tomo a lot because they are cute dummies that make me laugh

Attached: tomo.jpg (298x373, 14K)

Reminder, Sakaki-san is cool.

Attached: 1520006456105 Azumanga Sakaki-san is cool.jpg (1644x873, 132K)

The pink one.



Flexible and thicc



I want to fix osaka's hamstring inflexibility

I like Nyamo and Yomi. I guess I'm just drawn to women replete with common sense.

Outside tomo, I can accept any of them as best girl

Back around theturn of the millennium a friend somehow got a translated Azumanga book. Shit was so funny. I don't remember when I watched the show, but it was before LS.

It was more about watching it with Yea Forums really. I would imagine it to be insufferable now. The LS vs TTGL threads were a special kind of fun.

Sakaki's contest?

Attached: ching chong.png (581x443, 128K)


Attached: fgsfds.jpg (236x250, 13K)

I still haven't seen lucky star

Results so far:
>1st. Osaka
>2nd Sakaki
>3rd Kagura

osaka and sakaki are the indisputable best girls

Sakaki: SLI
Chiyo: EII
Tomo: SLE
Kagura: SLE
Osaka: SEI
Yomi: LII




you aren't missing much


Seems you are talking about personality testing right? So,
>Sakaki: SLI = ISTP
>Chiyo: EII = INFJ
>Tomo: SLE = ESTP
>Kagura: SLE = ESTP
>Osaka: SEI = ISFP
>Yomi: LII = INTJ (best)


Sakaki's Sakakis

Attached: lucky cat.jpg (640x480, 40K)


Attached: Osaka are.png (718x574, 440K)


Attached: chiyochichi.jpg (250x350, 9K)

>Sakaki-san towering over the crowd as a goddess among mortals when she's 174
That was when I learned that Nihonjin are really manlets

god I wish I were that cat


Attached: osaka.jpg (1280x960, 157K)

I am like Sakaki.

Attached: 1472872887802.png (346x1112, 68K)


Sakaki (RAITA ver.)

Ah, a fellow man of culture.

I wanna put a baby in that belly

Sorry, i'm not from London...


An Indian side dish of yogurt containing chopped cucumber or other vegetables, and spices.

While Azumanga has been out for longer, and I saw it before Lucky Star, LS is probably more people's first by now

For me? It's Koyomi "Yomi" Mizuhara.

Attached: 6354168_p0.jpg (566x800, 137K)

Prime breeding material.

Tomo is BREED

I suppose the one good thing about Tomo is I learned about Lupin III

Attached: tomo fujiko.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Tomo admitted having wild what?

Attached: tomo admitted what.jpg (640x480, 37K)

Attached: Sakaki and Maya.jpg (1440x1080, 805K)

hair down Chiyo, yes or no?

Attached: chiyo is not amused.jpg (640x480, 37K)

>Lupin III
I don't see the connection.


Claiming this thread for mai waifu

Attached: 1533138975093.jpg (752x863, 208K)

Tomo made a few very weak, very passing references to Lupin.

lol, did you post in the discord?

Either the tomboy girl or the girl who gets bitten by cats. I can't remember their names now.

Sorry user I don't use it

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Kagura and Sakaki?

Kagura is a real sensitive cry baby.

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 23 Last Sports Fest.mkv_snapshot_07.15_[2019.02.03_17.06.16].jpg (1440x1080, 157K)

F ;_;

Yes. Now I remember their names.

Japan has insane standards to consider her obese.

When asked what they want to be when they grow up she said she wanted to be like Fujiko then tried to imitate her trying to seduce Lupin

Tan lines

Anybody remember how some retards decided to use the opening for propaganda on youtube? Like the one that was taken down about rebelling against capitalism and the one that is still up having anti-vaccine messages in it?

>and the one that is still up having anti-vaccine messages in it?
yeah, i saw that one recently, what the hell is up with that

Isn't user's picture referencing the conversation when she has a haircut in third year saying she kept her hair long to resemble Fujiko?

that was probably it. Couldnt remember the exact reason she said she wanted to look like Fujiko

You didn't take the swine flu vaccine, right Yea Forums?

