Season 2 is gonna end with her becoming anime Hitler right?

Season 2 is gonna end with her becoming anime Hitler right?

Attached: Tanya.png (578x818, 633K)

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facebookcom/officialFAN2.5D/videos/503420126818118/?v=503420126818118 want US trrops to leave

It's WW1 Germany you dunce

Haven't read or watched much but she strikes me more as a Bismarck

nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor

no, it will probably end with not USA or Not japan entering the war

it's surprising how many men that fought in the trenches of WW1 joined fascist causes
WW1 was a banker's war that never should have happened.

The Non Germany is an Empire, so will end with Tanya as the Great Emperor!
Imagine Tanya´s adult UMUs!!

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I've not really kept up with this series does it explore the role of the military industrialist and financier profiteering at all?

Such topics belong more in the postwar/interwar period.

I've heard this before but don't understand it. From what I know, it was Austria's eagerness to involve itself in the Balkans. I don't know if Franz Josef was being paid by bankers to declare war on Serbia, but it's people like Josef and von Hötzendorf who started it.

And it was Redl who ruined the Austrian game before it all even started.

Attached: Redl_Alfred.jpg (695x633, 86K)

To what extent do you think Redl screwed over Austria? Do we know how much information he gave to Russia?

Hitler was in WW1 too.

Everything. Redl handed the Russians the entire Austrian invasion for Serbia, out of many other critical military plans and secrets. Considering he was the leading Austrian spy in Russia, he also gave the Austrians incorrect military strength numbers and sold out all of the Austrian spies in Russia. He gave them all the attack plans, the order of battle, mobilization plans and detailed fortification information. Excluding Austrian incompetence, every bad thing that happened to the Austrians (and thus Germany) could be traced back to Redl.

Benedict Arnold is on every level literally nothing compared to this guy.

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Hitler was made by WW1 and was a very young and talented soldier in it.

He had to be a jew then

completely irrelevant but I'm sure you guys have read the real history of John "the canary" Mccain and his true less than glowing vietnan record

Wrong actually. He was homosexual.

>a faggot fucks over austria

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The assassins were being paid by foreign interests.

Why would she? She doesn't give a shit about the country about patriotism about god about duty or the military.

Didn't one of her novela end with notGermany getting butt fucked, and herself getting to notUS?


>It's WW1 Germany you dunce
Hitler became the man he was in WW1.
>but she strikes me more as a Bismarck
Fucking how?
She's not a diplomat, she's a military officer.
She's not a hardline junker, she's an orphan.
Bismarck wouldn't be the type to espouse heavy discipline and rigorous exercise, he would be the type to drink and eat.
The only similarity between the two is that they're both realists.

If you want a pre-ww1 comparison, I guess she's maybe a Helmuth von Moltke.

>Hitler wasn't in ww1


I want to put a baby inside this attack helicopter.

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>tfw no nazi duck gf

yeah in the later LNs she pretty much just turns into an evil version of Hitler

Its WW1 & WW2 combined
Some arms they use are from WW2.

And no, She will die in the end. Im pretty sure of it. Since theres no single anime featuring bad guy as protag and didnt die in the end.

>anime Hitler
Stupid maymay that has no reason to exist. She's a neolib who just wants to wageslave away for her banker overlords and only cares about her country insofar as it allows her to indulge in bloodlust and gives her a paycheque.

>an evil version of Hitler

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>le edgy face
>le hitler
god what kind of underage are reading this
oh right, you dont, you are animeonly trash

Fuck that.


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I want to give Sioux a backrub.

Hitler was made by WWI.
WWI was made by the preceding wars including the Crimean Wars.
The Crimean Wars were preceded by Russian expansion, the various other wars by French expansion, Ottoman Expansion, Balkan conflict.

It goes on and on from the fall of Rome to todays conflicts in the middle east. We've been a global society in civil war for 2000 years at least (2300 if you consider what Alexander the Great started and 6000 if you consider the catalyst to be the dawn of Sumer)

yes and no there were many reason for this war and patriotism is one of them, french for exemple wanted to wash the humiliation of the siege of Paris and get back the Alsace and the Lauraine

But the main reason of this war is that the brits having the sea superiority and the richest colonial empire, the only room left for Prussian to increase their power was to dominate Europe

The empire loses, did you not watch the intro?

