Is the golden-age of Berserk the best portrayal of tragic homosexual love in the medium of manga? Or in art in general?
Is the golden-age of Berserk the best portrayal of tragic homosexual love in the medium of manga? Or in art in general?
Just imagine all the shit that could have been prevented if only had they just fucked
>Griffith marries Charlotte while happily fucking his husbando
>conquers the continent and launches all his reforms
>the world gets a quick civilization upgrade and humanity becomes less edgy, making life better for everyone
Moral of the story: go confess to your crush while you still can.
Gay men don't rape women
>two men's friendship
every fucking time
Fujoshits/faggots are delusional
Guts is top
This unironically, and it's not limited to Berserk — imagine just how different Devilman, Evangelion, Seikasuru Kado, etc would be if the dark haired protagonist just simply returned the affection of the white haired homo. In each series, I would say it'd change the world for the better, so if you really think about it, Akira, Guts, etc are the ones who are in the wrong.
if only they listen to anons and just have sex
>a man literally has anal sex with another man
>"lmao how could this man possibly have any homosexual feelings towards a third man fucking fujoshits amirite"
it wasnt gay, he just did it for shekels m8
I'm a heterosexual man and I wouldn't do that shit for shekels especially if I have a way of making those same shekels except slower.
Kill yourself.
if you're bound by the laws of causality you'll probably take the surest path to success
Honestly if Griffith got his wish of being with Guts I don't think the picture would be as rosy as you say. Look at him now, he has his dream kingdom, all he does is keep seeking greater and greater thrills. He can't be satisfied.
>portrayal of tragic homosexual love
Yes, a one sided tragic homosexual love. Guts never understood homosexuality in the first place. Casca tried to warn him, she explained it to him but he still had trouble even grasping it let alone believing Griffith was gay. And that he was gay for him of all things he probably still doesn't know.
What a whore.
I mean who can blame him after fucking Donovan, he almost strangled Casca to death, imagine what he'd do if he got the flashback while buried in Griffith's ass.
You dont have a dream like griffith does though.
>while buried in Griffith's ass
The only thing that will get buried in Griffith's ass is the Dragonslayer.
The case with Donovan was observed as pedophilia, degeneracy and perversion in Guts' eyes so he didn't consider a relatively sane or moral individual as he viewed Griffith to be, would succumb to homosexuality. When he finally accepted Casca's story he still didn't understand it as an actual orientation of Griffiths, meaning he doesn't understand the mindset of homosexuality in general. Funny thing is that because of his justification of Griffith's actions as something the dude did only for money he still probably doesn't know that Griffith had a thing for him as well. Like I said, Casca explained to Guts that she herself was jealous of him because she knows Griffith was attracted to him but Guts actually never accepted this story or seriously thought about it. He just dismissed it as her assumption and showed complete ignorance of this till the end.
No way fag.
golden age was boring desu. conviction saved berserk