Star Twinkle Precure: I want to fug Madoka Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:!!rMsCSCCL!7CKDBdSlx6kRTlHJQ6NrVA!6Ql0xKqA!sknr0F3kk08NYcWi5hoIiQ

Reminder that Precure got two positions on this japanese poll:

GoPri is based confirmed.

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Just wanna say this post is based. Fuck Dokifags.

Everyone wants to fug Madoka, be they male or female, human or alien.

Have that backup bread ready.

What's the general consensus on Maho? Thinking I'll watch either it or Futari Wa next.

user please post purple cat and pegasus.

I know I'm on the minority, but I really liked it. It kinda drags around on some parts, but the family feel that the cures have is great.

>What's the general consensus on Maho?
It's very gay.

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>What's the general consensus on Maho?
A lot of people think that it is an average season. I loved it though. The character interactions between the Cures are top notch.

It's shit

I got Mirai's outfit the other day. It's very comfy to wear.

Its either the most boring or the cutest season depending on who you ask. I liked it a lot.

Not to downplay this too much, but the rest of the picks are pretty normie and/or shit.

It's nice. It has a slow pace sometimes but it's more focused on the Cures and their little family than the villains and the plot. Also it's very gay so if you're into /u/ stuff the enjoyment goes up significantly. I'd say go for it.

It made me swore off /pc/ and precure for a year at least.

>Probably the gayest season.
>The magical world has some cool landscapes that the girls ocasionally explore, stuff that we never saw before in Precure, Star Twinkle is kinda of a buffed version of this concept.
>There's some boring episodes, but maybe you find it "comfy" depending of your taste.
>Extra Cure is very cute in normal form, and very cool in Cure form.
>Amazing finale.


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There isn't a perfect consensus on Maho, other than that the finale (49 in particular) was brilliant and ties the season together.

It's silly, not terribly well tied together and its action scenes are mostly awful. But that silliness is usually fun and it's all very kiddie in all sorts of good ways. All the cures were well treated and arced over the season.

Also gay.

Ok this was a fucking good season finale, and I can say that just between ep 25~35 was bad. This last set of episodes were so good and it confirmed for me that HaCha > HC. Honest-to-god 1 vs 1 battle without too much pew pew, Forever Lovely desing was top tier and it's color palette was pleasant for my eyes. Phan-phan switching freely into Phantom was a nice touch, that way Yuuko can have his fairy husband. Lacked a good shot of Iona and Maria bonding. After watching the complete season I can't get why the hate towards Blue, sure he did some dubious stuff but he was sort of justified and it worked at the end. Mirage was a cutie-patootie and I'm fine with her getting with Blue. Overall 7.5/10 season and would rewatch someday. Now to Doki.
One last thing, I'm missing something here? I can't remember seeing her and if it's a cameo then the artstyle trows me off.

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You need to watch the HaCha movie for that one, but good eye.

I've been slowly watching every Precure series. I've loved every one of them so far.

Some more than others, but all cures are good cures!

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You must not have liked Heartcatch.

>HaCha > HC

based and pinkpilled

Now my only wish is for you to get a tripcode.

How many you watched? Are you watching in production order or a random order?

What precure got woked?

I usually don't bother with movies with stuff like precure or sentai/rider but that was a good one.

Which other precure movies are worth watching?

Attached: [Doremi].HeartCatch.Movie.BD.[1920x1080].[0CC99389].mkv_snapshot_00.31.25_[2019.02.17_21.01.31].jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

Don't even joke about that, last thing we need is a tripcode memer.

>After watching the complete season I can't get why the hate towards Blue, sure he did some dubious stuff but he was sort of justified and it worked at the end
Oh I missed this. Just because it all worked out in the end, it shouldn't excuse all of the bad things he did.

All of them. Why would you skip the movies? That's just stupid.

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>without too much pew pew,
>implying heartcatch battles were mostly pew pew
Were you asleep when watching it?!
>Forever Lovely desing was top tier
No it's not and every Umakoshi's cure designs are leagues and galaxies above it.

Finished 7 in total. Watching in random, did finish Splash Star and planning on saving Futari wa for last.

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Glad you liked it.
That girl is an awesome character from the awesome movie. Seriously, HaCha's movie is ridiculously good for a Precure movie, it's crazy beautiful and hits some great notes.

The HaCha and Dokidoki movies for sure. The Max Heart and Maho movies are pretty okay too.

A lot of them suck. I wouldn't wish the Splash Star of Fresh movies on my enemies.

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Why would you skip the movies? That doesn't make sense.

Would agree with the other user. Watch all of them. Whenever you finish a series, watch the movie right afterwards if able. They are a nice addition and the icing on the cake.

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Is not that, just that I enjoyed more HaCha than Heartcatch.
Not in the near future, sorry.
Yeah. But saying "I hope he chokes to death" seems a bit overeacting.

What's your opinion on Tsubomi?

>All of them. Why would you skip the movies?
Why wouldn't he? A lot of them are medicore and only worth for the sakuga.

Is Super Stars as bad as I keep reading it is? I keep postponing watching it because of it.

Futari Wa (original) is pretty good, but Futari Wa Max Heart can kinda drag out, honestly Splash Star is like a condensed and better version of it, not sure if you should hype it that much.

He's going to post like that regardless, might as well be able to filter him.

She is precious. One of my favorite cures.

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kami taste

Selene strongest Twinkle

>Is not that, just that I enjoyed more HaCha than Heartcatch.
I'm not trying to offend you or anything, but I just don't see how someone can like Happiness Charge over Heartcatch. Sorry for asking this, but could you go into a little more detail about why you like HaCha over Heartcatch?

