It will happen. Just wait. I've already preordered Kaijuu no Kodomo's first art book. Studio 4C will create another masterpiece. (Tr/N)igger will make an enjoyable flick and Shinkai will top KnnW and cause Miyazaki to have a heart-attack. Meanwhile Yuasa and Hara win Annecy, Otowa and all other noteworthy animation festivals again. 2019 will save this decade and start a new era of Japanese animation.
2019 will save the decade
Other urls found in this thread:
Yea Forums on suicide watch
Detective Pikachu is Yea Forums
There's so much blue in that image
Year of water. Even PROMARE is about extinguishing fire.
We won't get any of this until 2020, though.
Shinkai's movie will be another 6/10 forgettable flick.
Yuasa's will a pretty decent normalfag movie like Lu, but again, doing "conventional" anime doesn't really suit him and it's kind of a waste.
Children of the Sea will be top eyecandy but won't be able to adapt all of the manga properly.
I don't expect Hara's movie to be on the level of Colorful and Hokusai, I hope it to be good but I'm not too hopeful.
Promare will be amazing.
I don't really care for Black Fox.
And there's Koike's Lupin part 3, faggot.
Nobody cares about your franchise shit. Stop already.
Excited for Black Fox and the Yuasa one. Shinkai's will probably be full of eyecandy, so there is that as well. Don't know much about the others, but I'll probably end up watching them anyways.
Which will win the Oscar, “Tenki no Ko” or “Kaijuu no Kodomo”?
It was made by Hollywood.
Toy Story 4.
People who want to watch good shit do. But suit yourself.
It won’t. They already revealed the story; it sucks.
Doesn't matter. It won the Oscar the second it was announced.
Just like Cars 2, Monsters U, Finding Dory, and Incredibles 2, right?
Genuinely don't get what people have against the Yuasa film. Are they simply not fond of the flash animation? At least Ohira is guaranteed to have half a dozen cuts again I hope.
i dont care what you fags think,weathering with you is going to break all the records
>weathering with you
That’s a terrible title. I hope they change it for its English release.
Just imagine if we got the old blueballing Shinkai back
So, how long do we have to wait to get a proper release with 4k HDR quality and non autistic subs? Until 2020? 20201?
>Genuinely don't get what people have against the Yuasa film
Speaking of Flash, it looked good in Night is Short but there was something off in Lu. And they went too far in touching up Ohira's cuts in that movie.
2030? You realize that 4k releases are incredibly rare, right?
Hope Radwimps will deliver again
What was off was the art direction. The film looks incredible when the backgrounds aren't hyper realistic trace jobs. That's also the reason why the flash animation it worked better in Otome. The backgrounds properly adopted the character line art and went for a low detail approach similar to Toonami and Kaiba. Lu's village sequences look like shit because the background art clashes with the characters. A problem the movie doesn't have during underwater sequences. The animation on the other hand is flawless and arguably some of the most impressive of the entire decade.
No, it wasn't a problem with the backgrounds. There was definitely something off about the animation, like if the framerate was too high. It was especially evident by the movement of Kai's and Yuho's hair: there was nothing like that in Otome.
You're just plain wrong, then. There was nothing wrong with the animation bar a some chaotic camerawork.
I'm definitely not. Go rewatch the movie and look at the characters bangs flopping around, it's uncanny.
You are.
I do, but that doesn't mean it should not be happening. 4k HDR, or rather 4k an some dynamic HDR format should be the standard home release by now. 1080p tech is literally 20 years old. It is time to move on.
I'm not, but suit yourself. There's also the problem of the excessive clean up of Ohira's work, are you going to deny that as well? The animation of the movie can't be called some of the best of the decade by any stretch.
Since it isn't, it shouldn't be. That's how supply and demand work. Diminishing returns, plain and simple. Just because you notice a difference sitting 60cm from your computer screen doesn't mean the average consumer (the person the format gets pushed for) does, too. After all, their distance to the screen is closer to 3m+.