Attached: swine flu.png (765x561, 131K)

Bottom left of course.

Holy fuck, Sakaki is cute as shit in that image.

Kagura is the BEST girl



told, not wild. presumably telling Chiyo something obscene.


Sakaki or Osaka. I love them both too much to narrow it down to one.

osaka > sakaki > chiyo > tomo > yomi > kagura



Imagine what would have happened if Tomo actually got run over by that car in front of Yomi in that one chapter

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>The Mobile Student

That sounds about right.

Tomo a shit

>tfw ytmnd died a few days ago

Funny enough, those are the two characters whose first names are never given.

I wonder why we never learned their full names.

>doesn't post any face

The curse would be lifted and Yomi finally becomes skinny.



I wonder if it was a coincidence at first and then he felt like he couldn't just drop the name so late in. IIRC, Sakaki's actress was told Sakaki's name. Not sure if that's also the case with Kagura.

>Sakaki towers over everyone and her height gets played for laughs a few times
>She's only 174 cm

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Remember Chihiro

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 01 Miss Yukari.mkv_snapshot_06.14_[2019.02.03_17.17.30].jpg (1440x1080, 124K)

Japanese girls, mane

She's a good bit taller than some of the boys. You know in the rare instances we see them.



Also bump for best girl Ayumu-chan

Still taller than me

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I like to think that Sakaki probably doesn't like Tomo all that much and doesn't remember Osaka's real name

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 09 Miss Sakaki.mkv_snapshot_19.29_[2019.02.10_05.59.25].jpg (1440x1080, 86K)

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Attached: osaka determined.png (656x936, 458K)

Sakaki is canonically the second smartest after Chiyo isn't she?

too bad, she only loves me

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Ayumu loves all

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She didn't say that last night when I put my benis in her sweet CUNNY

Attached: osaka turn.gif (352x288, 1.72M)

The truth is simply that Osaka is the best anime character ever created. She transcends any concept of "best girl".

I don't think we ever saw to many of her grades but she seems to do well academically on the average. I can't say if she's particularly the smartest, I'd imagine Yomi would be but that's just megane bias.


Unironically this. She is perfection personified first onto paper then onto screen.

On one test she scores the second highest.

>not Lain
>not even Madoka if you're a shaftfag
>not Kotomine

Yomi scored higher.

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 13 Exams.mkv_snapshot_17.13_[2019.05.20_03.35.29].jpg (1440x1080, 150K)

Oops, my bad. I switched the scores around. I feel bad that Kagura got the lowest score with 30 points.

Kagura's in an interesting paradox. She's academically the dumbest of the three but somehow also is the only one who can realize that's probably a bad thing.


Attached: bonklers.gif (350x263, 80K)

She was actually pretty distraught if even briefly when she saw that everyone around her was doing well.

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 13 Exams.mkv_snapshot_15.05_[2019.02.04_00.04.16].jpg (1440x1080, 127K)

I cannot tell if she is actually dumb or if she is just focusing too much with sports. She's still my waifu though


her Englishe is not so good though...

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

It's fine Kagura. You have big boobs.

is about Yomi

She has big boobs too.

it's true...



If you had Yukari as your English teacher, you'd be in deep shit too.

When I watched it as a kid I liked Tomo the most. When I watched it again last year I found Tomo annoying as shit and Osaka was clearly the best.

Outside of Chiyo, who was the smartest girl?

Chiyo > Yomi > Sakaki > Kaorin > Osaka > Tomo > Kagura I think

>You realize most western characters tower over the "tallest" anime characters.

i wanna spoiler chiyo

>the gag where Osaka can't find her own name in the next year admission only to discover Yukari-sensei wrote it down as "Osaka"
If anything I'd wish there were more gags about Osaka's real name quickly becoming irrelevant and forgotten by everyone

I'd argue that Tomo is generally less dumb than Osaka, she just is lazier and more carefree so she'll always go for the shortcut. We know she can score decently when she gets to it, and she last-rush studied her way to the same high school as Yomi out of pure force of will just because she felt like it.