>Futari wa for last
Unusual choice, but cool.

>Which other precure movies are worth watching?
Y5+GoGo and Suite are both stellar as long as you enjoyed their respective series.
Mahou was unbelievably good.

God I want an evil mahou shoujo anime where they go around killing those that piss them off and have yuri lewd time filled with yuri femdom afterwards.

Tatsuya Nagamine who's the director of Heartcatch and HapCha doesn't even like the latter that much. He didn't have a good time directing it, especially since toei was understaffed at the time

Why did Negom do a collab with this?

Nice taste.

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Did you seriously not see Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka?

Name a movie that's worse than the season.

Don't listen to bakas like and watch all the movies, this is an animated medium, so unlike Sentai movies you get hyper beautiful shots and animation, it's just 1 hour and 10 minutes, sure they don't affect the main plot (outside very few exceptions), but they will leave you feeling good even if the story happened to not be all that great.
Solo movies and All Star movies included, excluding Haru no Carnival, we don't talk about that one here.

Why not?

Not that user, but Heartcatch doesn't have the cast to match up to Hime, Megumi, and Seiji. Tsubomi is love, but she can't carry the show alone.
HaCha also wins handily in terms of setting and ongoing plot. Heartcatch doesn't have any long-running character threads like HaCha's romances (Yuri being angsty over Dark is the closest thing, but it's barely present in the show), and there's nothing as cool as the international Precure and a pre-conquered world.

HaCha is my second favourite Precure and Heartcatch is my third. Just playing devil's advocate.

>get hyper beautiful shots
Most of their directing and storyboarding isn't that great tho, stop bullshitting people


Who would win
>the leader of Labryinth that has quite literally just taken control over all parallel worlds
>one doughnut

jokes aside I fucking loved this episode

Attached: [xPearse] Fresh Precure! - Episode 47 [English Sub] [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.09_[2019.05.18_21.16.42]. (1274x720, 152K)

>Suite movie

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I never said anything about Hertcatch battles tho. I enjoyed them too.
>No it's not
Well I loved it, so you'd say it depends of the taste.
Yeah sure. Well to make it simple: I liked the finishers better, the SoL stuff was nice, I really liked the cast even if Yuuko ended being a side note, generals were more endearing, choiak > sunakis, the ending felt more satisfying for me. I'd say the love plot was retarded but eh, it lead to something. Altrough I loved HC's both OP and ED more and the emotional chapters were done better. I can see why the doubt and you're free to call my shit taste but that's how I felt after finishing HaCha.

Because I thought she didn't like dicks.

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Well we learn something new each day

Not gonna lie, you got me there.

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Negom is cucked hard

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Maybe she was on board because a third of the book is Madoka masturbating.

If I crossdress as Saaya will she suck mine?

The artist is most likely her friend.

No idea but let's be serious, she'll be making you wear the costume

Negom confirmed for liking cock. No one can resist not even Mana or Mirai.

All HC's main cast is much better developed than them though. Hime is just a meme, Megumi is okay I guess, and Seiji was whatever.
>HaCha also wins handily in terms of setting
There was nothing special about its setting.
>on going plot
HapCha had a memorable plot?

I have Mirai's outfit but I love Saaya's blue dress as well.

>Madoka, if you shoot your opponent, you win by default!

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You should watch it again, you won't regret it.

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>>cure ace's introduction was so bad a 5 year old girl who watched the episode that was very confused and upset because of how random her appearance was
Holy shit I remember this video. Does anyone have the YouTube link? The title was in Japanese so I can't remember it

One drawns Lesbian cures
Other drawns Oldman fucking cures

Hikaru is going to awaken her ultra instinct and take Madoka's harem away.

I bet they're going out together in secret.

Do you only have friends who like exactly the same things as you? That must be awfully boring.

Yes and?

i'm also interested in this

they can still bond over drawing madoka ahegaoing

If I was him I put a ring on that finger.

>That guy has a cameo in this episode

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I'm not going to call you names or anything, I just honestly wanted to know your opinion. Now on to your points.
I feel like almost everything was better in Heartcatch. Heartcatch Orchestra and Infinity Silhouette might be my favorite finishers in all of Precure. The generals and the grunts are about even for me between the two shows. And I couldn't stand the love plot after it moved away from Hime. Speaking of Hime, she is easily my favorite character in HaCha and in some ways she is better than Erika is. I just feel like the plot of HaCha fell apart after it shifted to Megumi while Heartcatch's got stronger as it went on if that makes any sense.

But neither of them are hims.

Poor guy, soon there'll be charges pressed against him

Is this what they mean by same energy?

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Are you sure the other girl doesn't have a cock?

Well I haven't checked, but they aren't Precures.

Nice, what other doujins have you read?

Guys I really want to cum inside Mao. Will she let me?

I don't understand, please explain

love for madoka. through madoka,unity.

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I don't care how much elitist or nitpicky you're, if it feels good, it feels good

Can't believe Madoka became the doujin bait for this season instead of Elena.

Reminder that blue cat is pure, PURE

Poor guy, at least he got to fug Madoka

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Judging by youtube views on the official precure channel, Elena is super unpopular.

Missed you while I was replying to the other user. I'd say that Tsubomi and Erika together are better than Hime, Megumi, and Seiji. The love angle in HaCha really disappointed me when it moved away from Hime.
>Heartcatch doesn't have any long-running character threads like HaCha's romances
Wouldn't Tsubomi's need to change herself kinda fit in with that? Itsuki had an angle for a while too when she wanted to do cute things more and more.
>there's nothing as cool as the international Precure and a pre-conquered world.
That's true, but HaCha barely did anything with that. I still remember when everyone thought that the HaCha's were going to go on a world tour and help out other cures.
>HaCha is my second favourite Precure and Heartcatch is my third. Just playing devil's advocate.
That's ok, I just like talking about what different people think about Precure. It's interesting to know what others think.