Which empire?

We suspect very much some military fanatic in Germany to have plot the whole thing

Tanya is a pacifist

>WW1 was a banker's war that never should have happened.
No it was a war to endlessly slaughter men with the will to fight and to pacify the white race.

Lol actually it was propaguanda made after he became reich führer he was actually in charge of the mail in the trenches. Also he was in trial for desertion after he tried to escape the mobilization of the precedent conflict (forgot the name)

Go back to your countainement board you crossboard fags

>not relevant to Tanya

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When does she get taken back to America and then used to destroy Japan?

It's actually an ongoing discussion that the entire phenomenon of facism was an outgrowth of the trauma and experiences of the age bracket of men who served during WW1.

>it wasn't them seeing how their elite classes are slaughtering them


Did we get a confirmed S2? Can't find anything about it

Men came back from Hell and wanted to make their homes better.
They just wanted the streets cleaned and then ...whoops we took it a little too far.

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wew lad
you mad

>believing Jewish lies years later
imagine being this retarded.

>japs made an anime hitler girl
>jews don't stop it
why are jews okay with it when japan does it

Tanya is WW2 is WW1 had never happened, so it’s entirely possible she accidentally gets promoted to furher after writing Mein Pomf after years or magical brain rewiring.
The WN she becomes a anti commie spy for not!America and lives in NY, which is why her and the salamanders etc are still so classified 40 years later. That and magical nukes.

Why the fuck isn't anyone else using lazer beam guns except sue?

Okay retards this is an anime board i really don't give a shit about your opinions , but if you wanna post about your revisionist history or your whatever consiparicy do it on /pol/ i'm sure you have there a lot of underage friends of yours to tell you how redpilled you are.
Now get the fuck out of my board

Mary Strong.

>discuss alternate history setting dealing with WW1 and gown it leads to WW2 (which hasn’t/doesn’t happen in Tanya. Looks to be a Cold War)
>meme about lmao jews
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Try to stay on topic rather than REEEEplying.


Tanya uses pure magical shells when on a power trip in the LN. anime s1 we saw her use a scatter to down 5 planes. Laser shooting just represents god interference / high MP output for the most part, and helps visually to tel who is shooting where. Mary Sue was more a jobber in the LN than a actual Mary Sue.

Can you keep on topic about Loli Hitler please.
Everyone loves and supports Loli Hitler
No one wants to hear your autistic screeching.

Anthem Raid best scene.

>discuss alternate history setling dealing with WW1 and gown it leads to WW2 (wich hasn't/doesn't happend in Tanya. Looks to be a Cold War)
>Some poltards get on the threads and start acting like niggers and post of topic
>thread is now full of shitty off-topic jew memes cause "lol look i'm a nazi i'm so edgy"
>thread is now full of revisionist history cause "lol if we'r wrong it's a conspiracy"
>tell the poltards to fuck off
>get called a shitposter ...

You guys are truly worst than furfags, everywhere you go you spam with your shitty meme just to say "look at me i'm a nazi i'm so edgy " but guess what no one ask and no one gives a fuck so go shitpost somewhere else

esl trash or underage b&

Probably both. Just ignore and a friendly reminder off topic spamming like a certain poster is doing can be reported.


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>an evil version of Hitler
So she supports the Jews?

>season 2

no such thing.

I haven’t watched this anime, but Tanya seems like a completely insufferable edgelord of a protagonist. But everyone says it’s good, so I’m torn on whether I should start it.


>this triggered by somebody calling out jews
Who could it be now?

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Nah, you're fine. Tanya gets advertised as some "psycho Hitler loli who likes to commit war crimes for the hell of it" by the normalfags when in reality it's just a little girl doing her best to survive the harsh environment of WWI with magic and divine interference.

Get off my board newfaggot.

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>anonymous forum acts like anonymous forum
>as soon as jew is mentioned there is autistic screeching about "not Yea Forums related"

Hmm, alright, I’ll give it a shot. She certainly does have a good evil grin, I’ll give her that.


nice voice
can't say I agree with everything, but very eloquent manifesto

>and lives in NY

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Man, if they did a live action adaptation (God forbid) I'd only hope they gave her a blond dye and put her on camera; racial accuracy be damned.