I would agree but the thing is Osaka isn't exactly dumb, and in some ways can be smarter than the rest, she's just a bit out of it and it can effect her grades.


Essentially yes but shes still smart

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Jelly rolls

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 04 Pool Pool Pool.mkv_snapshot_08.08_[2019.05.20_06.21.43].jpg (1440x1080, 159K)

This. IMO Osaka is the deepest thinker of the bunch. She's spacey because her mind is constantly making connections and playing with new ideas.

Thats the way I wanted to put it but I was too autistic to work that out. Thanks user


Man, early 2000s anime did not transition nicely to BD

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 15 Sports Fest 2nd Year.mkv_snapshot_00.02_[2019.02.10_04.36.35].jpg (1440x1080, 71K)

Seriously. Imagine being a little kid and having your friend and teacher scare you into thinking they're going to throw you off of a cliff. She's going to have serious trust issues in the future

Attached: Chiyo bullying.png (1440x1080, 1.1M)

I've put a lot of thought into it because mai waifu is just like me

Attached: Osaka sleepin'.png (1440x1080, 722K)

Seriously, though. All dat hair. Imagine running your fingers through it.

Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 09 Miss Sakaki.mkv_snapshot_12.37_[2019.02.10_05.51.02].jpg (1440x1080, 204K)

>little kid
She's like 12 there.

Have you considered Tao.

Attached: LaoTzu-1.jpg (600x595, 88K)

the ripe old age of 12

I imagine but slightly differently.

how is Taoism relevant to the discussion

How is it not?

Because Taoism, having nothing to do with anime, does not connect to this thread at all

Tao connects to all things.

Attached: Osaka the following.png (700x428, 194K)

>Fucking her
>Hair keeps getting in your mouth
Or is that kind of hair rare?

Attached: 1556288582522.jpg (1080x1040, 162K)

Im not sure you're doing it right, user


What the hell are those pants!?

My ex's hair was just like that then.

easy access cuntflap for when she sells herself to fat old men

I can see why she's your ex.

>inner voice, constantly thinking and processing stimuli
>a real human bean
>no inner voice, incapable of reflection.
>an NPC

In conclusion Tomo a shit


Attached: Azumanga Daioh - 24 Yamamayaa.mkv_snapshot_19.04_[2018.12.28_19.14.00].jpg (1440x1080, 85K)

Need I say it?

Attached: 1531508772877.png (218x381, 110K)

This was settled years ago

I love my idiot wife

Attached: DZfQ5EhW0AMKe3.png.png (2048x2048, 1.05M)


A 12yo doesn't get psychologically scarred the same way and by the same things as say a 7yo. Unless it's the Yukarimobile, of course.

Why is Tomo so shit? She ruined the whole episode!

Looks like we got ourselves a bona fide psychoanalyst

Imagine not knowing that this dumb tanned tomboy with large beasts is the best.

Attached: kagura.jpg (2592x936, 681K)

>Matematiikka 1
Why is it in Finnish?


Attached: kagura.jpg (672x1691, 187K)

osaka is a taoist sage.

Attached: kagura bikini II.png (308x735, 253K)

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Attached: kagura2.jpg (225x480, 16K)

Attached: kagura bikini.jpg (680x750, 87K)

What does Sata Andagi taste like?

How can there even be any competition?

Attached: kagura thank you for everything.png (720x561, 299K)

Attached: kagura thumbs up.gif (640x480, 2.34M)

Attached: kagura.gif (512x384, 873K)

Is Kagura proto-Fuuka?

Attached: Azu_Kagura_05.jpg (800x600, 254K)

That's a soft tomboy

Kagura is a good dumb girl.

Attached: kagura_3.gif (640x480, 1.46M)

Who should remake it?

Doga Kobo

Attached: kagura3.png (844x1200, 590K)


That's how I discovered my tanlines fetish, like thousands before me.

I want Tomo to rape my brains out.