Yes but I want bad mahous that kill civilians and kidnap girls to play with.

how do people even defend dokidoki?


>Wouldn't Tsubomi's need to change herself kinda fit in with that? Itsuki had an angle for a while too when she wanted to do cute things more and more.
Those aren't really character arcs in practice. They're pretty much just occasional one-liners. There's no clear throughline from episode to episode, or even any associated drama; they just declare "I want to exchange my character trait!" in the climax of a battle scene, and then it's swapped out for the new version every time it comes up after that.

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That would make archery a lot more interesting, that's for sure.

I love this video so much.

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>Itsuki had an angle for a while too when she wanted to do cute things more and more.
That was kind of done in two episodes, before she even became a Cure. There was still Mirage Sunshine but like all the other Mirage Precire it was more of a "You must not let go of the past" kind of deal.

being brown is suffering

I haven't been able to watch the last couple episodes, how have they held up to the first few episodes? I thought it had a pretty good start


Last week was possibly the best episode yet. This week was the weakest Madoka episode yet, but still better than the Elena episodes or the movie episode.

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I'm not being elitist or nitpicky tho, and I already said the animation in them is always good. It's the direction and storyboards that are generally nothing special. Stuff like Rie Matsumoto's Heartcatch movie or Tsuchida's comedic KiraKira movie have striking and memorable direction. Most precure movies really aren't much to write home in this regard other than animation

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>forgot to catch the stream AGAIN
god fucking dammit

Commie's already out, user. Which usually means subs should be out in less than an hour, too. No need to panic.

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Megumi is such a gullible dork.

I know, I got the notification for it and that's what made me remember.

This interview right?

If we compare the last 3 episodes to similar ones, the Madoka episode was great but not quite as much as the first, the Elena episode was around the same, and the "everyone" episode was way better.

Ok so I might be wrong on Itsuki having a decent length character arc, but I still feel like Tsubomi had a pretty good one throughout Heartcatch. I will admit that Erika stayed about the same during Heartcatch.

The "everyone" episode was a stealth Madoka episode, that's why it was so good!

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Why haven't you colored your favorite cure yet?

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>Him being that big fan of Doremi, he wanted to bad to include the daily life comedy and drama in HC but that was a little bit challenging since the B part of Precure EP is for the action, so he ended up with the idea of making the drama itself concerning on the monster of the EP.
This is why precure shouldn't have fights in some episodes and focus on character development more.

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is this the fastest that a yellow has been sidelined into a non-character?

Don't forget the Mahoutsukai movie since it's widely considered to be a great Precure movie despite your opinion on the actual season, I think the solo movies are getting really good lately, I kinda wish Hugtto had one but All Star Memories was pretty good compared to the last few crossovers, so that's good enough on my book.

one more time and I'll fuck off

Only if you can catch her.

I wouldn't mind once a season having a fightless episode. I mean, the episode of Smile that sticks in my memory the hardest is one where the fight is very clearly an afterthought.

That's not fair, Elena's been good so far.

Itsuki was the neglected one that year by a wide margin.

Most neglected yellows

Only one deserved better.

The main problem with Itsuki that I forgot about apparently is that they dealt with her problems before she joined the team. Once she joined they didn't really have much for her to do. They should have balanced out her time better than how they did.
Who had it the best out of them?

Everyone else has just been better though.

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Every time I watch a show like this, this is the scene I'm looking forward to most. I also really love having a final form that's reserved for the endgame instead of showing up like 15 episodes early as they usually do.

Attached: [xPearse] Fresh Precure! - Episode 48 [English Sub] [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.41_[2019.05.18_22.20.57]. (1274x720, 147K)

Is some of that stuff unavailable online?
I would download if I had HD space right now, someone should download everything and make a torrent.

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U2 was far more neglected than Himari and Itsuki BUT at least she had that thing going with PhanPhan. What did Himari and Itsuki get? Nothing.

>What did Himari and Itsuki get?
my heart

>Himari got nothing

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Looking forward to more from this artist.

>Not even the director could control how bad happiness charge was
I wonder how much of a different show it would have been if Nagamine was in top form like he was on Heartcatch.

Himari kinda had that closer friendship with Aoi. Itsuki didn't really get anything as far as I can remember.

I imported it to my drive on mega so it's not lost.

is Mai autistic? or just artistic

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Just a wallflower.

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Mai is a cute artist.

Are you sharing the link later? If nobody can download it, it's technically lost, kinda like a game collector that doesn't share his rare game.

What's the reference?

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>[user] Star Twinkle Precure - 16 [subs only]

Mega folder:!rMsCSCCL!7CKDBdSlx6kRTlHJQ6NrVA


Raw magnet:

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god's work user

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Thanks for the subs.

Attached: Himari Two Thumbs Up Smile.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

fucking tease

Based as fuck nanodesu.

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - Futari wa Precure - All-Stars Memories [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.54.15_[2019.0 (1280x720, 135K)

cute goblin

Two monsters and a general?
Holy shit the Splash stars are amazing

Madoka mom is for NTRing Maodka dad!

forgot pic like a retard

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Thanks user!!

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With her own daughter!

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Osomatsu-san right next to it doesn't give this rank much credibility

フレフレ 名無し

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what is this?

>Madoka and Lala get heart charms
>Hikaru and Elena don't
MadoLala will never die!

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Idols can lick my boot

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I love Madoka-san!