No, it was a result of the central banking structure exploiting people.

>The WN she becomes a anti commie spy for not!America
So the she betrays the empire?

So basically she becomes the von braun of magic duck attack helicopter.

she's Paperclipped by burgers
also her loyalty belongs only to safety and prospects of long life

Why is Tanya so lovable?

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Anime (((NYC))) banned cosplays from Youjo Senki among others.
Even though it's WW1 and not WW2, but SJWs can't into history anyway.

i seriously doubt you care about the difference either

Hugo Boss uniforms are so distinctive it's not even funny. How could anyone confuse them with imperial uniforms is beyond me

The message we get is that they are banning Germany, not Nazis, since they disn't exist yet.
The "Allies" are showing their true colors here.

Guten Tag , my fellow Tanya loving fans, is there a place where I can read the fanfic?How does the fanfic translation going in general?

Jewpress shat all over TL efforts, you'll have to download their shit.

And your last sentence reinforces what I said.

This saddens me, I see amazon has all 6 volumes TLd by JudenPress how come no one scanned them yet?Off to search I go.

>i seriously doubt you care about the difference either

>imperial country based on noblemen carrying out duties to the country that raised them
>some socialist rabble trying to usurp the world with their flavor of Marx ramblings interprerations
could you perhaps go fuck yourself?

>spoonfeeding him
Never gonna make it in Tanya's country

i'll make him eat the spoon too

What the fuck,that is a nice surprise, I was still in the middle of searching and didnt get to nyaa , thank you for spoonfeeding me, I think its best you delete the post now..

Don't teach a man to fish, because he's a grown man and fishing isn't that hard.

>violet evergarden btfo

Attached: Meanwhile in japan.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

>woman goes on a journey to find herself
sounds like a chick flick. it had nice animation though, so it must have cost a lot to make.

This wouldn't fly on the western world. Now I'm curious, how does Japan feel about Nazism and Ultranationalism?

Nigga the fuck?
Have you just been ignoring the last millennia of Japanese history?

See people like

I'm not claiming that there's anything nazi in that spectacle. It just reminded me of how something like that would be seen as nazi if we did it here, so I got curious.
As for the ultranationalism, are they still into that? I was wondering because after US occupation they might have lost part of their historical tradition.

how old are you guys?
less than 10, 20, 30?

Like I said, have you been ignoring Japanese history? It's really funny you mentioned the US occupation because that's the reason the japs even maintain their historical traditions. You should really read into the MacArthur stage up to now.

Yes, I am very ignorant on Japanese history. I'll try to educate myself more before I ask any more stupid questions.

They don't care much about Nazim on account of how their country wasn't steamrolled by them like the rest of Europe.

No shit huh, that might have something to do with the military coalition they held with the Nazis, or some shit like that

Reminding everyone the west is shit now.
Just a little while ago we were using nazi imagery for all kinds of things and no one cared.
Now we devolved into creatures worse than religious puritans. We can't even enjoy satire anymore.

nazi izu kool uniforumu !
dude, they wake up screaming nippon banzai

I love how in japan you can wear a full SS uniform to a comiket and people won't care.

Due to life experiences in the 21st century corporate world, things that seem like standard practice or common sense to her, are amazing concepts to those around her.
Everybody loves in when the boss brings in a box of donuts.
Little things can go a long way.

giving a shitty pamphlet to his fired employee didn't stop that revenge murder. maybe he should have thrown in a chocolate bar lol.

>killing a dude who fired you because you were a shitbag
he was never gonna make it

today i will remind them to sing again

At least post some good shit


>one flag and three nips in costumes
It's from an annual event that has songs from many different shows over a couple days.
It's not like the whole thing was set up to promote the Empire.
Just the one song for Tanya.

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Tanya is literally perfect as an adult

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shivers down my spine my nigga

You can tell she's actually having fun with it.

God I want a timeskip so badly

Muh fukkin dik
>you will never have an IRL gf this perfect

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I feel like I've seen adult Tanya before.
Maybe this is what her daughter grows up to be.