Yotsuba hijack lole

Attached: 1352454243479.jpg (400x360, 38K)

Osaka reminds me of myself, except I still got good grades despite that

I'm sort of a combination between Osaka, Sakaki and Yomi.

Crygura was a meme on Japanese image boards in the early 2000s.

Attached: 1162666072624.gif~original.gif (288x216, 420K)

trolling purposes

Attached: adbros38gp.jpg~original.jpg (549x398, 27K)

Azumanga definitely

up until K-on the first wave of cute girl anime tend to get "ah it's like Azumanga!"


obviously that OP was using Japanese standard of breast measurement

that cat was a fucking bro

>takes no shit from Tomo
>protects Sakaki from other pussies


Attached: 1243284120355.png~original.png (438x600, 62K)

Osaka is just flat, not a loli


different user, but if it helps your fantasies, hair that long actually needs to be micromanaged during any kind of sex, it gets pulled on really easily with any kind of motion

its not sexy but it usually goes up in a bun.

I wanna see sakaki in a bun...

>I wanna see sakaki in a bun...

How can anyone not like Yomi, the actual perfect woman?

Attached: 1481841545346.png (863x888, 466K)

Tomo pleases Kimura for good grades

The hero Yea Forums deserves.

Attached: tomo_saves_the_day01.webm (640x480, 2.68M)

I think so. Also, I bet Azumanga keeps lewd drawings of her somewhere.

Well timed subs you got there.

Fuuka predates Kagura tho azumanga.fandom.com/wiki/Try!_Try!_Try!

Yes, these old mkv videos are fucking with my converter.

Attached: Azumanga_Daioh_01[V2].DVD(H264.AAC)[KAA][99DF4C17].mkv_snapshot_03.03.856.jpg (640x480, 62K)

Plus sound:

I had to burn the subs, convert the file to MP4, edit the MP4, convert it to webm.

Attached: azu1_1.webm (640x480, 1.88M)

The bitrate is all fucked up now, it's full of blocks.

Meh, it's just for may mays.
But I guess I'll try it again.
I think the frame rate on it was fucked to begin with, hence the audio and subs desync.

Need a new rip of the series 2bh.

Yeah, but will it be worth it? Blurays if they even exist are bound to be shitty upscales.

I think it's still blocky.

Attached: azu1_2_because_anon_is_a_fag_that_needs_perfection.webm (640x480, 2.03M)

I think video and music needs to be constantly re-released to preserve as much of the initial quality over time. You're never going to get a one time perfect copy of the source, preservation requires persistent copying of the material or it degrades over time on the formats it is saved on.
e.g. disk rot, other forms of rot, the effect of elements on the source material, etc.
The more you copy it, the slower it degrades.

>disk rot
Yeah, that might have been funny 12 years ago.
But in all honesty, if we want better quality rips of Azumanga, they're probably going to need to remaster it, which I doubt will happen.

Do you think disc rot is fake?
Or are you implying that people are taking it more seriously today?

Original sources are big time running the risk of deteriorating if they are not properly stored or copied persistently. One of the reasons we know so much about specific romans and specific roman texts is because there were many copies of the originals made and because writer after writer paraphrased them.
Hell, the bible still suffers from this issue, but luckily there were so many copies of it that the original hebrew and greek translation have barely changed. The Dead Sea Scrolls (if real) proved that.

Attached: 0efed9f4a21405c48b72642c610345ab46a5c573cbd93e10ff8a54f7ca7180d6 - Copy.jpg (850x850, 149K)

You know.

Attached: 1558039251241.jpg (850x637, 214K)

thanks. I think that's about as good as it can get with 3MB

amazing what you can learn in a thread that you entered in pursuit of titty

>zettai ryouiki
>long brown hair
>great curves and perfect thiccness
Yomi is a walking fetish fuel, and I never quite realized that until today.

Attached: breze.jpg (600x866, 103K)



Lucky Star didnt really appeal to me. It was boring as fuck


Azumanga is my favorite SoL alongside Hidamari Sketch

Sakaki works for the government. Intimidated by her cold, stoic attitude, her coworkers avoid her. This hurts her more than she is capable of expressing. Lately she's started to wish that she had someone to share her life with, but no man has ever approached her and the thought of taking the initiative fills her with terror. Several dozen cats prowl around her apartment, and her neighbors are starting to complain.