I kiss you

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Good night sweet prince.
He was to crazy for this world.

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Cha cha cha!

I liked him, he was weird.


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One more girl for the list, then.

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MadoMado Precure!

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Splash Star has a pretty great set of villains for a season coming just after Max Heart, which is probably the worst set ever.

I mean, the leaf guy is kinda ok, but everyone after is pretty charismatic, and even when (spoiler ahead) the leaf guy comes back to life again he's charismatic just like the other villains.

I knew pics like that would be made, it's too good to pass up.

The smuggiest Prunce who's ever lived


that bitch thirsty

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Sakurako needs more screentime

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she'll get plenty of screentime when Lala inevitably shoots up the school

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skrk a best

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 09 [B984D624].mkv_snapshot_08.39_[2019.04.01_22.49.23].jpg (1280x720, 67K)

>the leaf guy is kinda ok
i still love this

Attached: [PCSS] Pretty Cure Splash Star 02 (DVD) [DC881F1F].mkv_snapshot_12.43_[2019.05.02_23.35.39].jpg (640x480, 48K)

That was an unexpected credits page.

Attached: (C94) [Pariparicandy (Kokori)] Cure Up RaPaPa de Neko ni Naare! Become a cat! (Mahou Tsukai PreCure! (1250x1814, 317K)

>oyolun just shoving riceballs in her face
nice callback

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This episode is kind of weak, but we do get more insight on what Madoka's life is like when she's not being a Precure.

Can't wait for more spaaace next week.

This fandom as a whole is depressing af, Precure is the opioid which keep us going
Anons manifesting their desire to die weren't memeing


so when will we get more Hikaru episodes, she's kind of just being there so far

I'm not going to hot wheels chan, not after the NZ shooting.


When they reveal her dad is the badguy or dead.

>she's kind of just being there so far
You've just recited the forbidden phrase, this is something you should never speak of here
Now this season is doomed

Last episode was kirayaba, this episode was dasai in many ways.

I hope Hikaru's dad blows up.

I keep thinking Hikaru is like three skin tone's darker than she really is because she only hangs out with a light skinned alien, a dark skinned alien and the fair skinned dainty girl

also did they already drop the kirayaba's entirely outside of the next episode preview or am I just imagining that

>dark skinned alien
I giggled

>light skinned alien
White devil go home

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This episode was good though.

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I like the way Negom draws breasts, they naturally follow gravity instead of some kind of floating round masses. I guess she always have reference materials ready.

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God I wish that was me

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Watch Hugtto, it's like Zi-O with marginally more coherent writing.

>fruit naming convention
>evil invaders trying to take over other worlds

you know the Freshes are only one suit of samurai armor away from Gaim

This guy gets it.

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>dark skinned alien
That's rude.

Let the butts fight.

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her butt looks like a face

I keep not liking how senshu is translated in English but I have no idea how I would prefer it.

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Come on Negom draw so yuri oyakodon

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I'd fuck this hamster

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Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 09 [B984D624].mkv_snapshot_11.23_[2019.05.16_23.46.43].jpg (1280x720, 81K)

The main two are very cute, I loved them. And they have a crush on each other. It really goes as far as it can in a considering little children are watching it too.

Otherwise it's entirely forgettable.
The villains and the "threat" are very boring. There is no threat actually, things just end up happening randomly, even during the final episodes.
After a while, I found myself tapping the right arrow during the fights and the plot exposition scenes.
Lots of focus on small nonhuman mascot characters even besides the official mascots.

>Cure up rapapa
Isn't there supposed to be a boardroom full of suits whose sole job is to make sure the catchphrase doesn't sound lame?

Attached: [Gelatin] Mahoutsukai Precure! - 30 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.16_[2019.05.16_23.44.21].jpg (1280x720, 144K)

Right back at you

why she is so fucking angry all times?

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv_snapshot_09.57_[2019.05.19_09.27.44].jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Intense sexual frustration.

Prunce is amazing

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 08 [25568CB8].mkv_snapshot_09.44_[2019.05.16_22.31.10].jpg (1280x720, 171K)

>prayers and wishes need expensive toys now
Is nothing sacred for Toei?

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv_snapshot_11.37_[2019.05.19_09.30.42].jpg (1280x720, 115K)

maybe you are onto something

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv_snapshot_03.15_[2019.05.19_09.19.40].jpg (1280x720, 153K)

Will this Madoka ascend and become a Goddess of Magical Girls as well?

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 07 [BFF00BC7].mkv_snapshot_20.17_[2019.05.16_22.08.21].jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Attached: lala wave.gif (1006x658, 638K)

the hell was that supposed to mean

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv_snapshot_20.33_[2019.05.19_09.43.54].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

If you ask me im not a huge fan of how the cure were ALWAYS together they even live in the same house. Maybe i just want to see the each individual cure to interact with the supporting cast more.
The fights are usually bad and i feel they lacked "weight".
Mirai is probably one of the cutest cures.
The movie is great.
The final episode is exactly is amazing even if people dont like it.
It made me cry like a bitch.
Its ok i guess


Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E]-0-13-12-445.png (1536x864, 2.26M)

gayest season
great EDs
awesome henshins
ep 49 is one of the best precure episodes ever
movie is also one of the best

Rare jogging Cures

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E]-0-13-36-427.png (1251x703, 1.53M)

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I love Madoka!

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Attached: bibuwav.gif (400x720, 235K)


New to Precure, where should I start? Does this also have manga?

This is a yearly anime where every season is self contained, you can start with whichever one looks cutest to you and/or watch star twinkle which is currently airing.

Seasons are almost entirely unconnected, so pick the Cure you like the look of best and start with her season. We can tell you which one it is.