> Just because you notice a difference sitting 60cm from your computer screen
Negro, I have a 55" OLED. I am willing to pay money for a good UHD BD. I am the market. However, these nips are stuck in the 90s and ignore the demand for high quality video.
It literally cost them nothing, if the original source material is done in film.
>you are the market
you and your less than 5% market share can suck a dick lmoa. as far as the industry is concerned you guys barely exist. dvd still outsells blu-ray to this date.
also anime movies aren't live-action retard. after they stopped using cel they're all "shot" and edited digitally so there's no film to go back to. there's not a single anime uhd blu-ray that has hdr that was native to the process. even your name added it on afterward.
pretty much everything here 100% besides yuasa.
He's enough of an auteur for me to enjoy almost anything he puts out so I would probably be chill with it.
Especially the last line
This kid not only forgot a koike movie but the last Lupin that was made while monkeypunch was still alive.
What do you even base these claims on? The single genga available on sakugabooru? That barely even has any cleanup since the detail that was lost from the sketch was readded through the addition of digital effects? ergo there was no actual cleanup or the initial drawing?!
I'd also love to hear the numerous movies from this decade that actually have better animation. Once you're listed A Letter to Momo and Millenium Dragon the list becomes extremely thing. Maquia and Wolf Children might qualify, but it's already a stretch. Nijiiro Hotaru and Ordinal Scale don't cut it. And Otome sure as hell doesn't. So, what are those magic flicks?
He's going to redefine anime again this year. It's inevitable.
I like this guys spirit, but man he makes such boring trash.
I'd want to off myself if I saw the world as such a gray blob as he does.
He's a competent animator and tries some cool stuff, but I couldn't care for his cinematography or storytelling even if I tried.
I'm starting to wonder if you're legally blind. Not even his work for Miyazaki had the linework cleaned up to this extent, and making some of it another Flash blob isn't remotely the same thing.
And quite frankly, why are you even me asking this question when I already told you that the animation of the film has some uncanny Flash feel to it? It's abvious that I'd put many other movie above it, Otome included.
To see how retarded you actually are, on a scale from 1-10 to be precise. I wanted to see if you actually would list KusoAnus flicks, Mirai no Mirai, Hokusai or Colorful, Gionanis, Katasumi and the likes, none of which have impressive animation. Your criticism doesn't even have any actual substance. It's simply your personal bias shining through. Lu is OBJECTIVELY one of the most well animated anime films of the decade. It still look like shit, but that doesn't change the quality of the animation.
I see.
But seriously, take a look at this:
It's so obvious which parts of the characters were made into separate shapes and moved with Flash, not just the hair now that I look at it more closely (Yoho's skirt is especially egregious). It's like they're puppets with loose joints, and bouncy blobs attached to their bodies. If you cant tell what's wrong with it compared to regular animation, I don't know what to say to you.
And I should mention that it's even MUCH more apparent at 1080p.
Must be sad to have this awful taste user, sorry for ya.
Not sure if you're purposely trying to look like a mouth-breather, but the movie very clearly puts an emphasis on unorthodox movement. Half the scenes have characters go off model for no good reason bar stylistic choice. This approach might go against your personal conventions of what animation should be, but that doesn't make it bad. Are you sure that you've actually watched the movie and understood what it was going for? Doesn't seem like it to be honest.
Lego Movie 2 was alright though.
Just not as good as the first one.
>3 pretentious samelook titles at the top
>1 interesting title, 1 triggershit and 1 otakubaitshit at the bottom
An absolute proof that a medium change can't fix trash.
The dogmas holding western art back aren't gonna peel off just because you changed the tool.
Hopefully this will give western animation enough of a slap in the face to start treating animation as film.
*Frozen 2
>1 interesting title
Can you explain your reasoning? As far as I am concerned, Hara's film has not only the worst premise but also the least interesting visuals of all of them.