Kaori married the first man she ever kissed in college. They have two children and third on the way. She put aside her dreams of becoming an astrophysicist to raise her family. Every so often she wonders if she made the right choice.

Osaka got a prescription for adderall and now works at a marketing firm designing company mascots. One of her designs became unexpectedly popular, and now she's under pressure to replicate the surprise success. She has no idea what to do.

Chiyo struggled with culture shock at Harvard. She found it difficult to relate to her classmates and became more and more withdrawn, especially after Mr. Tadakichi was killed in a traffic accident. Her attendance and grades began to suffer. Concerned for her well-being, her parents brought her home to Japan against her wishes. She's currently enrolled in Tokyo University and doing well, but the pain of her first failure refuses to fade.

Attached: 1556475688055.jpg (357x522, 75K)

Tomo and Yomi fell out of touch when they went to different universities. Tomo flunked out and worked an eclectic variety of jobs, from garbage collector to ski instructor to bar hostess. On a whim, she started to make vlogs of her chaotic lifestyle. Her channel has developed a cult following, and she lives on donations from fans.

Yomi finally managed to stick to a diet, bought some contacts, dyed her hair black, and got over her self-esteem issues. After a few wild years at college, she joined a major manufacturing company as an accountant. She works twelve hour days and still lives with her parents, but one day she'll get that promotion.

Nyamo and Yukari quietly moved in together a few years ago. Yukari wants to get a partnership certificate, but Nyamo worries about their jobs and doesn't want to rock any boats.

Kagura placed fourth in the 50m freestyle at the 2003 International Aquatics Championships, and retired from competition shortly after. After a brief foray into gravure modeling, she found a job as a swimming coach. She's very popular with her students.

Chihiro died at age twenty after tripping in the shower. Her funeral was poorly attended.

>Mr. Tadakichi was killed in a traffic accident

Attached: 1551493772128.png (540x540, 273K)

>Osaka got a prescription for adderall and now works at a marketing firm designing company mascots. One of her designs became unexpectedly popular, and now she's under pressure to replicate the surprise success. She has no idea what to do.

Attached: FF332BE1-8A80-49CF-A944-C7A5D1950CBF.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

fuck you
they'll all had happy lives after graduation
Sakaki became a successful vet and very happy with her job
Osaka became an elementary school teacher in the same city as one particular cute green haired retard lives, and her series will end in Osaka teaching her.
Rot in hell for every word you written in Chiyo.

Attached: my smile is gone for good.jpg (813x407, 213K)

>replying seriously to pasta

>letting the Azus be harmed, even in a pasta
Have you no sense of justice?

A true gentleman and a scholar.

Attached: 4CA11A4A-CE6F-456E-AFA8-7628648208F9.jpg (1056x1504, 249K)

Why does Yomi stay friends with Tomo?
What does she like about her?

Not a Tomo hater just wonderin

Expert fingers.

>Sakaki as Tifa

>Who was actually best girl?

Attached: kagura.jpg (800x1131, 1019K)

Attached: kagura2.jpg (1225x1711, 476K)

Every tsukkomi needs a boke to truly be themselves. The more well-adjusted the tsukkomi, the more outrageous the boke.

The hatesex was worth it.

Tie between Sakaki and Kagura.

You never had a friend that just pissed you off all the time?

>Osaka became an elementary school teacher
She's not fit to be a teacher. There is no way she can handle the responsibility.

Because Yomi is actually incapable of getting friends outside of Tomo. She has no personality quirk that would gravitate someone to her. She's only friends with Tomo because Tomo comes to her.

In short: Yomi is boring.

She can shes perfect for it, fuck you user.

Attached: 1533180342110.jpg (691x478, 131K)

Yomi seems to get on just fine with the other girls. Hell Id say most of them prefer her over Tomo by a huge margin.

>More pix pls :D

Kimura needs to be stopped

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