And of course you watch Star Twinkle alongside whatever else you pick, since it's fun to watch live every week.

There are manga versions, but the anime is the primary canon. The manga only get one chapter a month and they're usually not translated until years later, but it's very cute.

Attached: Kamikita Twins All Stars.jpg (1361x2500, 1.26M)

Thanks, I will pick one and I guess I will join you guys

>how the cure were ALWAYS together
This is a common problem with bound henshins, you can't have one doing something interesting without the other because the transformation need the two girls. You could cleary see this when Haa-chan could go on her little adventures and transform when shit get's serious. In a way I like it the way it was: Mirai needed Liko and Liko needed Mirai.

Attached: 1336115572407.gif (420x396, 298K)

How can nip asses even compete?

Eye-chan is literally a perfect onahole.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 10 [A59BB4CF].mkv_snapshot_11.54.005.png (1280x720, 1.47M)

Attached: Cure Wave.gif (267x360, 77K)!6Ql0xKqA!sknr0F3kk08NYcWi5hoIiQ


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Hikaru will claim Lala. Madoka won't have every girl to herself.

Attached: 【CM】プリキュアグミシリーズ(スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア).mp4_sna (960x539, 339K)

Sorry, the charms don't lie. Not that people like you care what's actually in the show, I know.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv-00006.jpg (1280x720, 266K)

Why are Star and Milky so fucking flat? Soleil and Selene at least have moderate size but Hikaru and Lala's one just dissapear once in Cure form.

I'm a bit surprised she promoted that doujin. She got mad a few months ago because someone commented on her pixiv saying "should I teach Saaya the pleasures of men?" or something like that.
Maybe she's starting to discover a new fetish.

It's been a while since I read Negom's Twitter. That circle really loved this episode, huh? They're going nuts over Madoka-Mama, then Lala saying "Madoka is awesome" four times in one episode, then the archer girl falling for Madoka, then pic related being framed like Madoka is pregnant (by Blue Cat, according to Negom), and finally Madoka making a lesbian harem large enough to be its own country.

Negom says she enjoys Madoka with anyone and everyone, so I guess that's why she's willing to bend a bit. She expresses empathy for those who want to see Madoka with one specific person only though.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv-00002.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

>Madoka with anyone and everyone
Madoka is such a pairing-slut, anyone works.

Even when she's mad and strong, Madoka a cute!

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv-00011.jpg (640x1440, 499K)

I guess it depends from cure to cure, she really loved saaya after all. But anything goes with Madoka: prostitution, faceless tutors and cat thieves.

You have to wonder how much he's letting things slide. This episode showed he wasn't fooled by the movie thing (which is good, I was afraid he was an idiot) and that he would intentionally deceive Madoka to keep up his tough front and set an example for her, so it's entirely likely he's just pretending to not notice Lala for Madoka's sake.

Mint is one of the most pure cures

Attached: Komachi 4.jpg (1200x1200, 331K)

I want to fuck Aida Mana

>and there's nothing as cool as the international Precure and a pre-conquered world.

And they barely did anything substantial with it

Really, the biggest sin HaCha made was it's an underwhelming 10th Anniversary season where it should have gone all out, and all the really REALLY good plotlines introduced never before seen in Precure (i.e. beginning focus on Hime, Purple's sister becoming evil) got pat resolutions. The romance triangle being the crux in the last part of the series really dragged it down even further

MadoMado Precure.

Attached: ManaMana Precure.jpg (720x405, 88K)


Attached: 1519592919721.png (140x144, 47K)

That's because Saaya is her waifu and no one would like to hear people saying that they want to fuck your waifu.
I remember her saying that it's not like she hates men or anything of the sort, it's just that she is a lesbian and would rather draw lesbians instead of straight sex (of which she says to have no experience with).

Is Pikario's dickishness here a result of Noire's lingering darkness, or because he still hates Kirarin?

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Kirakira Precure A La Mode - 23 RAW (ABC 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_00.37_[2019. (1280x720, 91K)

Pikario's a fatty.

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Kirakira Precure A La Mode - 23 RAW (ABC 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.51_[2019. (1280x720, 84K)

Her VA is actually in the Madoka series.

Attached: 11.jpg (1419x2000, 216K)

Now that you mention it, she has yet to draw her self-insert fucking Madoka.

Attached: 1558267295121.jpg (1440x810, 94K)

Good episode, but holy shit I can't wait for the next one already. Space episodes are so good.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv_snapshot_23.46.258.png (1280x720, 1.9M)

Literally not one bad episode. How did this happen?

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Ehhh, that movie episode was iffy at best and kind of a lame resolution to the cliffhanger of the previous episode

That was the weakest so far.

And Madoka!

Attached: 1553785243863.png (596x422, 333K)

The Mexico family episode was boring.

Why did they pair up most of the girls with animals? That's one good thing you can say about Rin, she's not a furry fucker.

Suga Bt making Negom self-insewrt AKA doctor Rikka being fucked by oldman WHEN

>Rikka mom X Daby
Based Negron!

She's also very cute.

Attached: 74356491_p0.jpg (1378x2039, 1.07M)

>drought finally over

Attached: Eyewon.jpg (956x1078, 182K)

Kinda surprised that Negom hasn't drawn the new archer girl. I want a pic with Madoka and her harem.


Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 12 [45AE021D].mkv_snapshot_07.55_[2019.04.22_20.49.40].jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Seems kind of butch for Negom

>The Mexico family episode was boring.

It didn't do ANYTHING to further Elena's character

fuck, I was right!

This last one might not have been bad, but it was my least favorite episode so far.

It made her 83% more Mexican.