How can anyone be excited after Trigger fucking burned everyone multiple times?
>build KLK up
>AYYLMAO final boss that doesn't even live up to TTGL's final fight
>Darling in the Franxx is set up pretty nicely at first
>starts going into far too much emotional drama with not enough mechs
>AYYLMAO asspull that ruins the last few episodes
>writers take a big shit on 02/Hiro as well with the very end
It's a movie. Makes it more likley for them to finish the script before they start animating it. Also makes it less likely for them to run out of budget towards the end, like the did in KLK.
I'm no professional at making moving chinese pictures, but how in the flying fuck do you make a show without fully planning it first? Did they just wing it with the plot or some shit? Why would you not fully allocate your funding and script before beginning? It's like saying you want to make a building but then you have no idea what the top floors will be like until you get to them.
This so tiresome. I'm quite familiar with Yuasa, Ito and pretty much every significant animator featured in the movie, as well as every kind of animation technique they use. This isn't about unconventional movements and deformations, it's about clumsy use of Flash that makes it obvious that I'm watching a bunch of shapes moved around by a puppeteer. And it's a problem exclusive of this movie.
But if you insist on not seeing any problem, good for you then.
Even in a movie thread do we have braindead studiofags throwing their shit around? Nobody cares about FranXX, people are excited because it's an Imaishi movie.
My point is Imaishi is undoubtedly going to fuck it up because he appears to have ADHD or some shit these days. He also has an undying boner for DUDE ALIENS too which needs to fuck off or at least not be used to asspull some super final boss out of nowhere.
Imaishi has been a guarantee of quality so far, so there is no point in having doubts.
>Weathering With Your Name
Stop with the Trigger "Saving Anime" meme.
>Imaishi guarantees quality
>meanwhile every Trigger production has been poop
Just because Imaishi did well with TTGL doesn't mean he can magically make the rest of his studio good. The trailer being loaded with CGI doesn't make me too confident either.
>And it's a problem exclusive of this movie.
Almost like it's a stylistic choice made by the director in an attempt to make the movie appear more lighthearted. Emphasize its jolly nature so to speak. But you're right, this is tiresome, given how you're unable to wrap your head around an artists vision. You call it clumsy, but it quite literally works in favor of the themes conveyed.
Anime production usually runs on shoestring budgets. Episodes are rarely animated in advance. So if episode 11 just aired, it's very likely for the studio to still be busy with episode 12. Scripts might be adjusted in the middle of the production process, albeit I am not sure how often that actually happens. Anno did it all the time for Evangelion, just to give one of the most prominent examples.
Black Fox would have been better if it stayed as a TV anime.
If you want to talk about why you don't like KLK or Luluco, you can go to the KLK thread. No point in doing it here. Obviously I disagree.
That's my problem though. I thought KLK was fantastic at the start, only to get assfucked by a garbage ending. Luluco was fine for what it was (little joke 5 minute shorts), and somehow it ended up with a far better plot than LWA for example. LWA in particular was beyond awful. The two OVAs were fine, yet somehow the TV series ended up with terrible amounts of filler episodes and a mad rush to advance the plot at breakneck speeds.
Okay, post it in the other thread.
Is this not the appropriate thread to discuss my concerns about Imaishi/Trigger botching a potentially good movie?
I am OP and I give you permission to stay here. Don't listen to this apologist. I am as excited for PROMARE as the next guy but someone claiming for Imaishit to be guaranteed quality goes too far. Such a person can't be taken seriously.
This guy is a hack and can't write for shit. Only thing he has going for it are his gimmicks and train fetish.
Uff, if you insist.
>I thought KLK was fantastic at the start, only to get assfucked by a garbage ending
The ending of KLK was good, what you don't like about it?
>Luluco was fine for what it was (little joke 5 minute shorts)
Calling Luluco a joke short is obviously reductive, given how it escalated over the course of the show and the kind of narrative and subtext it could pull off. It is in no way inferior to longer productions.