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user, that there is a supercommie.
Tanya would rather submit to Sonsai X than allow her daughter to become a communist.

I wanna creampie a supercommie

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Wasn't Balalaika's mother from Germany?
She was one of the German girls that was raped and kidnapped by Russians.
Stories worse than the rape of Nanking happened to German girls post WW2.

they didn't see it that way.

Tanya is for Rerugen. Especially adult Tanya.

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Balalaika was an early 60's baby at the absolute earliest.

Too bad he gets the noose before witnessing the glory of adult Tanya.

No, it will end with her giving birth to a boy that will become into the next head state of Germany.

If that's what you really believe you need to go look up the treaty of Versailles.

I want to make that Japanese salaryman a proud aryan mother.

Would childbirth count as natural causes for an end to Salaryman's suffering?
>worse than the rape of Nanking
Literal Nazi's had to tell japs to calm down with the rape.

To be fair, the timeline of Black Lagoon is really fucked.
Dutch is somehow a Vietnam vet.

>It's another /pol/tards project their nazi fetishism on Imperial Germany thread

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Dutch would have served in '73 or he is lying about his service. Either way, it doesn't really fuck the timeline.

Just making a joke on Schönheit der Arbeit
Please relax and have fun.

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Finally someone that knows and speaks the truth.

>based and bluepilled
Should be cucked and bluepilled

>not knowing that the DDR was the champion of traditional family values and last bastion in Europe against international jewery and degeneration
I bet your Stahlhelm doesn’t even deflect 9mm at point blank range.

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So how about that new Bismarck jam?

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Why are furries such a problem in germany?

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>the guy is the same height as 4'11 or so Aoi Yuki.

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They should have done like the Korean border and got the biggest japs they could find to stand with her.

Imagine being these 2 massive faggots

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Those were normal sized koreans, Americans are really that short

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That’s not a furry, that’s the Berlin Bear. The mascot of the city.

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Dip ass, Hitler was in WW1, he was a kid

This is great, i hope the Japs realize their Imperialistic tendencies, reinstate their military etc.

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He was a soldier in the war. Not a kid

>reinstate their military

Young Hitler in WW1 wasn't a very good soldier. He never achieved much and barely grew in rank, never held any true command.

Tanya is the Red Baron

>my board

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I still don't get why everyone calls her hitler. She's a fedora tipping sociopath driven by pure self interest. She's not an idealist. She doesn't really care about the Empire or it's people, she just wants a comfy life in the rear. She's murderous, but she's not genocidal or racist.
Unfortunately Americans can't tell the difference between Imperial Germany and Nazi Germany, and wartime propaganda of the evil baby killing Hun seems to have stuck around darn well, so anything with a German aesthetic must be Nazis, and evil is always literally Hitler.
People seem to think America saved the world in WW1, what with all Woodrow Wilsons bullshit about making the world safe for democracy against the autocratic Kaiser. The US joined the war because our banks gave out massive loans to the French and British so they could buy war material from the US. When the French were nearing their breaking point(the Germans were closer but it looked dicey), the US was forced to join the war, or face the prospect of the Entente never paying their debts. In the early war we wanted to sell to the Germans too, but the British blockade stopped us. Otherwise, yes, we have similar forms of government and cultural ties, but that's not enough for America to break our tradition of not getting involved in retarded European wars.
If the Germans had won the war, you'd get a Versailles-esque treaty applied to the Entente, disputed border regions would change hands, war indemnities would be set, Germany would take as many French and British colonies as they could get. It's likely they would attempt to lay military restrictions on the French and British out of fear of another war. The French would be humiliated, and in 10 years a failed French pastry chef would start blaming the Jews and socialists for everything, and you'd get World War Two: Baguette Boogaloo.

He did fight until he was too crippled to continue in active duty. Being a good soldier in WWI is kind of a hard term to define, if you ask me; don't die and shoot when told to shoot; that's all I takes.

Brainlets of Yea Forums are too stupid even for tumblr

Jesus christ I thought this thread would die after an hour. I assumed people would just call me a fag and leave it at that, are you all actually arguing the point?