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>mono side eye

Attached: exploitable.png (959x539, 621K)

I'm going to marry Madoka. How do I get her father's approval?

Attached: socks.jpg (1144x1614, 461K)

But it did introduce us to her family. They might do something with that later.

Attached: Elena's Siblings Clapping.webm (316x378, 57K)

Don't be an alien.

I love this space onahole.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv_snapshot_13.12.865.png (1280x720, 1.57M)

You'll need to be a Japanese man from a family with a long and storied background, and you'll need to make a lot of money. It probably also helps if you're a few years older than her, but not too many.

Are you Japanese and from an affluent family? If not, I don't think you have much of a chance.

Eyewon is with bad guys because her species was hunted to near extinction by onahole makers.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 10 [A59BB4CF].mkv_snapshot_17.37.473.png (1280x720, 1.56M)

> possible Eyewon doujins this year

This season is the fucking jackpot.

It introduced her parents. We had already met all of her siblings, including seeing that Touma was angsty (though we didn't know why).

I hope they do bring them up again later, but I can't really see how they'd be relevant. Except for Touma being Lala's second boyfriend.

>that Madoka doujin on sadpanda

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Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 05 [2819FD22].mkv-00024.jpg (222x365, 14K)

I was wondering what was up with that Bukki face

Attached: [xPearse] Fresh Precure! - Episode 49 [English Sub] [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.25_[2019.05.19_11.02.14]. (1274x720, 67K)

We met her siblings before that's true, but we didn't even know their names. That episode properly introduced them. As for them being relevant, I want them to be but I don't have much hope for that either. Elena is already getting the short end of the stick, just imagine how bad it will get when Mao joins the team properly. At this point I'm starting to think that Elena's not going to get any character plot points like the other girls have.

I think she's going to have a rough time once Mao joins too, being yellow is suffering.

>then pic related being framed like Madoka is pregnant (by Blue Cat, according to Negom)
Negom understands me more than I do.

Sweet ride Kappard

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv_snapshot_18.05_[2019.05.19_03.27.58].jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Does the little girls even likes the Yellows?, because up until now Elena is flawless.

Yellows are for big friends.

Yeah, she's a Ghostfucker, what a great improvement.

Yellow hasn't been the favored not pink color for years now.

No, that's purple.

Because Yayoi?

Purples are for female big friends.


Because Ulala. Little girls and idols sometimes go together now, but when Yes 5 aired? They knew what they were starting.

Attached: Madoka laying.jpg (557x811, 256K)

And it's just the beginning.

Attached: [Aesir-Anxious]_Smile_Precure_-_46_[720p][9D15EAB1].mkv_snapshot_17.18_[2017.11.19_04.32.36].png (1280x720, 1.98M)

Attached: twincool D.png (214x447, 75K)

I wish that were me.

>Elena is flawless
That's the problem. Madoka has ongoing tension, which makes her more interesting. There is worry that Madoka could fail, not live up to the expectations placed on her. Elena being flawless means there is no reason to give a shit about anything she does.

Attached: Moodoka.png (700x991, 455K)

Lying bitch

Attached: Lying madoka.png (895x685, 555K)

This is wrong

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 09 [B984D624].mkv_snapshot_07.35_[2019.05.16_23.42.45].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

This doujin was full of twists, the biggest one being Negom's name on the afterword.

Not really. She did say no and stop. And he keep going anyway, that counts as an attack.

ESL poster please.

She also succumbed to the dick. So it'a more of a case of taking full advantage of the situation

Attached: 1558213774432.jpg (1878x2048, 475K)

>She keeps her identity secret from the guy -> it turns out he knows it
>She keeps her sexual activity a secret from her father -> she tells him in the end

>It Wasn't a Secret

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 05 [2819FD22].mkv-00026.jpg (497x602, 44K)

If the dude hadn't of tried to pull a dumb power play on her, he could have had her on the regular.

It was his fault.

>Elena being flawless means there is no reason to give a shit about anything she does.
Now that's not true. She is still interesting in her own way.

>yfw He filmed the sex scene
>Will blackmail Madoka
>Sequel doujin will be Madoka and her mom like that pokemon doujin from same author

Negom and BT
What if SugarBT is that Saaya cosplay from Negom twitter?

Attached: Negom and Bt.jpg (1200x1767, 232K)

>She keeps her sexual activity a secret from her father -> she tells him in the end
I got the impression she made her father think that the thing she was hiding was just that she was raped by that guy to both take that guy out of the picture and keep father from digging more into it. But he has no idea she's a slut. The title of the doujin really makes things uncertain.

Anyways, even as cold and calculating bitch Madoka is cute!

oh boy, forgot the pic

Attached: 017.png (309x483, 113K)

That's definitely the implication, yes.

Congratulations, you took a plot that incorporated elements of canon in a sexually enticing way and transformed it into the seven trillionth iteration of what is literally the most generic and uninspired doujin plot ever written.
Plus, Madoka's a smart girl who wouldn't fall for that. If he had a video, now he gets convicted for creating child porn in addition to his conviction for rape.

Attached: 1549632954669.jpg (604x489, 69K)

Maybe she's the one who ends bonding with Mao the most, but that's a pretty low note if that's her only relevant arc.

And that seems highly unlikely anyway.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv-00002.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

If Elena became close friends with Mao, that would be pretty interesting. But with Madoka around, I don't think that is going to happen.

So this is Sugar BT?

Attached: Saaya cosplaying.jpg (2048x1536, 406K)

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Attached: Negom and Bt.jpg (768x1024, 84K)

Go to /u/ or twitter if you want to talk about gross 3D.