>LWA in particular was beyond awful. The two OVAs were fine
The second OVA was terrible actually, much worse than the series.
>TV series ended up with terrible amounts of filler episodes
You seem confused. The standalone episodes were good, it was on the overarching plot that LWA dropped the ball.
Imaishi doesn't have anything to do with LWA anyway, other that for the (fantastic) episode he directed, so this isn't relevant.
Go to bed, Hayao. You've lost.
Called me out there.
Well, as long as they market their shit exclusively to kids...
Okay, so I took a look at Yea Forums because of this... what an absolute trash board. Yea Forums feels like paradise compared to that travesty.
To go in order:
>Ending to KLK was butts due to being some sort of wannabe TTGL fight yet without any of the weight behind it that TTGL had. The fact that they had to do an OVA to wrap it up proves this.
>Luluco was more serious towards the end, but it was still a light-hearted fun thing at its core
>Second OVA was miles better than the TV show. Period.
>Standalone episodes fucking sucked because they're the precise reason the overarching plot was awful. They should have cut the fat with the first half of the show and stuck solely to the plot with no "this contributes nothing to the plot" episodes.
To rant about LWA more, making Croix not an actual villain ruined it, and having Shiny Chariot be a dindu nuffin was beyond shit. Shiny should have been shown to know that sucking the magic out of kids was bad, but she did it anyway out of necessity to accomplish her goal. Once she realized her goal wasn't going to work, you could have her go to try to undo the harm she did BUT own up to being a villain previously. Instead we got some little ms perfect that somehow was tricked into sucking the magic outta kids by a person who turned out to not even be particularly evil. On that note the final fight should have been Croix vs Akko with some Shiny Chariot support.
Will Frozen 2 be a y/u/ri?
>>Ending to KLK was butts due to being some sort of wannabe TTGL fight yet without any of the weight behind it that TTGL had. The fact that they had to do an OVA to wrap it up proves this.
I hope you realize that not every final fight is trying to be TTGL. The way KLK handled it was coherent with the narrative and themes of the series. The OVA doesn't really prove anything. It tells a story about the future of the characters, how they deal with the aftermath of victory, being it guilt, lack of purpose, resentment, etc. It works indipendently to the climax of the confict, and it couldn't be any other way. Are these your only complaints with the show?
>>Luluco was more serious towards the end, but it was still a light-hearted fun thing at its core
Okay, but are we using how light-hearted a show is to determine its quality? Does tone ineherently determine what an anime can accomplish? Do you have any real problems with it?
And let's drop LWA, there's no point in bloating this discussion even further.
all of those look gay as fuck except the trigger one.
How does that work? 3 of them have a boy and a girl hold hands. Explain yourself.
>not gay
He hasn't directed Trigger's recent output.
He's still directed plenty of the trash they've felt the need to expose the public to. Recent or not. Not like Trigger was ever good. What sells Promare is the (for Japan) interesting approach to 3DCG. It might result in them finally developing a more personal style of 3D animation, given how Orange can't be bothered to be an actual animation studio and everybody else has been trying to immitate Pixar for the past 15 years. It being directed by a guy who make one servicable work every three times he tries certainly doesn't speak in PROMARE's favor.
>He's still directed plenty of the trash
Nah. And the way Imaishi and Sanzigen handle CGI in Promare isn't significantly different than what they did in PSG. The only news are the various effects, fire, ice, sparks, smoke, debris etc, that while interesting remind me of stuff I've just recently seen in Spiderverse.
Why do you keep forcing that promare cancer into all these images?
>Tekkonkinkreet 2.0
I was wondering that too. I've seen this triggernigger spam the thread like 3 times now.
I agree. It looked awfully cheap and garish. The 2d characters also clash pretty badly with lazy cg backgrounds.
This. "Killing Anime" is more appropriate for them. Everything since KLK has been attrocious.