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Might get this soon.

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It seems out of character for her to not be in her proper kit
Tanya is not for lewd

No, Tanya will score a political marriage with the Kaiser.


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Aside from the price, what keeps me from buying this figurine is that it seems a tad OOC for Tnaya to pose like that. Even if it is beatiful.

Are you retarded? Are you seriously going to imply most of the higher ups in ww1 on both sides weren’t complete faggots who needed the deaths of literal hundreds of thousands before they changed tactics? Or that a common citizen accquiring command that was usually assigned to aristocratic Regals was realistic in anyway?
Being a dispatch runner was unironically one of the deadliest jobs around and put you in high risk of enemy artillery more often than a stationary soldier barring a large offensive. Artillery in ww1 tended to land just between the front trenches and where command was stationed making the traversal and retreat through communication trenches incredibly perilous. Being assigned the fucking coffee runner was legitimately a death-defying job in ww1. Not saying that Hitler per se displayed any bravery as I’m not familiar with his record aside from the handful of medals he won but the job he had definitely took courage to do repeatedly.

Which part is wrong?

With China swinging its dick around in the water over there, Japan has begun exploring options that take them away from pacifism and allow them to pull some of their own weight in the region.
But then again the folks in Okinawa want the Americans off the island. As if that world ever happen.
Like some sort of reverse Puerto Rico.

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>they are banning Germany, not Nazis
This has always been the case.
Acting like Germany ceased to function for a period of time and was taken over by an evil organization in the form of the Nazi party, all to justify the continued dehumanization of the enemy going on until today without completely antagonizing modern Germany, is a trick so childish and transparent that it should taken as an insult to one's intelligence.

>not sure what he did
>commends his bravery

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>The "Allies" are showing their true colors here.
These so called "allies" deceive with their very name. Their propaganda is advanced, but we will not be deceived.

theres literally only like 5 translated doujins of youjo senki dude

I know what he did you knuckle-dragging dissapointment to your father. I’m warning that while I don’t know the specifics of his personal war record, I’m still advocating that ANYone who fulfilled the role of dispatch runner deserves a level of admiration or even respect as it was an incredibly tough job that frequently put one in more immediate mortal danger than even the highly-romanticized frontline soldier. I will NOT have people denegrate those who deserve respect just because they want to make a retarded, “lol hitler was just a postman” meme or speak as if they have any level of understanding of the highly specialized and complex roles of people that formed trench warfare. Go shove a shotgun up your ass sideways.

>I'm going to bother reading that with the way you started
Work on your subtly, retard.

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Have fun with that, user

This. I hate how easy it is to mock controversial or downright demonized figures on the grounds that "no one will come to play devil's advocate since that would contradict the general consensus" even if their claims against them are total bullshit. As if there wasn't enough to hate about Hitler, you want to add more to the pile of shit, because for some people the idea that a man who has turned into the Satan of today's world could have any positive or outright admirable traits is unconceivable. Black and white judgement is retarded.

>Japan has begun exploring options that take them away from pacifism and allow them to pull some of their own weight in the region.
>But then again the folks in Okinawa want the Americans off the island
We're the ones who are encouraging them to remilitarize so we don't have to spend so much on their defense.

>this is real
What the fuck that’s hitlarious.

>highlight + go to
>see rape and guro
>ctrl + w
well that happened

you expected anything other than rape when you asked for sauce on that pic?

thanks for posting this link, I searched on youtube and it didnt have the event only the blue rays on nyaa that are 20 GB a piece. Felt kind of wasteful to download all that for one song.

Fields of verdun as well

does god eventually delete tanya from existence because of how much she's able to influence the world? maybe because X-sama used divine intervention to make her as powerful as he did he decides the only solution is to make it seem like she never happened.

only ask because the reporters in 1960, a measly 4 decades after, can't seem to find any record of her despite being on the cover of a billion newspapers and starring in propaganda films.

like seriously how is she so unknown by 1960 that they believe she's a logistical concept and not an actual person?

