>Eva on Netflix is getting redubbed without Asuka's VA
>Never mind not having Misato, Gendo or Rei's VA
Reminder it's gonna be shit
>Eva on Netflix is getting redubbed without Asuka's VA
>Never mind not having Misato, Gendo or Rei's VA
Reminder it's gonna be shit
Reminder eva is baby's first "deep" normalfaggot anime, watch Serial Expereiments Lain or HxH and get you mind blown kiddo (that's if you have one)
>redubbing anime
for what purpose?
Who gives a shit? Yuko Miyamura will always be the only true Asuka
That's gonna be a no from me.
Oh no the shitty dub is being replaced with another shitty dub
I don't give a shit how biased subfags are the Eva dub is good, pretty much all the voices fit very well and the only crime it does is having some corny ass dialogue during the non-serious moments early on before it gets it together, and the retarded splorch SFX and Hyuga's VA getting changed in EoE.
Also sub Asuka's VA is fucking ear-piercingly awful, it's like she's trying to make you turn off the TV.
What's the point of redubbing in USA?
In Mexico we got 2 dubs, but several VAs returned for the second dub. The second dub actually fixes some translation problems.
>you can replace the VAs once, but you can't do it twice!!!!!
Well the Jap one couldn't even fucking speak German so I don't think it would have been smart to bring her over for the localization
The original Eva dub is over a decade old. Both the talent and technology to dub anime has improved since then, plus you don't have to deal with licensing issues if you just dub it yourself.
Normalfags will eat it up. Shame too I ironically like the Eva dub
>Both the talent and technology to dub anime has improved since then
no it didn't
They're only redoing the dub so they don't have to pay for the original. The original English dub would cost two shekels too many. It has nothing to do with tech
We'll always have the original dub, its not like it will be erased from existence.
And hopefully the dub for 4.0 will use the same VAs as the other Rebuilds and series.
I mean, 4.0 will still suck either way, but at least it should have that.
Every dub is shit
>watching dubbed
fuck this place and the only dubbed VA that mattered was Shinji and you all know this is true.
This thread is proof that normalfaggots like this show.
Most of the dubs worth anything are decades old, the new shit is too sterile and crowded by the same few people.
>cromartie high school
There are several decent ones from the later 00s and a couple in the 10s, but the further back you go the fresher a typical dub sounds.
I was gonna include Shinji in the description but I didn't want to get more flak, I regret that now
>try to get my brother into Eva
>doesn't bite
>find out later he has an inflation fetish
Fuck me I dodged a bullet there
Exactly why I will never watch the dub again in my life. Only character I can stand in the dub is Rei. Shinji and Asuka completely fucking ruin it and everyone else is just adding another layer of wet oily shit on top.
If you think the Eva dub is good then you are beyond wrong, in fact its actually hard to fathom how incorrect you are. You might as well have been watching a different show, the English cast completely misinterpret the tone of the original characters.
>Shinji sounds like a whiny doormat which is much better than a trap
>Asuka just sounds like a less annoying version of the sub version
>You literally can't argue dub Misato, Ritsuko, Gendo, or Fuyutsuki as anything other than solid
>Toji's VA is based
Get a grip, it's fine to complain about the dialogue being hammy early on but implying that anyone besides that screeching retard in the first episode and EoE Hyuga was bad is retarded
>both the talent and technology to dub anime has improved
>the talent
LMAOing at your life, you dubfags are absolutely delusional
Shinji sound like Yakko Warner from the Animaniacs.
>giving a single fuck about dubs
shut up nigger gatekeeper you have to go back
Haibane Renmei is better even with the butchered early digital animation.
Yeah I couldn't disagree more about gendo, misato, and fuyutsuki, they all sound pretty lackluster. I was pretty over the top with my opinion earlier, but they just don't fit all that well to me and it really turns me off from the dub. Ritsuko and Toji are alright I guess. Asuka just sounds like utter shit, nothing about her dub voice is good in the slightest and I cringe every time I get to the elevator scene in the dub and I still stand by Spike doing a pretty shit job at shinji. Nothing about his performance really captures Shinji as well as Megumi did and no matter how many times I rewatch EoE I can never sit through any of his screams. It's just preference but God damn I just cannot handle the dub.
You subfags are so full of shit if you think dub Asuka is bad and this isn't, don't talk to me about cringe
Are there even any good dub VA's left, I thought most of the good ones retired or moved on or mainly do video game roles nowadays.
I recently saw EoE subbed for the first time and Asuka's scream when she is hit by the mass production lance of longinus was amazing.
Tiffany Grant did a good job with Asuka. She can even speak German for Asuka's German parts.
It's almost as if the voice actors would have to do more than dub comedic one liners, like actually understanding the character's motivations and tones with each complex line.
This youtube.com
Her pronunciation is good, but the sentences they made her read sound kinda wonky in terms of how actual german speakers construct sentences.
>types this pretentious nonsense out as if this is barely out of place with sub Asuka's normal fucking annoying tone of voice
Yeah you would find this garbage comedic you fucking simp
I had no idea a person's voice could actually make squeaking noises
Yeah the anta baka thing is pretty annoying sometimes but nothing like Tiffany Grant's overall performance of the character. The scream in EoE that mentioned is one of the only things she did a great job on, but even then I can't say that Yuko Miyamura didn't have a superior performance in that scene. At least to me Yuko was better but again, just preference.