Attached: D65lHpSV4AAmZ-W.jpg_orig.jpg (2339x2339, 1.1M)

>Negom: in Black
>Sugar Bt: Cosplaying Saaya
>Remeber the Hugto doujins were focused on Ruru and Emiru even hana show up but no signal of Saaya.

All makes sense now!

A few weeks ago there was a photo posted here from one of the actual shops in Japan, it showed Lala figurine(?) being sold out while Elena is gathering dust.

I wonder whether Negom is good with her fingers.

Attached: pro mahjong.png (500x526, 182K)

Wasn't it a keychain or similar? Though I suppose it's perfectly believable that both have been posted here.

>LOGH reference in Twinkle
Toei confirmed for bros.

Attached: ojg9ra6.jpg (400x300, 117K)

I hate it when people defile characterization so they can jack off to pornographic drawing of Sunday morning cartoon characters. This is what puts me off western fanfiction.

I'm not sure what was actually being sold, but the packaging did have pics of the characters.

I'm not sure I understand the point you're making.

Attached: D60uDkMVUAMOvzg.jpg (1125x1115, 278K)

Madoka is adorable.

I think they can always give Elena tension by showing deportation threat. It doesn't matter whether you're the good ones or the bad ones, if you're illegal you're deported.

Wholeheartedly agree. The whole reason to read doujinshi of existing series instead of original manga is to see the characters you like. Cosplaying imposters are all too common.

Attached: this could be a canon page though.jpg (1200x1756, 1.2M)

By not keeping secrets from him.

So you're saying you only fap to well written erotic comic of sunday morning cartoons?

That is absolutely correct.

But Negom's Mob-sensei is an original character and also a self-insert.

Sugar BT dont made Doujins of Saaya and Negom is her/his "friend"

We get two consecutive episodes where Madoka is the central character. Why do we even have Hikaru?

Self-inserts are a whole 'nother can of worms. But the point isn't for me to benefit, it's for Negom to, so it's kinda whatever. Can't fault someone for making their own side dishes in a way that suits their own taste.

why would that be a bad thing?

I'd rather focus on how well drawn it is, but you do you.


See but also at first I thought he was making some kind of statement about not reading doujins at all.

Three, right? Next week is a Mao episode, but Mao hasn't joined the team yet, so that makes it a Madoka episode.

You never know, it could be an Elena episode.

wtf i hate negom now

Yeah, we could be jumping the gun and it turns out everyone gets a shared episode with Mao. That said, I don't see how Elena could possibly contribute to a mansion heist episode.

She's athletic and smart, I'm sure she can help out in some way.

>Next week is a Mao episode
Can you provide citation, I really want this to be true.

I'm hoping it's an Elena episode on paper but a Plonk episode in practice. They can redo the routine from the dog planet episode, where Elena moralizes about stealing while Plonk gets way into it as soon as someone mentions the fate of the galaxy. He can start to get over his feelings of having been betrayed by Mao that way too.

Do you not watch the next episode previews?

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv-00007.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

So they will do a Ginyu special forces pose?

Attached: ginyu-force-dragon-ball.jpg (604x434, 85K)

I want to watch Happiness Charge because I think the blue girl is super cute

Sakurako cure Red Comet SOON?

Attached: Sakurako cure.png (430x700, 298K)

Mao will be the next cure

You are correct.

Attached: 1406478303764.jpg (1280x3600, 406K)

The idea is to help Elena's character

The blue girl in Happiness Charge is really cute, you should watch it.

Attached: D652WCNU0AA4228.jpg_orig.jpg (720x1280, 238K)

When I look back at it Elena moralizing in that episode was really inappropriate. Purunsu is a hand (tentacles?) of the princesses and he must do anything necessary to recover the pens. Elene just came off as ridiculous.

1. Watch the 今回 teaser at the end of this week's episode
2. Profit

Attached: 1439438805924.jpg (612x503, 30K)

Lost cause. Might as well salvage what we can and put her episodes to good use for others, like they did for Lala in Ekena's last episode.


Fucking Nostradamus over here.

You don't actually think this is going to happen, do you? You're only setting yourself up for disappointment.


If Regina never became a Cure I don't see how Blue Cat have a chance.

Even if the Pen is technically a property Plonck has a right to, it's not good to just take it. That's what bad guys do.

When the possibility of a red arose, I got my hopes up too, but they went out of their way to drive home her yellow affinity again this episode. It's over.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 16 [313F950E].mkv-00008.jpg (1280x720, 268K)

Elena was right, just because you are the good guys that doesn't mean that you can just take whatever you want. Otherwise that makes you the bad guys in the eyes of whoever you stole from. Even Plonk knew that he was wrong in the end.
Elena is not a lost cause.

>That's what bad guys do.
Purunsu shot first.

My girl I1 still has a chance.

Attached: 1557269232864.jpg (777x1087, 116K)

She has a better chance of being Bibury 2.0

I don't know about that. Think about it, she's already a dark analogue of the precure in that she uses dark pens and wears an outfit that is similar in design to them. She just needs to be h e a l e d and she's good to go.

Sorry, boys can be precure but mono-eye freaks are off-limits.

I think Regina fits her role better than Bib.

Lala can be Precure but Eyeone can't? This is literally racial discrimination.

Attached: 1557635553325.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

Attached: D6DAtQpUIAAfsE3.jpg (1024x1024, 107K)

It would be kinda freaky if it turns out one eye was actually a normal girl.

Both dont have Red motifs but In flesh and Princess both were Silver hair villians

>a normal girl

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 32.mkv_snapshot_01.08_[2018.09.17_23.10.53].jpg (1280x720, 113K)

I haven't seen it yet but I kinda want to just because from a cursory glance I think it has the best cure designs.

do you like Hikaru's hairstyle?

