Iori is best idol

Iori is best idol.

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She has a nice asshole.

I want to cum all over her feet
after I finish cumming in her ass

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I want to rub my dick on those feet

Chihaya is better

Attached: DBFFE2F7-BC75-4189-9891-27B0F0780BBD.jpg (640x800, 100K)

Why do 99% of footfag images have unattractive feet

Lick those feets baby yummy feeeeets

footfags arent very intelligent

it takes a talent to draw a good feet

Those are lovely feet

Anal idol

And then Takane shows up.

Attached: __shijou_takane_idolmaster_idolmaster_million_live_and_idolmaster_million_live_theater_days__bede101 (1282x722, 1.52M)

Feet are gross
And so is anal

Chihaya is for ___________

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Literally me.

Attached: 1496443142214.png (1800x3450, 1.07M)

>I don't know what kind of beer you like
>So I got you everything
And now I understand why Chihaya is the best idol.

Attached: [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_05_[720p][B6AD5F75].mkv_snapshot_12.56_[2013.02.09_03.12.19].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

good looking feet is a challenge to draw.
just one messed up toe curve can throw off the entire foot.

Does Miki still love Iori?

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As a footfag the toes look way too bulbous and the soles are misshapen.

Attached: 01e64d96ed46f0780260a8fcbd13c32d.jpg (600x598, 30K)

Nozo mikura hashi best idoI

>soles are misshapen

Can you elaborate a bit more?

singing tsurupettan

Chihaya and Takane are literally perfect. Azusa and Makoto are great too.

give us a good example of well drawn feet

What about these?

Attached: 1557872761349.jpg (2480x3508, 1.72M)

Attached: 1541198605276.png (800x800, 712K)

Those are ugly feet

The more moist a foot looks the better

It's covered by socks so it's disqualified.



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Anal only.

>can't even post good im@s feet
Way to go OP you fucking faggot

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Yes, they spice it up incredibly

Pic sucks, actually. The central focus are meant to be the feet, but then the artist goes and does the nylons all half-assed, applying a simple layer with a straight repeating pattern rather than detailing the stitch work to follow the contours of the feet and legs.

Nothing to smug about.

The artist has a pantyhose fetish. I don't think he has even drawn bare feet in his life.


those feet are shaped really poorly. yikes

move outta way bich, this is a good foot

Attached: 1557122427579.jpg (607x885, 73K)

Attached: foot.jpg (850x600, 75K)

Now THESE are good feet.