>caring about dubbing
Who gives a shit, you illiterate retard?
Either dub is shit because this anime is dog shit and makes no fucking sense
The worst post in a whole thread of bad posts, you should be ashamed of yourself.
they shouldn't even have the dub available as an option
fucking normalfags
I really enjoy Rei's original dub
>watch HxH and get you mind blown
Watching HxH and getting your mind blown.
Yeah, I kind of hated Misato's voice. I don't understand why people like it as much as they do.
Hour late but I realized I misread saying subbed as dubbed, my bad, whoops
No way did the guy not mistype dubbed, like what did he watch the sub for the first time as if the sub isn't the more widely known one by far?
I could not possibly give a shit less about those VAs, they were all weird, stilted and terrible, especially fucking Shinji.
Pack-a-day Misato is just as important to the dub as Asuka was
My friend who I introduced Eva to watched the dub instead of the sub first. But he did that because he "wanted the experience everyone else in the west had when it was airing over here," or some bullshit and refuses to rewatch the show subbed. I'm also pretty sure the reason he dislikes Eva for the most part is because of the dub too, but I'm not sure.
You know
The dub for eoe is soli,d but in my second watch I realized the english dub for a lot of it is a lot worse than I remember.
It's netflix so it would probably be shit, but whatever, I made peace with the fact that nothing will surpass the sub.
>I'm pretty sure he dislikes it because of the dub
If he never said this is why then that's not why. If he disliked it because of some very infrequent awkward delivery then he's a fucking retard anyway, given how the only reason anyone dickrides sub so much is because they watched it first and went in to the dub biased.
I only think that because he constantly complains about how much the dub sucks and how hilarious it is in a lot of places. Which is why I tell him to give the sub a shot at least but he never does. Gets very frustrating when he continuously complains about the dubs quality but refuses the other option
>Serial Expereiments Lain
>claims dub is "hilarious"ly bad even though its issues are sporadic at best and for the most part it's solid
>won't watch other version even though he didn't like the version he watched
Well it's a good thing retards don't have opinions that can be taken seriously
Good. Fuck Monica Rial.
lain is a series that should be discovered and appreciated not blatantly tossed around as self validation.
You are wrong, but I forgive you, silly billy
>Tiffany Grant
you say that like it's a bad thing
I will beat your ass, I hope you're Vic you pedophile twink mother fucker!
the tone of the sub fits the series better. also spike spencer has a shitty scream.
They redibbed it because based Spike Spencer called out how retarded the plot got in the outtakes.
how is HxH deep? its just a generic shonen, what am I missing?
I still can't believe how much she likes Asuka.
Well she is best girl.
>how is HxH deep? its just a generic shonen, what am I missing?
It's just a popular meme around here, don't worry about it.
I don't think I've ever seen a love so pure.
Can believe same guy that did this also did Digimon Tamers?
>tfw Rei's Eng VA is a crazy person who got banned from cons for her bullshit
>still is in vidya but uncredited
I don't really care if the VA is a shitty person or not, I just want to hear good acting. And Rei's VA did the best job of the whole English cast
>only reason anyone dickrides sub so much is because they watched it first
To hold this opinion you have to be deaf. I watched Eva dubbed first as at the time I valued convenience over quality. On my first rewatch I put the sub track on for a random episode just for the hell of it and I couldn't stomach watching the show english dubbed since. The difference in quality is huge. It was probably the moment that made me rethink my dubfag ways. This didn't happen across the board for all anime I watched dubbed first, far from it. There are plenty of shows where I can watch both subbed and dubbed interchangeably.
Watching Eva dubbed should actually get you arrested and anally raped.
will there be a dvd/bd/uhd-release of EVA TV with the new dub?
She is a true believer. I envy her dedication and devotion.
Depends on the deal Netflix made.
ITT: subfags seething over how good the dub is
The only positive thing about the American dub (and Asuka's VA specifically) is the fact she can speak German. And it's not even comparable to the actual German VA of course, but that's the script writers fault.
Nostalgia is THE ONLY reason Americans think their dub of Eva is so good.
dubs are fake, nobody cares if they're good or not. if you watch any dub of anything you're a cuck.
Will their video be the Renewal-Blurry master?
>fighting over subs vs dubs
this except don't bother watching Lain or HxH either
>caring about netflix releases
>loved eva when i first watched it, but didnt actually get it that much
>rewatched it once and finally understood it years later
>don't like it anymore
Based. NGE is overrated shit. I'd rather watch Mars of Destruction 26 times in a row.
>Reminder it's gonna be shit
There is nothing to remind one about dub being shit. Get your normalfaggotry out of here.
>makes no fucking sense
Unironically too deep for you. It's not even that deep. They spell out the themes for you pretty early on. The only thing you could possibly be confused by is reading too far into the religious imagery which is mostly there for style.
Dubbers can't know what directors (Anno in this case) told the VAs about how to deliver some lines.