Attached: 1553843183247.jpg (666x692, 121K)

Attached: bb8334112c7866dcc1226d46aeb7dc7e.png (1075x1518, 641K)

Much more appealing than Nono Hana.

It's inoffensive. A lot better than Hana's, at least.

The bangs are atrocious

it would be better without that antena like thing on her head. But atleast she is not worse than Hana.

what are you saying?

Attached: nono.png (361x253, 160K)

Miss Hikaru “Kirayaba” Hoshina

It's not as good as Hana's is, but it's still cute.

>george found this attractive

Literally the most unattractive pink of them all.

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 24.mkv_snapshot_09.51_[2018.07.15_21.45.04].jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>yfw Sakurako Cure Venus .
So the "orange" is the new red like Lala Teal color?

Attached: Venus.jpg (236x349, 25K)

Hana is pretty ugly. I'll accept jail if I got to have her as a cure though.

>Literally the most unattractive pink of them all.
Isn't that Mana?

I want a Dark/Band End Cure Star, except it’s actually Hikaru turned to the Dark Side and her outfit is ultra kirayaba, maybe even with a mask or visor for extra effect. And also becoming a cyborg with some Samaanian elements like pointy ears, star eyes, and twintail feelers?

Absolutely not, it's ichika.

Low quality bait.

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Excuse me?

Attached: [email protected] (725x1024, 93K)

fuck madoka fuck oyo
I really need a hikaru episode right about fucking now

Attached: 1558143273162.jpg (1280x720, 486K)

No way, Ichika is super cute.
I like how Mana likes to help people and how excited she can get, but I find Hana to be much cuter than her.

I'm still calling dibs on Cure Nova for the red Cure. But yeah of teal is green why orange can't be red?

Ichika isn't ugly but she's not attractive.

because oranges are already a distinctly separated category of cure (despite there only being one at the moment)

Even if that book says that Sunny is a orange, she isn't supposed to be the red of the team anyways? I mean from yellow to orange isn't a big difference.

Sunny is definitely a red, just like Lala is definitely a green. /pc/ likes spout nonsense about colors for some reason, just tune it out.

What if my favourite Cure is one that I came up with but haven’t drawn yet?

Bad End* not Band End

Pink Cure hair tier list:

S: Lovely
A: Heart, Blossom
B: Whip, Black, Star
C: Happy, Peach, Magical
D: Bloom, Dream
E: Melody, Flora
F: Yell

How is Sunny a red instead of an orange?

Madoka is my target as well

Attached: 003.jpg (759x1234, 375K)

>Bloom above Melody

Attached: [email protected] (671x671, 72K)


They are not going to add a separate color in that game for one cure. Sunny is orange.

Attached: 1558297688.jpg (749x1080, 296K)

Ichika has an attractive butt.

Just like no one with sense is going to add a colour for Sunny in any context. She's red.

I'm not saying she should be flat, but that's too heavy. A solid B-cup is ideal.

I'm assuming that this is when they are transformed.
From best to worst.
Blossom, Happy
Bloom, Melody, Star, Yell
Whip, Black, Dream
Lovely, Miracle, Flora
Peach, Heart

>Bloom above anyone

You don't like this page, do you?

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>It's inoffensive

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>La mecchokura...

So what's Cosmo then, rainbow too? She's a fucking blue and Parfait is a green, get over it.

Why women archers wear that chest thing?

Because you have to hold a japanese bow very close to your chest and having the string hit your tits would be awful.

Cosmo could be a rainbow too if she is from planet Rainbow. Why are you getting mad about this?

Well, that makes sense somewhat, I concede this. I'm not mad, I just want my girl Drills to be a Cure, that's all.

Christ this is awful

No, that's Mirai.

I liked when Lala whacked the boy with the paper fan.


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Better not let Riko hear you say that.


Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Kirakira Precure A La Mode - 23 RAW (ABC 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.48_[2019. (1280x720, 159K)

Sakurako? I want her to be a cure too. I think with her attitude she could add a lot to the team.

Attached: Sakurako Shock.webm (960x540, 71K)

She will be the designated non-cure friend for the whole season and you know it.

Regina is the greatest should've-been-a-cure.

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And really the only one who should've been.

she has the best legs and boots


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>designated non-cure friend
I will never forgive GoPri for that.
I won't forgive Doki for that either.

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either you're optimistic and like to pretend pikario did become a cure or you aren't and are also stupid.

Bib is just a walking reminder of all the potential kirakira had. They had questions for 2 if not 3 seasons and we got nothing.

Wow, gay

>I really need a hikaru episode right about fucking now
Be ready for sad flashback episode featuring her "ded" father.
TOEI is saving her episode saving for reveal the notVader.

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Sakurako will be a mix of Yui and Ranko 2.0!

I disagree.

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>No that's impossible!
>Search your feelings you know it to be true

Lala father is Not!Bucther from Zambot 3.
He transformed Hikaru father in Notvader!

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She's the only pink who (purely from a design standpoint) I feel nothing about.

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Kirakira Precure A La Mode - 20 RAW (ABC 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_08.51_[2019. (315x458, 52K)

The bigger the genki, the bigger the misery.

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New thread

Kill yourself.

You're welcome.

Don't do that

>New thread
I don't think even /jp/ does this shit.

Please don't do that.

nice try samefags


Don't do that.

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The stress will break her before the end.

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Got a source for that?

Didn't she already have a minor breakdown or am I remembering wrong?

Nothing to oyo about

Attached: 2019-05-19 18_30_38-[Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [BACBF5FE].mkv.png (515x713, 717K)