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God is literally in a pissing match, he doesn't care how much of the anthill gets destroyed by the streams.

i understand that user but why is she completely disappeared by 1960?

i've read the manga and have watched the anime, but I understand the LN is several years ahead of both of them by this point. is there any kind of explanation why they forgot about her?

like seriously, tanya hasn't been a well-kept secret up until this point. even if SOMEHOW the 1960-era reporters don't know she was a smol girl, they arent even sure if he was a person or not. "devil of the rhine," "argent," like none of the vets knew anything about her? despite the fact that pretty much every single imperial soldier worships the ground she walks on?

it just bugs me. unless god did something there's no way her legacy would be so mysterious and esoteric. they aren't trying to piece together the life of ghengis khan or some 5th century general, it's someone so young that most of the people that knew her are still alive by that point.

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Somebody said she defects after the Empire fucks up and lives in jew York as an anticommie spie. She gets hot as well

>During airing
>Only redit/tumblr/normalfags who failed history class call her Hitler or think it's related to nazis.
>Yea Forums is now flooded with these faggots

She also uses her influence to keep herself clasified

She stays loli sized due to heavy magic and combat drug abuse

Is the drug abuse canon?

They kept taking it down on YouTube.
There might be a version there now with the flag just covering the middle of the screen.

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Soldiers on all sides used amphetamines before large battles.
LNs and manga reference the specific formulas. Anime is more streamlined.

Havent watchd youjo yet but aryan loli sperging out in trench war sounds awesome. Is it that or am i going to be disappointed?

>okinawans want americans off the island

What's your source? Okinawans were nothing but polite to me and I've heard that they constantly fight against plans to move the American military presence because the marines and sailors pour tons of money into the economy.

I could be wrong, but that was my impression during my time there.

It's literally the opposite of trenches they have aerial dog fights with magic


Sounds cool too. Ww1 was aesthetic as fuck.

>American military presence because the marines and sailors pour tons of money into the economy
And leaving would basically render the island irrelevant and require major support from the capital.
But protesters gonna protest.

[Studio Tar (Kyouichirou)] Akuma o Produce!! (Youjo Senki) [2017-09-08]

Thanks, i need to start the LNs as ASAP.I don't remember the manga saying anything about drugs?

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I am really tempted to reread all manga to find the drugs.

Oniichan , wanna buy some rock cds?

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From the wiki, they try to turn her into hitler after they lose the war. However Tanya see's where its going to go, to avoid the rise of Nazism, she tells them to stop and she lives a quiet life in America and takes big American dick.

Japanese Man reincarnates into fantasy German to get dicked by a Blue Blooded American, its perfect.

You see /pol/, there's this phrase known as, "This is why we can't have nice things." While nothing bad can happen from you LARPing as a nazi on the internet, in real life, people are quite likely to arrange a meeting between their fist and your face. And that tends to lead to brawls, blood-stained floors, damaged furniture, lawsuits, increased insurance costs, and the venue telling us we're not allowed in ever again. So because of fucktards like you, we can't have Yojo Senki cosplay at cons anymore. Understand?

how come the communists get a free pass and we don't


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I don't even care that this is a spoiler, this is the best fucking ending possible.

Because we don't have to worry about the communists lynching brown people, you mouthbreathing fuck.

Chapter 1, page 42

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Yeah they stick to lynching disgusting Americans right?

They're as bad as each-other user


Nazis are just more punchable for some reason. I can only guess as to why. Maybe because they don't know when to shut their mouths.

Uhhh google? want US trrops to leave

Its hilarious seeing Okinawan politicans there keep saying they will get rid of the bases to get the votes but never will because it will deplete their economy back to the stone age. Japan itself will never let that happen since China keeps swinging their dick around.

I need a jap LN of this WW2 baguette edition.

Is this smut official material?

> want US trrops to leave

uh user, did you even read your results before you linked that?

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Only this one.
Let's go one page back to catch a glimpse of mister famous.

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literally unreadable

Uh user, did you even read my comment before you posted that? You are confusing the Japanese government, the nation's government, with that of the local government. The Japanese government wants troops in Okinawa to keep China and N Korea at bay but the residents on the island dont want the troops there mainly because of solders raping women.

i thought the japanese loved rape

Only when they're the ones doing the raping.

Don't the average japanese loves NTR?